InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Dear, Kagome ❯ Wooing Kagome, Part 1 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I don’t own ay of the characters from Inuyasha. Rumiko Takahashi does.

Title: My Dear, Kagome

Chapter: 3-Wooing Kagome Part 1

<>Last Time<>

From inside the building, the servants celebrated. “It looks like our Lord Sesshomaru has fallen in love.”

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Kagome broke the kiss between her and Sesshomaru. Kami, he was an amazing kisser, and she’d be the first to admit on wanting more. However, she just couldn’t give him all of her right now. How did she know that he wouldn’t break her heart like Inuyasha did? He would have to earn her trust and her love. He would have to woo her.

Sesshomaru didn’t want the kiss to end, but maybe she didn’t want him to kiss her. She said that she would stay with him, but he should probably wait to start a relationship with the miko. His stupid hanyou brother Inuyasha broke her heart too many times. She wouldn’t want to just jump into a relationship so soon. He would have to take it slow with her and finally win her love.

“Kagome, it is getting quite late. You should go to bed and get some rest.” Sesshomaru released her body but held onto her hand. It seemed impossible to let the girl go.

She stared at him for a while and then replied. “Yes. You’re right, but as of right now I don’t have a room.”

And then, like magic, a female nekoyoukai appeared. She was beautiful with her golden hair that pooled around her feet and her golden cat-like eyes. She had thin black marks on her face that resembled whiskers and a tail that shifted from side to side. “At your service, Lord Sesshomaru. How may I be of assistance to you?”

Sesshomaru nodded. “Haruka, this is Kagome. From now on, you will tend to her needs and help her with anything. This is an order. Now, you will show her to her permanent sleeping quarters so she may get some rest. Am I clear?”

Haruka bowed towards Sesshomaru. “Hai3, Lord Sesshomaru. Do not worry.” She looked at Kagome with a smile on her face. ‘My Lord has surely made a sensible choice in taking the miko as his future mate.’ This was an excellent chance for Lord Sesshomaru to be happy. “Hello. I am Haruka. If you would please follow me I will show you to your room.”

Haruka led Kagome through countless halls and corridors, each decorated with ornate lamps, flowers, and hanging wall scrolls. There were many rooms in this castle. Kagome would have to get Sesshomaru to give her an official tour of his home. ‘Sesshomaru…’ Just the thought of his name would send her blood rushing to her face, heating it up and turning her cheeks red. What was she going to do?

“Kagome-sama, we have reached your sleeping quarters.” Haruka turned to Kagome and bowed slightly. “Across the hall is Lord Sesshomaru’s quarters. You are not to enter unless you have permission.” She pointed to a shoji door with a picture of a inuyoukai on it. It was Sesshomaru.

“Next to Lord Sesshomaru’s quarters is Rin-chan’s quarters. Lord Sesshomaru has informed me that you will be the one taking care of Rin as of tomorrow. Is this true, Kagome-sama?” Kagome nodded. It was her idea after all.

Haruka led Kagome into the room that was designated for her. “Kagome-sama, we should get you ready for bed. It’s getting quite late.” She took Kagome over to a finely carved wardrobe in a corner of the room and sat her down. “Let’s see what Lord Sesshomaru has arranged for you to wear to bed. A sleeping kimono should do fine.”

Kagome giggled nervously. “Umm, Haruka-san, I can sleep in these clothes. It’s quite alright. I’m used to it. However, Haruka-san, I would like it if you called me Kagome. I’m just Kagome, not Kagome-sama.” She smiled brightly at Haruka, hoping she didn’t offend her in any way.

Haruka giggled and smiled back at Kagome, her fangs sticking out over her crimson painted lips. “Gomen nasai, Kagome. Its just something that we have to do here. This family is royalty.”

Kagome was confused. What family? “Haruka-chan, what family do you speak of? Sesshomaru-sama doesn’t have any family left.”

Haruka picked up a brush from the wardrobe and ran it through Kagome’s wavy, onyx hair. “Oh, but Kagome, Lord Sesshomaru does have family. He has Lord Inuyasha. They share the same blood. I don‘t see why they hate each other so much. Tsk. But still, Lord Sesshomaru has Rin-chan. She is his adopted daughter. He loves that little munchkin even if he doesn’t show it on the outside. Lord Sesshomaru also has us, his faithful servants. Even if we don’t share his blood we would do anything to protect this castle and it’ lord.”

Kagome was dumbfounded. She never knew that people cared so much for Sesshomaru. He was rude, arrogant, cruel, and he had a horrible God complex. However, he acted totally different towards her. What was with him? Could he really love her? ‘Hah! I think not. It’s Sesshomaru that we’re talking about. I’m just imagining things.’

“Kagome, would you like to take a bath before you go to bed? The castle has its own inside onsen. I could wash your clothes there while you bathe. No offense, but you are quite dirty.” Haruka bowed. She sure hoped that she didn’t offend the new lady of the castle. She should apologize just in case. “Gomen nasai, Kagome. That was rude of me. I sincerely apologize.”

Kagome placed a warm hand on Haruka’s shoulder. “Apology accepted, Haruka-chan.” She smiled warmly at the relieved nekoyoukai in front of her. “I wasn’t offended at all. Its quite alright; you were just being honest. Heh, I do need a bath.” In all honesty, she did need a bath. She hadn’t had one in a few days and with the events of today; she would definitely need one. “So, where is this onsen that you spoke of?”

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Sesshomaru sat at the large oak table in his study. He had a lot to think about. How would he win the miko’s heart. ‘That stupid Inuyasha. Why in the world would he choose the dead bitch over someone as beautiful as Kagome?’ Sesshomaru looked out the window to gaze at the full moon that hung in the sky. ‘Kagome would make a wonderful mate. Not only is she beautiful, she is quite clever and very powerful. She reminds me much of mother. Mother…’


“ Okaa-san! Don’t leave me, Okaa-san! Don’t go!” Sobbing uncontrollably, Sesshomaru clutched onto the hand of his dying mother. “Okaa-san…”

His mother shifted her head as to face her son. “Sesshomaru, hold out your hand. I want to give you something.”

Sesshomaru extended his hand towards his mothers, curious as to what he was about to receive. “Okaa-san?”

His mother placed a small, rectangular wooden box in his hands and laid her hand atop it. “Inside this box is a pendant. It was a gift your father gave me when I agreed to become his mate. This pendant has been passed down through generations. Each time, being giving given to the first born male. Sesshomaru, my pup, when you have found the woman you love give her this pendant as your vow of loyalty and undying love. Whoever she may be, love her and protect her with every part of your being.” Her body began to convulse as she coughed violently. Blood was starting to seep from the corners of her mouth. She knew the time to say her final goodbyes was near.

Sesshomaru knew this was it. He gripped his mother’s hand tighter, hoping it prolong her stay in this world. All he could do right now was cry; there was nothing he could say that could keep her here.

Her poor son was in so much grief. She was dying, leaving no one to take care of her son. ‘Damn you, Inutaisho.’ Tears started to trickle down her cheeks at the mere thought of the man who left her. Her body convulsed once more. It was time. “Goodbye, my son. Aishiteru.”

He felt his mother’s grip loosen and watched her arm fall to the floor. He saw her eyes become cloudy and then finally close. She was gone. “Okaa-san!”

End Flashback<>

Sesshomaru stared down at the pendant in the wooden box. It was an exquisite sapphire gem cut into the shape of a crescent moon, his family’s crest. The gem was attached to a leather band, which was fitted for a woman. On the inside of the leather strap were the words ‘To My Most Beloved, The Lady of the West and The House of the Rising Crescent Moon.’ Sesshomaru removed the pendant from the box and held it up to the light. As it shimmered, he thought to himself, ‘This is quite fitting for my Kagome. She deserves the finest that this world can offer.’ The time was drawing near when he would give her this gift.

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Kagome sat in bed as Haruka brushed out her wet hair. She had done a lot of thinking during her bath; mostly about Sesshomaru. Why did he save her? Why did he say those things he said? Why did he want her to stay? Why? Why?! She needed answers, but right now she needed sleep. “Haruka-chan, I’m feeling a little tired. I think I’m going to call it a night.”

Haruka rose from her spot behind Kagome, setting the brush on the floor near the bed. “Yes, Kagome. I will be here tomorrow when you wake up so I can get you ready for the day.” Bowing slightly, she made her way towards the door. “Have a nice night, Kagome.”

“Arigato, Haruka-chan. You have a good one as well.” Hearing the door close softly, Kagome laid down on her futon and closed her eyes. Tomorrow was the start of her new life.

A/N: Gomen nasai for the very long wait. School gave meh no time to write. D: But, I finally finished it and updated the other chapters. *nods* Again…gomen nasai. Here ish a preview for the next chapter:

<>Sesshomaru continues to woo Kagome. A beautiful new kimono and a surprise dinner in Sesshomaru’s private gardens? My Dear, Kagome - Chapter 4...coming soon.<>