InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Casanova (finished) ❯ bailamos? ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

She had shown him to the remaining of his classes and not really wanting to go back to class she stalled a bit by showing him the entire campus. He's so charming she thought, I bet he had all the girls back in California. Which led her to believe was responsible for the awesome tan he had. She had discovered that he had not made an easy move, even though he was of Japanese decent he lived most of his life in California and Florida due to his father's job. He had 4 other siblings and it seemed to her that all of his family was supportive and close. Taking a break in their conversation, as well as for their feet they sat on the bleachers overlooking the soccer fields. She glanced down at her watch and realized school was already over.
“Oh crap! Kouga, I'm so sorry, I kept you way to long your class was over 10 minutes ago!” During much of the exploration of the high school, he had mostly held her hand the entire time and now it was no different. He gently squeezed her hand “Kagome, you do not have to worry, I truly do not regret missing any of my school if I am with you.”
By now she was use to the flattery he kept throwing at her and she was grateful she didn't turn into a tomato again. “Thank you Kouga-kun, but we really need to head back.”
“As you wish my Kagome.” He said standing up and helping her to her feet. Making their way back to the main gate she was left to her thoughts. Kouga really didn't seem too bad, and for strange reasons it didn't even bother her that he was so possessive of her hand. He was very charming and was really easy to talk to when he was showering her with flattery.
She felt a gentle tug at her hand and she stopped to see what was wrong. Noticing they were now at the front gate she turned to Kouga, she was cut off from saying anything by soft gentle lips upon her own. It was a chaste kiss, nothing too deep and it ended way too quickly for both of them. “Thank you for showing me around Kagome, I hope to see you around.” He quickly turned and headed for the black limousine that was parked on the curb mentally cursing himself for possibly ruining any chance of meeting that dark haired angel again due to his forwardness.
Kagome on the other hand hadn't moved from her spot and in fact didn't know if she was even awake or in a really messed up reality. She was suddenly brought back by a strong hand clasped tightly on her arm that swung her around and ended up in a very hard chest. Looking up she was met with two very angry violet eyes. “Inuyasha? What's wrong?”
She could have sworn she heard a growl but was given no time to act on it when she was being dragged towards a familiar red Porsche. “Sango and Miroku already left, I told them I'd call to let them know if you were alright.”
“Aren't you being a little dramatic?” she shot back trying desperately to remove her arm from his vicious clutch.
“Kagome, in all of the years I've know you, you have never not once been late.” He shot back as he opened her door and went around to drive. “So what happened?”
“Oh nothing, we just lost track of time is all.” Looking at the fast passing buildings she was reminded of that kiss he had given her. He's so different than anyone I've ever met, he so sweet too.
“That's funny you left out the part about trading spit.”
She felt her face heat up a little at his accusation. “Please Inuyasha! What you and Kikyo do is a whole lot worse that what Kouga did to me!” she declared looking over to her best friend and was surprised to see him with a dreamy smirk on his face. Slapping him lightly on the head she retorted “Quit thinking about that you pervert!”
He let out a bilious laugh before turning serious once again. “Just make sure that bastard don't hurt you cause then I'll have to kick his ass, alright Kags?”
She smiled as she leaned over the seat placing her back against his side, “Don't worry about it Yasha, besides, I don't think I'm sure he'll have his pick of the school by tomorrow.”
“Kags, he'd be a fool not to pursue you.”
Laughing she replied, “You're just saying that cause I look just like Kikyo.”
“Yeah yeah Yasha, I love you too,” as she reached up to tweak his ear.
Seeing the shrine, she sat herself up and grabbed her bag. As he stopped to let her out he remembered Sango's earlier plan. “Hey Kagome! Sango said that you should meet us at the new club Shirley's at 9 tonight.”
Tossing her bag over her shoulder she turned back to him, “Well, I'll see about it but you know that Gramps doesn't like it when I go to those things.”
“Are you kidding? Kagome you're freaking 18 years old! Tell that old man to let go a little,” he said throwing his arms up for good measure.
“Inuyasha his days are practically numbered, you know his health isn't getting any better. I'm going to be a good grandchild and not add to his grief.” Sighing she quickly added “But I'll see you guys tonight,” before she quickly ran up the shrine steps.
****************************************************9:00********* ****************
I can't believe I came here, I sure hope Gramps doesn't call Eri's to check up on me. She took another sip of the complimentary champagne they had given her at the door and she started looking around. Trying to locate her friends she easily spotted Sango and Miroku making out in one of the clubs booths. Rolling her eyes she began making her way towards her overly horny friends and spotted Inuyasha and Kikyo dancing gracefully in the middle of the floor. The two dressed in reds, blacks and white made them look as if they had planned out their wardrobe, which Kikyo probably had. The tango music sweeping them along the crowd and their fluid motions made them seem almost dream like. Yup those two were definitely made for one another. She was about two steps away from the booth whenever she was spotted by Aymi.
“Oh my God Kagome is that you?”
She turned to the annoying voice and almost cringed. “Yeah it's me, I didn't expect to see you here.”
“Are you kidding? I'm here every week! Now if you were more of a party girl you would of seen me,” she added dragging her away from her salvation that was currently making out with each other.
“Wow girl you look great!” The girl's enthusiasm instantly made her question her appearance, should she have worn pants instead? She looked down at her black skirt with ruffles at the end and noticed it had risen up since the last time she had pulled it down. Her black spiky boots seemed to be begging for a dance and the black backless top tied behind her neck and hung low so that her family's heirloom could still be flashed. Her necklace seemed even brighter tonight and she couldn't help but wonder if it was the strobe lights that reflected its light. Decided on tying her hair up in a lose bun with many strands pulled out and curled. Her chandelier earrings seemed to still be in place as she nervously tucked a stray hand behind her ear.
Before knowing what happened she was at the bar with Aymi and the girl was still chatting aimlessly and she let her eyes wander around the club. It was really neat, it was nearly pitch black with many layers of dancing and platforms and poles. There were many booths tucked away in corners and the dance floor was huge. The thing that was most peculiar about this club was that it was American owned. They played every type of music known to man and never played more than one song of that type of music in a row. The dj's were very friendly and played anything requested by the teens. Oh and did I mention that it was an open bar?
The latest song appeared to be over as she saw many people head off the dance floor. The next song came on it appeared to have an up beat with Latin flavor. Then she spotted a group of many girls all walking along centered around a man, a very handsome man, a man that made contact with her eyes and made the air wash out of her quicker than she could say her name.
She quickly looked away and found her eyes drifting back towards him and discovered that he was now on the dance floor and dancing with the many girls that had been in his company. He looked devilishly handsome, his hair still pulled up high and his black button down shirt was left open only buttoned at one towards the bottom, which inevitably gave her an even better look at his sculpted tanned chest. Her eyes dared to wander lower and found him in leather pants that fit him perfectly showing off his much toned legs and very nice ass. Feeling herself blush she looked lower and saw he had on some gothic black boots and felt herself drool.
Dark sexy skin, my passion begins
You're the center of my obsession
Watching you dance in your leather pants
My eyes see a true perfection
She tried looking away, maybe towards the girl that still hadn't shut her mouth, or maybe to see if Miroku and Sango had decided on taking a break, or maybe to see if Inuyasha and Kikyo had stuck around or had already headed out the back door. But she found she couldn't. Her eyes just couldn't leave that man that was dancing so sensually on the floor that now had his eyes glued to hers.
And I'm hypnotized by the rhythm of your hips
It's hard to hide and I can't resist

Okay, I'm officially a whore, I have to be, oh my god I know I do not desire a man I just met hours ago. Why am I so damn attracted to this man, no, this sex god in disguise.
It's about your kiss
It's about your lips
It's about the way you move your body
It's about your style
That drives me wild
It's the sexy things you're doing

She thought back on the way he had kissed her, how his lips felt like velvet, her hand unconsciously went up to her lips and thought of him doing that again, and maybe this time wouldn't rush off.
Come and dance with me tonight
Feel the rhythm deep inside
Touch me now
You can be my casanova

This is stupid, I can either just stand here looking like a desperate idiot or I can enjoy myself; after all, this is what I cam to do. She started making her way down the bar's steps and onto the dance floor; stopping momentarily to excuse herself from Ayumi's endless chatter. Once on the floor she simply allowed her body to take control and move to the beat of the music, he mind never forgetting the man in leather.
It's about your kiss
It's about your lips
It's about the way you move your body
It's about your style
That drives me wild
It's the sexy things you're doing
She closed her eyes, maybe it was to relax herself or maybe it was to stop feeling nervous. She danced without hesitation and soon felt the heat of other bodies around her. She dared to open her eyes slowly and found that many guys had indeed decided on dancing with her. Feeling a little proud of her dancing abilities she looked towards her fantasy man and found him staring at her again, this time with jealousy?
Come and dance with me tonight
Feel the rhythm deep inside
Touch me now
You can be my casanova

Oh come on now, I'm practically an open invitation. What more do you want for me to do? She felt a hand on her rear and knew it was time to bolt. She flashed the guys a flirtatious smile before heading deeper towards the floor. Towards him. To him, it appeared that she was heading straight for him, but two steps away she turned more towards the right and passed right past him with a smile and batted her lashes.
I cross the room
He smell
s my perfume
Mi amor, a serious danger
Temperatures rising
And I'm fantasizing
Making love to a beautiful stranger
Great now what am I doing? Did I just reduce myself to shameless flirting? Why do I feel so hot, could it really be just from the dancing with those guys? Let's be real, it's all because of him, you want him.
My passions alive
I'm feeling so high
It's not the champagne
That's driving me insane

Reaching the steps she placed a hand on the hand bar to pull herself up. But once she made contact with the cool metal, a warm inviting hand made contact with her arm. She turned around ready to decline any offer to dance when she was met with those same cobalt eyes. She let her eyes drift towards his mouth and unknowingly wet her lips with her tongue.
It's about your kiss
It's about your lips
It's about the way you move your body
It's about your style
That drives me wild
It's the sexy things you're doing

”Dance with me.” It was a simple request; no it was more like a demand, one that she for reasons unknown couldn't deny. She smiled and allowed him to pull her towards the floor. He quickly pulled her against him and began dancing with her closely, letting his leg slip in between hers. His hands drifted lower and rested above her rear and she found herself entranced by his rhythm and body.
Come and dance with me tonight
Feel the rhythm deep inside
Touch me now
You can be my casanova
Never in all of her life had she ever danced with someone so fluid. His body seemed to absorb the music and his dancing was its expression. As he rubbed his body onto hers she knew she was lost. This man could do anything to her; as long as he danced and touched her the way he was doing right now.

It's about your kiss
It's about your lips
It's about the way you move your body
It's about your style
That drives me wild
It's the sexy things you're doing
“You're a great dancer,” he spoke into her ear, sending chills of pleasure down her back.
“I was just thinking the same about you,” she spoke loudly trying to speak above the music, “where did you learn to dance?”
“In Florida they had some of the best Latin clubs and I just picked it up.”
She could only nod, it seemed that every time his face was so close she was putty in his hands. She turned around so that she could avoid his gaze and found that his chest was indeed as muscular as it seemed from afar.
“So who were the girls?” she found herself asking; immediately regretting it, fearing that it would make her sound jealous.
She felt him laugh before reaching towards her ear again, “They're just friends Kagome, besides, you're the only one I'm interested in.”
Come and dance with me tonight
Feel the rhythm deep inside
Touch me now
You can be
The song ended and she was left with his words in her mind. Thinking that their dancing was now over she started to walk off, but his hand quickly found hers and she was pulled back towards his chest and he held her in an intimate grip. Salsa music instantly filled the speakers and she was curious as to what his next move would be. She was elated when he started moving against her body, her feet soon found rhythm with his and his smile was that of promise.
Yes, it was definitely going to be a long night.