InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Fair Kagome...Will You Ever Be Mine? ❯ The Meal of Disater ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Nahahahahahahahahahaa!! (Yes…I'm spelling it Nahahahahahahaa!! Instead of the expression everyone uses: Mwahahahahaa!!) ^___________^
*Hugs each and every person that reviewed and takes away the internet from those who didn't* Mwahahahahahaa!! Feel my almighty wrath!! Sooo many reviews!! @_@ Yatta!!
Gomen nasai for the late update…I was working on a summer job and now I'm returning to school on the 1st of September instead of the 31st of August because the teachers are going on strike…*Sighs* On the bright side…I'm in the graduating year of high school!! w00t!!!
Anyways, aside from all that…Onegai…Read and Review!!! ~^^~
Kagome sighed inwardly as she silently looked around the room for her childhood friend, InuYasha. She was about to leave and search elsewhere when she happen to see a glimpse of silver hair. “InuYasha! Chotto matte!!”
She knew the silver haired hanyou heard her when his adorable ears perked up at the mention of his name. She elegantly walked towards him however, at the last few strides before she reached him, she decided to jump and hug him.
“Kagome, you haven't changed at all. I would have laughed had your feet caught your kimono and fallen on the floor.” InuYasha grinned as he caught her in mid-air.
Kagome glared at her friend, just as she was about to reply another voice interrupted her, “Ah…But I would have caught the beautiful Kagome had that truly have had happened.” It was then she felt a hand gliding up and down her backside.
Realizing instantly who it was without a glance, Kagome spun around and delivered a painful yet punishing slap to the offender. “My fair Lady Kagome, I am hurt that you would not accept my help to save and break your fall had you truly had tripped over.”
Kagome shot her cleric friend an angry look, “That slap was not refusing your help, but to help and train you to keep your hands off of certain places of a woman. Though, now that I think about it, I also decline your help in catching me, unless of course it's a pure and honest act towards me.”
Miroku slumped his shoulders and heaved a sigh. “Oh woe is the fate of a monk of my station. I cannot even aide a damsel in distress without thinking such impure thoughts.”
Kagome laughed as she and both her friends went to the gardens outside. Unbeknownst to the trio, an individual with golden eyes and silver watched as they walked away out from his line of sight.
As they entered the gardens, it did not take long for Miroku to spy a female, and it took less time for him to get back into his old habits.
As a result, the same exact thing happened. First Miroku would spy a lone female by herself; he would then approach the said woman and ask to bear his child. Keep in mind when he introduces himself, telling his woeful stories of the past and of his accursed hand, the mentioned hand would slowly and surely inch towards a certain region of the female anatomy.
The result of all this you ask? A loud painful ringing slap towards the perverted monk, and if the said woman is capable. She may actually knock Miroku out cold and unconscious.
And that is what happened none too shortly after Miroku left both Kagome and InuYasha to their own devices.
Both Kagome and InuYasha tried to muffle their laughter, but it ended in vain. They walked away before both of them would feel the fury of the accosted woman.
Walking away form the scene of the crime, both the Eastern heiress and the second son of InuTashio walked near one of the many sakura blossoms in the vicinity.
Sitting down, Kagome told InuYasha her tale of being betrothed to his brother Sesshoumaru. “He is paying unwanted attention to me, and I need you at supper to make him keep his distance and,” Kagome trailed off. “Sesshoumaru seems to be very different from the last time I've seen him...”
They watch silently while the wind played and swirled the many petals of the sakura blossoms that were before lying motionless on the ground before them.
“Kagome,” InuYasha broke the silence, “you are fortunate that he has been in this current mood. Usually he would have had a mask of indifference placed on his face and give cold stares.”
“Honto ni?” Kagome's curiosity was peaked, forgetting about the dancing petal around her, and unconsciously playing with a small stone that she found on the ground.
“Hai, but then again…Maybe he's hit his head. Who would want to have you as a mate? You're rude and not all that pretty as everyone claims and says you are.” InuYasha said humorously.
Kagome lifted her chin and threw the pebble to InuYasha's forehead. “InuYasha, you still have a very blunt tongue. I should say the word and make you dig a hole for yourself.”
He grinned boyishly, “Ah, but you need me at supper.”
“Bloody inu.” Kagome muttered to herself quietly.
“Nani Kagome?” InuYasha feigned to not have heard her comment.
“Nandemonai,” Kagome said sweetly, “let's go in and see what there is to eat.”
Kagome placed her hand on InuYasha's arm and allowed him to lead her inside to where the late meal would be served.
When Sesshoumaru greeted her with a bow and held a chair for her, Kagome walked past him as if he were invisible.
InuYasha led her to his father's side, intending to seat Kagome between the Western Lord and himself, when suddenly he caught an unmistakable look of royal disapproval. InuYasha did an immediate about-face. “Sesshoumaru, would you take my seat next to Kagome? I see another of my friends beckoning me.”
“Be damned to you, InuYasha,” she hissed through clenched teeth. She was chagrined that he would do that to her.
InuTashio's eyes glittered with amusement, “My, my, Kagome. You have the airs of a lady, but you still have a blunt tongue.” He winked at his son. “Sesshoumaru, it seems you will have your work cut out for you, trying to tame her. I don't envy you son.”
“I wager every male within this vicinity envies me, Chichi-ue.” His words were gallant, but the devilish gleam that shone in his golden eyes told her plainly that he would relish the challenge in brining her to heel.
Before Kagome could utter a retort to the apparently stoic youkai that InuYasha had describe. A powerful whirlwind appeared and was quickly approaching her. Kagome groaned and started to rub her temples slowly. This day was just getting better and better for the heiress of the Eastern lands.
“Kagome-chan! How's my woman doing?” Kouga greeted the stressed female by hugging her in the presence of Sesshoumaru and the Lord of the Western Lands.
The raven hair girl smiled tensely and was soon released from the embrace, “I'm fine Kouga-kun. Would you like to sit down? You must have had a very tiring and exhausting journey.”
“Don't mind if I do.” Without a warning Kouga grabbed Kagome and propped Kagome into his lap, all the while sitting in the chair that Kagome had preoccupied earlier.
Kagome was both seething on the inside and was blushing madly at the close proximity of the wolf leader. In her mind she was cussing and swearing about over confident males that had enormous egos. Oh woe is our poor Kagome. Could the day get any worse for our raven haired girl?!
Attempting to pry herself from the stronghold of Kouga's arms, she saw from the corner of her eye, that Sesshoumaru was clenching his fists and red was starting to slowly seep into the inu youkai's eyes. Kagome screamed mentally for the ookami to release her; couldn't he see that he was in danger?
Kouga was oblivious to his surroundings except to one sole thing: Kagome. However, he noticed that she was struggling within his hold and he was a little disappointed to her reaction to his touch.
“Kagome-” was what the wolf leader said before his ookami senses kicked in and screamed for him to jump in the air. Kouga, trusting his instincts, leaped into the air carrying Kagome with him. But before he could land safely with the princess, something hurled at him from behind and his Kagome was snatched from his arms. It landed a few feet away from where Kouga was currently.
The `it' we had labeled, was Sesshoumaru clutching onto Kagome as if she were his life line. The inu youkai snarled, growling when Kouga stepped closer to them.
Kagome looked up at the new male that held her in his arms. However, when she saw the look of murder in his blood-red eyes, she was scared for her life and started to tremble with terror. She was now wishing she hadn't have had looked into those eyes.
Sesshoumaru sensed her panic and was confused. Was she afraid of him? She shouldn't be frightened by her mate-to-be. He frowned when she started to quake with fear, deciding to resolve this he started to growl softly near her ear and commenced to nuzzle her. Hoping the combination of these actions would sooth her.
Kouga stared at the pair in disbelief. Kagome was HIS woman, and now that damn inu was nuzzling and comforting HIS woman. He stepped closer to the two, and was welcomed with another snarl. Kouga glared at the inu, but he knew better than to provoke a demon when his irrational side took over. He sighed in dismay and backed away from the duo, knowing his life were endangered if he were to attempt to wrench Kagome away from Sesshoumaru. If the inu was in his right state of mind when he took the hime away from him, he would have fought to retrieve her, although this was not the case. Sighing again, Kouga turned away and left to the gardens to find the other mutt, InuYasha.
Sesshoumaru let his guard down a notch, but was still alert and ready to react if it was needed. Nonetheless, Sesshoumaru continued to nuzzle Kagome, seeing how she was now completely relaxed and enjoying the attention he was lavishing upon her.
InuTashio watch the entire scene unfold before him: his first-born loosing control to his dark-side, grabbing Kagome from Kouga, and now nuzzling and comforting her. When he saw the red in his eyes beginning to recede, he deemed it safe to approach his son.
Motioning for his son to hand Kagome into his arms, he laughed inwardly at the hazy look on Kagome face. What was shocking to the Western Lord and for InuTashio to be surprised was very rare indeed at his age, was that for the first time in his life, he saw the look of complete contentment on his son's face. Yes, this betrothal was a very good match indeed.
Nahahahahaaa!! It's completed!! Mwahahahahaaa!! HappyHappyJoyJoy!! ~^^~ So you readers better reward me with reviews!! Or I shall be very crossed indeed!! >_<!!
I'll try my best to update by either the last week of September or the first week of October!! But no guarantees okay!! ~^^~ Having to once again working during the year and balancing school at the same time…Then again…I have computers this year…So maybe I can squeeze another chapter in…IF I FINISH MY PROJECTS DURING CLASS!!
Oh yes…Before I forget!! I also post this story on…So you can create an account and put me under as `alerts' so you can be notified when I update!! ~^^~
Until the next chapter!! Matte ne!! ~^^~