InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy My Love ❯ Chapter 12

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha. Rumiko Takahashi does.



Chapter: 12



Menomaru's castle:



In the throne room Menomaru waited for Sesshomaru's arrival. His wife Kaguya was to his left his son Miroku to his right. Sango stood by Miroku with a worried expression on her face. Something just didn’t feel right, as if today was going to change there lives in a big way.



Menomaru looked to his wife and gave her a reassuring smile. "Don’t worry my love everything will be alright." Kaguya smiled back but that did not ease her. "Just stay calm and let me do all the talking." He said just before one of the guards announced Sesshomerus presence.



Sesshomeru walked in with his mate and two guards by his side. "I am glad you changed your mind King Menomaru." Sesshomeru nodded his head in respect to the King before him, then extended his hand for his mate. "This is Rin my mate and queen." He introduced her and she bowed as well.



Menomaru then proceeded to introduce his royal family starting with his queen and ending with Sango. "Now that everyone is aquatinted shall we begin negotiations?" Sesshomeru said.



"King Menomaru … I understand your hesitation … I am not the evil war lord they claim me to be." Menomaru begins to growl low in his throat. ~If that were the case then why have you been hiding my daughter? ~ He thought as Sesshomeru continued. "We need to trust each other … a joining between our kingdoms will be-"



Sesshomeru was cut off by Menomaru's out raged ranting. "TRUST! … How can we trust the likes of you! … We know you have our daughter!" Sesshomeru smirked. "Do you mean Kagome?"



"Where is she … please where is my Kagome?" Kaguya asked in a begging manner that Sesshomeru almost felt sorry for her. He then looked to his man on the right of him and the guard walked to the entrance of the throne room and opened the doors.



Kaguya gasped at the site of her Daughter walking in with a tall hansom hanyou that resembled Sesshomeru a bit. Kagome saw her mother and ran into her embrace. Kaguya and Menomaru hugged their daughter tight. Harry to see that she was UN harmed and in good health. Menomaru turned to Sesshomeru as Kagome hugged the rest of her family.



"You have given me back my daughter and for that I am grateful … I shall grant your wish and sign your peace treaty." Sesshomeru shook his head. "You misunderstand King Menomaru." Menomaru looked confused. He thought Sesshomeru was showing good will and giving him back his daughter.



"I can not give you back what does not belong to me." Kaguya was the one to be both confused and scared. "What do you mean Lord Sesshomeru?" she asked in a fear full way. Inuyasha stepped up and held out his hand to Kagome who was being held tight by her sister-in-law. Kagome looked at inuyasha then back to her family and smiled warmly. "It's alright." She reassured them before she took Inuyasha's hand and let him pull her into his embrace.



Sesshomeru continued. "You see there is no need for a treaty because our Kingdoms are already bonded." Kaguya looked to her daughter fearing she already knew what Sesshomeru was getting at. "What is he talking about? … Kagome" and just as Kagome was about to answer her mother Menomaru screamed "NO!" and went to grab Kagome from Inuyasha's embrace. (A.N. big mistake.)



In the blink of an eye Kagome was shoved protectively behind inuyasha as he quickly drew his Fang and pointed it at her father. A fearce growl erupted from inuyasha as he stared at the man who dared attempt to take his mate from him. Kagome looked from her father to her mate fear seeping into her sent. She pulled Inuyasha's arm gently and begged him to put his sward away. Menomaru's guards surrounded them ready to make a move.



"What will you do kill me boy?" he said in an almost sinister voice. "Inuyasha … please." Kagome began only to be cut off by Inuyasha's out burst. "BITCH … do you not understand what he is trying to do!" inuyasha immediately regretted yelling at her when she flinched and a faint sent of tears stung her eyes. He tried to calm himself some so he would not scare her.



"I will not let ANYONE take my mate away from me not even your father." Everyone was shocked to hear this. Did he say his mate no it must be some mistake. (A.N: is it just me or did that rhyme?) Miroku was the first to come out of his shock. "Kagome … is what he says true." He looked to his sister but inuyasha answered him rudely. "Are you calling me a liar?"



Miroku just ignored him and continued to look at his sister waiting for her answer. He would know if she lied or not. Kagome looked over to Miroku a light blush forming on her cheeks witch didn’t go UN noticed by the rest of them and she nodded yes.



Menomaru let his temper get the better of him as he began to rant and rave again. He ordered the guards to cease them and yelled. "You must have raped her! Taken her by force! Such is not a real matting!" inuyasha growled at the words that were coming out of his mouth. He was about to shut that big mouth of his when Sesshomeru pulled a hand out to stop him.



Sesshomeru was usually a cool calm and collective guy. But what Menomaru was saying just pissed him off to no end. "You dare imply my little brother to be a rapist!" his tone stern and deadly. Even Menomaru wavered. "From the very moment my brother lay eyes on your daughter he has done everything in his power to keep her safe! I knew right away that she would be his mate! And for you to accuse him of harming her in anyway is simply unforgivable!"



At that moment Kagome decided to speak up pushing her way past her overly protective mate to stand in front of her father. "Please listen to me. I am not lying when I say Inuyasha did not hurt me in anyway." Menomaru looked to his daughter in disbelief. "I know my own daughter would not…. Mate with my enemy." Kagome's shoulders slumped as tears welled in her eyes. "I love him." she whispered so low that her father strained to hear her.



At that moment Kaguya decided it was time to do something before all hell broke loose in her throne room. So she went to he daughter and hugged her tight as she looked to her husband and said "Love is all that matters here … and through our daughters love … your enemy has become our greatest ally. And peace can once again be upon these lands."



Menomaru stared at his wife for a long moment. What she said was true in every sense of the word but things were not as simple as they seemed. He still had that arrangement with Daitetsu. What will happen once he finds out Kagome is fare from dead and already taken. Kagome brought Menomaru back from his thoughts. "Father please don’t hate me." She said in a shaky voice. Inuyasha didn’t like that at all he wanted to rip him apart for making her feel this way. Miroku was thinking along the same line as inuyasha at the moment.



"Of course he doesn't hate you Kagome." Miroku said as he went and hugged his sister then looked to his father. "Right father? You only have her best interest at heart … isn't that right father." Everyone in the room noticed the underline tension in his tone but said nothing of it. "I … I just want you to be happy." He said then Kagome rushed into his arms. She was so happy he didn’t hate her. Now her only problem was getting her mate and father to like one another.







&nb sp;

A.N: so sorry it took me so long to update and I'm doubly sorry it's short. Been kinda busy but I promise I'll try my best to keep it coming.