InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Destiny ❯ Pain, Fear, and Betrayal ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Destiny

Disclaimer: If you don't know by now you probably can't read anyway…

A/N: Violence, language, rape, sex, pain…all those happy things…Consider yourself warned.

Extra Warning: Rape victims advised not to read this chapter; it may invoke memories.

P.S. Lots of exclamation points, too. Gomen.

Chapter 5

The hunting party had just finished packing up and was about to head home when a panicked group of wolves and demons burst out of the tree-line. "Kouga! <pant> Kouga! <gasp> He took her! <huff> The dog's got <pant> Kagome-neesan!"

"NANI?!? How the HELL did he get her?"

"He came forward before any of us could react and grabbed her. We came to find you but most kept chasing him."

"Let's go then, my mate and pups are in danger! I'm going to kill that fucking dog!" Kouga roared and sped off toward the dens faster than even he had ever gone before, totally enraged at the mutt's actions.


Kagome awoke to a pounding head, `What happened…oh, my head hurts. Where am I? (GRRR) And what's that sound?' She opened her eyes to see…Inu Yasha…in his demon form…WITHOUT his necklace. `Oh, SHIT!'

"Um, Inu Yasha, where is your rosary?" He gave an odd smirk, still growling as he moved towards her, red eyes glowing with lust. Kagome trembled, scooting back until she bumped a cold stone wall. The red-eyed demon lunged, pulling her up so that she stood trapped between his body and the stone facing. He leaned down and kissed her hard on the mouth. His tongue roughly forced it's way past her lips pressing firmly against her tonsils. Kagome couldn't breathe. In desperation, she bit his tongue. He pulled away with a yelp and Kagome gasped for breath. Inu Yasha snarled and struck the girl hard across the face. She fell to the ground, Inu Yasha pinning her arms and legs. He barked fiercely at her when she continued to fight him and bit her shoulder hard making Kagome scream in pain. He rubbed his arousal against her core as he licked the wound he'd made and moved both of her hands over her head to be held in one hand.

"Please, Inu Yasha…Don't…please…" she sobbed. The Demon ignored her pleas and snaked his free hand down her side, under her skirt, and began fingering her slit. Kagome was still fighting him, though she knew it was futile. He was so much stronger than herself. Without the prayer beads to activate the spell, her only hope was that Kouga would make it in time to rescue her. Her thoughts were interrupted by Inu Yasha slamming hard into her. She screamed again at the intrusion. He bit her again as he began to thrust hard into her rapidly. He was using his youkai strength to speed his pace. She could only sob as he abused her body, taking everything he wanted. Finally she felt hot fluid stream into her, a few more thrusts and he fell onto her, spent. Kagome lay beneath him, sore from head to toe and exhausted from crying. She honestly couldn't move an inch, even though all she wanted to do was shove his body off herself and run as fast as she could for the wolf dens. >What…A shard!…Coming fast!…KOUGA!!!<

Suddenly, "Inu-Korro, get out here and face me. I want my woman back! I swear if you've hurt her you will die as slowly and painfully as possible. Damn it! Get out here!"

"Kouga!" Kagome called out. Kouga could hear the pain and exhaustion in her voice and had a pretty good idea of what had happened.

Inu Yasha stirred and began to lift himself off of her. Confused amber eyes looked at her. He took in the information his hyper senses presented to him and paled. "Kagome…"

Kouga chose that moment to enter the cavern. "Kagome! How could you, Mutt! You had no reason to do any of this!" Kouga rushed forward and slammed his knee into Inu Yasha's stomach, knocking the wind out of him and putting him into the stone wall. Kouga leaned down and picked Kagome up from the floor, cradling her against his chest. "First, you kidnap my woman, then, you kill over half of my pack, and now…now you have the nerve and the lack of honor to violate a woman who considered you among her best friends." The remaining members of the tribe arrived and Kouga handed his precious mate to Hakkaku.

"Take her home…I'll take care of him…"

"Yes, Sir! Let's go, Sister." The wolves left, Kagome in the center for safety.

Ooohhh, showdown! I NEED REVIEWS!!!

Ja Ne!