InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Connection To Kikyo ❯ Kagome's Discovery ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Connection To Kikyo

A/N: I do not own Inuyasha...DUH!!! Of course I do own characters that I create so you cannot steal them =) But you may borrow them with my permission because I'm a nice person. Anyway this is just a new fic that I have been working on. Let me know what you think!

Chapter 1: Kagome's Discovery

The small group of shard detectors had agreed to take a much needed break from hunting for jewel shards. Sango and Miroku had returned to Kaede's village with Shippo and Kirara.

Kagome had opted to stay with her mate Inuyasha instead of tagging along with Sango and the others. She could not stand to be away from her darling Inuyasha. It was only just recently that the very standoffish hanyou had allowed Kagome to get close to him.

Inuyasha had finally laid his feelings for Kikyo to rest. That horrible undead witch had tried to force Inuyasha down into the depths of Hell with her. Then when he had refused Kikyo had tried to kill Kagome.

That was one of the incidents that had hardened Inuyasha's heart where the undead miko was concerned. The final blow had come when Inuyasha had learned that it was Kikyo who had given Naraku the Shikon jewel shards that she had stolen from Kagome.

Then she had insisted that Naraku kill Inuyasha because his death was all that her malice filled heart desired. Kagome knew that it was wrong to hate but she could not help but feel an immense hatred towards Kikyo.

Kagome glanced over her shoulder at Inuyasha to see him lean against the thick trunk of a tree. 'He must be exhausted from all of our hard fought battles.' "Are you okay Inuyasha?" "Yeah I'm just relaxing."

Kagome grinned at her handsome mate. "Well I'm going to the hot springs to take a much needed bath. Care to join me?" He shook his head and closed his eyes. "I'm going to take a short nap. Just yell if you need anything I'll hear you."

"Okay." Kagome gave the weary hanyou a quick and chaste kiss on the lips before heading to the hot springs. Once at the hot springs Kagome quickly stripped off her miko's clothing without caring if anyone was around to see her.

She dove into the warm bubbling water immediately. The warm temperature began to soothe Kagome's tired and throbbing muscles. She whirled around quickly when she heard some faint rustling in the nearby bushes.

"Who's there?" Kagome had tried to mask the fear in her voice but to no success when she heard the unmistakable quiver when she had spoken. At first Kagome could see nothing so she decided to stare a little harder and caught sight of a young raven haired woman.

She was dressed in miko's clothing that was identical to that of Kikyo's and Kagome's. For a moment Kagome thought that the dark haired woman was indeed Kikyo. The hate for Kikyo began to cloud her mind and she shouted out in anger.

"How dare you spy on me Kikyo! Have you no shame?" The woman then turned to face Kagome. She looked exactly like Kikyo. Then Kagome noticed the woman's eyes were not the same cold and dead brown as Kikyo's eyes.

They were a beautiful and vibrant emerald green. It became clear to Kagome that this raven haired young woman was not Kikyo at all. She felt her cheeks begin to burn with humiliation at her mistake. The woman smiled at Kagome as if to say that mistaking her for someone else was perfectly okay.

Kagome finally found her voice after what had seemed like a lifetime of silence. "Who are you?" She smiled again before speaking. "Don't you recognize me Kikyo?" Kagome's mind began reeling from the fact that this woman thought she was Kikyo as well.

'Oh my God! She thinks I'm Kikyo!' Kagome's voice was firm but kind as well. "I'm not Kikyo. Now who are you?" "My name is Koryn. If you are not Kikyo, then who are you?" "I am Kagome." Koryn arched her thin eyebrows and walked to the edge of the hot springs.

"Do you know Kikyo?" Kagome felt her chest tighten with anger at the mention of the undead miko. "I do. Why do you ask?" "Because I am Kikyo's sister." Kagome's breath caught in her throat thwarting her attempt to speak.

"Is there something wrong Kagome?" She shook her head. "How can you be Kikyo's sister if Kaede is her sister?" "I'm Kikyo's half sister. We have the same father but different mothers. Where can I find Kikyo?"

"I know what half sister means. Kikyo is dead....well undead really because her soul refuses to cross over to the realm of the dead." Koryn's emerald green eyes lowered. "But she has been wandering around these parts for quite some time now."

"Thank you for your help Kagome." Then as quickly as the woman had appeared she was gone. Kagome rubbed her blue gray eyes to make sure that she had not been imagining the whole thing.

She began mentally questioning and then reassuring herself. 'Had that woman really been standing there before me? She looked so much like Kikyo! Oh this is stupid Kagome! You look a lot like Kikyo too so that doesn't matter! I'm just daydreaming. That's all, I'm daydreaming because I'm so tired.'

Kagome quickly finished her bath and redressed. She found Inuyasha sitting against the tree trunk with his eyes closed. Kagome carefully crept over to the sleeping hanyou and leaned down so that she was eye level with his face.

She was just about to brush a stray strand of silvery hair out of his face when he suddenly reached up and grabbed her wrist. Kagome pulled back in surprise but was unable to get Inuyasha to release her hand. Inuyasha spoke without even bothering to open his eyes.

"Just because my eyes are closed doesn't mean that I can't sense your presence Kagome." She rolled her blue gray eyes as Inuyasha pulled her up against him. "So what took you so long with your bath?"

Kagome looked down at her feet and tried to decide if she wanted to tell Inuyasha about the girl she had seen. "Kagome are you going to answer me?" "Huh? Oh yeah sorry, well I saw this girl by the hot springs." Inuyasha looked at his mate with questioning amber eyes.

"What does seeing some girl have to do with you taking a longer bath?" "Well because at first I thought she was Kikyo until I saw her bright green eyes." "You mean she looked like Kikyo?" "Yes exactly like Kikyo but with emerald green eyes."

Inuyasha shrugged as if it were unimportant. "So what? You look almost exactly like Kikyo but with blue gray eyes instead of brown ones. Why the big deal about this girl Kagome?" Kagome turned away from Inuyasha annoyed at his nonchalant attitude.

"Because she asked me if I knew Kikyo and if I knew where to find her." "Why would this girl care about where Kikyo is?" Kagome placed her hands on her hips angrily. "Well if you would let me finish I could tell you why!" He flattened his ears against his head to try and muffle the loud sound of her scream.

"Maybe she wants to find Kikyo because she also told me that she is Kikyo's half sister." "What the hell did you just say?" "I said the girl claims to be Kikyo's half sister. She was also dressed in miko's clothing like Kikyo and I wear."

"I knew that Kaede was Kikyo's little sister but I had no idea she had another sister." Kagome frowned still a bit skeptical about if what the girl had said was true. "Inuyasha, we don't even know if this girl is telling the truth." "Did she tell you her name Kagome?"

"Yes she said her name was Koryn." "Koryn? Maybe we should ask Kaede if she knows anyone by the name of Koryn." Kagome nodded and watched as Inuyasha stood up and grabbed her bag. The two journeyed back to Kaede's hut.

They had reached the small hillside village where Kaede lived just as the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon. Kagome looked out across the rice fields to see the orange-pink glow that was reflecting off the water from the sky. She watched the small group of field workers as they headed back up the hill to their homes.

Inuyasha opened the door to Kaede's hut to allow Kagome to go inside ahead of him. Inside the small hut Sango and Miroku sat talking in one corner. In another corner Shippo and Kirara lay curled up fast asleep. Kaede greeted the hanyou and the miko with a slight nod of her head.

"Hello Kaede." "Hello Kagome, Inuyasha. I thought ye were going to stay behind and try to find a few more jewel shards on ye own?" "Yes we were but something strange happened." "What is it child?" Inuyasha sat Kagome's bag down and then sat indian style in a corner next to it.

"I saw a strange girl who looked just like Kikyo but it wasn't her." "Are ye sure she wasn't Kikyo?" "Yes because she had emerald green eyes and she also mistook me for Kikyo at first." "Did she tell ye her name Kagome?" "Yes she said her name was Koryn."

"Koryn?" "Yes and that's not the weird part. She also claimed to be Kikyo's half sister." Kaede's face took on a look of astonishment. "Did ye say she said she was Kikyo's half sister?" Kagome shook her head in agreement.

"So Koryn really does exist?" Kaede seemed to be speaking to no one in particular as she poked at the wood on the fire. "Are you saying that she is telling the truth Kaede?" "Yes. Because after Kikyo died our father started having an affair with a woman in our neighboring village. She became pregnant a few years after they had been seeing each other."

Kagome looked at Inuyasha with wide blue gray eyes. "So then it's true, Koryn is your and Kikyo's half sister?" Kaede nodded slowly. "Aye, Koryn speaks the truth Kagome. She is mine and Kikyo's sister." "But why would she be seeking out Kikyo and not mention you at all Kaede?"

The old woman shrugged her sagging shoulders. "I cannot answer that question truthfully Kagome because I really do not know." Inuyasha huffed out loud from his corner in the hut. "Well I say we can't trust this wench Koryn! Just like we can't trust that wench Kikyo!"

Kaede gave Inuyasha a hard look for his sharp tongue. Kagome almost immediately came to Inuyasha's defense by offering Kaede an apology on his behalf. "Kaede, Inuyasha didn't mean anything by what he said. It's just that he is still angry with Kikyo for giving Naraku the Shikon jewel shards that she stole from me."

Kaede seemed to accept Kagome's apology and abandoned her anger at Inuyasha. "Well Kaede what do you think we should do about Koryn?" "Perhaps Koryn could be of use to us?" Inuyasha decided to speak up now. He didn't trust anyone that was searching for Kikyo.

"Like how old woman? I can't see us having any use for her if she's loyal to Kikyo." "Maybe she can finally convince Kikyo's restless soul to cross over to the realm of the dead." Kagome smiled at Kaede's suggestion. That would be a dream come true for her!

Her mind began turning rapidly with many ideas. 'If Kikyo's soul crosses over she will leave this world for good! Then that means she won't be here to try and interfere in mine and Inuyasha's life together!' "Maybe we should try and get closer to Koryn and find out why she's searching for Kikyo?" Inuyasha stared at his mate not believing that she actually was buying all this crap. "Are you serious Kagome?" She nodded.

"I'll do it Kaede, and who knows maybe Koryn can come back here and get to know you?" Kaede smiled again. "Yes maybe. Good luck you two." Once again Inuyasha and Kagome headed out of the village. This time they were in search of the mysterious priestess Koryn.

"Kagome, just how the hell are we going to find this Koryn if we don't even know where to start looking?" "Have faith Inuyasha, things always have a weird way of working themselves out." Kagome then laced her fingers with Inuyasha's and they continued walking in silence for a while.