InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Connection To Kikyo ❯ Kikyo Makes An Enemy In Kouga ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Isn't Sesshomaru naughty? Don't worry he doesn't actually get to the point where he rapes Kagome like he did in my other fic. Which I'm kinda having writer's block with at the moment!! Incase you were wondering why I hadn't updated that one in a while. Please read and review to let me know what you think about my newest fic!

Chapter 3: Kikyo Makes An Enemy Out Of Kouga.

Kikyo found herself wandering into the mountainous territory of the cold blooded wolf youkai. She might have been a bit worried for her safety if she were truly alive to begin with. She knew that wolf youkai would not strike her because she would smell dead to them already.

Kikyo walked along the eerily quiet mountain path. Suddenly the undead miko could hear the low growling of some wolves that were quickly approaching her. She took a couple of steps back when three wolves burst out of the nearby cave with their vicious fangs bared.

The wolves wasted no time in beginning to circle their would be prey. Her cold and lifeless brown eyes watched as the wolves started to sniff at her. After a few moments of smelling Kikyo the wolves began to let out blood chilling howls as if they were summoning someone.

Kikyo looked to the north of her and saw a huge funnel cloud rapidly heading in her direction. Just before the funnel cloud was about to devour her and everything else in it's path it stopped abruptly and slowly began to dissipate.

Kikyo watched almost in awe as the last of the cloud had dwindled away to reveal a handsome and muscular wolf demon. He had long dark brown hair that was swept back into a pony tail with only a few stray strands hanging down around his eyes.

Kikyo then noticed his eyes. They were a beautiful but very cold ice blue. She allowed her eyes to roam over the rest of his appealing features. He had pointed ears and fangs like those that belonged to a wolf. The wolf demon was clad in brown fur with only slight armor covering his broad chest.

Suddenly the handsome wolf demon broke the suffocating silence that had held them captive for what had seemed like ages. "Who are you woman and what have you done to my wolves to make them howl like that?" She smiled as she considered how she would answer his second question.

"I am a priestess and my name is Kikyo. I have done nothing to your wolves. They simply sniffed me then began to howl." She watched as his face clearly began to show that he did not seem to be satisfied by her answer. "Well Kikyo I'm afraid I do not believe you." He began to sniff Kikyo and she watched as his nose instantly wrinkled from inhaling her scent.

"You have no human scent woman. You smell of clay and old dead bones. What kind of witchery is this?" Kikyo laughed out loud at his accusation of witch craft. Her tone sounded cold and hollow as it bounced off the mountain walls surrounding them. "It's not any witchery of mine, but you need not concern yourself with that. Now I believe it's my turn to ask you a question."

The wolf demon nodded. "Go ahead then Kikyo, ask your question if you must." "I've told you my name now show me the same courtesy. Who are you?" "My name is Kouga, I'm the prince of the wolf youkai people." Kikyo smiled and allowed her emotionless eyes to roam over his well chiseled body.

"So Kouga, is this your land and am I trespassing on it?" He folded his arms across his chest in slight annoyance with the strange woman. "Actually yes you are trespassing on my land." "Well Kouga, maybe you could help me out with something?" "And what would I want to help you with?"

"You see I was once in love with the half demon Inuyasha and he was in love with me as well." "What does this have to do with me Kikyo?" "Well Inuyasha has met this strange girl named Kagome. She is my reincarnated soul and Inuyasha has grown to love her." "Why should I care if Inuyasha loves Kagome and not you?"

"Because Inuyasha's life still belongs to me so I can't have that wench interfering with my plans!" "What exactly would you like me to do Kikyo?" "Simple. I want you to kill that little wench Kagome!" Kikyo watched as Kouga's curious expression melted into one of anger.

"No Kikyo! I will not kill Kagome! I was in love with her at one time and now she is my friend." Kikyo rolled her eyes in disgust at Kouga's feelings of loyalty to Kagome. "Fine then I guess I will have to kill the wench myself."

Kouga leapt at Kikyo with amazing speed and grabbed her by the neck. He squeezed the undead miko's neck almost to the point of crushing the delicate bones in her throat. "You will not harm Kagome in any way do you understand? I will not allow you to hurt her!" Kikyo felt the breath being crushed out of her throat by Kouga's brute force.

She managed to choke out her reply. "Y-you can't k-kill me! I w-will let K-Kagome l-live!" Kouga then threw the nearly unconscious miko to the ground harshly. "Good choice. Now get the hell off my territory and stay away from Kagome. Never come here again witch for next time I shall kill you!"

Kikyo stood and brushed herself off. She turned and began making her way back down the huge mountain.