InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My December ❯ My December ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A.N: First FanFiction ever! Please tell me what you think! Song is My December by Linkin Park. Very good song! Highly recommended to all of you who want a slow, beautiful, kinda sad song. All inspiration came from this song.

Disclaimer: AWESOME!! First diclaimer! Kay erm.. I don't own Inuyasha & Company neither do I own Linkin Park's My December! HA! You can't sue me!! :P… he… not as cool as I thought it would be but meh its still cool!! Hehe! Okay lets get this road on the show people!

Without further a due… My December..

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"Achoo!" Kagome lay on her sleeping mat sneezing and hacking as the worst part of her common cold washed over her. `*sigh* I KNEW this was going to happen 3 weeks looking for shards with nothing but a school uniform on, not the smartest move on my part... Yeah right! Like Inuyasha or anyone else was going to stop because I start to sniffle a little..' Kagome reached over her sleeping companion Shippo to search through her overstuffed yellow bag.

`No, no, no, no… BINGO!!' Kagome withdrew a tiny packet of folded cloths and carefully opened it so no traces of the plastic wrapping fell on the ground. She blew in the tissue trying not to be too loud so she wouldn't wake any of her friends from their peaceful slumbers. She looked around the campsite and carefully took everything in knowing she more than likely wouldn't be able to get back to sleep.

Snow covered tree's peeked out to catch the light off of the moon. The tiny clearing they found in the forest was covered with a warm glow coming from the fire. Kagome gazed around at all of her friends.

Sango was sleeping with a scowl on her face, probably dreaming of Miroku groping her ass again. Kagome couldn't blame her for being so cautious around the hentai houshi. I mean, if SHE had been groped constantly she might snap too. Sango's beautiful chestnut hair was framing her face very well and her eyes were squinted in thought.. or maybe annoyance, no one could tell anymore for the strange way she was acting around Miroku lately. Sango slept a respectful distance away from Miroku and kept her Harikotsu only a few feet away from her. Always the cautious one.

Kirara sat not too far away from her mistress. She slept curled in a ball in her cute little fuzzy form. She looked remotely close to a Persian cat with the amount of snow and frost that had accumulated on her soft fur. The only attribute that could define her as a youkai at this moment is if she could wake and show her crimson red eyes. She mewled in her sleep slowly starting to turn over into her mistress' arms.

She lifted her head from her sisterly friend and her furry friend and turned to Miroku. The lecherous houshi who had become a very valuable companion and addition to the group slept with his back against a large tree trunk clutching a very simple brown wool blanket to his chest. His pulled back black hair stood out sharply against the much lighter snow that had fallen over his head and shoulders. She mentally giggled, `Hmm, looks like a bad case of dandruff in this light,' she then noticed the purple smock covered hand with the prayer beads slowly raise from its owner. `What the heck is he doing? He looks like he's asleep,' she questioned softly in her mind then spoke out to the houshi.

"Miroku? Are you okay? Do you need anything?" The monk in question slowly arched his hand into a cup position and started to move the unconscious appendage up and down as if he was.. Kagome sighed and whispered to herself, "Even in his sleep."She shook her head slowly in disbelief as he started to curve his lips into a sly grin untilhis hand dropped to his side bringing the wool blanket down with it.

Kagome sighed again and went over to her half-conscious companion. She pulled the top part of the blanket up to his shoulders and wrapped it around to the back of his neck, gently tucking it against the back of the tree. `There we go, don't want him to catch a cold to.' As if on cue she started getting a small irritating pressure that started to grow into an extreme annoyance at the back of her nose. She did everything she could think of to hold back the sneeze. She bit her lip, bit her tongue, stomped on her foot, clogged her nasal passages by placing a single finger over the bridge of her nose, but all nothing was helping. Finally she couldn't hold it in anymore. She placed her hands over her mouth and nose to muffle the sound.

"MmphChooo!" Kagome mentally cursed herself as Miroku started to stir. `Eeep! Go back to sleep pleeeease!' Miroku shifted uncomfortably but fortunately for the young miko he yawned and fell limp again. Kagome breathed a sigh of relief and started back to her earlier position on her sleeping mat. She checked once more that all of her friends were infact sleeping.

"K'" Kagome startled as she glanced down at the young kitsune scooting closer to her on her mat. "Shh, Shippo, go back to sleep," she assured the young kitsune she considered her son that everything was fine. The young fuzz ball curled in her arms as he was lifted from the cold snow-covered earth. `*Sigh* and than there's Shippo." She smiled to herself as his warm fur brushed against her cheek. She gently placed the bundle of fluff inside her sleeping mat and made sure he was warm enough.

Kagome stood up and shivered as a cold wave of air brushed through her ebony tresses and wrapped around her uncovered legs. She thought silently of the last winter they had in the feudal era. It was defiantly colder then this but it was only the beginning of the cold season now and more than likely it was going to get colder a lot faster.

At least last time she had time to get warmer clothes from her home but the gale of snow that had come in was relentless. Kagome thought back to the day when they first realized they were in trouble.


"INUYASHA!!" The four-eyed monster yelled out into the northern mountain clearing. "GET YOUR FILTHY HANYOU ASS OUT HERE!!"

The hanyou in question walked slowly onto the field and examined the youkai. Yep he was ugly alright. He was almost half as big as Goshinboku and more then half as wide. He was a vile green color and Kagome could have sworn he looked exactly like one of those Cyclops she was studying in mythology class. The ogre demon stared down on the group and laughed.


Inuyasha just looked up at the huge demon and smirked. He flicked his fingers over the tip of Tetsusaiga and cracked his knuckles. "We're not the only vile disgusting things around here now are we? Kagome where's the shard?"

"Erm..In his eye!" Kagome replied enthusiastically.

"Keh, which one wench?" Inuyasha questioned through gritted teeth, obviously annoyed at the silly comment coming from the sweet girls mouth.

"In his left eye," she said a little more specifically.

"Dammit Wench he has TWO left eyes!! Ah screw it I'll just slice of his head and see what we find," Inuyasha said triumphantly and with that he pulled his sword out of its sheath and ran toward the ogre youkai with its head as it's destination.

Unfortunately for the group, they overestimated the swiftness that the youkai may possess. Just as Inuyasha brought down his sword to slash his throat the youkai seemed to disappear. Inuyasha then felt a sharp pain in his gut as a single one of the ogre's digits shoved right through him.

"HA! STUPID PATHETIC WHELP DON'T LIKE IT WHEN I POKE HIM??!!? AWW TOO BAD FOR THE WITTLE PUPPY!!" The ogre yelled triumphantly as Inuyasha coughed up blood.

"Inuyasha!!" Kagome yelled trying to see if he was still conscious.

"Stupid bastard," Inuyasha laughed coughing up more blood. "Never let down your guard when your enemy still holds something sharp and pointy," Inuyasha warned as he rammed his sword through the youkai's neck.

"RRRGH!" The youkai hissed before he dropped Inuyasha and fell to his kness gasping for breath. "YOU-U SssS-STU-PiD Ha-Ha-HANYO-UU!!!" The mighty giant yelled before he fell over and coughed another lake of blood out of his mouth.

Inuyasha smirked and walked over to the giant youkai. "Which eye wench? Point this time!"

Kagome pointed to the outer left eye and watched as Inuyasha sliced through the brown iris of the ogre. She rushed over to his side when he placed the Tetsusaiga inside its sheath with a loud `Shling.'

"Did you get the shard?" Inuyasha asked softly gasping for air and holding back the blood in the back of his throat.

"Oh," Kagome said as she reached over and dipped her hand in the black youkai blood that was glistened a purple color from the jewel shard. When she had picked it up she turned around and beamed at him. But her smile suddenly turned into a confusing scowl, turning into a worried glare.

"Inuyasha?!" She yelled running over to her fallen friend. "Inu-," she was stopped with a strangled cough followed by a grunt as he tried to get up.

"Did you get the shard?" He repeated waiting for her answer.

"Yes, let me look at your wounds you can barely stand!" She said casting a worried glance as her other companions rushed over to their side.

"Keh, W-wench I'm fine get off me," he said as he started seeing black dots whirling around in his head.

"Kagome! Inuyasha! We saw what happened are you alright?" Sango asked extremely worried for her friends well being.

"I'm fine! Now g-get off.." he tried to say as he fell to the ground unconscious.

"INUYASHA!!" Kagome yelled very worried that he was in a critical condition. "Inuyasha!? Please, please get up! Wake up! Inuyasha!? Speak to me!"

Kagome feared for the worst when he didn't show any signs of life. "Please… no…don't leave me….daddy.." She started to cry as she felt something creep in the back of her mind. Something she'd known very well but forgotten. It brought her great sadness and she blacked out falling right on top of Inuyasha's stomach where he was wounded.

"Daddy?!?" Sango, Shippo, and Miroku all said worried for their friend but at the same time extremely confused at her remark.

They all tried to rouse the two and carry them to a shelter without hurting either of them. At that exact moment, though, when Miroku grabbed his hand to reach for her to pull her off him a bright white barrier surrounded the two zapping Miroku and the others 20 feet back.

"Please…Daddy.." Kagome said as tears welled down her cheeks onto his wounds, immediately scabbing them and pulling the skin towards the centre of his belly.

At that precise moment, the snow began to fall… and the remnants of the blackish crimson fluid flowed and stained the purity of the freshly fallen snow..

"Daddy…no…mmph.." and then she was silenced, fallen into slumber…

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

She remembered that day very well but no one brought it up again for some strange reason almost as if they were afraid to speak.

"*sigh* A sister to Sango, A spiritual adversary to Miroku, and a mother to Shippo. And to you Inuyasha? What am I to you? Why did we have to grow up and make things more complicated?

Why can't we love eachother? Why does loosing you make me feel so afraid? Why can't I breath without you anymore? Why am I so freaking cold?!?" Kagome snapped out of her thoughts when she realized she was shaking and frozen to the core.

She was just about to warm herself when two red garbed arms wrapped around her shoulders and brought her up to the tree on looking the campsite.

"Keh, Dumb wench, you'll freeze to death you baka," he droned on making sure to hit every single insult with extra emphasis

"Thanks.." She mumbled feeling warm and thoroughly exhausted, "G'night Inu.." Kagome couldn't finish her sentence as sleep claimed her right there.

"Keh, whatever wench," he said then realized she was asleep, "Goodnight Kagome."

Inuyasha looked out on the snow filled horizon and sighed finally sleeping after three weeks of traveling. Being lulled by Kagome's soft even breathing and her warm pure scent.

This is my December

This is my time of the year

This is my December

This is all so c lear

This is my December

This my snow-covered home

This is my December

This is me alone

And I..

Just wish that I didn't feel

Like there was something I missed

And I..

Take back all the things I said

To make you feel like that

And I..

Just wish that I didn't feel

Like there was something I missed

And I..

Take back all the things I said to you..

And I give it all away

Just to have somewhere to go to

Give it all away

To have someone to come home to

This is my December
These are my snow-covered dreams
This is me pretending
This is all I need

And I..

Take back all the things I said

To make you feel like that

And I..

Just wish that I didn't feel

Like there was something I missed

And I..

Take back all the things I said to you..

And I give it all away

Just to have somewhere to go to

Give it all away

To have someone to come home to

This is my December

This is my time of the year

This is my December

This is all so c lear

And I give it all away

Just to have somewhere to go to

Give it all away

To have someone to come home to….

R&R!!! First chapie I've ever done!! I'm so proud! Lol okay tell me I I suck or if I should continue this story. Trust me it's good! I can just write it for me and my cousin so tell me if you want to hear more!! God Bless.

~Lily (a.k.a. LihuAmi)