InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Dear, Kagome ❯ Finding You ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own ay of the characters from Inuyasha. Rumiko Takahashi does.




Title: My Dear, Kagome

Chapter: 1-Finding You

Kagome ran through the forest as fast as she could. What a horrible time for Inuyasha to sneak off with Kikyo! She was being chased by a group of devious bandits through a forest that was completely unfamiliar, not to mention creepy! How did she get into this situation in the first place? Well, she remembered walking into the trees to follow Inuyasha (even though she knew where he was headed), and then out of nowhere she got this feeling that she had to run. So she ran, and she ran fast. Then she got this queasiness in her stomach, so she turned around; that was when she saw why she was running. When did these freaks show up!?

Honestly, Kagome was scared out of her mind at this point, but she had a determination that somehow she would find safety. But this forest, it was starting to get creepier and creepier. Kagome could swear she saw a pair of glowing yellow eyeballs peering at her through the darkness. She mentally slapped herself for freaking herself out.

Kagome turned around once more, and not looking where she was going, ran straight into something hard. A tree perhaps? Not at all! When Kagome turned back around to see what (or whom) she had ran into, she came face to face with embodiment of the devil himself. Before she could scream, Kagome found her mouth being covered by a hard, yet strangely warm hand. ‘Great, Sesshomaru! These bandits following me are the least of my worries!’

“Shh. Don’t scream. I am not going to hurt you, Kagome.”

She looked up into Sesshomaru’s golden depths. Anger, fear, and confusion were flashing through Kagome’s eyes. She tried to squirm out of his grasp, but in return he made it tighter by wrapping his other arm around her waist and pulling her body against his. ‘His arm! It must’ve grown back.’

Sesshomaru moved his lips towards Kagome’s ear. “I am going to take you back to Inuyasha. I sensed that you were in danger, and it was I who tapped into your mind and convinced you to start running.” Sesshomaru’s words caused Kagome to shake her head viciously. Sesshomaru removed his hand to allow her to speak.

“I don’t want to go back to Inuyasha. I am tired of caring for him when I know he doesn’t care for me. He loves only his dead bitch Kikyo. There’s no room for me in his heart.”

Without knowing, tears had started to fall from Kagome’s soft blue eyes. “Please don’t take me back, Sesshomaru.” She closed her eyes and let the remaining tears fall.

“Kagome, where do you wish to go then?” Sesshomaru, for the first time in his life felt sorry for a human. Seeing this girl crying in his arms made his want to hold her forever.

“Sesshomaru-sama, please, may I go with you?” Without saying a word, Sesshomaru tightened his grip on Kagome’s waist and took to the air.

Before she knew it, Kagome was flying above the forest in Sesshomaru’s arms. ‘Sesshomaru sure is acting strange. He’s actually being...kind. I like him like this.’ Kagome could mentally slap herself for admitting that she ‘liked’ Sesshomaru, but she didn’t. ‘He is gorgeous, and he’s not bad once you get used to him. If I’m not careful, I could easily fall in love with him. That probably wouldn’t be bad either. He’d make me feel completely safe. I’d always be comfortable. And every night we’d make love until sweat dripped from our bodies.’ A crimson blush spread across Kagome’s face at the thought of making love with this gorgeous demon. ’Oi1, Kagome. Why are you thinking of stuff like that?’

Sesshomaru smirked as he watched each of Kagome’s reactions. He had to find out what she was thinking about. “Kagome, you must tell me, what are you thinking of? It has changed your mood from confused to bewildered to amused to happy to flat out embarrassed.”

Kagome shook her head to dismiss his question and continued to look into the purple sunset.


A/N: There it is. The first chapter of my new story is complete. This is probably the only story that I’ll actually complete. Many of my stories don’t go past 2 chapters. I’m pretty sure that this one will go to the end. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it. Here’s a preview for the next chapter:

<>Sesshomaru brings Kagome to his castle and at dinner he tells her that she’s beautiful. How does she react? My Dear, Kagome - Chapter 2...coming soon.<>