InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Daughter's Teacher Was a Nerd ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
My Daughter’s Teacher Was A Nerd
By: Loopy-chan

Just to let you peeps know, I don’t own Inuyasha. I know, I know! I thought I owned it too.

Chapter 1
A Conference
Kagome hummed to herself as she prepared the usual breakfast for her family of three. She placed a piece of bacon on the plate, which was on a counter beside her. First there was her husband, Koga Aso. They were high school sweethearts and were married right after they graduated from high school. Neither went to college, although Kagome wanted to. During high school, they had always talked about their future, but nothing seemed to being going right. For starters, the dream of having a huge family vanished as soon as they were married. But Kagome chose not to dwell in the past
Second was her oldest, an 11th grader, Kaoru. Kaoru was obsessed with the Arts. Drawing, music, panting, acting, singing and anything involving notes, paper, and a script Kaoru did. Koga believed Kaoru’s obsession for Arts was from his side of the family, but Kagome knew better.
Third was her son, Suske Aso. He was a seventh grader but acted much more like a kid. Like Kaoru, he was obsessed with the Arts. He often claimed the Arts were like a wife that always demands his attention. Suske’s second love was video games. Mention the words ‘New Xbox game’ or ‘New Playstation game’ and you had his attention.
Finally it was Kagome and they made a family of four. A shuffle of feet caught her attention, and her kids descended down the stairs. Kagome smiled and knew the aroma of breakfast must have awakened them. Usually Koga would be among them, but he was nowhere to be seen. Come to think about it, he didn’t come home last night.
Kagome shrugged. ‘He must have had to work the whole night,’ she thought, but internally she knew where he had been.
“Good morning, ’Kaa-san,” her children greeted grumpily.
“Good morning sleepy heads!” Kagome greeted happily and Kaoru groaned.
“God! ‘Kaa-san, how can you be so cheerful in morning?” Kaoru complained and Sasuke agreed.
“COFEE!” Kagome exclaimed and the children nodded.
“Good morning sleepy heads!” Mrs. Higurashi sang and joined the family her weekly breakfast visit. The children noted another reason why their mother was always so happy and cheerful. It was something genetic and neither of them seems to posses it.
The children greeted their ‘baa-san and sat down for breakfast. The three began eating, and Kagome looked at her daughter’s attire. Kagome frowned and began to eat.
It seemed Kaoru was always wearing dark colors and clothing with chains or a skull. Today she was wearing a black tank top with a red skull and a red Tripp plaid Garter mini skirt. On her feet, were the usual tattered black Converses with a pair of red shoelaces. Sighing to herself, Kagome chewed her food. Lately, Kaoru’s taste of clothing began to rub off on her brother.
Today Sasuke wore a black t-shirt with various images of a character called Stewie with various slogans like “The toilet has made slaves of us all!” or “Adults must be destroyed.” He claimed to have learned many educational things from this Stewie, but Kagome had a feeling these things weren’t as educational as he claimed they were. He wore some black X studded shorts and the usual Converses.
Her two children stuffed the rest of their food down their throats and grabbed their backpacks. They shouted their goodbyes and closed the side door. Kagome smiled and gathered their dirty dishes. She began cleaning the kitchen with the help of her mother. Thanks to her mother, the cleaning of the kitchen had not taken long, and she had the rest of the day to herself. That time to herself consisted of cleaning the other parts of the house and taking walks around the shrine.
Kagome decided to clean up the main bathroom because if she didn't, it would never get cleaned. This was a reminder to Kagome that her children needed to learn the most important art of all arts. Cleaning! Chuckling at her stupid joke, Kagome ascended up the stairs and began to pick up the various trash, which had not made its way to the trashcan. She finally found herself in front of the main bathroom's door and braced herself. How long had it been since she cleaned it up? Maybe a week. Knowing her children, mostly Sasuke, it only took maybe a day or so to completely destroy the cleanliness or neatness of bathroom cleaned by Kagome Higurashi. Counting to ten, she opened the door and opened her eyes. Imagine her surprise, when she found the bathroom cleaned except the overfilled trashcan.
“They’re hiding something,” Kagome said to herself. Normally, when they had gotten in trouble at school, they cleaned up the bathroom. Making a mental note to interrogate the kids later, she began to empty the trashcan, however, a certain note caught her eye. It was for she and was from one of Kaoru’s teachers. Kagome unfolded the note and read it.
Dear Aso-san,
Before I get to business, I shall introduce myself. My name is Taisho Inuyasha.
At the name Taisho Inuyasha, Kagome gasped.
“Taisho-chan?” she asked aloud. She always felt bad for him. In high school, he was always picked on and was hanging out with those other nerds, Watsuki Miroku and Tsuda Sango. Kagome instantly covered her mouth. That was not nice to say. The jocks, and all the popular ones called him “Taisho-chan”. (AN: In Japanese chan is a honorific usually used to address smaller children or is used for affection. So basically they were calling him, Little Taisho.)
I teach Aso Kaoru advanced Physics here at Izuna High School. I am writing this note to inform you of your daughter’s failing of my class. I would like to request an conference with you, if that is alright with you. Please call me here at the school or you’re welcomed to call my home phone at 654-9812. (AN: Don’t call this number please.)
Thank you for your time,
Taisho Inuyasha.
That’s the end of the first chapter! Please
Inuyasha Every