InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Fair Kagome...Will You Ever Be Mine? ❯ The New Rival ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*Pokes*Pokes*…*Quickly hides behind a shield* Gomen nasai!! I haven't updated since November due to the fact that I had to study for my exams!! (This takes place from January 16th throughout January 20th) And since the term was ending, the teachers took great joy in hurling tons of projects and homework due in a ridiculously short period!
Since I was done my computer project in class and had five free periods, I would frequently work on this chapter. In spite of this, for some reason the server went down (We have Macs as our computers at school) so I wasn't always able to work on it.
We also had to start our June mock English leaving high school exam. The exam is around nine hours in length. (It's broken up of course, in the June exam it's a period of three days/3 hours each) We're presented three different texts and then we have to write a minimum 600 word essay (Either: Literary, Personal, Argumentative, Short Story or some other ones.) So you can imagine which form I chose right? Short story!! Then after the essay we have to write a reflection (minimum: 200 words) writing about why we wrote the piece.
I did a short story between Kagome and Sesshoumaru of course ~^^~ If you readers want me to post the short story I did for the mock exam, I will…On the condition that a minimum of five readers request it. It matters not if the requests come from,, or the Kagome/Sesshoumaru website! Otherwise…I'll feel humiliated and embarrassed if I post it and no one reads it.
Other than that…ENJOY THE LONG AWAITED CHAPTER!! Don't forget to read and review!! Onegai!! ~^^~
Kagome cocked her head to the side in confusion, not understanding about Kouga's abrupt departure. Soon Kagome had her thoughts centered on the attention that the youkai was lavishing on her. She laughed quietly at the lock of silver hair that draped across her own shoulder, smirking she took the tress of hair and played with it contentedly in her hands.
Sesshoumaru growled in bliss at the way Kagome was openly accepting his interest in her. Perhaps with a little more persuasion he could win her yet. Leaning down a bit he softly nipped at her delicate ear and leaned his nose downwards to her, nuzzling and purring contentedly near her neck.
“Sesshoumaru-sama?” Kagome inquired quietly.
“Sesshoumaru.” The youkai responded in a gruff voice, his arms still imprisoning her still form.
“Nani?” A frown of confusion befell on the miko's beautiful face.
“Sesshoumaru.” The inu insisted towards the dark haired princess, raising his head to inhale her fragrance in her hair.
“Sesshoumaru?” Kagome leaned her head back to the youkai's shoulder to see his response.
“Hai.” He inclined his head to give Kagome an open mouth kiss on her neck.
They stayed in that position, enjoying the other's company. Sesshoumaru, holding Kagome in his arms, while the female continued to play with the male's silver locks.
If another had come across the pair, one would have had believed that the two were well acquainted and were lovers.
However nothing is always as it seems.
As the two characters were embracing, little did they know that another male had stepped into the picture to try and win the fair lady Kagome's heart.
“Naraku! What a pleasant surprise! I wasn't expecting you to appear at the gathering today.” InuTashio's voice boomed throughout the entrance hall.
Naraku inclined his head as a bow of respect. “I actually heard that the fair Lady Kagome-sama would be within the vicinities.”
“Oh ho! What is this? You desire the hand of my future daughter-in-law as well?” The elder male sighed in sympathy for his son. “Sesshoumaru will have a fine time fending off all the ravaging male hormones. Even if he does claim her, he'll still need to keep her close to his side for I believe they will not relinquish their own claim from Kagome-chan.” The current Western Lord surmised.
Naraku forced a smile on his lips as he heard the bumbling fool continue to speak. Inwardly he was plotting…Plotting on how to gain the favor of Kagome. It would be a difficult task ahead for him, but he would find a way to manage somehow. For if he did, he would be the victor and would have won against the arrogant bastard named Sesshoumaru.
He could imagine them now, oh what a sight their children would be. Their offspring would inherit both of their parents demonic and purifying powers and they too will have dark hair. Naraku took great delight on their future children, since he would immensely enjoy the act of creating them with Kagome.
Oh yes, the screaming of pleasure that would tear out of her unearthly fair throat and the encouraging moaning for him to pound into her faster. Faster he would thrust within her lithe body and louder her screams would ensue.
He would take her from behind, from the wall, from many other places that his wicked mind could conjure. Consequently they would have many children in the household. No matter, for Naraku would fuck her even more, with more vigor. Making sure that by the time he was done with one mating session, Kagome would beg for him to commence another.
She would reward him for his efforts by enclosing that wet cavern of her mouth around his hard throbbing cock, slowly gaining speed with the bobbing of her dark hair between his thighs. Yes! He would thread his hands through her hair and watch in amazement at the sheer pleasure that his mate would offer him. He would lean his head back and groan loudly as his climax approached.
However, before he would reach completion the little minx would withdraw looking up at him with teasing eyes. Slowly she would push him back so he would lie on his back. Quicker than the eyes could follow, she would be on top of him sheathing him completely to the hilt and clench her vaginal muscles around his hard sword. In response he would buck his hip to start the ritual. Though before he could begin, her hands would stray to steady his legs.
Confusion would be written on his face and Kagome would laugh wantonly. Tortuously, she would bend over his chest with her beautiful long hair sliding along his body, causing his erection to grow harder. Her hard nipples would graze lightly over his chest and her now experienced hands would cup, deliberately fondling his hard sacs. As she continued her previous actions, she leaned even further down. Her mouth nipping and licking into his ear, she would whisper quietly. “Cum for me now, Naraku.”
Hearing those erotic words spew from her perfect mouth with her melodic voice, would do him in and he would proceed to growl her name out, not caring who had heard the name of the woman that had pleased him so.
She would laugh delightfully, her laughter soon turning into a passionate moan as Naraku's cock would once again turn rock solid. This would lead to her screams of fulfillment and Naraku thrusting her faster and faster, occasionally withdrawing to suck on her over-sensitive clit. They would both attain several orgasms that night, only stopping to regain their breath, afterwards their mind blowing sex would initiate once more.
A clearing of the throat brought Naraku out of his reverie. To his horror, his proud stallion rose up like a beacon calling to the mare that it desired.
“Sumi masen.” Naraku said hurriedly and proceeded to cover the scent of his arousal. The only problem left to deal with was that the need to relieve himself was becoming more and more apparent. Naraku shifted uncomfortably under the stern gaze of his superior.
InuTashio smirked, “No need. Apparently that is the initial reaction that the males are getting once they think of my attractive future daughter-in-law. I distinctly recall smelling the scent of arousal in the air, belonging to Kouga-san if I remember correctly.”
“Kouga? You mean the Lord of the Northern lands?” Naraku stared at the inu general with disbelief in his eyes, “You mean to say that he is here as well?”
InuTashio nodded his head in agreement, “Yes, I believe he is here with the intent of obtaining Kagome-chan as his aite as well. Despite the fact that Kagome is already betrothed to my heir. May I ask if you are here with the objective of wooing Kagome as well?”
Naraku clenched his hands into a fist, outraged that another man wanted what was to be his, “You have no qualms that I desire Kagome-san as well? Even at the risk of you losing her as your daughter-in-law?”
The Western Lord's chest rumbled with laughter, “Of course I have none. It is Kagome's choice to choose her mate she is the daughter I never had, although it would be preferable for her to decide on my son. Nevertheless, in the outcome I truly wish for her happiness.” His eyes twinkled with laughter and mirth, “But on the other hand, I could never say no to a good cock fight between the three Lords of the Lands now can I?”
The Southern Lord inclined his head once again to take leave of the presence of the Western Lord. Inutashio sensing his motives allowed him his leave.
Naraku fled to his chambers, his distress more evident now. His brows were glistening with sweat and his cock tightened at the thought of Kagome being his. He cursed inwardly and slammed the door with one hand while the other struggled to free his cock from its tight confines of a prison.
With both hands now liberated, instantly he brought his hand down and embarked on a fantasy that he himself created. Another realm where only Kagome and he existed, exploring the satisfaction that only the other could provide for their body. Naraku's unoccupied hand laid clenching at his thigh as his climax neared.
Grunting, he brought the hand down to massage his balls. Never once did he slow down the pace on the contrary, he jerked his hands harder and faster with the image of a naked splendor by the name of Kagome underneath him.
At last he moaned out her name loudly, though it was not enough. He craved HER BODY and not HIS HAND. For the time being he would just have to accommodate his need with his hands, and maybe a few wenches that so closely resembled to the woman he yearned for.
Naraku sighed and moved to compose himself. For this night he would dine with Kagome in the dining hall. Thinking of her stirred his cock once more, groaning in annoyance he thought of the unsatisfying bitches that had graced his bed prior to his arrival in the Eastern Lands. What were their names again? He paused momentarily to ponder and tried to recall the name of the owners. Ah yes, that was it. It was Kikyo and Kagura who had shared his futon.
In ways they strongly looked similar to the princess, though the female who frequented his bed the most was Kikyo, this was solely because she looked like an exact replica of the heiress. When he climaxed it was Kagome's name that he moaned, and in his mind's eye, it was Kagome's body that had held his body in rapture, and more importantly it was Kagome's body that he was making love to. Not some common wench that could be dealt out with like yesterday's trash.
On the other hand, he could not afford to become too selective when it came to wenches. Kikyo took immense delight in fucking him and she was the closest thing to the real one until he could get his hands on her. She would be his toy until it could be discarded. The only thing he did not approve of her was that she clung to him, and it was simply annoying.
He brought to mind the scene just before he left his lands.
Kikyo was there in Naraku's embrace, stroking and shuffling his dark locks. Naraku bent over her, suckling lightly on her breast and playing with her clit. The blasted woman had at times threatened Naraku to leave him and to never to return.
She thought that I could not live with her? Think again woman. He thought to himself quietly.
When Kikyo saw that Naraku did not follow her to beg her to not leave him, it was she who came back claiming she saw the errors of her ways. Kikyo therefore would apologize profusely that it was her fault and not his that she had left. Seeing the imitation of Kagome's face defenseless and vulnerable ensued a rough temporary release of a mating.
“Naraku?” Kikyo asked hesitantly all the while continuing to comb through his hair with her hands.
Naraku let out a grunt to hear what the woman required now. The last thing he needed from her was to confess that she carried his child.
“Why is it always another female by the name of Kagome that you always call out when you reach your fulfillment?” As these words left her mouth, she yelped in pain.
Naraku had nipped down on her nipple as punishment to silence her. “Because Kikyo, it is the female Kagome that I desire for. You are no more then a baggage of flesh for me to use until I get the real thing.” He laved her nipples with his tongue, “Do not delude yourself that I will eventually develop sentiments and feeling where you are concerned. You are merely a temporary relief for me.”
Kikyo bit her lip as she saw the predatory gleam in his eyes. She had hoped against all hope that he would come to love her. She crushed down any feelings of remorse she felt at that moment and nodded her head in understanding.
Naraku's cock roused up, since at the moment he had conjured another nude image of the fair Kagome. With the picture in mind, he thrust his hard cock into the willing wench that had submitted to being called Kagome.
Kikyo…Or shall we call Kagome; shriek as his experienced and knowledgeable hands roamed over her body.
Naraku whispered deliciously near her ear, “My Kagome, do you enjoy what I am doing to you? Do you feel my hands touching and tweaking your nipples? You feel so good underneath me Kagome.”
Kikyo moaned at the dirty words that were said from him. In her mind, she heard him call her Kikyo, in her mind he was making love to her. She was coming close to orgasm.
“Now, now Kagome, be fair…We must enjoy this together,” Naraku said seductively as he sensed his Kagome about to reach paradise. He picked up speed and rocked into her faster, “Together now Kagome…”
Kikyo shrieked as his hands traversed downwards and flicked her clit, Naraku in turned exploded and moaned the name of the woman he obsessed for.
When the aftereffects of the mating extinguished, Naraku gained back his sanity and it was Kikyo that laid next to him in slumber. Not Kagome, though it didn't hurt to imagine it was Kagome when he was screwing her…Did it?
Naraku gathered some of his belongings and advanced to the doorway to leave for the Eastern Lands, never once looking back at the woman that lay sleeping on his bed. For it was mush easier to leave with her dormant, he did not wish to have a migraine when he greeted his obsession in person.
Naraku smirked at the memory. Soon his prize would be attainable, and he can finally rid himself of the look alike Kagome.
Yes, he wanted, desired…Nor yearned to be in the presence of Kagome, for she was the sunlight that he needed to thrive.
The Southern Lord groaned out loud, who knew a woman such as Kagome would be desired by all the reigning Feudal Lords?
As of the moment, it was heir to the Western Lands that had a lead in the game. This was merely because Sesshoumaru was betrothed to the female when she was younger and distraught at the death of her brother.
Lucky bastard. Thinking this Naraku fumed. Seeking comfort he reached for the cup on his dresser table and filled it with the saké that was closely accompanied by it.
Then the last would be the Northern Lord. How did he ever get the chance to meet Kagome in the first place? Nevertheless, he too had a fair advantage over himself. She was acquainted to him and was familiar to his company, whereas he was never heard of until today.
Glaring at his reflection when he reflected his current situation did not dampened his mood. Conversely it added fuel to the rage that was building within. He threw the cup in his hands at the blasted image that mocked at him from the mirror.
Trembling he slipped into his futon to attempt to sleep off his anger, but to no avail. The one thing he did succeed in having was another marble solid erection. Naraku sighed wearily and closed his eyes, willing the damn thing to go back into a dormant state.
Chapter done! ~^^~ Wait until the next chapter! I think you guys will greatly enjoy the next chapter!! Me and my evil ways!
Well now you have it, Naraku and Kouga also after our Fair Lady Kagome!! ~^^~ So there you go for Naraku lovers!! One of my reviewers suggested to add Naraku into the trio ~^^~ And there you have it! It's no longer a complicated love triangle…But I square!! Nyhahahahahaaa!! *Snickers some more*
No one seemed to understand the dirty joke I implied by labeling the title as “The Outcome” Get it? Kouga? Cum? No? *Sighs at the level of hentai-ness in her brain* F34R Corr-chan and her hentai mind!! *Attempts to make ghostly sounds* Whoooo!!
I always imply what is going to happen in the chapter by the name of the title.
The only vocabulary word that you probably don't know that I used was
Sumi masen = Sorry (Another term to use instead of Gomen nasai)
Well other than that, I have to go to bed because it is now 11:40pm and I have my Economics exam in less than twelve hours!!
Wish me luck on my remaining exams!! ~^^~
Matte ne!! ~^^~ Until the next chapter ne? I will most likely update soon, which should probably be within early February! No promises though! My CEGEP (College) applications are coming in soon and I have to choose one!! *Gasp!!* Oh woe is Corr-chan!! She doesn't know whether to choose Dawson or Vanier!! GAH!!!
*Authoress runs away in confusion*