InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Casanova (finished) ❯ meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A girl with raven tresses and grey stormy eyes turned to the source of the voice. “Yeah, what's wrong Yuri?”
Yuri shook her head before reaching to pull the girl along. “We're here you dork, or do you want to ride the bus all day?”
Kagome took the opportunity to look as her friend dragged her off the bus and noticed that in fact they were at school. She offered the bus driver an apology as they made their way off the bus. Well that's embarrassing she thought. Looking over at her friend she noticed that she was chatting away and didn't even notice that she was not listening to a word she was saying. Once they were at the school Yuri relinquished her hold on her promising to see her after classes.
Sighing Kagome made her way towards her homeroom and couldn't help but dread the fact she didn't do her math and was now under the mercy of her professor's wrath. Upon entering the classroom, the teacher already present, she was about to take her seat when the professor stopped her. Freezing she turned around slowly and was prepared for the onslaught when he told her that she was requested at the main office. Taking this as a sign from god she quickly made her way out the door and practically skipped her way to the office.
She knew she wasn't in trouble, so why was she being called into the office? Making her way to the main office secretary, she quickly spotted the small woman with tiny glasses dressed in clothes way to old for her age.
“Hi, I'm Kagome Higurashi and they said I need to come here first thing,” she told the woman. The secretary looked up with a smile and quickly told her that she was to show a new student around at lunch and that he would meet her at the courtyard. With no more information to give the secretary quickly made herself sparse and started running all around the office.
Sighing Kagome couldn't help but feel disappointed that now she had to return to Mr. Yamamoto's world of math. `Oh well, she though at least I get excused for my second half of classes.' Making her way into her homeroom she quickly started thinking about how long it would be until lunch.
When the lunch bell rang, she quickly made her way to the courtyard that overlooked all the outside recreation area. Looking around and noticing that there appeared to be no lost looking students she spotted her three friends coming right at her with confusion on their faces. The only girl of the group reached her first, “Kagome what are you doing over here? I thought we were meeting at the tree so we could sneak out to WacDonalds?” she said putting her hands on her hip as if though she were scolding her child. Her long hair was tied back in a high ponytail that was swinging in every direction.
“Sorry about that Sango, I have to meet a new student here to show them around, and (looking around) apparently they couldn't find the courtyard because I don't see them anywhere.”
“What kind of idiot wouldn't be able to find the courtyard, it's huge and the whole school is built around it!” Kagome turned the source and found Inuyasha standing with his arms crossed and looking very annoyed, his black hair was rebelliously going in every direction and not tied as it should. “Oh Yasha, you're just mad because you're hungry!” He rolled his eyes saying “Duh!” and started looking around for the idiot so they could go eat.
“Perhaps we are simply early and he is being held by his last teacher,” the voice of reason that was Miroku said placing his arm around Sango's waist and then quickly removing it when she gave him `the look'.
“Yeah, you're probably right. But you guys can go ahead and go without me, we'll probably just end up eating here at school.” Inuyasha was the first to react as he nodded his head and started making his way off the school grounds grunting to Miroku and Sango that they should follow.
“No, it's okay, we can sneak off campus tomorrow, we'll stay around a bit longer,” she replied sweetly.
Before Kagome could protest a deep melodious voice interrupted, “Excuse me are you Kagome Higurashi?”
Kagome snapped her head towards the voice and froze, the air gone from her lungs and felt her face heat up. She was staring into the eyes of one of the hottest guys she had ever laid eyes on. His black silky hair placed in a high ponytail, a few strands falling into his eyes and the black school blazer only made his piercing blue eyes stand out even more, his tan was simply amazing and when he smiled she knew her knees were about to go weak. Trying to regain her composure she quickly placed a smile on her face and stretched out her hand, “Hi, I'm Kagome, nice to meet you. I'm going to show you around campus,” she said desperately trying not to sound like the nervous wreck that she was.
His hand reached out and grasped hers, his much larger hand taking hers, sent a chill through her entire body, he smirked as he looked into her eyes before bending down to kiss her delicate hand he held tightly. “It's a pleasure to meet you Kagome, my name is Kouga.” As soon as his lips made contact with her hand she felt a warm bolt of energy run through her entire body and the fact that his eyes never left hers only unnerved her more. She was completely enchanted by his voice and the way her name fell from his tongue.
Images of that tongue doing other things quickly made her collect heat in other foreign areas. Get a hold of yourself girl, you're probably drooling right now! Act like the lady you are, why are having such impure thoughts of a man you just met! Noticing her hand was still in his she tried to pull it away and found he was unwilling to let go. She was taken back by his action but when he flashed her another smile she found it very hard to persist and even harder to remember her name.
“Well aren't you going to introduce us?” an annoyed voice was heard standing much closer than he had previously been considering he was halfway to WacDonalds the last time.
Thanking the gods for Inuyasha's rudeness, she was now able to concentrate on what she was suppose to be doing and not of what she would like to be doing. She could only pray that they did not see the light blush that coated her face as she turned to them. “Of course! Kouga this is Sango, Miroku and Inuyasha.” Sango seemed to be less taken by him as she managed to offer her hand to this god. He simply shook her hand and said pleasantries and brought his hand right back to hold Kagome's. Miroku welcomed him to the school and the grumpy one simply grunted crossing his arms and glaring at the intruder.
Kagome had just managed to get the blush under control when he released her hand, but when he took it again in his possession, confusion and embarrassment was clouding her coherent thoughts. “Well, we really should get going, we'll see you after school okay Kagome?” Nodding and giving her friends a small nervous smile she didn't know if she should feel grateful or disappointed that she was now left alone with this sex pot.
“Hang on! We're not leaving her alone with this asshole we don't even know who he is!” Inuyasha said as he took a defensive pose closer to Kagome, not liking at all how his hand was still around Kagome's.
“Inuyasha! Kagome's a big girl, she can take care of herself! Besides, he'd be stupid to try something here!”
Annoyed that he was now being pulled away from the scene, by a woman no less, he turned around and shouted obscenities as the newcomer. “I swear, if you so much as look at her the wrong way I'll hunt you down and-
Thankfully Miroku had now placed his hand on the temperamental man as he was being dragged away by a very angry Sango. “See you later!” she shouted over her shoulder as they made their way out of sight. With all distractions gone, Kagome turned her head back towards this handsome stranger and found that he was still staring at her, now with a smirk on his face.
“Your boyfriend sure is possessive of you. Although, I can see why.”
She laughed and noticed it was her nervous laugh. Why the hell am I nevervous? Shaking her head she answered, “He's not my boyfriend, he's just protective of me. We've known each other since kindergarten and he's like a brother to me.” She wasn't exactly to sure how to decipher his expression but he once again replaced his smile and she felt like a silly school girl. He placed her hand on his arm as he started leading her away from the courtyard. “Shall we?” he asked.
Yup this is definitely going to be a looong day she thought as they made their way around campus.