InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Dear, Kagome ❯ Pain and Celebration ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own ay of the characters from Inuyasha. Rumiko Takahashi does.

Caution: This chapter has slight (but not too much) emonezz in it. If you don’t like self-mutilation then skip the part.




Title: My Dear, Kagome

Chapter: 2-Pain and Celebration

Kagome stared wide-eyed at her new home. She was in complete awe. This was the biggest castle that she has seen in the feudal era so far. Kagome was brought out of her daze by the sound of a child’s laughter. She turned to see the little girl Rin, who she had met the countless times Inuyasha and Sesshomaru had fought. “Kagome-chan! What brings you here? Have you come to see Rin? Did Kagome-chan bring Rin presents? Rin likes presents!”

Kagome smiled down at the girl and picked her up. “Rin-chan, it’s so nice to see you again! Sorry, but I didn’t bring you presents. I’ll make sure to bring you some the next time I go to my era. Okay?”

Rin nodded her head happily and looked over at Sesshomaru. “Sesshomaru-sama, can you tuck Rin into bed?” He quickly nodded and led the way into the house.

After Rin was safe in her bed and drifting to sleep, Sesshomaru took Kagome into the dining room for a quick bite to eat.

“I can see that Rin is really taken with you. From the looks of it, she will probably learn a lot from you. Would you mind if you take care of her during the day? She’s always a nuisance during the day, and I would like to get some work done.” He was most definitely sure that she would be the perfect mother for Rin. She’s loving, and she has a sense of duty that no one would expect from a ningen. Sesshomaru looked at the girl-no, woman-across the table from him. He studied her face and the luscious curves of her body. ‘Kami, she’s so beautiful. The half-breed is such a fool to let something so precious slip away so easily. She is so intriguing, so wonderful and enchanting. I want this woman. Kag-...’

Sesshomaru’s thoughts were cut short by a sweet sound, Kagome’s voice. “Sesshomaru-sama, what would you like me to teach her? I could teach her reading, writing, arithmetic, and even a few things that Lady Kaede taught me.” She could’ve sworn she saw him watching her. He was checking her out wasn’t he? “Gomen nasai, Sesshomaru-sama, but were you just checking me out?” Kagome felt the blood rise to here cheeks as they turned a beautiful shade of scarlet.

Sesshomaru got up from his side of the table and moved next to Kagome. “Kagome?” His clawed finger cupped her chin gently, forcing her to look him in the eyes. “Kagome? Do you not fancy this Sesshomaru looking at you? You are beautiful, Kagome. The most beautiful ningen I’ve ever laid eyes on.” He would never believe that he could fall for a ningen. He always thought of them as dirty, illiterate, and lazy, but this woman, Kagome, she blew all his assumptions out of the water.

“Sesshomaru-sama...I’m not beautiful, not at all. If I was beautiful then Inuyasha would love me and not Kikyo!” How she wanted to cry, and let her pain flow out like tears. Kagome ran out of the dining room and out of the castle. She looked around, looking for a place to hide and spill her misery. ‘I thought that he could love me. All he wants is to get into my panties. Why do I always get my heart crushed? Its not fair!’ Kagome ran into the night. She didn’t even know why she wanted to go with Sesshomaru. She knew he wouldn’t love her. He couldn’t.

Sesshomaru was beyond pissed. ‘How dare that ningen! She thinks that this Sesshomaru would lie!’ He followed her path out of the door, and as he stood on the threshold he used his youkai’s wicked sense of smell to track Kagome down. He sniffed the air, finding a trace of her scent heading towards his gardens, but he also smelt blood. Was it hers?

Kagome ran into what looked like a huge garden. It had a variety of beautiful flowers and tiny brooks everywhere. She looked around for any shelter to hide her but all she found was a large sakura tree.

Kagome sat at the base of the tree and hugged her knees. Her life was so miserable! She was this tiny, insignificant being that no one cared for or loved. She should’ve just stayed in her world. She wouldn’t be missed here.

Kagome took out the silver blade the always kept with her just in case she was ever in trouble. “I knew this would come in handy one day.” she said between sobs and gasps for air. The blade was small and intricate, but the blade was sharp; could cut off a finger if used right. She smiled slightly. This blade was going to be her escape. Her only way of relieving the pain she felt. Cutting a line from her wrist to the middle of her forearm, Kagome slit her wrists slowly. She winced as the keen blade made a deep cuts down her arm. Her life source trickled out of the cuts, making Kagome feel woozy and dizzy. She tried not to make the cuts too deep; she didn’t want to kill herself.

Sesshomaru jumped into the tree and watched as the miko below him cut herself. Why would she do such a thing to her beautiful skin? He wanted to know. Sesshomaru jumped down and landed in a crouch right in front of Kagome. “Kagome, what are you doing to yourself? Stop this at once!”

Kagome was shocked. He came after her. “Sesshomaru?” She looked down at her mutilated arm. Her blood was oozing out of her arm and onto her clothes. “Sesshomaru, I-” Kagome couldn’t speak. What was she doing? This was not like her at all.

Sesshomaru seized the blade from Kagome’s bloodied hand and tossed it aside. “Kagome, calm down and don’t move your arm. You’ll make the bleeding worse.” He brought her arm up to his mouth, and he started to lick the cuts one by one, licking the blood from Kagome’s arm.

Kagome was in pain, and with Sesshomaru licking her wounds she wasn’t feeling any better. “Sesshomaru, that hurts.” He growled in response. She looked at him. His eyes were closed and he was whining slightly. He was like a cute little puppy licking his master. He was absolutely beautiful.

This miko Kagome, she was powerful; he could taste it in her blood. This was the kind of power that he wanted by his side and in the blood of his pups. He looked at her, and she looked at him. “Kagome, you really are beautiful. Please stay with me in my castle. You will have everything you need here. Will you stay?”

When she didn’t answer, Sesshomaru stood up and proceeded to walk towards his castle.


“Yes, Kagome?” He didn’t turn to face her. For the first time in his life, he was afraid. He was afraid of losing her.

She walked up to him, but she didn’t touch him. She didn’t want him to hurt her. She hung her head. “Sesshomaru, I would like to stay here with you.”

He turned around to face her. Lifting her chin up slowly, he gazed into her stunning crystal blue eyes. “Good.” Sesshomaru snaked his arm around her petite waist and pulled her to him. He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her gently. This wasn’t a kiss to show dominance. No. It was a kiss filled with love and affection and promise of what was to come.

From inside the building, the servants celebrated. “It looks like our Lord Sesshomaru has fallen in love.”


A/N: Sorry that it took me so long to get this up. *bows* I’m sorry!! TT_TT I promise chapter 3 will take less time to write and post. Here’s a preview of the next chapter:

<>Meet Haruka, Kagome’s nekoyoukai personal servant. Has Kagome made a new friend? And, is Kagome falling in love with Sesshomaru or is it just her broken heart looking for sympathy? My Dear, Kagome - Chapter 3...coming soon.<>