InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Connection To Kikyo ❯ Sesshomaru Helps Kagome ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2: Sesshomaru Helps Kagome.

A/N: I'm going to make Sesshomaru obsessed with Kagome because she is Inuyasha's wife. But don't worry Sesshy will get a new object of affection later=)

Kagome and Inuyasha had been trekking through the countryside for nearly five days now. They had not seen a single trace of Koryn. Inuyasha was clearly becoming annoyed at their lack of progress. Kagome's muscles ached, her head throbbed, and worst of all her skin was disgustingly sticky from all the layers of grime and dried sweat.

"Inuyasha I have got to take a bath!" "Come on Kagome, just a little farther!" She crossed her arms over her breasts and stamped her foot on the ground in defiance. "No! I'm taking a bath now!" He growled annoyed with his spoiled mate. "Fine! Make it quick!" Kagome lightly kissed Inuyasha's cheek.

"Thank you darling, I'll be right back!" He spat out his reply. "You had better be or I'll come drag you out of the hot springs!" Kagome just giggled at her mate's reply. She jogged to the nearby hot springs and immediately began shedding her clothes.

Kagome dove head first into the hot springs and emerged from the warm water wiping the excess water from her eyes. She tilted her head back and lavishly began soaking her hair under the bubbling and steaming water. A voice startled her out of her mesmerized state.

"Well well hello Kagome." She jerked her head upward to see the beautiful and intimidating face of Sesshomaru leering down at her from a nearby boulder that he was perched on. "What do you want Sesshomaru?" Kagome hoped that she didn't sound as terrified as she was.

He smiled a little and then continued to speak in the low sultry tone that was his voice. "Nothing. I was simply admiring your lovely body that's all." She narrowed her blue gray eyes angrily at him and lowered herself into the water to try and conceal her nakedness.

"Don't look at me like that Sesshomaru! Don't you know that it's a sin to lust after your brother's wife?" Sesshomaru growled at the mention of Inuyasha's name. "You are not seriously still in love with that half breed are you?"

"Yes I am! We are mated and one day I will give Inuyasha a child!" "It is I who you should be mated to Kagome, and it is I who you should one day give a child to." She turned up her nose haughtily at the Lord of the Western lands. "When will you see that Inuyasha is not worthy of a woman such as yourself? Don't you see Kagome, I would do anything for you?"

Kagome suddenly remembered her search for Koryn. "So you would do anything for me?" "Yes anything. Name it." "Then tell me Sesshomaru, do you know of a miko by the name of Koryn?" "Koryn? The miko who resemsbles Kikyo as much as you do? She is the miko with the piercing emerald green eyes is she not?"

"Yes that's her! Do you know where I can find her?" "Yes. She lives in a cottage near the northern border of my territory. Why do you seek Koryn?" "Because I want to see if Koryn can help Kikyo's soul finally cross over to the realm of the dead."

Sesshomaru lifted his left hand up to his chin as if considering Kagome's idea. After what seemed like forver to Kagome, Sesshomaru spoke. "Well I suppose that could work. Why do you wish for Kikyo's soul to cross over?" Kagome shot him a quick glare as she swam over to a boulder that she could lean against.

"Please spare me Sesshomaru, you know that Kikyo and I hate each other!" Sesshomaru chuckled showing his amusement at the hate that was seeping out of Kagome's body just from the mention of Kikyo.

"Well so it seems that the miko isn't as good and pure as she claims to be." Kagome furrowed her thin eyebrows in annoyance. "What is that supposed to mean?" "I thought that mikos were not supposed to allow their heart to become tainted by hate?" Her blue gray eyes lowered for a moment before gazing into his golden orbs once more.

"Yes I'm well aware of the fact that as a miko I'm not supposed to allow myself to feel hatred towards others. But Kikyo has tried to kill me on more than one occasion!" Sesshomaru nodded and gave Kagome's partially exposed nude body a quick glance.

Kagome tried as best as she could to cover her bare figure from the full demon's hawk like golden eyes. "What are you staring at Sesshomaru?" "Don't you think you've been in the water long enough girl? Your skin is starting to prune." Kagome felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment.

"Yes I suppose I should get out now." She swam to the shallow bank of the hot springs and was beginning to walk out of the steamy water. Then she noticed that Sesshomaru's cold amber gaze was watching her every move.

"Don't you have any decency Sesshomaru? You could at least avert your eyes!" He made no move to turn away from the sight of Kagome's naked body. "Yes I could turn away, but I won't. I wish to gaze at your beautiful body." His boldness was really beginning to annoy Kagome.

"Sesshomaru I'm not your wife so you have no right to stare at my body!" In an incredible white blur he was up against Kagome holding her securely by her waist. His speed had taken her by surprise. "Sesshomaru!" He crushed the small raven haired woman against his hard muscular body with great force.

"Woman you are just lucky that all I choose to do is look at you! I could take you here and now if I so desired to have you that way! Don't ever mistake my respect for you as indecency or I shall show you how truly indecent I could be!" Kagome shuddered in the demon's tight embrace.

She wasn't if it was from the lack of clothing or just complete fear of Sesshomaru. Having made his threat clear Sesshomaru allowed Kagome to step away from him. He watched as she gathered her miko's clothing and put it on. Sesshomaru suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to force the miko into a kiss as he watched her run her fingers through her still damp hair.

Without warning Sesshomaru crept up on Kagome from behind and grabbed her. Kagome tried to get free but realized that her attempts were futile. Sesshomaru spun Kagome around to face him and before she knew what was happening he crushed his mouth to hers in a searing kiss.

Kagome felt as Sesshomaru's tongue quickly found it's way into her mouth. His hands began roaming over her small figure. Kagome froze when she felt Sesshomaru's hand reach into her loosely closed kimono and find it's way to her breast. Sesshomaru rubbed his palm across Kagome's breast making her nipple harden instantly.

Kagome mentally cursed her body for it's response to the demon's touch. Then her thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of Sesshomaru's painfully erect length grinding against her between her thighs. Sesshomaru allowed a low moan to escape his throat before he abruptly backed away from Kagome.

Kagome's blue gray eyes widened in shock as she stared at Sesshomaru. The demon would not even make eye contact with the small miko standing before him. "Kagome I-" The raven haired woman angrily cut him off. "How dare you try and force yourself on me Sesshomaru! I'm your brother's wife! I don't expect you to like the fact that Inuyasha is my husband, but I do expect you to respect my decision!"

Sesshomaru finally allowed himself to make eye contact with Kagome. "Kagome, I'm sorry, I only wanted to kiss you." "Please try and keep your hands to yourself." He nodded solemnly. "I will not touch you again unless you desire it Kagome." Kagome nodded and tightly closed her loosely opened kimono.

"So Sesshomaru can I trust you to help me?" "Yes Kagome, you have my word and I never go back on that." "Thank you I have to get back to my husband now." Sesshomaru nodded and watched Kagome begin to jog away back to Inuyasha.