InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Fair Kagome...Will You Ever Be Mine? ❯ The Dream ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A wave of terror swept over Kagome Higurashi, snatching her breath instantly away. She begun to run the moment her eyes laid on the dark fearsome horse, knowing instinctively that it would pursue her. Relentlessly! It was both huge and terrifying!
An icy shiver slithered down her spine. Her midnight tresses tumbled wildly about her shoulders, as she pulled up her kimono high, baring her long slim legs, in a desperate attempt to escape from being trampled by the cruel hooves. Her lungs felt as if they would burst as she gasped for that just one more breath that would enable to bring and carry herself to safety. Her pulse hammered inside her eardrums, deafening her as she turned to look over her shoulder. Kagome's eyes widened in horror and a scream was torn from her throat as she saw the black forelegs rise above her, then helplessly she tumbled beneath the murderous black hooves.
Kagome's eyes flew wide open. Slowly, she became aware of all her surroundings. She was lying on her futon, her hair a wild tangle, her sleeping kimono twisted about her body so that her long legs were bared. Heaving a ragged sigh of relief, she sat up.
“Kagome!! What's wrong?!” Sango cried as she flung the bedchamber door open. Her hiraikotsu was poised and ready for flight if it was necessary. Sango padded barefoot across the spacious bedchamber never letting her guard down.
Kagome tossed back her hair in a gesture to indicate that she was in no grave peril and to reassure her friend. “It was nothing, Sango.” Sango slowly lowered her weapon tentatively and placed it standing to the wall nearest to her.
“But you screamed,” the other dark-haired girl insisted. “Was it the old nightmare come back to haunt you?”
“No, of course not,” Kagome said. She was seventeen, one year younger than the demon exterminator. Kagome was determined not to alarm her friend, who she had come to view as an older sister. She laughed with bravado. “It would take more than a bad dream to frighten me.”
“Are you sure Kagome-chan?” Sango asked worriedly, “If you want, I'll stay in your room to keep you company tonight.”
“Iie…Ano…Gomen nasai I disturbed you, Sango-chan.” She lit a square, scented candle in its metal stand and laid back down into her bed.
Sango smiled down at her friend, grabbed her hiraikotsu, before closing the door to leave she turned around and said, “If you need anything…Yell.”
Kagome smiled in response to her comrade's words, “Don't worry, I will.” With that Sango left and closed the door.
Now back alone in her bed, Kagome offered a silent prayer of thanks that she was safe and secure in the Eastern Lands. The castle was her haven, her refuge, where she felt protected from the harsh world. Kagome watched the shadows flicker upon the wall. She hadn't had the trampling dream in a long time and had hoped she was free of it, but apparently she was not completely free. Though Kagome knew what caused it, she never spoke of it anymore.
Because Kagome was only twelve at the time, the gory details of her brother's death was kept from her, but she had heard whispers of the stallion that had trampled his body. At first the nightmares had come every night, but with time, they had become less frequent, and she had been free of them for almost two years.
Kagome remembered the months following the accident, how everyone had been kind to her. Souta's companions, led by the infamous InuTashio, had been soberly contrite and extremely solicitous. Because she was the sole heiress, several hand sought her hand in marriage, and at Lord InuTashio's insistence she had betrothed to his elder son, Sesshoumaru. Yet Kagome could not help feeling a secret resentment towards Lord InuTashio and his son.
Kagome sighed. It had happened five years ago, yet still she thought of the man who was to be her husband. Would he be kind towards her? Would she ever feel safe and loved in his embrace? She pondered over this, until her thoughts inevitably wandered and drifted to Sesshoumaru's younger sibling, InuYasha.
She had stumbled across him in the nearby meadow of the castle, since then, InuYasha and she had become fast friends. Though, if he were to ever get difficult to reason with. All she needed to say was a three lettered word. She grinned at the thought; yes…That word had helped serve her, on more than one occasion, to show that Kagome's point of view was not rash…But more along the lines as correct. Smiling to herself, she slowly entered back into the realm of sleep, her worries forgotten.
In the morning, Kagome forgot about the dream as she went to her wardrobe and plucked out one of the many beautiful elegant kimono's that laid immobile in there.
Kagome strolled into the dining room to break her fast. She was soon accompanied by Sango, as she plopped into a nearby chair placed next to Kagome.
As the two friends broke their fast, Sango confided, “It's been so boring lately! Where are both InuYasha and Miroku? It's never a dull day with those two around, you know.”
Kagome's glance, which had been searching the hall for a glimpse of the two pair of men in question, came back to rest on Sango's face. “Hmm…They don't appear to be within my line of sight.”
Both sighed in annoyance and leaned back into their chairs, pondering on what to do with themselves for the remainder of the wearisome day.
“So what about Sesshoumaru?” Sango asked avidly, deciding that a conversation was in order.
“What about him?” Kagome shrugged a pretty shoulder to show her complete indifference.
“He's your betrothed!”
“Not for long! I'll soon rid myself of the ugly devil,” Kagome said lightly, licking honey from her fingers.
“Is he truly that ugly?” Sango asked with compassion.
Kagome's throaty laugh bubbled forth. “He left such an unforgettable impression upon me, I don't remember.”
The girls finished their breakfast and headed off to find their missing comrades. It did not take long however to find the perverted monk, Miroku. As a loud screech of the infamous word that was bestowed on the holy man whenever he met women.
“HENTAI!!!” Screeched a woman not too far from where Kagome and Sango where currently were heading. Then a loud CLANK! was heard.
Kagome and Sango sprinted towards the destination: the kitchen. As they entered the scenery, they could not help but laugh at the sight. There on the floor was an unconscious Miroku bearing both a five-finger mark across his face and a large swelling lump on his head, courtesy of his trademark. The victim in question on the other hand, was towering over the priest with a large frying pan in her hand shaking with fury.
Deciding to save the cleric before the situation could get even worse, Kagome and Sango hauled Miroku's corpse outside to the garden leaving him there to awaken. Both of them praying that the supposed preacher would not wreak havoc on another poor unsuspecting female when he awoke. Deciding to leave Sango to tend to the monk, Kagome went in search for her missing friend.
AN: OKAY!! Don't kill me!! It was originally a loooooooooonger chapter….But I decided to cut it into two parts okay? Guess who she's going to meet?! Oh yes…More reviews to go please!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! And I might post the next part…Since it's already done ~^^~…So the fate of how soon the next chapter that is posted, lies at your very finger tips!! *Cough*Cough* Reviews!!