InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother's Keeper: System Id ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Brother's Keeper: System ID

A/N: I don't know if this will be a oneshot or continuing series.

Please read and review. Flamers welcome. Send e-mails if your dare

I do not own Inuyasha.

My Brother's Keeper: Id awakens

Sesshomaru was walking through the forest, still on his quest to find and destroy Naruku. Behind him were his retainer, Jaken and the girl named Rin. The wind shifts and Sesshomaru stops in his tracks. He sniffed the air and started walking in a different direction. (I know that scent) He said without turning

"Rin, stay here with Ah and Un"

The little girl riding on the two heading dragon nodded.

"Yes! Sesshomaru!"

He walked off.

"Lord Sesshomaru?"
"Jaken stay here"
"Yes Lord Sesshomaru!!"

Sesshomaru walked out of their sight calm and composed. The minute he was sure that they could not see him; he broke out into a run. Gliding by numerous trees he got to a clearing. That was where he saw the scene. On one side were Naraku, Kagura, and Kanna, all with tattered clothing, on the other was Kagome, Kouga, Miroku, Sango and Shippo. They too were bloody and battered. They were both facing and even bloodier Inuyasha, who was holding a a red bladed Tetsusaiga. He had numerous arrows in his front and back. His silver her covered with dirt and grime. He has also having trouble breathing.

"How could you?" He spat out and coughed up some blood.

Kagome just looked away.

"If you die, Naraku will give us his shards and I will be able to complete the Shikon no Tama. He will also return Kohaku to Sango, and seal Miroku's air void"
"You know he is lying! The minute you turn your back, he'll strike."
"He has already given it to me."

Inuyasha almost dropped his weapon.


Kagome held out the completed Shikon no Tama.

"I want this to end. This is not my fight. I want to go home and be with Kouga"
"What" Inuyasha said softly while his knees began shaking.

"Inuyasha, I love him"

Kouga wrapped an arm around her.

"Yes Inu-Korro. She chosen me for her mate."

"I thought you loved me." He said.

Kagome didn't look at him only drew her bow.

"Inuyasha die so everyone can be happy"

"Bye Bye, Inuyasha"

Kagome fired her purifying arrow at Inuyasha. He had put Tetsusaiga up to guard. It seemed to hold off the arrow until a second one hit it. In a matter of seconds, it shattered and both arrows penetrated Inuyasha. They both hit him in the heart and he had fallen to one knee, holding in his blood. His golden eyes glazed over and turned red. Purple markings appear on the sides of his face as his fangs and claws sharpened. He growled and through a act of will, began pulling out the holy arrows out his body, He rose trembling to his two feet

"I will not die here. I will LIVE!!!!"

Two pairs of clawed hands entering his chest, sealing wards were placed on his head and a bone boomerang shattered his ribs, is what followed his sentence. Inuyasha still did not fall. He coughed up even more blood and flexed his claws.

"Ha ha Ha ha"

He started laughing insanely and smiled a soft smile

"Betrayed by the same soul twice. What a pathetic way to die"

With that his hands fell to his sides and he fell to his knees and finally his body hit the ground

"No mercy for you all"

And with that Inuyasha the Hanyou had died. No one smiled, not even Naraku. The bushes parted and Sesshomaru entered the field. Miroku turned to him

"If you wanted your chance to kill him, you're too late."

Sesshomaru looked at the corpse of his brother and was feeling empty. He had gotten what he wanted and yet he was not happy. He felt a new emotion that moment; depression. The great western lord, Sesshomaru was actually sad at his brother's death

(This is wrong. It was not to be like this.) He thought.

(Do you want it to end like this) said a voice in his head

(No I do not)
(Do you want your brother to be reborn)

(I will warn you, your brother will be reborn unsealed)

(What do you mean unsealed?)
(You will find out Lord Sesshomaru)

Then the Shikon No Tama in Kagome's hand cracked and shattered. Pieces flew everywhere through the sky. Everyone watched in horror as each piece traveled in a different direction. Kagome collapsed to her knees.

"No! Not Again. All that for nothing!!!"

That was when the shards of Tetsusaiga began to pulse. Then Tenseiga began to glow. It came out of the sheath and floated over Inuyasha's dead body. As if a ghost was wielding it, it slashed Inuyasha. His body glowed and pulsed like a heartbeat. Blood entered his body and wounds closed and bruises disappeared. Then Inuyasha inhaled and the first thing he done was break out in laughter. Everyone watched as Tetsusaiga put it self-back together, flawlessly, as if it never broke.

"Time to die."

He had gotten up and the changes began. His white hair darkened to a shiny blood red and smooth black ones replaced the purple jagged markings on his face. His fangs grew longer as well as his claws. The last change was his eyes. The changed from gold, to red finally to a dark black with white pupils. He flexed his hands and the claws got even bigger before retracting.

"Finally, after all these years I am free"

He turned towards the two groups of people who had just killed him. No one had spoke. They just stared at the changes that happened. It was the youngest Shippo who had spoken. He was glad that Inuyasha had come back to life. He was the only one against the plan to kill him

"Inuyasha are you okay?"

Inuyasha stared at the young kitsune and his isane smile turned into a softened version of it.

"Shippo. Inuyasha is dead. I am and forever will be known as Id."

"Inu…Id. What is going to happen?"

"Shippo run now. You are not going to like what happens next."

Shippo nodded and ran out the clearing into the woods. ID looked at the groups and sniffed.

"I smell power."

He turned his head until he was facing Naraku.

"It is coming from you"

Naraku laughed.

"Foolish Hanyou! You were killed once. What makes you think I can't do it again"

"Hanyou? I'll show you were your first mistake lies. Your blood will become my power."

Tetsusaiga floated into his hands and Inuyasha charged towards Naraku with speed unseen before. Naraku set up a barrier but in a blink of the eye, Tetsusaiga's blade turned red and destroyed the barrier. Naraku grew tentacles to block the blade but the blade sliced through them like butter and pierced his torso.

"Your blood, your power is mine."

Naraku pulled himself off the blade and saw that the blade was covered with his black blood.

"I'll heal"
"Yes you will but I have become stronger."

Tetsusaiga pulsed and the red blade sucked in the blood on the blade. The blade then darkened from red to black and grew longer.

Id licked the blade of the remaining drops of blood and grinned. A swirl of miasma and yoki surrounded the blade. Id swing Tetsusaiga overhead and said.

"Wound of Soul"

It appeared like the wound of wind but it was ten times stronger then usual and everything in its path disintegrated or wilted. It hit Naraku in the torso and everything below his neck just turned to dust. Naraku summoned his cloud of miasma and disappeared along with Kagura and Kanna. ID smirked as he watched the demon retreat. He turned to his former friends.

"I'll will be coming for you too and I'll make your lives hell"

He held out his free hand and out the distance flew four Shikon Shards. He threw them on the ground in front of Kagome.

"You'll need these. After all it isn't fun if there is no challenge. Of course I will be collecting the rest."

Kagome looked up at the shards.

"I'm sorry Inuyasha"
"You killed Inuyasha. All that is left is Id."

And Id disappeared in then air.

Sesshomaru watched the whole scene and picked up Tenseiga off the ground. He watched the groups and could smell the fear off of them. Then he felt another new emotion; joy. He smirked and started back towards Rin, and Jaken.

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