InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Cuzzin Shuuichi AKA Kurama ❯ Sadly Related ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I own no such thing called Inu Yasha or Yu Yu Hakusho.

Last Time:

"Kuwabara, Hiei, stop this nonsense at once. You both are making my headache

worsen." Kurama said. They both stopped and Kuwabara sat on the couch watching

Yusuke sweep the floor, while Hiei stood in the darkest corner of the room.

This Time:

The ride to my cousin Shuuichi took FOREVER. I am stressing the word forever

because it felt like I was in this stupid car for years. Sheesh, I would say walking all the

way over to his house is way better or running than this stupid car. I mean there are these

stoplights, and I would say walking would suit me so much better, since I have been

walking through Feudal Japan for some time now.

Right now, I had to get out of the car, which was a very good thing. But then,

when I had gotten out, I felt a couple of youkais. I scanned the area. `Okay, there is

supposed to be no youkais in this era! How could I even miss their presence?'

"Kagome, aren't you going to knock on the door or what?!" yelled mama. I then

raced towards the door. Mama can be very scary, seriously. I knocked on the door twice.

A boy with long, silky red hair and forest green eyes opened it. `Dammit! He is hot! But

he probably is Shuuichi. Sheesh, at least I know that my family has good looks…

hopefully he has a brain too.'

~ ~ ~

When I answered the door, I saw a gorgeous looking girl. Her long midnight hair

cascaded down to the middle of her back, and her eyes were of a chocolate brown color.

In the back of my head, I could hear Youko's thoughts.

~That girl is very beautiful. Hopefully, she is not-Grr… I hate you.~ I had to

suppress myself from raising an amused eyebrow at him.

~And you hate me for what, Youko?~ I just had to ask. ~I hate you for being her

cousin! Dammit, Kurama! You just had to be her cousin. Of all people, Kurama.~ I had

the urge to curve my lips into a smirk. I was really amused by this.

"Hi, I'm Kagome Higurashi. I assume that you are Shuuichi. Am I correct?"

asked the now known Kagome. ~Hopefully, she is not like those slutty bitches at your

school, Kurama.~ said Youko.

#~Hn. Fox, are you going to just stand there all day and talk to your stupid half.~#

I heard Hiei say. I mentally shook my head.

"Yes, I am Shuuichi. Why don't you come in? While, I will…" I saw her mother

getting their luggage out. "…help Aunt Aya."

She smiled and said that she didn't want to wait in here while I have to help her

mother to carry all those luggage. Kagome then walked over to her mother carrying a

couple of them with ease. I moved out of the way, so she could put it in the house. `She is

carrying it as if it were the lightest thing in the world.'

I thought I heard some sort of liquid drop to the ground. I made a quick glance to

see Kuwabara was drooling… on the floor! ~Kuwabara…~ I telepathically said with


Kuwabara straightened up immediately. He looked scared for a bit. He started to

look around the room; and when his eyes made contact with Hiei's form, he yelled,

"Shrimp, why do you have to send a tele-whatever-it's-called message in my head?!" I

mentally slapped, when I saw my cousin's confused face.

~That idiot! He is not supposed to say that aloud!~ Mused I. Once, I get my hands

on him, he is sure to pay. "Is there something wrong with your friend?" Asked Kagome. I

looked at her and gave her a smile.

"There is nothing wrong, Kagome. Kuwabara is just… mentally retarded and

has… tons of imaginations." I heard Yusuke cough to cover up some laughs and Hiei

made some snickers.

Kagome then gave me a cheerful smile. "Okay! Well, Shuuichi…?"


"Where can I put these? My arms are killing me right now." I looked to see her

holding two luggages in one hand and just one on the other.

"Oh, right this way." I then led her to one of the guestrooms.



A/n: I am sorry that the chapter is short. It is just that my friend is seriously having troubles, and I am just trying to help a friend here. Well, just to tell you. This story will be a Hiei/Kagome pairing. Ja.