InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My December ❯ In The Memory ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A.N: Alright! One review on my first chapter!! Lol okay I can explain about your problem.. The chapter wasn't there because I deleted it so I could add more.. Ehehe.. Ya sorry but its better now!! Alright another Linkin Park song called Forgotten.. Another good one by the way!

R&R Please!

Disclaimer: Don't own IY & Company or Linkin Park's forgotten, However all ideas are solely mine and I hope no one steals them. Thanks.

In The Memory…

"Tell me again why were walking AWAY from the shard rumors?!?" Inuyasha bellowed out to his female companion walking beside him. The look in his eye was annoyed and the side of his lip twitched in the cold, a clever disguise for one who angers easily.

"Because.." Kagome started with a sigh after telling Inuyasha for the 5th time that day, "I need warmer clothes, Sango and Miroku need a rest, Shippo needs more candy, and need I remind you that the stock of Ramen has been becoming increasingly low these past weeks?"

At the mention of his favorite food he wisely stopped complaining. "Keh! Fine! Once you wimpy humans get your rest were leaving!" He laid out very clearly to all of his traveling friends making sure they caught the annoyance in his voice.

"Your kindness to us is most appreciated Inuyasha," Miroku commented rolling his eyes as he walked closer to Sango. He took a step back, however, when she glanced over her shoulder and gave him a look that clearly said, `Touch-the-butt-and-you-won't-have-hands-to-touch-it-with.'

"How far away are we from Keade's village now Inuyasha?" The young kitsune popped his head out of Kagome's back-pack, obviously hiding from the cold, to ask the agitated dog demon ahead of him. Inuyasha just ignored the young ones request for an answer and stomped off through the woods.

Kagome sighed, "We should be there by nightfall Shippo. Looks like someone's a little cranky today ne?" She spoke the last part a little louder to drop a hint to the hanyou ahead. A loud `Keh' followed by some mumbling about `useless humans' could be heard. I guess he heard it then.

While all of this was going on, the young taijiya didn't notice the beaded hand that started to make a move for her posterior.


"HENTAI!! This is the very LAST time you touch me there!!" Sango said turning a very nice shade of red that tinted itself all the way to her hairline. She stomped out the exact same way Inuyasha had done and stepped in time with Kagome. "I swear one more time and he won't be living until tomorrow! If he can't keep his ha.." she never finished her sentence before a loud bellow came from ahead.

"-Looks like someone's a little cranky today ne?" Inuyasha growled under his breath and retorted with his most useful line known to date.

"Keh! Useless humans better get there acts in gear. Stupid girl. She'd be cranky to if she had that dammed houshi picking at her all morning.


Inuyasha had woken up with last night's frost coating him from head to toe. He looked down at the still sleeping girl in his arms and smiled.

`She's going to catch a lot more than a cold if she doesn't get warmer clothes soon.' He noticed the bluish tint her legs had become and looked at them worriedly.

`Stupid baka…' He nudged Kagome over in his arms so he could rotate her to lean against the tree's back. Once she was in the right position and he was sure she wouldn't slip off because of the icy dew covering the tree, he untied his haori and started to slide the warm garment off of his undershirt. That is, however, until he heard the deep chuckle of his male friend coming from below.

"Not that I blame you Inuyasha.. But would it not be a better idea if Kagome was awake before you started erm.. that?" Miroku grinned slyly as Inuyasha's face turned bright red with embarrassment.

He whipped his head around so fast Miroku thought it was going to fall off of his shoulders. His face was as red as his haori (God I'm an idiot, I thought that haori was pants and hakama was shirt.. eheh. That must've sounded a little weird that his pants were hanging at his shoulders ne?)that was half way down his arms and hanging loosely at his elbows and turning brighter as the seconds passed. His expression was one that could kill. Miroku knew right away that has comment was a bad idea. The houshi flinched on reflex.

He waited for the big bang, but none came. He unclenched his face and peeked at the branch his two companions had been resting in only to see.. nothing?? Where did they get to? Miroku gazed around the area to see Inuyasha placing Kagome in her sleeping mat.

"Oh.. trying to hide the evidence ne?" Miroku added knowing he was pushing his luck. Especially when the angry inu hanyou turned around and stormed towards him.

"Miroku!! You saw nothing got it? I'd never do that to her unlike you, you sick bouzo!" He yelled in the houshi's face. Miroku backed off but added one last comment before he walked away.

"Oh no, I didn't see anything.. but Shippo, Kirara, and Sango sure did. By the way, we're all packed and ready to go but we decided to let you two love birds sleep in a little longer." Miroku said grinning as his back turned to him.

"Na-Nani? How long has it been since sunrise?" Inuyasha asked looking at the sky noticing that it was centrally located itself and making its way over to the east.

`Shimatta! Rrr! That's the last time I try and do a favor for her!' He thought angrily but calmed down when he remembered how peaceful he felt when he had woken up with Kagome in his arms. The soft icy dew of the night had covered her hair making it slightly wavier. She had blended in with the fresh pure scent of winter that had started to pass through.

Now that he thought of it, it wasn't Kagome's fault that the snow had come. It wasn't her fault he didn't remember what had happened to him, or his wounds for that matter, the day they were attacked by that ogre youkai. I t definitely wasn't her fault though, that he couldn't control himself when he had wanted to lie next to her last night.

Inuyasha groaned and turned to the object of his thought. "Kagome? Kagome!! Oi, WENCH!!"

Kagome moaned in reply to his use of profanity towards her. "Nani Inu..'yawn'..yasha?"

"Get up were gonna be late. Or do you want to freeze your ass off?" with that he stormed off past the group. As he proceeded onward the group stared from his back to Kagome.

Kagome looked up to see the amused gazes of the entire group. "Was there something I missed?"

End Flashback..

Just as he was snapped out of his memory he caught the foreign scent of another youkai. By the smell of it, it was a weak one.

As he lowered his nose from the air he saw the opposing youkai. It was weak alright. It only looked like it was 4'11 and about as old as a 10 year old human. Inuyasha looked at him and further inspected his markings. The white slashes crossing through his neck forward and triceps and his icy violet eyes proved his youkai heritage. He gave him a skeptical look and rolled his eyes at the young one.

"Keh. What do you want shrimpy?" Inuyasha asked pointing out the insanely huge vertical distance between them.

"I am Suzakuo, son of Amira, Queen of The Central Mountains, and you," the young youkai stated coolly, "ARE DEAD!"

With that the youkai lunged at Inuyasha's throat.

"What the..?" He was silenced as the youkai wrapped itself around his throat and viciously bit at his face and strangled him. Inuyasha dug his claws into the young ones sides and yanked him off of his body before he could do anything else.

"Inuyasha we heard the yell what's wro..?" Kagome was shell-shocked at the sight that met her eyes. There was Inuyasha with a bleeding youkai child in his hands, mouth full of blood and scratches around his face. At this she rushed forward and slapped the hand that was holding onto the boy.

"Oww, Kagome what the..?"


"Mmph! Ish knot mwe! Heesh Tryinf to killuh ush!! RRR wenfch letu mwe uhp!!!" Inuyasha mumbled through the layers of dirt and earth that coated his mouth. Kagome wasn't listening to his cries, however, and stepped over to the young one that was clasping his hands over his waist in pain.

"Here," she said handing him a tourniquet. "Let me look at your wounds."

The youkai looked at Kagome eyeing her suspiciously. "Get away from me you evil witch!!" The youkai said looking petrified at the sight of her. He cautiously crawled on his hands and knees over to a tree and grasped the tourniquet tightly to his side. Suzakuo lifted up his regal hakama and check the sides of his wounds.

"Those wounds are pretty deep.." Sango said pointing it out to Miroku and the others. "Maybe we should try and help him."

Suzakuo then did something none of them were expecting, he started to cry, bawling his eyes out. He pulled hi knees up to his forehead, shifting his body into an awkward position where his tear ducts were hanging right over his waist junction.

They watched in amazement as the silvery streams of tears fell down his cheeks on his nose and dropped right onto his wounds. The skin didn't react until a couple seconds after, when it started to scab a bright lilac color forming around the marred skin. It started to stretch towards the centre and closed itself with an earsplitting sizzle.

"Oi Wench! I wasn't killing the stupid thing! You just..! Nani?" Inuyasha stopped mid-sentence at the perfect skin that greeted his eyes when he looked over to the youkai runt.

Suzakuo stood and spoke again. "Miko! How dare you change what my mother controls! You have no right witch!"

"Nani? I-I didn't do that?" Kagome spoke up a little defensively.

"Hmm, My mother wishes to speak to you. I was just going to off with the rest of the trash," he said eyeing the group and casting Inuyasha a disgusted glance. That earned him a growl. "..But I guess I should bring you along. Beware. My mother does not take kindly to rude mouths. Hold your tongue should you feel the need to curse." He gave one last look to Kagome then gave a beckoning motion to the group. "This way."

Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Kirara, and Kagome all started walking in Suzakuo's direction. That is, until Inuyasha voiced his opinion.

"You bakas aren't seriously going with that whelp are you?" he asked amusement and annoyance coating his words.

"What choice do we have?" Miroku started, "The nights are colder and because of this detour we won't make it to Keades tonight. Besides his clothing and the way he carries himself obviously proves he is of regal importance. Let's just `check it out' as Kagome says. At first sight of danger we may all leave."

Inuyasha growled out and then sighed as he followed after his pack.

`Sigh' "Chikusyo!!"

Central Mountain Estate:

"Suzakuo, I asked for you to bring me the miko that has caused this disturbance. Not her entire entourage." Queen Amira stated coldly.

The young youkai bowed to his mother respectfully before answering her politely, "Forgive me mother. The Hanyou's strength intrigued me and I doubt if I had gotten rid of the other humans and youkai that they would have co-operated to come along."

"You are wise for one so young my son," she stated, motherly pride drowning in her slick voice, "Miko," she continued, "You have done something unforgivable." She then turned to face the group.

Everyone gasped at what they saw. She was beautiful. She had long flowing icy blue hair and eyes that matched it. She had the same markings as her son, white slashes across her face and triceps. However, unlike her sons, these could barely be seen against her pale milky flesh. The pendant around her neck was the same icy blue as her eyes. She wore a long white kimono with ice blue cherry blossoms scripted around the fringe and frame for detail. She looked absolutely stunning. Sango restrained Miroku knowing what he was thinking at that moment.

"You have changed the course of nature. This is not for you to decide miko, that is my decision," she said glaring at Kagome, her emotionless expression flashing with annoyance, "You have not been given this power. How can you have done such a feat?" She asked then waved her hand flashing her silver ring as it whipped around. "It matters not. To make sure you may never do this again I will destroy you."

With this Inuyasha pushed Kagome behind himself and pulled out Tetsusaiga. "Over my dead body will you lay one of your hands on her!" He yelled out to the agitated queen.

Her emotionless façade came back and she glared at the hanyou. "Forgive me. I did not know that you and the young miko were courting each other. I will not stand in the way of future pups, for I know how I would feel if I had lost Suzakuo."

That comment earned red faces from the two and Inuyasha let down his guard long enough for the queen to evaporate and reappear behind Kagome and Inuyasha.

"Allow me to see what caused this to happen. I promise I won't hurt you."

With that she placed one hand over Kagome's heart and one over her forehead and chanted:

Harsh as the night

Snow hear my plight

Unveil her memory

Bring to me the reason…

Then a bright light flashed in Kagome's head. And images of her home. But.. who is that?


Kagome as a young girl standing with a tall handsome man laughing as the leaves fell onto the shrine grounds around them.


Kagome running around as the last leaf in the shrine trees had fallen to the ground. Laughter can be heard erupting from her mouth.


The laughter stops.


Kagome's mother is screaming.


Kagome is running, she's not laughing…


Tetsusaiga is shown. Its tip is blood-stained.


Her father on the ground bleeding.


Kagome, the same age as she is now (16) is crawling through pools of blood. Silvery tears roll down her cheeks and make her eyes red.


An angel appears. She is sad.


Another angel.. Her aura is dark and angry






The queen steps back from the confused miko. A horrified expression on her face.

"I insist you stay here tonight," she said her voice shaky and uneven, "Stay…Suzakuo, have someone direct them to there rooms.. I-I must retire for the evening. Domo Arigato.."

The queen then walked unsteadily to her wing of the palace. Everyone stared at her back then turned to Kagome who looked near fainting.

"Kagome?" Inuyasha asked as her knees gave out from under her. He picked her up and nodded to Suzakuo, "Where is her room?"

Suzakuo led them to the southern part of the castle. He pointed Miroku and Shippo to a room on the left. Sango and Kirara, a room to the right. Then came to a large pair of double doors and said to Inuyasha, "This will be yours and the miko's chamber. I assure you my mother meant no harm. She will be fine in the morning."

Inuyasha turned red and said to the young youkai, "Keh! We're not courting each other! Your old woman isn't as wise as she says she is ne?"

"Forgive me Inuyasha-sama. I was merely assuming, but unfortunately this is the last room. It will accommodate the both of you even though you are not courting each other. Goodnight."

Suzakuo bowed and walked in the direction they came from. Inuyasha stared down at Kagome and sighed. `Keh.. Whatever then.' With that, he walked through the artistically carved oak doors.

`I don't know what happened to you Kagome but I promise if she hurt you she'll never touch you again.' Inuyasha placed Kagome on the huge bed and pulled the covers over her shoulders.

"Goodnight Kagome, Sweet Dreams" Inuyasha said affectionately then hopped to the other side of the room to the window seat where he kept eyes focused on Kagome and the exterior of the castle.

Little did he know that Kagome's dreams were as far from `Sweet' as you can get….

From the top to the bottom
Bottom to top I stop
At the core I've forgotten
In the middle of my thoughts
Taken far from my safety
The picture is there
The memory won't escape me
But why should I care?

There's a place so dark you can't see the end
(Skies cock back) and shock that which can't defend
The rain then sends dripping acidic questions
Forcefully, the power of suggestion
Then with the eyes tightly shut looking thought the rust and rotten dust
A spot of light floods the floor
And pours over the rusted world of pretend
The eyes ease open and its dark again

In the memory you'll find me
Eyes burning up
The darkness holding me tightly
Until the sun rises up

Movingall around
Screaming of the ups and downs
Pollution manifested in perpetual sound
The wheels go round and the sunset creeps past the
Street lamps, chain-link, and concrete
A little piece of paper with a picture drawn
Floats on down the street till the wind is gone
The memory now is like the picture was then
When the paper's crumpled up it can't be perfect again

In the memory you'll find me
Eyes burning up
The darkness holding me tightly
Until the sun rises up

Now you got me caught in the act
You bring the thought back
I'm telling you that
I see it right through you

In the memory you'll find me
Eyes burning up
The darkness holding me tightly
Until the sun rises up

Until the sun rises up….

R&R Please.. hope you liked it ^.^. God Bless.
