InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Fair Kagome...Will You Ever Be Mine? ❯ The Sticky Situation ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

O_o; Fweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! ~^^~ Another chapter of `My Fair Kagome…Will You Ever be Mine?' Cheers!! *Raises a goblet of alcohol* Which reminds me! Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire coming out in November 18th!! w00t!!
*GASPS!!* OMG!! That's my birthday month!! ~^^~ If I don't get wishes of Happy Birthday on the 29th of November...Well…Let's say you readers won't be happy!!
On another note* We're in the prettiful month of October!! Yatta!! HALLOWE'EN! So…Who's going trick-or-treating? Anyone? *Raises her hand happily* I AM!! Free candy and chocolate!! Can never have enough chocolate!! Though it may *ahem* be evil to us females…But hey! Chocolate rules!! And to those who don't like chocolate, well whatever sugary goodness you can find is just the same! And yes! I do dress up and wear a costume!! *Cough*Cough* I'm sane! What are you talking about!
Congratulations and kudos to all the readers who guessed the crazy riddle! The answer was: INSANE!! ~^^~
Kagome exited the hall. She was clenching and unclenching her fists tightly. Currently running through her mind was as many phrases of swearing that she could think of. Since she was brought up as a noble lady, the foul language she knew was what she heard in the hallways within the castle and from the nearby village.
The reasons of her cursing you ask? She was swearing at Miroku for not aiding her to help her defend her against Sesshoumaru, towards her mother to betrothing her to a demon she wanted nothing to do with. However it was no surprise that the most of the cussing was directed at our handsome Sesshoumaru. If one listened very attentively, you can hear the said youkai sneezing.
Kagome entered her chamber. Seeing how our dear hime had nothing to vent her frustrations on, she used the door. Using the oak door as her tool to help release her inner anger, as a result the door was now barely hanging on the hinges.
A shadow was seen in the doorway before the figure appeared, “Kagome-chan? Daijobou?” The figure walked closer to her friend with her hiraikotsu strapped on her back.
Kagome flopped herself face first into her luxurious bed and sighed, “I'm doomed. I cannot go on in life, my life is ruined!!”
“Nani?” Asked a very confused demon exterminator. The mattress dipped in by Sango's weight as she sat down next to Kagome.
“I'm in wed-lock. I cannot pursue haha-ue to think otherwise,” Kagome's words were muffled by the pillows surrounding her face.
Realization soon appeared on her face, Sango urged Kagome to sit up and speak with her. “Kagome-chan…It's not that bad…Is it?”
“Hai!” This was the last straw for the distraught Kagome, who then burst into sorrowful tears.
Sango wisely held a pillow near Kagome's face, “Scream.”
Hiccupping, Kagome asked in a voice above a whisper, “Doushite?”
Sango did not reply, but instead she smiled kindly and continued to hold the pillow in her out-stretched hand.
Trusting her friend's advice she received the cushion and screamed to her hearts content. Sango was surprise at the wind the Eastern princess had in her, never thinking that such a frail looking girl would be able to do so. As her mother had once wisely told her* Never judge a book by its cover.
By the time Kagome finished her little outburst. She was feeling much better already, though her throat was a little sore. Kagome smiled and gave the demon exterminator a hug of gratitude. Sango embraced the hime in return and got off the mattress to leave her in peace.
The princess possessing ebony colored hair stood up and glided to the window located in her room. As she looked up at the clear-blue sky, a lone tear streak silently fell down her cheek. “Doushite?” She cried silently to the sky, “Did Kami forget about me?” She turned around back into her room and dried her wet eyes.
Unknown to Kagome he saw the entire scene unfold from the treetops directed over her window. He sat crouched on the steady branch and his silver hair billowing in the wisp of the air. His once untouched heart now mourned and cried out quietly in pain for his soon-to-be mate. Did he truly make her that miserable that she would think that God had completely forgotten and abandon about her? He saw her leave the window and put back on her façade as she left her room.
He mentally sighed to himself; she was much like him in many ways. Her cool façade and cheery demeanor was all a mask that she hid behind to protect herself. From what he understood, she was only a child when her younger brother died in the horse ridding accident. Since then she was a melancholic child, the youkai government thought she was back to herself when they started to see her smiles. Little did they know that she was deep down inside forever changed.
“Sesshoumaru!” Yelled a voice from below the tree where he was temporarily hidden from sight.
Sesshoumaru casually looked down at his caller and sighed again. Rubbing his temples and the area behind his eyes he started to feel a painful throbbing start to form and pound. This day was getting more complicated as it went by.
“SESSHOUMARU!!” Came the voice; however it was louder than the first time he heard it.
Sesshoumaru once again mentally sighed for the umpteenth time that day. He took in a whiff of air and slightly winced at the scent he inhaled. It was that damn ookami here to brother the hell out of him. His shoulders sagged for a split second before he regained him usual composure and jumped down the tree to land on the ground beneath him to greet the damn filthy relatives of the canines. They were not really related, just relatives through their demon origins.
A growl was heard and the heir to the Western lands side-tracked the punch that was thrown at him. “Is this how you are supposed to treat a youkai of high birth?”
“Bastard!” Kouga spat out and held his ground, “Kagome is supposed to be mine! What the hell do you think you were doing? Holding MY Kagome in your embrace?!”
“Yours? I believe you are mistaken Kouga. Kagome-san is actually my intended, as the official document states.” Sesshoumaru swept a strand of hair back that had fallen in front of him.
Kouga snarled in dismay and placed his right hand on the hilt of his katana, which rested immobile on his left hip. In turn Sesshoumaru flicked the poisonous whip out of his right hand and stood in a defensive stance, the green acidic whip poised in his hand and ready to counter the damn wolf if need be. That is IF the wolf wasn't already defeated in a matter of a few seconds. The wolf rushed towards Sesshoumaru, the inu youkai was about to strike the ookami down and scream erupted throughout the tensed clearing.
“YAMETE!!” A feminine voiced screamed.
Not listening to the shrilling cry, they both were about to go in for the final blow when their attacks were nullified, as their survival instincts came into gear, they both jumped away from the still purifying arrow that landed on the ground not too far way from where they once stood.
The two opposing youkais stared at the person that would dare interfere their fight and as a result would be their death. However they quickly changed their decisions as they saw the panting Kagome. Her once straight black hair, now completely in a tousled and mussed. Sesshoumaru growled a warning to Kouga as he smelt the arousal in his scent, Kouga in turn growled at the Western prince as he too smelt his arousal.
They could not help but become hard at the sight that the Eastern hime presented to them, with her hair in disarray like that they could not help but think that it would look like that after they fucked her good and hard.
Kagome stood gasping for air with her bow poised and the bow string still vibrating loudly in the air. She absorbed the bow back into her as her bow was created by the composure of her miko abilities. She tried in vain to fix her hair when she heard the growls exchanged between the two youkais, frowning she approached the two of them.
“What are the two of you doing? There will be no blood shed in these lands! If this happens again, I will personally see to both of your purifications!” The hime said as each word rose in volume.
Sesshoumaru cursed quietly to himself as he willed his hard cock to become dormant once again but it was rather difficult with her standing there. He could not help but become more aroused when she exerted her authority over him, he loved to see what kind of authority she could have over him in bed. Sesshoumaru shot Kouga a quick glance and could see that he too was having difficulty to restrain himself from grabbing her and fucking her senseless.
Sesshoumaru mentally sighed and he grudgingly conjugated a nude picture of his despicable but nonetheless loyal retainer Jaken, and miraculously his cock lost all will and became normal once again.
However it was not the great Sesshoumaru that went to comfort the hysterical female but the wolf Kouga. He stood there with his arms wrapped around Kagome's lithe form, nuzzling her neck and saying sweet nothings into her ear in his attempts to calm her down.
The inu clenched his fists tightly until his claws withdrew blood, he was beyond angry. This damn wolf was trying to take HIS female. Did he feel threaten by the wolf? He reasoned to himself that perhaps he was. The wolf knew her longer than he did, and could comfort the woman and not have her purifying him. Yes, he did fell threaten…Slightly.
Kouga smirked in triumph; HIS woman was accepting his touch. He continued to smile as he nuzzled along the area of her neck. Yes, Kagome was his for the taking. She belonged to him. She was a powerful miko and she would provide strong healthy pups to his clan. Yes, she was indeed a prize beyond words.
The youkai possessing silver hair could no longer watch the ookami shower his affections onto his female, she was his damn it! In a blink of an eye, Sesshoumaru appeared behind Kouga and wrenched the offending item off of Kagome.
Kagome was fed up with their behaviors and began to glow in a light blue; this ridiculous conflict would end here and now. Directing her purification powers she rested a hand on both of the males and immobilized them where they stood.
“There! Now you two settle your damn differences already! I'm not releasing either of you until you stop your damn dispute. It's actually quite getting to be a bit unnerving.” With that said Kagome walked away from the two and headed back into the castle to gain some rest. She was a bit tired after dealing with two hormonal men that would not stop and give her the peace and quiet that she deserved. Not to mention her poor vocal cords. She decided to drink some soothing mint tea to help her damaged voice box.
Kouga stood immobilized on the spot with his mouth agape. He tried to mentally will his body to move, but to no success. Kouga growled, he would have to stare at the damn narcissist inu.
Sesshoumaru stood there in disbelief, how could he, an inu youkai be controlled by a mere ningen onna? He, who could break the purification circle of the bloody houshis that tried to purify him previously? He who many demons and humans alike feared him?
Seeing how the ookami's attempt to escape ended up in vain. Sesshoumaru thought he would have a higher chance in leaving and pursue Kagome to forgive his foolishness. Though he soon realized that he could not. Sesshoumaru growled, he would have to glare at the wolf for a few hours. Not only that, he would have to smell his scent too. Yes, it was going to be a very long day indeed.
Whoosh! Chapter completed!! Hahahaa!! ~^^~ Poor Kouga-kun and Maru-chan!! Well at least you guys now have another installment of my prettiful fanfic!! w00t!! Hahaha!! ~^^~
I decided to color Kagome's miko powers as blue…Seeing how I'm not a great fan of the color pink *Shudders*
And the sneezing is because of a Japanese superstition. If someone is talking badly about you behind your back…You sneeze (This happens a few times in the anime called `Cardcaptors')
I wasn't sure if I should give Kagome miko powers in this fanfic…But hey! At least this fic is highly amusing ne? If I didn't give Kagome powers, she would have gotten Sango to use her hiraikotsu on Sesshoumaru and Kouga. Then Kagome would tell them that if they didn't settle their differences, she's never talk or acknowledge their existence ever again. Not caring if they were betrothed.
I wrote my whole entire graduation bio in |_ee7. It's when you combine numbers and letters to form a word. Like for example this* “1 |_0\/3 5355|-|0U|\/|4RU!!” (I LOVE SESSHOUMARU!!) This is actually based off a manga called “Megatokyo” You can read their on-line manga at: ~^^~
Oh crumpet!! (corlee1289's version of a swear word. Which one you ask? Who cares?!) I forgot the dictionary! *Has to go scroll up her story and write the definitions for them*
Ookami = Wolf
Inu = Dog
Ningen = Human
Onna = Female/woman
Neh? = Equivalent to `k?'
Hime = Princess
Youkai = Demon
Nani = What?
Yamete = Stop
Doushite = Why?
Kami = God
Haha-ue = Honorific term for `mother'
Houshis = Monks
Hiraikotsu = Sango's awesome boomerang! *Imitates the noise that a boomerang make*
Daijobou? = Are you alright?/Are you okay?
Yatta! = *A happy cry/noise* (Ex* Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Huzzah!)
-san = It is an all-purpose honorific and can be used in any situations where politeness is required. (Taken from the manga book in the honorific guide section* Tsubasa Chronicle Reservoir)
-sama = This is one level greater than “-san.” It is used to confer great respect. (Also taken from Tsubasa Chronicle Reservoir glossary)
-kun = This suffix is used at the end of boys' names to express familiarity or endearment. (*Sighs* See above)
-chan = This is used to express endearment, mostly towards girls. It is used for little boys, pets, and even among lovers. It gives a sense of childish cuteness. (Yes! From the book!)
There! *Wipes a drop of sweat* If I forgot a word or you don't understand something ask me, and I'll do my best to get back to you!! *Glares at her school work*
Don't forget! Put me under “Alerts” if you want to know when I update this fanfic!! ~^^~ At!! ~^^~
Matte ne!! See you in the next chapter!! ~^^~