InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Bloody Princess ❯ Wasted ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Bloody Princess

By Paper Stars

Rating: R

Chapter 7: Wasted


"As darkness quickly steals the light that shined within her eyes, she slowly swallows all her fears and soothers her mind with lies. Well nothing hurts and nothing bleeds when covers tucked in tight, funny how the bottom drops and she forgets to fight…to fight."

"Paradise" Vanessa Carlton


For Inuyasha, the day dragged for what seemed to be forever.

After his startling little run-in with the Kagome girl, he had been wondering what he should do all day. `Should I turn her in? Should I have the police handle it?' he thought for a moment during his last period math class, but dismissed it.

He couldn't even imagine how much Sango would try to beat him up. Not that he was afraid of her or anything…. He was a damn good fighter and she didn't stand a chance… its just that Sesshoumaru had told him to never hit a girl. (Typical Inuyasha! ^_^)

As he walked back to his new house, he sighed. He didn't even want to live here. Inuyasha had lived on Big Hawaii for a long time. His brother and himself had had a big house, loads of friends, and Inuyasha had his ex-girlfriend, Kikyo. Kikyo had broken up with him the moment she heard he was moving though.

Now they were living in this junkie house. He had seen the dude come out of the house next door that was so fucking nasty looking. His neighbors were probably fucking stripper people. The outside of the house was ass ugly. Painted white with peeling tiles, blue trimming around the windows and one-car garage… ugh.

The inside was not that bad though. The home had a fairly large kitchen, decent bathroom, small living room, 2 bedrooms. Inuyasha figured it was all Sesshoumaru could afford though. After he was laid of at his old job with the law-firm, money was tight.

Sighing again, Inuyasha readjusted his backpack on his shoulder, when he heard a voice,

"What? Are you stalking me now?"

He turned around and saw the ever-stubborn Kagome. She seemed to be doing a little better than that morning though. Her cheeks where red again, her hair a little more tamed, her eyes sparkling with resilience. Her black eye wasn't fading and the slash was still very much present, but Inuyasha let that part go.

"I believe you have been following me." He said his voice rather neutral.

"Yah right. Like I'd follow the ass-whole who humiliated me at the big party last night? Fuck that shit." She retorted coldly, glaring slightly as she picked up her pace to walk right beside him.

"Oh so feisty." He gave a arrogant smirk.

"Fuck off. Where are you going anyway?" She asked, still a little on edge. She was still a little wary about having a civilized conversation with this fucking ass whole.

"Home." He answered, simply enough.

"Which is…?"

"The luxurious one-story white house over yonder." He pointed to the old shack, and watched as she followed his finger. Her gaze lay on the house for a moment, before moving back to him. She smiled a little, which caught him off guard.

"Congratulations." Kagome said, rather coldly again.

"On what?" He asked, a little unsure of himself.

"Becoming my new next door neighbor." Inuyasha raised an eyebrow and looked over to the house she was now staring at. The one where the greasy ass guy came out of.

"Great." He said, sounding a bit perturbed.

"Whatever." She said, as they now came up to his driveway. She just kept walking and didn't even turn back. He smiled slightly and shook his head.

"She has issues."


Kagome walked into her `house' and was slightly happy to see that Katana was nowhere to be found. She was in a much better mood since that morning, mostly due to the fact that Henya had given her a couple joints to smoke for free. It was mostly out of pity, but Kagome didn't really care. Hell, free joints!

Most of her friends, Sango included, had been pretty nice to her that day. They had talked as if they were walking on eggshells that could break. Sango herself had attempted to be comforting, and what she was most grateful for was they had all kept within their boundaries, and had not asked what Inuyasha meant the night before. She had been a little surprised that Inuyasha was living in the dump next door, but nothing really shocked her anymore. I mean, hell, she had just woken up that morning with her Katana's fucking pimp in her bed, naked.

Shaking her head, Kagome walked into the kitchen and opened the cupboards, deciding she was hungry for some actual food. (Meaning that Kagome refuses to eat that Shit they make at School, just like I do!) Taking out a box of Fruity Pebbles, she poured them into a old chipped bowl and flipped on the TV. After about an hour of mindless MTV dribble, she decided to go make use of those joints Henya had given her.


Kagome lay on her bed, holding a bottle of Bud Light in one hand and a small steak knife in her other.

Her eyelids felt very heavy, and her whole body seemed numb. Before she had gotten so fucking wasted, she had remembered to double lock her door so another Hichi incident couldn't happen.

She now didn't really see anything except the swirls of gray and black swarming in her head, and the feeling of rushing blood the knife was giving her.

She was cutting herself, over and over again. It felt so good. She actually felt… alive. It had been almost days since she had felt this good… back when she had gotten so drunk she could barely remember her own name. Jerking the knife again, this time a bit harder, she felt a sudden jolt. A sudden sting came through her, and she tilted her head back. Her eyes started to water, and she felt everything shift violently. Her ecstacy dreamland disappeared, forcing reality to take over.

She felt as it a bomb had dropped on her whole body and could almost she her eyes dilating in excruciating pain. Dropping the beer quickly, she clumsily swung her legs over the bed and covered her right hand over the offending wound. The blood now felt so cold. Cold like her heart was cold.

Cold like her life.

Looking down with dizzy realization she saw so many cuts… they were all bleeding quite heavily, but only the most recent one really hurt a lot. Kagome reached over to the upside-down crate that she used as a nightstand and grabbed a handful of Kleenex. She pressed it to her abused flesh for a little while before dropping it on the floor. Her gaze had remained at a certain spot. Tipping over the bottle of Bud Light as she reached out, Kagome picked up the only picture she had of her grandpa.

She stared at it for a long time, memorizing his kind face and his gentle smile. More warm tears fell from her sparkling aqua eyes before she held the picture to her chest tightly. Kagome almost screamed with agony.

She had done it again. Disrespected her grandfather. His picture had to sit there and watch as she ruined her life, and his soul couldn't do anything as she cut away her problems. Kagome curled herself into a little ball, shivering. She clutched the picture tighter, as if it was her only lifeline. The only thing that gave her enough strength to not pick up the sharp steak knife and end her life.

Which it was, in a way.

Next Chapter: Pregnant