InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Connection To Kikyo ❯ Hunting Down Kikyo ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: WOW! Sesshomaru and Senoh, who'd have thought it? Me because I'm writing the story...oh yeah =) Sesshomaru will learn what it is to truly love someone...but he doesn't love Senoh yet though. The group tracks down Kikyo and end up battling Naraku as well. This will take everything they've got! I don't own Inuyasha(blah blah blah!) So please read and review please =)

Chapter10: Hunting Down Kikyo

The next morning Koryn was the first to awake. She crept silently next door to the room that Senoh was supposed to have slept in. Koryn opened the door to find that the bed was empty and had not been slept in last night. She quickly closed the door and crept quietly down the large hall.

Inuyasha and Kagome were still sleeping. Koryn stopped at a huge door at the very end of the long hallway. She carefully opened the heavy door as quietly as she could and peered into the room. Koryn was stunned by what she had stumbled upon. There was Senoh naked under the sheets in a very naked Sesshomaru's arms. Koryn gasped when she noticed Sesshomaru's golden eyes burning into her.

She quickly shut the door and headed downstairs. Senoh and Sesshomaru soon joined her. Koryn could not bring herself to make eye contact with Sesshomaru. "Good morning Koryn." Senoh's sweet voice cut through Koryn's thoughts like a dagger. "Oh good morning Senoh, Sesshomaru." The demon lord gave her a nod and a slight smile.

Inuyasha and Kagome came down and they all ate breakfast in silence. Once breakfast was over Kagome spoke up. "I think we should begin searching for Kikyo." Inuyasha looked at his pregnant mate with a worried expression. "Kagome, do you think you should go in your condition?" "I'm fine Inuyasha. I'm pregnant not retarded." "But Kikyo already wants to kill you." "We have help. We can call on Kouga and his pack. You're also forgetting Sango and Miroku."

Koryn spoke up. "I don't know this Kouga, Sango, or Miroku, but you also have me, Senoh , and Sesshomaru." "Yes little brother Kagome will be well protected." Soon the group headed to Kaede's village of Hitoe to summon Sango and Miroku. Kagome ran ahead of the group when she saw Kaede's hillside village.

She quickly reached Kaede's hut. Sango and Miroku were the only two in the hut. "Hello Kagome." "Hey Sango, Miroku. Where's Kaede and Shippo?" Miroku spoke first. "Shippo is with Kaede gathering herbs. What brings you back here Kagome?" "We need your help in searching for Kikyo." Sango immediately grabbed her large bone boomerang.

"We are ready and glad to help Kagome." Miroku nodded as he reached for his staff. Sango and Miroku followed Kagome out of the hut. They were surprised to see Sesshomaru, Koryn , and Senoh. "Sango, Miroku, this is Koryn and Senoh. They are strong mikos and are helping us with Kikyo. You already know Sesshomaru."

Once everyone had gotten acquainted Kagome spoke up. "Now we must go get Kouga and his pack." The now larger group headed in the direction of Kouga's territory. They trekked up the mountain to Kouga's cave. His soldier Ginta met them at the entrance. "Hello sister Kagome." "Hello Ginta, where's Kouga?" The wolf prince came out of the cave at the mention of his name.

"I'm here Kagome, what brings you here?" "We are hunting down Kikyo and wanted your help." Kouga smiled at the miko. "I would be honored to help you. By the way congratulations Kagome." Kagome's blue gray eyes grew wide. "For what Kouga?" "You're pregnant, I can smell it." Kagome blushed deeply and smiled.

"Ginta, gather our strongest warriors." "Yes Prince Kouga!" The older wolf youkai ran off to do his lord's bidding. Kouga stared at Koryn. He noticed that she looked like Kikyo but had amazing emerald green eyes. She wore the same miko's clothing but had a warmth to her unlike Kikyo. Koryn smiled at Kouga showing off her perfectly straight and white teeth. Kouga smiled showing off his fangs.

Koryn blushed when the handsome wolf prince smiled at her. Her mind began to wander from it's previous thoughts of their mission. 'So he is Kouga? He is very handsome. What am I saying? Kouga is a wolf demon! Oh it doesn't matter, I would still like to get to know him.' Once Kouga's warriors had been gathered they headed out.

The group headed across the countryside in search of the undead miko. They headed through Inuyasha's Forest until they reached a small village on the other side of it. Inuyasha sniffed the air carefully. Once he had caught wind of Kikyo's unmistakable scent he announced it to everyone.

"Kikyo's here I can smell her." Kagome stayed close to Inuyasha as they headed into the village. Sesshomaru watched as the villagers fled quickly into their homes. The group made their way to the large temple in the middle of the village. Inuyasha shouted out. "Come out and face us Kikyo! I know you're here I can smell you wench!"

Suddenly they heard a cold and hollow laughter coming from just inside the temple's entrance. Koryn's eyes widened as Kikyo came down the steps. Her face was cold and held no expression. "How dare you hunt me down like I'm some sort of animal Inuyasha! Why can't you just leave me be?" Her lifeless brown eyes shifted to Kagome.

"I see you've brought that wench. Tell me Inuyasha, does this girl really mean anything to you? Or is she just a substitute for me?" "My Kagome is not a substitute for you Kikyo! She means everything to me!" Kikyo laughed again and drew her bow and arrows. Inuyasha immediately drew his Tetseiga and pushed Kagome behind him protectively.

"Prepare to die Kikyo!" "Are you really prepared to kill me Inuyasha?" "You're damn right I am! You mean nothing to me! The Kikyo that I loved was killed fifty years ago!" Kikyo knocked an arrow and let it fly. The sacred arrow flew past Inuyasha and whipped past Kagome's face grazing her cheek. Inuyasha saw the thin red line of blood as it appeared on Kagome's creamy white cheek.

He growled low in his chest. "You'll pay for that with your life Kikyo!" Inuyasha leapt at the miko and swung Tetseiga furiously. Kikyo barely avoided the attack unscathed. She ran down the steps of the temple right for Kagome. Kouga quickly scooped up Kagome and whisked her out of harm's way. He gently placed her back on the ground.

"Thank you Kouga." "Don't mention it Kagome. Ginta, protect Kagome with your life!" "Yes Prince Kouga!" The wolf demon stayed close by Kagome to watch out for her safety. Kouga ran at Kikyo from behind and sliced into her side. Kikyo gave a cry of pain as Kouga's claws ripped into her soft flesh.

She could feel her blood seeping quickly out of the wound. The reddish liquid soaked her miko's clothing almost instantly. Kikyo dropped down to her knees clutching her side tightly. Her pain filled voice rang out through the deathly still air. "Naraku!" Inuyasha froze as he heard Kikyo call out to Naraku for help.

"So you really have sold your soul to Naraku?" Kikyo glared at him and hissed out her reply. "What do you care Inuyasha, I mean nothing to you now! You said that yourself!" The sky turned an ominous black as Naraku appeared in the middle of the village. He was flanked on either side by Kagura and Juromaru. "Kagura, use your wind powers! juromaru, don't hold any of your strength back!"

Kagura flicked her wrist and opened her fan. Sango wasted no time in hurling her boomerang at the demon. The bone boomerang whizzed directly above Kagura's head. She chuckled her red eyes gleaming with a deadly intent. "It's too bad you have horrible aim." Sango grinned as the boomerang came back and struck Kagura down. "Yes it's too bad isn't it?" She smirked and drew her sword to finish off the dying demon.

Juromaru lunged at Inuyasha with malicious intentions. Inuyasha jumped out of harm's path but could not seem to get in any attacks of his own. Just as Juromaru was about to strike Inuyasha down Sesshomaru used his whip and sliced completely through the demon. Inuyasha stood there speechless at what had just happened.

"Don't say I never helped you little brother." "Thank you Sesshomaru." He nodded and turned around just in time to see a huge ball of energy heading towards him. Senoh screamed out and jumped in front of Sesshomaru. "No, Sesshomaru!" Her tiny body took the full force of Naraku's powerful attack.

Sesshomaru watched as Senoh's body fell lifelessly to the ground. "Senoh!" The demon lord rushed to Senoh's side. He gently touched her cheek but the miko did not stir. Sesshomaru drew his sword Tensega. He pointed it at Senoh and the blade throbbed like a beating heart. Senoh's violet eyes opened and Sesshomaru swept her up into his arms. "Oh Senoh, I almost lost you!"

Inuyasha and Kouga began simultaneously attacking Naraku. Ginat watched as Kagome drew her sacred arrow. "Sister Kagome, what are you doing?" "I'm going to finish Naraku!" Kagome crept up on Naraku and knocked her arrow. She pulled back and let the arrow fly with all her strength.

Kagome watched as the soft pink glow engulfed the arrow. The sacred arrow hit Naraku without warning and sank deeply into his black heart. Inuyasha and Kouga watched as the demon began to disintegrate. Soon there was nothing left of Naraku but a huge bubbling black puddle.

In the middle of the thick black pool was the Shikon jewel. Kagome knelt down by the steaming and bubbling pool and grabbed the jewel. Everyone watched as the jewel turned from a deep blood red back to it's normal soft shade of pink just from Kagome's touch. Inuyasha helped Kagome to her feet.

"It's over Kagome." "No not yet. Kikyo's still here." The group turned to face Koryn. She was knelt down at Kikyo's side with Kikyo's head in her lap. Kikyo was surrounded by a pool of her own blood. Her voice was a barely audible whisper as she spoke to Koryn. "Who...who are you?" "I'm your half sister Koryn. We never got to meet because you died. I wish that we could have known each other when you were truly alive Kikyo."

Kikyo gave a weak smile. "I have another sister? We can still get to know each other Koryn." Koryn shook her head and blinked away the tears that were blurring her vision. "No Kikyo, it's time for you to cross over. Your soul finally needs to find peace." Kikyo nodded tired from her huge loss of blood.

"We will meet up in the next life Koryn." "Yes we will, I promise you that. Now go for your soul is free Kikyo!" "Goodbye Koryn, take care of Kaede for me. I love you." "I will. I love you too Kikyo. Farewell my sister." Kikyo's lifeless brown eyes finally closed and her last breath escaped her throat.

Kagome watched with relief and some sadness as Kikyo's body began to disappear. The battle had finally ended and Kagome and Inuyasha were free to just love each other.