InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My First Kiss ❯ The Audition ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kanayekisho: HELLO! Welcome to the premiere of "My First Kiss." OOOOOOH I am so excited to start writing this. It is my third fic so far, and I haven't even finished the other two yet. I just couldn't wait to write this idea out though!!! The chapters will be shorter, but there will be more of them, so the fic will last longer. Please review, and enjoy people!

Chapter 1: The Audition

Kagome sat in the back of an expensive looking car, fiddling with her fingers nervously. She stared at the ground, then out the window, then back at the ground. Her feet tapping anxiously. This wasn't her first audition, but she felt just as nervous anyway. Especially since the producers had sent a car for her. Did they really want her to do the part that badly? She had never starred in a film before, so why now? She had heard rumors that the Sesshomaru Toushi was on board for the film. He was one of the largest stars in the world! Kagome felt queasy now. She found that thinking of how big this audition was, REALLY wasn't helping her at all. The driver in the front glanced back in his mirror at the nervous young girl.

"Nervous?" he asked.

"Is it that obvious?"

The man laughed. "Like a dear in front of headlights." Kagome put her forehead in her hands and groaned.

"I'm never going to get this part!"

"Is this your first audition?"

"No- that's why I don't know why I am getting SO nervous! I can barely stand this!"

"Well now, I'm not supposed to tell anyone this, but I have some insider information about this movie, and I don't think you should be worrying that much." He said slyly.

"What?" asked Kagome confusedly. The driver put one hand up while keeping the other on the wheel.

"Sorry but that's all I can tell ya." He paused. "That and relax." He added. He pulled left up to a gate. A police man opened his little window up, the glare on his sunglasses hurting Kagome's eyes.

"ID and state your purpose." He said, authority dripping from his every word. The driver reached into his jacket and pulled out a laminated pass of some sort. It was red and had fancy writing all over it. He handed it to the officer.

"That should be enough for you officer." He said happily. The man examined the pass and then handed it back to the driver and nodded. The driver rolled his window back up as the officer opened the gate and allowed them to pass. Kagome felt like she was going to explode at any second. The huge building looked so important.

"I don't belong here…" she mumbled to herself as she admired the unique blue and silver architecture. There were so many arches and sculptures, as well as the infinitesimal windows raising up past her line of vision. She felt the car jolt suddenly to a stop and she toppled over herself and off the seat. She sat up and put a hand to her heart.

"Why did you do that???" she gasped at the driver. He chuckled lightly at her.

"I had to snap you out of that trance somehow. We're here." He stated. Kagome's eyes widened as she watched him get out of the car and walk around to her side. The door opened and he put a hand out to assist her out of the car. She stumbled a bit, her legs turning into jelly with every step she took. She heard the door shut, and then another door open and close. She looked back at the driver who was now back in the driver's seat, buckling up and rolling down the window.

"W-where are you going? A-a-aren't you coming?" she squeaked nervously.

"Sorry, you're on your own from now on. You'll do fine, now take a deep breath and knock em' dead." He said supportively before smiling, waving, and pulling away. Kagome gulped freakishly loud. She turned and started taking gapingly huge breaths, attempting to have the air intake get rid of her nerves. She reached the very official front doors and tried to push them open. They didn't budge. She pushed them again looking irritated now. She started desperately pushing against the doors, putting all her strength into it and squishing her face up with her efforts. She was so caught up in her pathetic attempt, that she didn't notice the person that came up next to her.

"Ahem." A strong male voice cleared his throat to catch her attention. She turned her head slowly and stood stalk still. She was literally frozen in shock. He watched amusingly as her eyes widened, although he didn't show any emotion. He approached the door next to her and easily pulled it open.

"See you inside." He said smoothly, before disappearing in the door. Kagome watched the door swing close and stared at it for quite a while more before she even found the strength to move.

"Oh….. my….. god….." she whispered breathlessly. "Was that… that was…. THAT WAS SESSHOMARU TOUSHI!!!!" she shrieked. "He was just…. And he…. And I….. Oh god he probably thinks I'm a moron now!!" she cried, slapping herself on the forehead. "I'm so stupid…" she muttered. She pulled the door open and realized with self shame that there was a huge sign in large bold print on the door saying "PULL." She tried to shake it off as she reached the elevator, but she felt even more stupid with every step. She pulled out a small slip of paper and read it aloud to herself.

"Suite #527, level 43. Holy shit that's high up…." She said to herself. Or at least she thought.

"Lost?" said a new voice that made Kagome's heart leap up and out of her throat. She didn't know why, it just did.

"Try intimidated." She said. She turned to see a very handsome man with long silver hair and the most stunning and captivating golden eyes she had ever seen. She didn't realize she was staring until he snapped a finger in front of her face.

"You alive over there?" he said with a hint of rudeness in his voice. She was snapped out of her gaze and stepped into the elevator, the guy following. Kagome pushed the button for 43. She noticed that he didn't push a different button.

`Must be going to the same floor.' She thought. She glanced over again and saw that he was holding a huge load. He had a large and expensive looking coffee and a brown bag in one hand, a few select magazines in the other, and about 3 different hangers with silk covers draped over his arms. Oh and then he had a briefcase slung over his torso.

"That's quite a load." She said, breaking the silence as the elevator started its path upwards.

"You're tellin' me." He grumbled.

"Where are you going with all that?" she attempted to keep the conversation going, seeing as she had just looked at the glass part of the elevator and saw how high they were getting.

"I work for the coldest, snottiest, and most self-centered bastard alive." He stated.

"Wow that sucks." She said lamely. She glanced out the window and gulped, then stumbled backwards a little. The man beside her laughed.

"Afraid of heights?"

"No, just falling from them…" He set the magazines down and offered his hand to her.

"Inuyasha." He said.

"Kagome, nice to meet you." She said, her heart speeding up at the contact. They maintained the contact for a few more seconds and then she let go nervously.

"So where are ya going?" he asked.

"An audition for a movie." She said blankly.

"Nervous?" he said with a smirk. She stamped her feet and whined a little, simulating the beginnings of a little girl's tantrum.

"Why is it so obvious?" she cried. "I'm just gonna go in there and trip and then they'll realize what a stupid girl I am and send me back home where I belong." She finished breathlessly. She buried her face in her hands again. He wanted to say something or do something to help the beautiful girl next to him, but he was clueless. The elevator stopped at their floor. They stepped out and Kagome once again pulled out the slip of paper and started walking down the hall to the right. Inuyasha went left, because he still needed to make some copies for his heartless employer.

"See ya, and good luck with that audition." He called out as he went off in the other direction. Kagome waved goodbye with the best smile she could, then started off towards suite #527. It didn't take long to reach the door. There was a plate with gold cursive letters on it. Kagome took a deep breath in the empty hall.

"This is it. Just stay calm and you'll do fine." She said shakily, not convincing herself in the least. She felt like she was going to gag the millisecond she reached for the doorknob, but once she turned it she couldn't go back. She felt the coldness of the AC hit her full on as she stepped into the room. She saw a large desk with black leather chairs around it. There was a fruit basket on the glass top of the table, there were a few people she didn't know, but her heart stood still as she realized that Sesshomaru was sitting next to the top chair occupied by the director.

"Ah, Kagome Higurashi I presume?" said the director brightly. "Come in and take a seat, we have been waiting for you." He motioned for her to take a seat next to him. She walked over and sank in the chair. She quickly sat up and set her purse aside.

"I'm sorry, I was having some trouble finding the place." She said. The director waved his hand.

"It's no matter, you're here now." She smiled at him.

`So far, so good. Don't blow it now Kagome.'

She looked up and saw Sesshomaru subtly eyeing her. She blushed and turned back to the director.

"Well first I'm going to give you a copy of the script so you can look through it for a while, and then you will show us what you can do with the highlighted section." Kagome nodded as he handed her a thick script. She browsed over the first few pages and then flipped straight to the highlighted section. She read through it and mentally noted on motions or voice affects to put in on certain parts. She heard the door open and close so she lifted her head up. She straightened up and opened her mouth, then closed it, her eyes following the man from the elevator. It was Inuyasha, right? Yes, it was Inuyasha. She couldn't forget that name. He smirked at her as he sat down next to Sesshomaru, unloading the papers, food, and clothes he was carrying. She wanted to say something, but knew it wasn't the right time so she went back to her script after breaking the eye contact. She tried to focus back on the script. About 10 minutes later, her stomach lurched as the director told her that time was up.

"Alright, if you could just go stand up there, and I will give you your cue." Kagome nodded and walked up in front of the glass table. There were at least 10 people staring at her. She gulped lightly for the millionth time that day. This was the moment of truth. She either could act or she couldn't, and everyone in the room, whether involved or not, was interested to see how she would do.

The director looked up at Kagome and nodded his head. "Go ahead. Start any time." Kagome took a deep breath and put on her character. Then she dove in.

* * *

Kanaye: Well I decided to leave it as a minor cliffie, but don't worry, the next chapter will literally be up before you know it! Please review and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter to my fic!!!! Luv ya'll!