InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Fair Kagome...Will You Ever Be Mine? ❯ Internal Conflict ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*Sighs* No one appreciates me!! *Cries* Except the one who gave me a sess plushy!! Moonlit mage!! ~^^~ And all the people that encourage me!! *Beams happily* Arigato!!
But hey! Lookie!! I posted this chapter in two weeks!! I actually wrote a chapter before the end of September and posted it!! *Gasp* And here I initially thought to post this chapter at the ending of September!! Crazy! I had time to work on this chapter!! ~^^~
Speaking of which…Since I got a review asking me to put the translations…Or shall I say `dictionary of the Japanese words that I use'? So from now on…I shall put the translation of the words right next to it…If you guys don't see the translation next to it, it means that I have had put it on the bottom, after the chapter. ~^^~ If I forget…E-mail me for the definitions ~^^~ You can e-mail me at: or at: ~^^~
Seriously…I am not super woman!! I have school, work and now writing a fanfic…Be happy that I write around 4-5 pages for each chapter each month!! *Cries* Or would you rather I not write this fanfic, period?! Or I post half a page each week? Mwahahahahaaa!! That would be like…Two pages each month!! Mwahahahaaa!! Anyways ~^^~ Read and review!! ~^^~ *Hands out pretty chocolate to people that love this fic and haven't criticized me about the length of the chapter of my fic* Mwahahahahaaa!!
Oh yes!! There shall be foul language here!! So readers beware!! If you don't like the characters swearing…Then why are you reading a rated `M' fanfic?! There's bound to be swearing!! Especially if it involves a fight between InuYasha and Kouga!! And there may or may not be a lime in this story!! DON'T FORGET!! THIS STORY IS RATED M!!...Oops! I've said too much already!! Read and Review with cherries on top!! Onegai desu!! ~^^~
Kouga swore inwardly in his head. That damn inu had taken his future mate!! It would be reasonable for us to say that our ookami was more than enraged at the first heir to the Western Lands.
Kouga threw open the doors that lead to the gardens. He was looking for only one person to vent his frustration on: InuYasha. Now the only problem was to find the damn mutt that was not visible.
After searching in the treetops he finally caught the red of InuYasha's kimono. Smiling he raced up the tree, preparing to kick the damn dog off the branch that he was resting on. However, InuYasha's reflexes were much quicker and he avoided the attack.
InuYasha landed on the ground as graceful as a cat and turned to face the youkai that dare threaten his afternoon doze, “What the hell is your fucking damn problem you stupid wolf?!”
Kouga ignored him and continued to strike him. Our poor InuYasha! What did he do to deserve such a fate? InuYasha growled and reached for his famed sword and withdrew the Tetsusaiga.
Once again our poor unfortunate anger-crazed wolf's instinct kicks in again to avoid the brandishing of InuYasha's sword. Jumping back a few feet, Kouga growled dangerously and eyed InuYasha.
“Now, will you mind telling me why you're trying to kill me this time?!” InuYasha shouted and stood in a defensive stance with his sword pointed at the wolf, not taking any chances when the wolf was concerned.
“Your damn brother.” Was all the dark-haired youkai said, his hair shielding the hanyou's view of Kouga's expressive eyes.
“Sesshoumaru?” InuYasha asked in confusion, not understanding the concept of why the wolf was in his current mood. “What the hell did Sesshoumaru do?”
Kouga stance slouched in failure, “Kagome.”
“Kagome?” InuYasha was still trying to place the pieces of the puzzle together but to no avail. “What the hell did he do to Kagome? That bastard better not have had hurt her!! He didn't hurt her did he?! She's his betrothed!”
“BETROTHED?!” Kouga snarled. With that Kouga left and ran towards the exit to find another punching bag. Who it was this time you ask? We might never know the answer to that except for our dear ookami.
“Ano…Did I just miss something?” InuYasha said loudly. Shrugging InuYasha placed his sword back into its sheath and jumped back up to his tree branch to sleep, as if nothing was out of the ordinary.
Kagome woke and sat up from her bed in a state of confusion; she couldn't remember her going to bed and sleeping here, come to think about it, this wasn't her bedroom at all!
For the second time that day, she was scared out of her mind. That was then she realized that a hand was holding her own; she looked down to the appendage that was holding her limb and gasped. There sleeping with his head on the bed and the rest of his body hanging off the bed, with his hand linked to hers was Sesshoumaru!
She tried desperately to fling it off of her but to no purpose; the man was holding her like a bloody vise. She saw Sesshoumaru shift in his sleep, and she could not think that he looked actually quite handsome in the angle that he presented to her…Of course, he only looked attractive when he wasn't acting like an arrogant youkai that would comment and retort everything she spoke from her mouth.
She smiled gently and using her free hand she started to stroke the slumbering inu's hair. She reveled in the fact that his hair was so soft and fine at the touch. She heaved a heavy sigh; this man's hair was in better condition than hers. Strange but nonetheless interesting to know what he used for his hair. She continued to stroke his hair slowly and looked absent mindedly out the wooden-framed window to see the sun dipping into the horizon.
For awhile now, Sesshoumaru was aware of what the female beauty was doing to him. Feigning to be asleep was the best thing he could have had done. She was stroking his hair! It was difficult not to purr when her hand came in contact with his hair, but he crushed it down with an iron determination.
He knew that Kagome would not let down her guard if he was awake and conscious, in fact she would be the complete opposite of what she was doing now. Smiling to himself he continued to enjoy her ministrations to his head and relaxed contentedly. Perhaps a bit too contentedly, since he accidentally let a purr slip from his mouth.
Kagome stopped for a brief moment, was that a purr? No, he's an inu, not a neko. She resumed her actions and was rewarded with yet another purring, she laughed quietly and caressed his head a bit more. It was then she saw Sesshoumaru peek out through his eyes, and Kagome laughed.
“Ohayo Sesshoumaru-sama,” Kagome chirped happily, bending her head to his eye level so he could see her.
On the receiving end was Sesshoumaru's mumbling something that her human ears could not pick up and she once again laughed and messed up his hair this time instead of stroking it.
Sesshoumaru gave a low growl and attempted to rearrange his perfect hair with his free hand, Kagome snickered when instead of helping his hair he actually made it more disheveled than it was before.
The ebony haired girl leaned over to the bedside table to retrieve the brush she had seen earlier for her male companion. With the brush in hand, she bent over to untangle the mess of his hair by coming through it. As she was sorting his hair, a thought went to her head. “Sesshoumaru-sama, how about a truce? There really is no reason why we cannot be friends ne?”
Sesshoumaru smiled at her, but he was careful not to touch her without her permission, he noticed that their hands were still linked and that she had not removed hers while brushing his hair.
He silently vowed that before he was done with her, she would crave his touch. Pledging to himself that they would be far more than friends, more even than the ningen term `husband and wife', and the youkai word `mate', no they would be lovers.
“If we are to become friends can we not drop the honorific terms?” Sesshoumaru asked, he stared intently into her eyes.
Kagome was about to reply when she was interrupted by the sound of a loud knock coming from the oak door.
Sesshoumaru released his hold of Kagome's hand and answered the door in annoyance. Damn the being who interrupted his civilized conversation with his Kagome. He growled when he flung open the door.
There standing before him was his retainer Jaken, trembling before Sesshoumaru and clutching his Staff of Heads in a death grip. “Mi-Mi Lord…Gomen nasai for the late interruptions…Demo…”Jaken's fear paralyzed him from speaking any further.
“What is it Jaken?” Sesshoumaru was becoming more agitated by the second staring at the ugly toad rather than his beautiful Kagome. He needed to stay calm in front of Kagome, however the second that Jaken and he were alone…All hell would break loose for the damn fiend.
“Jaken, you should leave Sesshoumaru alone if you value your life. As you see, our Sesshoumaru is in an angst mood. He rather spend his time with Kagome as you can see.” Came a loud booming chuckle and soon the owner of the laughter poked his head through the door.
Although from where Kagome was, she could not see the owner of the voice. Seeing how Sesshoumaru was standing in the doorway blocking her point of view. She cocked her head to the side trying to place the voice.
“InuTashio-sama?” Kagome asked more to herself than to anyone else in the room.
“Hai, Kagome-chan?” InuTashio had picked up his name from the heiress of the Eastern Lands with his inu hearing.
“Iie, nandemonai.” Kagome smiled brightly and got up from the bed, walking to the now crowded doorway.
Kagome tried to squeeze her way through and out of the doorway to return to her own room. However, Sesshoumaru had another plan in mind and grabbed Kagome around the waist, bringing her closer to him with her back to his chest. Kagome let out a squeak of surprise and when she realized her current predicament she flushed a shade of crimson.
“Nani? What's this? Is Kagome blushing?” InuTashio teased her and bent down to get a better view of her face.
Kagome blushed a darker shade and hid her eyes beneath her bangs. Sesshoumaru growled and bared his fangs at his father in warning to leave her alone, wrapping his arms around her protectively.
“Testy now are we?” InuTashio sighed, “You are no fun, my son. Fine, I shall seek my amusement elsewhere.” With that he walked away in tow with Jaken to find entertainment in another place…Particularly his second born son.
As soon as his father left Sesshoumaru slammed the door closed, he did not yield to the release of Kagome. Rather he started to nuzzle her neck again and purred quietly so only she could hear and no others.
Sesshoumaru was in complete bliss when he did these simple things with Kagome. He wondered if it would change if they were to be mated. Would their relationship be the same as it was now? Or would it go downhill from there on? Sesshoumaru decided to erase the thought from his head, determined to enjoy the present and see what the future had in store rather than ponder, to only loose time on his courting period with Kagome.
Kagome let her guard down near Sesshoumaru and leaned more into his shoulder, allowing more accessibility for him to administer more attention to her neck. When her common sense finally kicked back into gear, her rational thoughts came screaming back into her head.
“Yamete.” Kagome said hazily, attempting to pry herself from his hold. She didn't want this anymore! Yes, she enjoyed it. But Kagome wanted to be loved, not just a quick fling or a relief. She didn't want to be mated to him and then him having many concubines. No, she wanted Sesshoumaru to actually love her, not for her wealth or her looks or power. But for being herself. Kagome.
“Doushite?” Sesshoumaru asked in confusion, keeping her in his grasp. Humans were really difficult to understand. Not just a few seconds ago, Kagome was relishing his attention. Now, she was against it, telling him to stop. “Doushite?” Sesshoumaru attempted again.
“You are only doing this because of the betrothal. You are not doing this because you want to rather to satisfy your father, my mother and both our kingdoms. I want you to release me from the betrothal agreement.”
He took hold of her shoulders and turned her around to face him with powerful claws. “No Kagome, I will never let you go. I will have you at any cost!”
The appalled look on his face scorched his pride. His title, his wealth and lands meant nothing to her. “Why do you not wish to be with me? I don't want your fortune or lands.”
“Why must I be forced to honor a promise I gave when I was twelve?” she countered defiantly. The man before her both fascinated and frightened her, though she would never admit it openly. If she placed her fortune and future in this man's hands, she would lose control of her own fate.
“Spend time with me…Allow me to court you…I will soon change your mind, koishii.” Sesshoumaru promised persuasively.
She took a step back and felt the oak door. For one blinding moment, she thought that Sesshoumaru would sweep her into his arms, take possession of her mouth, and dare defy him then! All her sense became heightened, though it was not possible! She was a ningen; nevertheless, her senses did heighten at that particular moment. She became aware of his strength, his masculine scent, and his ruthless determination. Her heartbeat accelerated and she begun to pant in anticipation of what was to come. When he removed his hands from his shoulders, she swayed toward him, then steadied herself with a hand against his chest. Her thought and emotions were in total disarray. What the hell was wrong with her? Didn't she just tell herself that he didn't love her? That he was using her and to please the two kingdoms? When Sesshoumaru opened the door, she fled through it.
As she ran to her chamber, she hoped to Kami that no one heard her. She entered her bed chamber quietly, but her heart was pounding furiously. If only she could turn back time and start the day all over again. Resolving to put the day's events out of her mind, she escaped into a blissful sleep.
Slowly she became aware of her masculine scent. “Iie!” she breathed. He swept her into his arms and took possession of the mouth that dared to deny him. When she continued to struggle she was pushed back, imprisoning her against the hard oak door. Then he slid a hard, muscular thigh between her legs and deepened the kiss until she stopped struggling him and clung onto him. It was forcibly brought home that she had no defense against his powerful strength. Only when he had mastered her resistance did he lift his mouth from hers.
As she looked into his intense amber gaze, how pleasurable it was to feel the hard door against her back, and to feel his hard length pressing against her lower regions.
“Say it again.” She whispered.
“I will never let you go, Kagome. I will have you at any cost.” He gazed deeply into her eyes.
Excitement rose within her. He wanted her not just for tonight, but forever. He wanted to mate her, not just for her status, but for herself! How delicious it was to keep him waiting, keep him begging, keep him aching consummation. Her fingers traced across the pulse beating in his throat, than across his lips and eventually his fangs. He had the most beautiful, demanding mouth she had ever seen. Surely, it could not lie to her? He had pledge that he wanted her for herself alone, not her lands, and more than anything she longed to believe him, longed to have someone love her.
Kagome caught her breath on a shiver. She was intoxicated with the nearness of him and swept her lashes to her cheeks, not wanting him to see the fierce desire in them. His hands moved up her body, then his fingers slid into her hair to hold her captive for his mouth's ravishing. His lips claimed hers with such ferocity; Kagome was lost, lost in the depths of pleasure. She opened her mouth, welcoming his thrusting sleek tongue deep inside. Then she rubbed her woman's center against his hard body until she could feel the heat of him. “Love me Maru, love me!”
When Kagome opened her eyes in the morning, her dream still lingered. As she recalled all the sensual details, she was shocked by her wanton feelings for Sesshoumaru. How could she have allowed him to kiss her and touch her intimately, even in a dream? Kagome denied that she found him attractive and put the blame on yesterday's actual events.
Kagome decided to seek out her mother in the dining room where she should be having her first meal of the day. When she saw her, she approached her tentatively “Haha-ue, can I speak with you about something that has been deeply bothering me?”
Her mother patted the seat next to her, “It's about your betrothal, isn't it, Kagome?”
“Hai! How'd you guess?”
“You wish to end the betrothal and marry?”
“Yes…no! I wish to end the betrothal, Haha-ue, but I don't wish to marry!”
“Kagome, dearest, you are seventeen, quite old enough to either marry or have a mate. You have learned your lessons well and will not only make a beautiful bride but a grand lady to her lands.”
“I don't want to with Sesshoumaru. I do not love him! Nor does he love me! This is all because of that political agreement!”
“Kagome, that is not true. If you feel intimidated by the thought of bearing all the responsibilities, you can ask InuTashio, myself and even Sesshoumaru-sama for aide.”
“It is Sesshoumaru-sama that intimidates me,” Kagome blurted.
“Kagome-chan, Sesshoumaru-sama took breakfast with me this morning. He sang your praises to the high heavens and is obviously is very besotted with you. Take my advice; do not hold out against marriage or mating alike. It will do you no good; a man as determined as he will have his way at any cost.”
“God damn the man!!” Kagome cursed. “The damn youkai got to you before I did. He is not in the least besotted.”
“Kagome, you haven't the faintest how lovely you are. Your explosive reaction towards Sesshoumaru-sama tells me you are not indifferent to him, by any means. A clever woman like you should be able to wrap him around your little finger. Learn your feminism power, Kagome, then don't be afraid to use it!”
There!! Are you guys happy this time?! I wrote longer!! Happy now?! I wrote seven bloody long pages for you!! You better be happy! Including my rant would be a grand total of eight pages!! Now don't expect me to write this many pages each time!! ~^^~ I'm still sticking with 4-5 pages per chapter! Nwahahahahaaa!!
@_@ So much homework!! DIE!! *Burns her homework*…Crud! *Gets a fire extinguisher* O_O;; Oops?
Oh yes! My friend told me a very amusing riddle! So I shall use it!! Here it is:
If `i' is before `e'
And `n' is twice in between
Should `s' and `a' be within that,
You'd be face-to-face with me!!
Can you guys guess what this word is?! ~^^~
So…Where are my prettiful reviews for me to read? Hurry up and write me prettiful reviews!! ~^^~ w00t!! ~^^~ Yes…I'm sane! What are you talking about?!?! You get your next chapter when I get my reviews!!
There seems to be something that I'm missing…But what? *Dictionary is thrown and lands on my desk* …A dictionary? The hell? This isn't what I need! I'm trying to remember what I forgot! …Wait a minute! That's it!! The definitions of the Japanese words!! ~^^~
The definitions? O_O;;; OH YEAH!! Here you go!!
Ookami = Wolf
Youkai = Demon
Hanyou = Half-Demon
Inu = Dog
Neko = Cat
Ohayo = Good morning (I used this term because Sesshoumaru just woke up...Who cares what time it is?! You say good morning anyways!!)
Ningen = Human
Neh? = Equivalent to `k?'
Gomen nasai = I'm very sorry
Demo = But (not `butt' Hentais!)
Hentais = Perverts!
Iie = No
Hai = Yes
Nandemonai = Nothing/Never mind
Nani = What?
Yamete = Stop
Doushite = Why?
Kami = God
Maru = ~^^~ One of my nicknames for Sesshoumaru: Maru-chan and Sesshou-kun!!
Kagome will adopt them…Eventually.
Haha-ue = Honorific term for `mother'
Don't forget I post this also on!! So create an account and put me under `alerts' to know when I update!! ~^^~
Matte ne for the next installment for: `My Fair Kagome…Will You Ever Be Mine?'