InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Dear, Kagome ❯ Wooing Kagome, Part 2 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Inuyasha characters Ó Rumiko Takahashi







Title: My Dear, Kagome

Chapter: 4-Wooing Kagome, Part 2

<>Last Time<>

“Arigato, Haruka-chan. You have a good one as well.” Hearing the door close softly, Kagome lay down upon her futon and closed her eyes. Tomorrow was the start of her new life.

<><><><><><><><>&l t;><><><><><>

Kagome lay on the grass at the bottom of a large sakura tree. The petals falling from the tree created a blanket of pink snow on the ground. One of them caressed her face as it landed, and she giggled softly at the touch.

A clawed hand reached over and delicately removed the petal. “This tree’s petals are not anywhere near as beautiful as you are, my love.”

Kagome looked to her left and saw Sesshomaru lying next to her, his eyes closed peacefully. He was so beautiful with his long, flowing silver hair spread out underneath him. She could gaze at him forever.

“Sesshomaru? What is so special about me?” She needed to know why he chose her, a normal girl with no special power whatsoever. Why not fall in love with some wealthy youkai princess or something?

She waited for a response. Nothing. She looked back to her left and only found an imprint in the grass where he once was. ‘He’s gone!’

“What makes you think you’re special to him? You were nothing to me, and you will be nothing to him. Why don’t you just go home, Kagome?”

Kagome did not want to look; she knew whose voice that was. Inuyasha. “It’s not true…” She felt like curling into a ball and disappearing.

“Yes it is, Kagome. He doesn’t want you to stay here with him. ‘This tree’s petals are not anywhere near as beautiful as you are, my love.’ What a load of bull!” His tone was cruel and mocking, and the words hurt her in the core of her body. He knew he had gotten to her, and this made him laugh.

“Stop it!” No matter how loud she screamed, his words and his laughter were still clear. “STOP IT!”


Kagome’s eyes shot open at the end of her nightmare. She sat up slowly, getting her breathing back to normal. ‘You were nothing to me, and you will be nothing to him.’ The words kept repeating themselves over and over in her head. “Not true…” She murmured softly into her hands. A tear crept gently down her cheek, falling off the tip of her nose and dripping onto her fingers.

“Kagome?” A soft voice said from behind her.

Kagome turned to see Sesshomaru sitting behind her, a worried look plastered on his face. She couldn’t help but to notice that he was dressed only in a black yukata, which was opened to reveal his gorgeously muscular chest. She turned back around before he could see the blush reach her face. “I’m alright. I just had a nightmare. That’s all.”

Sesshomaru turned her around and sat her in his lap. He leaned down until his face hovered over Kagome‘s. “Why are you crying? What hurt you?” He licked at the tear streaks and kissed at her eyes, tasting the sorrow in her tears. No one could hurt his Kagome.

“Sesshomaru…” Kagome brushed her thumb across his jaw line and murmured his name some more, getting his attention. She looked him straight in the eyes, her own eyes showing pain. “Sesshomaru, am I…special to you?”

Without hesitation he spoke, “Yes, Kagome…more than you think.” He desperately wanted to tell her how much he loved her. He truly loved this woman. She made him feel like before his mother died.

Kagome’s face broke out in a smile. He had to be telling the truth. Inuyasha was just a corpse loving bastard. She couldn’t help giggling a little at her thoughts. “Oh really, Sesshomaru?” Kagome decided to push things a little further by nibbling on his neck lightly, emitting a growl from the youkai.

Sesshomaru grabbed Kagome’s chin, pulling her face roughly to his. Don’t do that, Kagome. You’ll set me off.” He licked her lips before pressing his own lips against hers softly. He chuckled when she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Gomen nasai, Lord Sesshomaru…Lady Kagome.” Haruka was clearly uncomfortable in the presence of the two ‘lovers.’ “Lord Sesshomaru, Lady Rin is looking for you, and I must get Lady Kagome ready for the day.” She bowed politely before taking another step towards the two.

Sesshomaru rubbed the back of his head with annoyance. “Yes, it seems that you are right. I have other business I have to attend to anyways.” He turned to Kagome once more. “Kagome, I have something I would like to show you tonight. I will come for you at sunset.” He gave her a peck on the lips before removing himself from the ladies’ presence.

Kagome stood, feeling a bit embarrassed at the sight that Haruka had to walk in on. She giggled nervously out of habit. “Ohayou, Haruka-chan.”

“Ohayougozaimasu, Kagome. Hehe, I do believe that there is a surprise for you. Lord Sesshomaru gave me specific orders for it.” Haruka walked to the closet on her left and opened the door.

“A surprise?” Kagome liked surprises. Surprises were always good.

“Close your eyes, Kagome and do not peak.” Haruka was pretty sure Kagome would like her surprise.

<>A Few Moments Later<>

“You may open your eyes now.” Haruka was very pleased with her work.

Kagome opened her eyes and stared at her reflection. She looked absolutely beautiful. “This kimono…it’s from Sesshomaru?”

Haruka nodded her head in reply.

Kagome took a few steps towards the mirror, her eyes still wide but a smile graced her lips. “Haruka-chan…it’s absolutely beautiful!” She studied her reflection in the mirror, taking in every detail on the new kimono. It was onyx colored with golden flowers embroidered on the edges of the sleeves, the collar, and the hem. The obi was the same color as the flowers, golden. The kimono was absolutely majestic. “I love it.” It was then that Kagome noticed the blue crescent moon that adorned her right shoulder. “What’s this? This isn’t on any of my other kimonos.”

Haruka touched the moon lightly, smiling. “That is the mark of the Lady of the Western Lands, the mate of Lord Sesshomaru.” She paused for a moment to study Kagome’s expression. She was quite astonished. “It seems that Lord Sesshomaru is completely infatuated with you.”

Kagome blushed brightly. The way he’s been acting…all the things he’s been doing for her…the beautiful kimono…does this mean that he loves her? As Haruka finished up with fixing her hair, Kagome pondered more on the question at hand.


As the day went on, Kagome found herself very busy teaching reading and writing to Rin. These were a few of her duties as Rin’s caretaker. However, Kagome acted more like a mother towards Rin than she did a caretaker. The servants of the house noticed this and were quite pleased. It was about time the orphan had found a mother figure to adore.


Sunset finally approached, and as promised, Sesshomaru came to retrieve her. Kagome was in her room fixing her hair up a bit when he arrived. She saw his reflection in the mirror. He was staring at her, and it made her giggle lightly. She turned to face him, walking towards him leisurely. She giggled again as he continued to look over her.

“Kagome, you look absolutely stunning.” It was true. She was stunning. He really needed to stop staring. Reaching out his hand gracefully, he touched the crescent. “I have something to show you.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of her room. “I think you’ll like where we’re going.” He pulled her into another door, which led to what looked like a cave. Hold tight, Kagome.” He picked her up into his arms bridal style and began to run.

Kagome let a squeak. Sesshomaru was going extremely fast. She placed her head against his chest. She could hear his heartbeat…it was beating normally. This surprised her a bit.

Sesshomaru smirked. They were almost there. He slowed down to a walk when they approached a cliff. “Here we are.” He set Kagome down on her feet gently, placing his hand on her lower back for support as she stumbled a bit. Sesshomaru walked to the edge of the cliff and put out a hand to touch an invisible barrier. “Kaijo. (release)”

Kagome gasped when the most beautiful garden instantly appeared before her eyes. The moon shone down, making it seem like heaven. ‘This is amazing.’ No, it was better than amazing. In fact, there was no word to describe the beauty of it all.

“This is my private garden. I come here to meditate and train. You’re the only person I’ve ever brought here.” Sesshomaru looked around. He remembered when he found this place. He had just been wandering around the areas surrounding his castle, and he accidentally stumbled upon the garden. He had never seen anything that could rival its beauty; not until now.

“I don’t know what to say. It’s just so…” Kagome threw herself into Sesshomaru’s arms, crying tears of joy.

Sesshomaru kissed the top of Kagome’s head and caressed her hands softly. “Come. There’s more.”

Kagome nodded and let him lead her through fields of all different kinds of exotic flowers…past bonsai and sakura trees…past waterfalls and creeks…and then they stopped. They stood in front of a large weeping willow tree, its branches arching down and creating a shield from the world.

Sesshomaru pulled back the cloth like moss, creating a doorway for Kagome to step through. Once he too stepped inside, he wrapped his strong arms around Kagome’s slender waist. “Dinner, Kagome?” He whispered into her ear. He led her to a small table set up near the trunk of the tree.

Kagome sat on one of the pillows and waited for Sesshomaru to be seated next to her before she began to eat.


All throughout dinner, Sesshomaru and Kagome talked. Sesshomaru talked of his adventures. Kagome talked of her home (which baffled and amazed Sesshomaru all at once). Sesshomaru complimented Kagome once more on how beautiful she looked. Kagome thanked him for giving her said kimono.

“You’re welcome, Kagome.” Sesshomaru turned to face Kagome, his face becoming serious now. “Kagome, I didn’t bring you out here just so you can have dinner with me and see my gardens. I want to ask you something.”

‘Oh boy.’ Kagome thought. She swallowed the lump that lodged itself in her throat. ‘Here goes…’

Sesshomaru pulled out a wooden box and set it on the table between him and Kagome. “How to do this…?” He mumbled softly, his words not reaching Kagome’s ears. He cleared his throat and began. “Kagome, that day we first met; the day in my father’s tomb, I felt as if your blood was calling to me. I didn’t know what was going on. I knew Inuyasha wasn’t the one who was supposed to be with you. From that day on, whenever I was close to you, your blood would call me towards you. I willingly followed that call because I wanted to see you.” He paused, thinking of how to say his next words.

“Sesshomaru.” Kagome cupped his cheek in her hand. She felt him lean into her hand and place one of his own hands on top of hers.

He continued. “Kagome, I love you.” He looked up into her face. She was crying. He wanted to take her in his arms and hold onto her until she ceased her tears, but he had to finish. “Kagome, it would make me happy if you would become my mate. Youkai mate for life, so I promise to pro-” Before he could finish, Sesshomaru found his lips being pressed against those of Kagome’s.

Kagome pulled her lips away from Sesshomaru’s regretfully and smiled as tears leaked from her eyes. “Sesshomaru, I would be more than happy to become your mate.” She found his hand where it lay in his knee and laced her fingers with his. “I love you, Sesshomaru. This time, I know its love.”

Sesshomaru, for the first time in his, truly smiled. The woman he loved more than life just agreed to be his mate. “I would like to give something to you.” Then, he opened the wooden box to reveal the sapphire pendant he had been looking at the night before. “This pendant was given to me by my mother right before she died. It was given to her by my father when she agreed to be his mate. She told me to give this to the woman I love.” He repeated the exact words she had said to him before she passed. “It is a vow of my loyalty and undying love to you. With this, I promise to love and protect you with every part of my being.”

Kagome took the necklace to examine it further. It was an exquisite sapphire gem cut into the shape of a crescent moon, Sesshomaru’s family crest. Her fingers touched the gem. It was beautiful.

“Read the inside of the band.” Sesshomaru turned it over in her hands so she could see it better.

‘To My Most Beloved, The Lady of the West and The House of the Rising Crescent Moon.’” Kagome couldn’t help but smile. She was the new Lady of the house…she was Sesshomaru’s mate…his most beloved.

“Let me put it on you.” He gently took the necklace from Kagome’s hands and placed it around neck, fastening it in the back. “There.” He smiled again. He had gotten what he had dreamed of every night. He couldn’t be happier. “We should probably head back to the castle. We must move your things into my quarters before we retire for the night.”

Kagome nodded. Sleeping with her very powerful…drop-dead gorgeous…youkai mate doesn’t sound bad at all. Hell, she can’t wait. She looked at Sesshomaru as he picked her up bridal style and carried out of the gardens.

“Hisomeru. (hide)” Sesshomaru closed the barrier and ran off towards the castle with his beautiful mate in tow.



A/N: I am terribly sorry for not keeping my promise and not updating when I said I would. I was finishing up this chapter and my computer crashed (for probably the 8th time). I am sooo sorry. But I am on winter break now, so I decided that I would write this chapter non-stop today so I could get it done. ^^; I promise the next chapter can be expected in a much shorter time than this one was. Here is a preview for the next chapter:

<>The servants throw a little party in celebration of their new Lady. Sesshomaru and Kagome find themselves unable to sleep that night. I wonder why? *wink wink* Bow chika bow bow. How will Kagome handle her new duties as the Lady of the West? My Dear, Kagome - Chapter 5...coming soon.<>