InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Daughter's Teacher Was a Nerd ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hillo! I'm back with the fourth chapter of My Daughter's Teacher Was a Nerd and I would like to thank you for the eight reviews! Now I've reached 25 reviews in 3 chapters, which is a personal best! Once again, thanks!
Disclaimer: My trading scheme had no effect on Takahashi-sensei. Now I'll have to think of a new sacrifice! Maybe she would take my brother? Probably not. So while I'm thinking of another way to borrow Inuyasha without returning, enjoy this chapter!
Chapter 4
Inuyasha's Corvette pulled up by the barren wasteland known as school after a Friday release, and Kagome closed the Corvette's door. She turned and gave the teacher a wave and began her journey home. After a while of walking she felt eyes burning into her head and she turned to see Inuyasha's Corvette. Pausing for a moment and, secretly waiting to see if he would leave before she would have to take the five mile journey home, she looked over her shoulder only to see the Corvette parked in the same place. She turned around and made her way towards the parked car. Reaching the car, she saw the hanyou give her a questioning look, which she return, and he motioned for her to come to the driver's door. The window rolled down automatically once she reached the door, and he called out,
“Where's you're car?” Kagome's glanced down and began toying with her fingers. Her embarrassment was obvious.
“I don't have a car,” she whispered but her glance never left her entwined hands.
“Get in.” Kagome's eyes widened and her eyes left her interesting fingers. For the longest time, she openly gapped at the teacher, who in return stared back. He gave her a smirk and motioned towards the empty passenger seat. Managing to close her mouth, Kagome crossed over to the passenger's side and opened the door. Settling in, she gave him a small smile and the Corvette's engine's came to life as his car took off.
Koga opened the house's door and closed it behind him as he let the oddly colored construction helmet fall from his grasp. Kicking off his muddy boots and not caring if they created a mess or landed right side up, he called out the names of every family member and watched as both of his kids scrambled down the stairs at an unbelievably fast pace. Yet one person was missing. Turning his attention to the trembling children, he took a step forward, which caused them to step back.
“Where's Kagome, my wife and the mother of my children?” Although his tone was not frightening, it cause the children to flinch as their father surveyed the room for any out of place item. Gathering her pride, Kaoru spoke up,
“S…she went t…to a…a conference.” Koga halted. Stopping the survey, he turned his icy blue eyes towards his children.
“Would you repeat that?”
“She went to a conference,” Kaoru repeated. Something went off in Koga, and he knocked down a vase.
“She,” Kaoru began but was interrupted.
“You shut up!” he demanded and knocked down a lamp. Kaoru instantly shut her mouth and backed away.
“Who the heck gave her permission?” he questioned aloud, however, neither Kaoru nor Sasuke made an attempt to answer it. He knocked down another lamp. Turing around hastily, he pointed an accusing finger at the children.
“So you're the ones who gave her permission,” he accused. “Well, let me tell you something,” he leaned forward and lowered his voice, “I AM the one who runs this family. I own everything in this house, and I own you and your mother! Do I make myself clear?” They opened their mouths to respond but their mouths refuse to form words; so they nodded.
Inuyasha's Corvette pulled up by the empty litter filled driveway of Kagome's small home and she closed the vehicle's door. Giving the teacher another smile and thanking him for the millionth time, she pulled away from the car door and began to walk away. Reaching the door, and pulling her keys from her purse, she looked back to see Inuyasha waiting. Giving him another wave, and a `shooing' gesture, she turned and unlocked the small house's door. She opened the door and gave the waiting teacher one last smile, and waited until he drove off, before flipping on the lights. Arms wrapped around her waist and Kagome jumped.
“Relax,” the figure whispered and Kagome relaxed as soon she recognized the voice's owner.
“When did you get home Koga?” she asked. Koga mumbled something and kissed his wife's neck, which caused the woman to giggle.
“Why did you go to that conference without me?” he asked in between kisses. Kagome instantly stiffened and tried to break free from his hold, but his grip instantly tightened.
“I thought you wouldn't mind,” she whispered, but her husband chuckled.
“What did I tell you about making decisions?” he asked as if he were talking to a small child while his hands wandered up and down her stiff form.
“N…not to not to go anywhere without telling you.” Her husband stopped his exploration to give her waist a squeeze, and he turned her around to face him.
“You know what the punishment is when you don't tell me where you go, don't you?” he questioned and Kagome nodded, while preparing herself.
“You know I hate punishing you, Kagome,” he whispered into her ear before he struck her.
End of Chapter! Sorry, it's so short but I had little inspiration for this chapter. Also, I've been having doubts about the way I write. The words just don't seem to flow like the magical river I imagine the story should be. So I've been thinking about taking a break from fan fiction writing, and spending that time improving my writing skills. Yet, I would be leaving my reviewers hanging, so I've think I should warn you guys before I take an improvement break. Sorry guys, please tell me if you think my writing has an uncountable number of mistakes, and needs to be improved. Also if you guys have any ideas, I would be happy to use them!