InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Bloody Princess ❯ Dirty ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Bloody Princess

By Paper Stars

Rating: R

Chapter Six: Dirty


"At times life is unfair and you know it's plain to see. Hey god I know I'm just a dot in this world- have you forgot about me? Whatever life brings, I've been through everything, and now I'm on my knees again… But I know I must go on. Although I hurt I must be strong, because inside I know that many feel this way…"

`Don't Stop Dancing' Creed


Kagome sat on the front step to the shit-whole that she was forced to call her house. Her head was downward and she watched the ground intently well listing trying to the serene sounds of the crickets.

She heard her mother gasping and moaning in the backround. The door was locked, and Kagome couldn't get in but she figured that when she wanted to she could just climb through her window. (She always kept it unlocked.)

The words that Inuyasha had screamed at her stung.

Probably more than her would ever know, anyway.

Finally, about an hour later when the moans and screams had died down, Kagome got up and climbed through her window. The moment she got back in, she walked over to her door, unlocked it, and went into the kitchen.

She saw that Katana and Hichi were already passed out on the couch, and she had a feeling that she didn't even want to wake them through accident.

Grabbing a large bottle of blueberry vodka and a bottle of aspirin to ease her pain, she returned to her room. Staring at the bottle for a long while, she opened it slowly. After taking a large breath, she started chugging on the bitter taste.

Her whole body became very woozy, and after several moments, the bottle was half-empty. Gasping for air, Kagome opened the bottle of aspirin and pour about 10 of them onto her hands. Again, she chugged the vodka, but this time putting aspirin into the mix.

Kagome had never felt so good in her entire life.


Katana Higurashi opened her eyes bleakly, and heard the nasal breathing of Hichi. Pulling herself from him, she stretched her muscles and scratched her stomach. Then, well walking over to the bathroom to piss, she happened to look into Kagome's room.

The first thing that Katana had thought was odd was that the door was unlocked. Kagome almost always locked her door. The next thing was that there was an empty liquor bottle right next to her foot.

Walking into the room she saw her daughter was passed out.

She was laying one her back, at the edge of her bed. An aspirin bottle was pooled at the floor, and the smell of vodka covered everything. Rolling her eyes, Katana first pushed Kagome into her bed so she was facing downward.

One thing Katana did NOT want was her own daughter dying because she chocked to death on her own puke. That was just too disgusting. She heard Hichi roll of the couch with a large thud, and glared towards the door.

Before walking out to get some sleep, Katana pulled up Kagome's comforter around her.

Hell- she had to act like a `mom' once in a while, didn't she? Why not do it well Kagome was passed out on booze and drugs.


Kagome woke up the next morning and immediately felt that something was wrong. She knew it wasn't the splitting headache that consumed her body, but the fact that an arm was wrapped around her.

She flew up and saw Hichi's naked passed out form on the other side of her bed. His arm was wrapped around her, like it was the casual thing to do. Kagome then looked down and almost screamed when she saw that she too was naked. That fucking ass whole- he had… raped her well she was sleeping.

She then realized two important things. One, that Kagome currently had her period and the tampon was still in place, and two, that Hichi's dick was not bloody. Kagome breathed out a little relief.

He had not.

Still, Kagome flew out of her bed and ran to the nasty bathroom that she hated so much before throwing up all of the contents of her stomach into the toilet yet again. After flushing the toilet, she looked into the mirror and noticed that she had a long slash mark on her cheek, and that she had a black eye. Looking around her body, several new bruises were on her arms and legs as well. Choosing to ignore them, act as thought they happened ever day, Kagome just threw herself in the shower and scrubbed her skin raw so she could get the germs off. Hichi had obviously touched her flesh the entire night, so her body was so dirty.

Her skin was pink and raw, close to the bleeding point when she threw on some clothes. In a dumb stupor, she brushed her teeth and brushed her hair lightly before almost flying out of the bathroom into the kitchen.

With that, she grabbed her school backpack and left the house without another word.

She did breathe a bit easier when she left the stuffy house, but this morning the steamy and humid Hawaiian air did not cheer her up. It did not lift her spirits as it usually did.

Walking slowly, she debated on weather or not to skip school for the day. She could always grab Sango and they could spend the day bumming on the North Shore, surfing like they used to do in Jr. High School, or maybe hit Henya up for some weed so they could go to her place and get stoned. She remembered all the fun times Sango and herself had once had, but then when they got into the Sr. High School and everything became so uptight.

Everything became a popularity contest to her best friend, and they never just did anything for fun. Sex and Boys, Boys and Sex… Wasn't there more to life? Kagome considered this possibility, but the throbbing in her head didn't permit for her to think much more.

Walking into the gates to her school, the first thing she saw was the only thing that she really didn't want to confront or talk to- Inuyasha.

He was leaning up against a wall quite casually, reading a book and looking as if he didn't have a care in the world. He was still as attractive as always, but Kagome felt her stomach sink. He looked up when he saw her shadow come towards him. Kagome felt him stare at her for a long time. His eyes had widened as he saw her black eye and the large slash on her cheek. Her skin looked so pale, and her hair looked all tangled. She could almost feel him cringe with disgust.

"Don't worry…" She whispered to him, walking a little closer and looking him in the eye, "He did give me what I deserved."

Next Chapter: Wasted