InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Daughter's Teacher Was a Nerd ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hillo! Loopy-chan is back with the second chapter of My Daughter's Teacher Was a Nerd! Thanks for the six reviews, I really appreciate the support, and I hope you continue to review! Before we get to the second chapter, we have a word from our sponsors.
Sponsors: Believe us, when we say she doesn't own or is associated with a person or hanyou by the name of Inuyasha or any of the low-down, not superior to Inuyasha, characters that belong to the show. Now! Would anybody like to buy some bunion cream?
Chapter 2
Kagome's eyes widened as she reread the note over and over again. Kaoru was failing Physics and didn't tell anyone, not even her mother. No wonder the bathroom was so clean! If she thought this would placate Kagome Higurashi-Aso, she had another thing coming! What could she do to punish Kaoru enough? Take away the phone, or car, remove every ounce of technology from her room, or maybe, if the offense was extreme, bring out the embarrassing baby photos of a very naked Kaoru. No, the offense wasn't that severe, but maybe telling a few embarrassing tales from Kaoru's childhood would do for now. Kagome smirked evilly and closed the door of the bathroom.
Inuyasha opened the window and let the spring breeze play inside of the room and his hair. It was something he did to unwind before he had to deal with the “runts”, he had lovingly dubbed his second block. Looking up to the clock, which read 8:45, he let a loose a loud sigh.
“45 minutes to show time,” he muttered and continued to grade his second block's tests. So far there were one A, one B, six C's, ten D's and three F's. Inuyasha smirked. It was his mission in life to fail as many students in his teaching career. Keh! Like he would waste his time on something that incongruous! Looking at the clock, that read 9:15, he growled and closed the window, which caused the breeze to die instantly. It was time to go into teacher form, something that was despised by the hanyou, yet his job was at risk. He let a few curses spill while he tied his hair back into a `professional' ponytail and buttoned up the top four buttons. Placing the tests back into the top drawer, he slid down into his chair and wished the Earth would open and swallow him, but the ringing phone stopped the more than willing Earth. Really trying to be polite, he picked up the phone and yelled,
“ WHAT!”
Kagome held the phone away from her ear to prevent further hearing loss. Deeming it to be safe a few seconds later, she put the phone up to her ear and gave a very meek greeting.
“Hello?” she whispered.
This seemed to make the source of the voice feel guilty, and it quieted down, although a little arrogance remained.
“Yes, Taisho speaking,” the voice said. Kagome's breathe caught in her throat. Here she was talking to a classmate, one she didn't know much about, but still a classmate. Would he recognize her or would she recognize him?
“Hello? Are you still there,” Taisho asked with a touch of concern, and Kagome snapped out of her daze.
“Sorry,” she apologized, “my name is Higurashi-Aso Kagome…”
“I know who you are,” he interrupted. Kagome sighed and Taisho cleared his throat on the other line. The current situation was a bit awkward and Kagome really wished that the conversation were over; however, the conversation was far from over.
“I've called to schedule that conference that you wanted,” Kagome said after regaining her confidence. The voice made a sound of acknowledgement and he asked,
“Yes, about what time?” Kagome twirled the phone cord around her index finger nervously and cleared her throat. Somehow the new Taisho made her slightly anxious for some anonymous reason.
“Would Friday afternoon at three be fine?” she asked uncertain.
“ It's fine,” he paused for a second as if he thought she would say something, “well, I see you then.”
“Bye,” Kagome whispered and hung up the phone. She let the breathe she had been holding out, and put a smile on her face. Deciding to change the sheets on her bed, she raced up the stairs and turned on the radio.
Inuyasha hung up the phone and placed a hand over his racing heart. Never had one conversation made his heart beat so fast. He had conversations with international supermodels, even dated a few, yet none of them could speed his heart rate up the way Higurashi did. The old pent up feelings were returning and he could not bring himself to admit that he still had a crush on Higurashi. Inuyasha shook his head. No! He had gotten over it a long time ago, right? He had…he still had feelings for the woman who embarrassed him in front of the whole school. The woman who rejected him and said that she refused to go out with someone like him. The woman…
The sound of the shrill bell interrupted the thought, and his second block students began filling into the classroom. Forcing the memories of the past into the back of his mind, he stood and greeted the perky class with a smirk,
“Good morning. I will be returning the tests you took last week.” The students groaned and the hanyo smirked. Maybe failing students wasn't his life mission, but seeing the grief stricken faces of his second block's faces as they imagined their grade being ripped apart sure did brighten his day!
Well! That's the end of chapter 2! Please:
And I'll see you guys later! Off to finish the third chapter!