InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Bloody Princess ❯ Party ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Bloody Princess

By Paper Stars

Rated: R

Chapter 5: Party


"If I could I would do all of this again. Travel back in time with you to where this all began. We could hide ourselves and leave the world behind, make believe there's something left to find…"

`Miles Apart' Yellowcard.


Kagome pulled her sweatshirt over herself tighter as she walked over to Sango's house. Her strides where long, and she huffed slightly as she quickened her pace. Her whole body hurt still from that damn Hichi's little attack.

Walking into Sango's house, she prayed silently that Sango would not notice all of her bruises and scars. To her luck, Sango had not even given it a second thought when she handed Kagome her fake ID.

About an hour later Kagome, Sango, Miroku, and their friend Henya were all standing in front of the house that party was in. People where screaming, couples making out, idiots being chased by rednecks… it was something out of a fucking movie.

Both Kagome and Sango strut in like they were the queens of the world. A bunch of girls where already glaring at them by two minutes, but a bunch of hot surfer guys were also looking at them with lust in their eyes.

Kagome walked over to a table sitting in the corner of the mosh room and saw three dumb-ass looking guys looking at her suggestively. Sango raised an eyebrow.

"Should you handle this, or me?" Sango asked, looking at her nail like she was god.

"I got this." Kagome giggled. Swinging her hips like a slut she reached down her arms at the nearest guy. He had blond hair and green eyes, she of course she would take him. Squishing her arms together, she let him oogle her rack, and she sat on his lap quickly.

"Hey…" She purred in his left ear. "Me and my friends are soooo tired from that long walk here, that we would like a place to sit. Please Move?" She asked innocently. He nodded dumbly.

Kagome got up and watched him scrabble out of his chair. She smiled and waved to him before sitting down in the vacant seat. She saw all of his friends get up and rush over to him, each whispering, "Do you know who that was?! Kagome Higurashi!! She's a babe!!"

Sango and Kagome smiled at one another. Miroku kissed Kagome on her forehead. "Thanks honey…" he said, though not perverted. "Any time!" Kagome chirped, in her `I'm-a-good-little-girl-voice.'

Kagome winced slightly as Henya slapped her back playfully. Remembering how Hichi had thrown her to the floor, Kagome closed her eyes and tilted her head back.

"What is he doing here?" She heard Sango say a moment later.

Opening her eyes she saw that the new kid, Inuyasha, was walking around looking a bit awkward. A bunch of girls where looking at him, attempting to flirt, and batting eyelashes despite his already tattered reputation. Kagome rolled her eyes. He was only a little hot. She supposed though, with his shiny silver hair, beautiful eyes, and sexy body he was pretty much prey for all of these high-school girls. She looked away and took a drink of the beer to her left.


(Inuyasha POV)

I looked over, and saw the bitch-chick that I had met at school was at this party. Great. Sesshoumaru, being the nice guy he is, had temporarily kicked me out of the house for the evening, telling me to `go make some friends.'

Yah- easy for him to say.

I then noticed something was off. The girl, Kagome I think her name was, was shifting uncomfortably in her chair. To my surprise, my sharp eyes then noticed a bunch of bruised coming up and down her arms. They looked to be yellowish, meaning that they were more painful. Being a fighter myself, I easily knew the difference between the painful ones and the not-so-painful ones. I then felt myself stiffen. A long indent of a knife imprinted on her neck.

`I wonder who did that to her…' I though dully, with an ideal curiosity `Hmm…'

I saw her eyes suddenly come in contact with mine. I automatically glared, almost out of reflex. Then, before I could blink, I saw two blazing blue eyes inches away from my own.

It was that friend of her's , Sango. She looked pissed.


(Normal POV)

"What the hell do you think your doing, glaring at MY friend?" She asked her tone completely catty. Kagome looked over at Sango before she stood up and walked over, only sighing a little.

"Who I glare at is none of your business- wench." He retorted. Kagome couldn't help but smile inwardly at the sound of his voice. It was so calm, and so deep. She noticed that Sango pushed on him, and figured that she was getting really angry.

"You did NOT just fucking call me a wench!" She screamed, her cheeks now flaming. Kagome tried to grab her shoulder, but Sango just scoffed it off.

"Who the hell do you think you are, loser?!"

Kagome rolled her eyes again and noticed that Sango was now gathering attention. A few people had stopped dancing and were now staring at them. To her right she saw that Miroku was standing next to her, trying to calm Sango down. He was telling her not to deal with lowlifes like him.

Sango looked ready to lung.

"I'm Inuyasha." He said, trying to sound smart. Kagome again smiled. This was actually getting pretty funny.

"You're a fucking dirt-bag who doesn't know his place that's what you are!" She continued yelling.

"At least I'm not a dirty fucking stoner slut."

Now that last comment pulled a little close to Kagome's heart. Suddenly, all of the humor of the situation was leaving her, and it was replaced by anger. She pushed Sango aside, and was now up in his face. He seemed surprised by this, but it was only a flash in his eyes and this look was quickly replaced with anger when Kagome yelled;

"You fucking ass! How dare you insult my friend! You don't even fucking KNOW her so don't be fucking judging her!!"

A lot more people where now watching this fight with interest. The music had dimmed down as well. Rarely did Kagome herself burst like this on people. Mostly she had other people beat the shit out the people who said something she didn't like.

"What? You her fucking whore of a side kick? She fucks one guy, gets the money, you buy the weed, right?!" He snarled. Suddenly, all of her self control snapped, and her hand slapped his left cheek very hard. She really had not meant to hit him that hard, but nothing could really take it back now.

He lost his footing and backed up a few feet, trying to stable himself.

"You fucking bitch!!" he yelled.

Inuyasha grabbed his cheek and tenderly held it. `Damn! That chick has one hell of a bitch-slap!' Inuyasha though. `Fucking whore!' His mind started screaming… then, without warning, he used the lowest blow he could think of, mostly because he knew those where the ones that hurt the most;

""You fucking dirty slut! I hope whoever gave you those scars and bruises gave you what you deserve!"

He got a cruel pleasure when he saw her eyes widen, and her face go pail. Then, that cruel pleasure melted into regret when he saw a look of complete pain go through Kagome's eyes.

Without another word, she grabbed her purse, and left the party as fast as she could.


Next Chapter: Dirty