InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Destiny ❯ Strange Feelings ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Destiny

By Lady MoonShadow1

Disclaimer: I don't own diddly squat, so there.

Author's note and Warning: Rated "R" for later chapters. Fic will contain sex, violence, multi-lingual swearing, angst, romance and maybe more, I haven't decided yet. Constructive criticism is welcome, flames are not.

Chapter 1

Kagome walked silently to the well. If her mother found her out of bed at this hour she was sure to get a lecture, especially considering her destination. Her mother sometimes had problems with the fact that she traveled with so many males as it was. Sneaking off to see Inu Yasha in the middle of the night wasn't going to make it better. She was surprised, really. She had been back in her own time for nearly eight days. He never left her alone that long, ever. But she had been too distracted recently to really wonder why he hadn't come.

She slid open the door to the mini-shrine and closed it carefully after herself. Without a second thought she jumped into the well.

Landing, she looked up to see the starry night sky. She climbed up and looked for Inu Yasha. ^Where could he be?^ She wondered. His nose was sharp enough to smell a drop of her blood all the way on the other side of the well, so surely he knew she was there. She would have called for him except that she knew that there wee dangerous things that hunted this forest at night and making noise would call them as well. She sat on the edge of the well to think for a moment. At least from here she could escape quickly if needed. She wouldn't have even come here at night if she had just been able to sleep. For three nights she had not slept. All she did was toss and turn feeling restless. During the day, she couldn't concentrate on her work. She had a feeling that Inu Yasha might at least have some idea about what was going on with her.

"Good evening, my mate."

Kagome gasped and looked in the direction of the voice. "Oh, hello, Kouga-kun. You startled me." He looked a little different tonight. More handsome. He smelled nice, too.

Kouga walked up too her, smiling. "Why are you alone? I don't often find you without Inu-korro around." He sniffed the air. "It is lucky for him that he isn't near you now. I really would have to kill him." Kouga reached up a hand and softly touched her cheek. It made her close her eyes and sigh softly. His touch made her skin burn. "Poor thing, you've been miserable for at least a couple of days, haven't you?"

Kagome nodded.

"How many?"


He kissed her suddenly and she found herself falling into the kiss. Her arms wrapped around his neck holding him close. He broke the kiss and she was breathless, her eyes widened in desire. Suddenly he picked her up and began running, but she didn't care. Her mind had been nearly lost to the feel of the kiss. After a few minutes she was able to speak. "Kouga?"


"Why do I feel this way? This isn't normal. Not for humans, at least."

"You're in heat. Because you're a Youkai's mate, you go into a Youkai heat. The only one you will react this way towards is the one you are destined to be with. I felt your need tonight and came to find you. I told you that you were my mate, Kagome."

"How long will this last? I need to sleep eventually."

"It will get stronger and stronger until we mate."


He raised an eyebrow at the nervous tone in her voice. "What?"

"I just don't know if I am ready to…mate…yet. Before tonight I had never even been kissed." She blushed at the revelation.

Kouga smiled gently. "Don't worry. I'll be gentle. To be honest, you'll be in greater pain if we don't mate. Your body will ache after another day or two. I don't want you to hurt. I will take care of you and our pups, Mate"

"Pups?" She hadn't thought of that.

"Of course. Your body is saying that it is ready to have pups. That's what heat is," He said, sounding a little edgy. "Don't you want my pups?"

"I just don't know if I'm ready to be a mother. What if I'm not good at it? I want to be a good mom." She hoped he understood. She was just a little scared.

"You will be a wonderful mother. You've already shown good instincts for it with the way you've been raising that kitsune. Shippo, isn't that his name?

"Yes. Are you sure that it will be okay?

" You'll be fine. Besides, everyone in the whole pack always help raise pups. We're home," he said gently as he set her down in the cave. Somehow she hadn't noticed the cold waterfall. She didn't leave his side as they walked towards Kouga's bed.

Ha Ha Ha! I'll bet at the beginning you probably thought that this was an IY/K story, huh? I'm saving the good stuff for next chapter, so make sure to Review, okay?