InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Fair Kagome...Will You Ever Be Mine? ❯ The Meeting ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*Sighs* It's so hard to please you readers!! Honestly! Well, at least you have your next installment!! ~^^~ Okay? So ignore this authoress' note and read ~^^~
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She came to a decision of walking along an upper passageway that led to a stone staircase descending to the library. She noted with happiness that InuYasha was about thirty feet ahead of her, but he was not sporting his usual red kimono. He was nonetheless, wearing a white kimono embodied with red sakura patterns near the left shoulder. Thinking this strange, she cautiously called out his name, “InuYasha.”
When he did not turn around, she realized that he might not have heard her. Finding this even more bizarre judging he should have been able to have had heard her clearly, considering he was a dog demon. She chose to close the distance between them. “InuYasha?” She repeated again.
He turned and Kagome's heart hammered as she saw the silvery tinted hair and his golden colored eyes. But these golden orbs were not the ones she expected to see. The expression in them was so bold, she gasped in protest, “You are not InuYasha!” It was then that she noticed that this youkai did not have any cat-like ears adorning the top of his head.
“Alas, I am not.” The demon openly assessed her, his amber gaze sweeping over her, lingering on hair that flowed about her like the black night. Her eyes were a stormy blue, and her generously shaped mouth looked equally capable of laughter or a sensual pout. Her breasts were high and thrust impudently from the neckline of her expensive gown, and beneath that gown he imagined legs as long as a colt's. He couldn't help but smile at her. “Will I do in his stead, koishii?”
Kagome stiffened and froze him with a haughty stare. “Iie! Indeed you will not!” Inexplicably, she was furious at the resemblance between this insolent devil and her hanyou friend. “How dare you look at me in such a bold fashion?”
His eyes filled with amusement, “I was but paying homage to your beauty, koi.”
“Undeniably you were not! You looked as if-”
“As if I'd like to bed you? Such conceit. You are obviously an ice maiden in need of thawing. I'm on my way to the baths, if you'd care to join me. A plunge in hot water might be just the cure.”
Kagome drew back her hand with every intent on slapping the insolent expression off his face, but with his demonic quick reflexes he captured her fingers and drew them to his lips. “Mmm…Sakura and almonds…good enough to eat.” His white fangs flashed as if he would bite her.
“Unhand me, you arrogant swine, or I shall scream!”
“In hope that your dear InuYasha will come to your rescue?” he asked mockingly.
Kagome's temper exploded. “You bastard, I need no male to rescue me.” Swiftly she brought her knee up between his legs and made contact with the codpiece that protected his genitals.
Just the thought of the damage she could have done him lit a lit a fierce gold flame within his eyes.
Kagome gave him her sweetest smile, then her eyes slid down his body to the apex of his legs. “A plunge in hot water might just be the cure.”
Stormy gold eyes watched her descend the stone steps. “Just wait, my beautiful little witch, we have a score to settle after all.” He shook his head, he was both angered and impressed with the girls fiery spirit, then suddenly he smirked to himself, taking another route to reach his own destination.
By the time Kagome returned to her bed chamber. She had learned from Sango that the great Lord InuTashio would be arriving later that day.
Kagome knew that every female within the castle's vicinity would be adorned in her finest kimono; she decided to wear a dark blue kimono that had with dragons and phoenixes embroidered in it. Sango helped brushed Kagome's hair untilled it crackled, checking their appearance once more in the mirror, they deemed themselves ready to go down to greet the honored guest.
At the entrance, Sango left her to view the demons with in the room, searching to see if any were a possible threat. Even in that crowd, it didn't take Kagome more than a moment to pick out the royal visitor. Conversing with her mother, who was dressed in a royal blue kimono decorated with pink roses, and Sango, Lord InuTashio dwarfed the two beautiful dark-haired females.
Kagome was astonished at the Western Lord's appearance. He was magnificent in a crimson kimono embellished with three golden lions in attacking poses. Above the armor he wore were brilliant yellow eyes, burning with zeal and a passion for life.
When her mother had spotted her, she beckoned to her, and as Kagome approached Lord InuTashio, she sensed his immediate energy. The Lady of the Eastern Lands reintroduced them. “Believe it or not, this is Kagome Higurashi.”
As Kagome bowed down to the taiyoukai, InuTashio stared at her in amazement. “Kami! The rose has finally bloomed!” He reached down, took possession of her hands, and lifted her to get a better view of her. “What happened to the squirt who cursed at the stable boys?”
“I still do curse when the occasion demands it Lord InuTashio, and may I say the last time I saw you, you were nothing short of miraculous.”
“No wonder everyone here adores you! It's because of your silver tongue.” InuTashio slipped his arms around Kagome's waist. “May I steal her for a moment?”
As he led her down to the dining hall, all eyes were upon them. “I cannot wait to see the look on his face when he first lays eyes on you.”
“Who?” Kagome inquired politely.
He led her to a small group of men who were gathered around her lecherous friend Miroku stepped aside as Lord InuTashio approached.
Kagome stiffened when she saw the youkai deep in conversation with Miroku; she might have known the amber-eyed devil she'd encountered earlier in the day was the Sesshoumaru that had sent all the females in the damn castle atwitter.
“Kagome Higurashi, it gives me the greatest pleasure in the world to reacquaint you with your betrothed, Sesshoumaru Tashio.”
They stared at each other in stunned belief. Kagome saw him recover from the shock before she did.
The look on his face told her the news pleased him greatly. He looked like a man who had just discovered a pearl inside an oyster shell.
She knew her behavior was gauche, but she couldn't stop staring at him. He was almost as tall as Lord InuTashio. He too was elegantly garbed in continental fashion. He was wearing the same clothing she had seen him donned on the first time she met him.
Kagome stood mutely as he bowed, then reached for her hand and drew it to his lips. His golden gaze shot her a look of triumph and once again he flashed his white fangs as if he would bite her. “My lady, I am enchanted.”
The damn man was mocking her! She felt an urge to wipe the smug look from his face. “Betrothed? No, no, I wouldn't dream of holding Sesshoumaru-sama to a political gesture he made five years ago to comfort a distraught child.”
His amber eyes narrowed; his powerful fingers tightened possessively on her hand. “My lady, I am honor-bound.”
“Sesshoumaru-sama, I release you! You no longer have to uphold the promise of becoming my husband!” Kagome snatched back her hand and swept her hair back in a gesture that lent finality to her words.
The Lady of the Eastern Lands arrived shortly afterwards, and patted Lord InuTashio's arm reassuringly. He smiled and boasted, “The wench is toying with us, Sesshoumaru. She knows this match pleases both her mother and I.”
Kagome felt thwarted and cast a desperate look at Miroku, who was staring and drooling over the maids that were located at the other end of the room, much to her annoyance.
Knowing she could not stand and argue with the Western Lord, she did the next best thing. “InuTashio-sama, will you kindly excuse me? I must find my friend InuYasha; I have neglected him shamefully.”
“I will excuse you for the moment, Kagome, but later you will join us for dinner.” It was a royal order, one that Kagome wished to avoid if she could help it.
She did her best to decline. “I shall be dining with InuYasha.”
“You forget, InuYasha is also my son. He shall be dining with us too.”
Kagome knew better than to pit her will against InuTashio-sama; he always got what he wanted. Seething inside, she sank into a bow and murmured, “Until later, then.”
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Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! There are you people happy? Sesshoumaru met Kagome!! *Dum*Dum*Dum*…*Hears the suspenseful music* Is this chapter looong enough for you? So many people telling me to write looonger chapters!! I mean how many pages do you want me to write?
And I'm sorry for writing that Sesshoumaru was ugly…Though he is anything but *Drools over his picture*
Which reminds me…I thought writing a preview would make people happy…You know it's like those bloody trailers you see on TV…But noooooooooo….Everyone says I'm mean. So, I guess I should do anymore previews to the next chapter since no one appreciates it. *Sniffs and cries, grabbing my Sesshoumaru plushy*
Well ~^^~ Ja mate ne!! ~^^~ And don't forget to review!!