InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My First Kiss ❯ The Drive Home ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kanaye: Hey all! I told you the next chapter would be here before you knew it! Well no more delays- and oh yah! The disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any of the other characters…. *sobs*…. So tragic… well just don't sue me! Now onto chapter 2!

Last time…

The director looked up at Kagome and nodded his head. "Go ahead. Start any time." Kagome took a deep breath and put on her character. Then she dove in.


Chapter 2: The DriveHome

She was no longer Kagome Higurashi, and somehow that helped her feel a lot less nervous. The director would feed her the lead lines and she would respond with her lines from the script.

`Wow. She is incredible. I can't believe she was nervous at all. She has this for sure.' Inuyasha thought. The whole room was in awe at how incredible of a performance she was putting on. Sesshomaru leaned over to Inuyasha.

"She is to be my co-star? Hm, she is beautiful. I will make her mine- she is a perfect addition. Make sure she stays available, and if she isn't then make sure she gets that way." He said monotonously.

"I'm your assistant. I get your coffee, your papers, and organize your schedule. I refuse to run your fucking social life. I'm not gonna help you add her to your `collection' of women, you bastard!" he seethed, speaking lightly so not to disturb Kagome's audition. He knew that Sesshomaru would go after every woman who he worked with and then some, and then some more. He was an all out player and got away with it every time. But he refused to be part of that.

"You should watch your tongue or you'll find yourself on the streets." Sesshomaru gritted, used to getting his way.

`I'll make her mine and she will be tied around my finger just like all the other pathetic, star-struck woman. She will be nice to have during the night…' he thought to himself. Inuyasha watched the expressions play over in his eyes. He wanted to tear him apart right then because he knew that he was planning to take advantage of Kagome. That would be just one more poor girl who fell for Sesshomaru's tricks. He tightened his fist under the table. He couldn't stand this. If he didn't need the money that badly, he wouldn't be doing this at all. He focused back on Kagome who ended her audition.

"Scene." She said, returning back to herself. The room burst into applause, and the director stood up and walked over to her. He shook her hands.

"Incredible. That was superb, amazing. I was blown away! You are going to be the next big star- welcome to the team!" he said ecstatically.

"I-I got it?" she said incredulously.

"Yes you did! You can take the script home with you and I will contact you with further details! Congratulations!"

"I did it… I got it… Thank you so much!" she said calmly. She grabbed her purse and her script, shook hands, said some more thank you's and stepped into the hall. Once she had closed the door….

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! I GOT I GOT IT I GOT IT I GOT IT!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" she screamed in delight and started jumping up and down. Inuyasha emerged from the door and looked at her questioningly.

"A-hee-hee…." She laughed nervously.

"Congratulations. You really were incredible in there." He said, realizing how beautiful she really was.

"Thank you. Oh my god I just can't believe this. This could be my big break! I have been working for years to get a job like this, and it was just handed to me!" she said indicating to the script. She was so excited that she just hugged him out of nowhere and then took off dancing to the elevator. Inuyasha's heart ached at the thought of her getting hurt or taken advantage of. He had to prevent it. He just couldn't let that happen to her. So operation prevent-the-bastard-from-hurting-an-innocent-girl was commenced. Just then, Sesshomaru walked through the door and spotted Kagome walking to the elevator. He quickly walked after her, Inuyasha following in order to monitor his actions. The door was closing when Sesshomaru reached it. He put a hand out and Kagome quickly pushed the "open" button to allow him in. She was immediately in a flush. He turned to her.

"So I see you have now become my co-star. You were truly brilliant, I cannot wait to work with you." He said, taking her hand and kissing it. Kagome blushed even deeper. Was this real? Was he really talking to her? Kissing her hand? No this was all just one big dream. Any minute her alarm clock would go off and she would be faced with the real audition. But her alarm clock didn't go off.

"Thnkyu…." She mumbled.

`Perfect.' Thought Sesshomaru. `She is already melting. This will be easier than I thought.' Inuyasha rolled his eyes. He had to do something to prevent this. Sesshomaru was already turning her into goo. This was going to be harder than he thought. The elevator stopped and they got out.

"It was a pleasure to meet you Kagome, do you have a ride? If you don't I would be honored if you would accompany me in my limo, and I could escort you home?" he said suavely.

"Oh!" said Kagome in shock. "That would be great!" she said a little too excitedly.

`This can't be the same guy that Inuyasha was talking about! No, he must have just been having a bad day.' She thought to herself. She walked out and she told her driver that she had a ride home. He congratulated her on the part and then drove away. Inuyasha slyly managed to get in front of Kagome in order to open the door for her, and after she had gone in, he quickly slid in after her in order to make sure Sesshomaru couldn't sit next to her. Kagome was in awe at the super stretch limo. The interior was like a pint-sized palace. The seats were leather and there were red velvet pillows around. There was a star set ceiling, and a sun roof. Then there was a mini bar with crystal glasses embedded with emeralds and blue diamonds. There was expensive champagne in a golden ice bucket, then there was a plasma screen with DVD and vhs, and there was surround sound system for music….. just one pillow was probably worth more than her entire house! Sesshomaru, though angry at Inuyasha, spoke calmly to Kagome.

"So you like it then?" Kagome nodded.

"Yes, it is nice, but I honestly don't need all this- the real reward is just being able to do what I love every day." He locked eyes with Kagome. Kagome never knew it, but he seemed just like a normal person, just blessed with talent and a good job. So genuine. Inuyasha nearly snorted with laughter. He had heard that cheap line so many times he could mouth it along with him. And despite how amazingly phony it was to him, the girls seemed to buy it every time. Yah, something about playing the "I'm a normal person too" card really got their attention. Kagome looked at Inuyasha questioningly and Sesshomaru was ready to rip his head off, though he didn't show it.

"So tell me more about yourself Kagome. What is your-?"

"Favorite color?" finished Inuyasha smirking.

"Red." Answered Kagome more to Inuyasha then Sesshomaru.

"Ah that is mine as well." Said Sesshomaru.

"Are you kidding Sesshomaru? You hate red." Laughed Inuyasha, at his pathetic attempts.

"What would you know?" He gritted.

"So Kagome, do you like anime?" asked Inuyasha. (A/N: ha ha ha, get the irony there? Just wanted to point that out to all of you…).

"I love anime!" she said.

"Ah yes, anime is great." Said Sesshomaru.

"So what's your favorite Sesshomaru?" said Inuyasha with an eyebrow raised for effect, knowing the answer already though. He watched as Sesshomaru's lips curled a bit, but just enough for Inuyasha to see.

"I don't have a favorite." He said as a quick save.

"Oh." said Kagome. "My favorite is Cowboy Bebop."

"Really?" said Inuyasha with real enthusiasm this time. "Me too!" Kagome perked up a bit and she scooted closer to Inuyasha. She supported herself on one knee and smiled widely.

"Do you remember that one episode…." She started describing an episode and Inuyasha joined in, and for a good while they were talking animatedly to each other about anime and anything related. This was not going how Sesshomaru wanted. She was so caught up talking to Inuyasha that she seemed to forget that he, THE Sesshomaru Toushi was seated just feet away from her. What happened to his perfect puddle of goo? That damn assistant of his ruined the perfect drive he had planned. He would pay. Literally. There would be no check this month. Or maybe even the next month. And if he didn't screw up entirely within that time, he wouldn't fire him like he ought too. The limo stopped at a light jolting the car a bit, and Kagome started to topple over. This time though, Inuyasha caught her by the arms before she fell off the seat.

"Thanks…" she said embarrassed. She sat up and straightened her hair and then snapped back into reality and realized she had been almost ignoring the world renound star in the limo with her. She glanced out the tinted window and spotted her favorite fast food place. She heard her stomach grumble and had an idea.

"Hey Sesshomaru! I bet since you are always so busy that you've never been to a fast food restaurant, huh?" she said, hoping that his answer was yes.

"Hm, I guess I haven't." he said.

"Well, there is this one place that's right across the street, that is if you want to…" she said.

"That sounds good. Show us the way." Sesshomaru pressed an intercom and talked to the driver. They pulled over and Kagome lead them across the street to the little fast food joint. Sesshomaru looked at it as though it was a repulsive dump, but put on a grin seeing that Kagome obviously liked this place. Why he had no idea…

"Here, I will order for us since you've never been here." She said approaching the counter.

"3 large chocolate extra thick milkshakes, with a bit of malt, 3 onion rings- crispy, and 3 double stacks with cheese, extra sauce." She finished expertly. The woman rang up the order on the register.

"$25.37" she said. Kagome started to dig through her purse but Sesshomaru stepped in.

"Please- allow me." He said. He pulled out a gold card and handed it to the woman. The woman behind the register nearly fainted when she saw him.

"Oh my god! You're Sesshomaru Toushi!!!!! Oh my god oh my god!!! Oh, here you go." She said sliding the card through and handing it to him as though it was made of glass.

"Thank you very much." He said smoothly and kissed her hand. She looked at the hand idolizingly.

"Um… do you think I could… have an autograph?" she asked nervously. Sesshomaru swept out a pen.

"Where do you want it?" he asked politely. She pointed to the sleeve of her shirt. He signed it with very fancy cursive letters.

"Thank you so much!!!" she cried. By then, a crowd was forming in the small building and people on the streets were stopping by the windows and looking in. The girl returned with the order and handed it gingerly to the customers. Then she turned back to her stunned co-workers.

"Look!!! THE Sesshomaru Toushi signed my arm!!! And kissed my hand!!" she shrieked.

"You mean that THE SESSHOMARU TOUSHI IS HERE AT ROCKIE'S BURGERS AND MORE????" shouted another girl. So loudly that his presence was officially announced and within minutes, there were what seemed like thousands of people flocking the building and the windows, and anywhere they could get a closer look. Sesshomaru sat waving at people at his table. He turned to Kagome.

"Sorry about this."

"It's no problem at all!" she said brightly. "I didn't even think this many people even lived here!!" She took a sip of her milkshake. "You were really sweet to that waitress." She said.

"Well where would I be without my fans?" he said.

`Annoying honestly. Like little fleas. Why should they care so much about my life anyway? They should just get one of their own.' he thought to himself.

"Aw, that's so sweet. It's nice too see a star that appreciates the people who got him to the top." She said with a smile directed right at him.

`Damn. He really is a good actor. It's as if he is always in character or something, because if someone saw how he really was, he would be shunned out of the country.' Thought Inuyasha bitterly to himself.

The employees holding off the crowd were starting to struggle. Sesshomaru called one over.

"If you could please get us some bags?" he said.

"R-right away sir." She said. She ran to the back and appeared quick as a flash with the bags in hand. They put their food in the bags and carried the drinks.

"Thank you for the excellent service." He said shaking her hand.

"Any time sir! Thank you for gracing us with your presence, you are always welcome here!" she said quickly. Kagome's eyes were watering as photos were getting snapped. Sesshomaru, noting the paparazzi that were now lined up around, decided to get a head start on his little plan. He wound an arm around Kagome, who blushed furiously, but tried to keep her cool. The cameras went crazy. So did Inuyasha. The employee led them to a back door that was also stormed with people. Her and few other people made a hole in the crowd for them to escape out of and into the limo. They waved goodbye and drove out of the mess of people. Kagome was still a little flustered and Inuyasha realized that Sesshomaru got in next to Kagome.

"I'm sorry if I caused you any discomfort in the restaurant. I just didn't want you to get hurt by any crowd of people. They can get pretty intense sometimes." He said.

"That was very nice of you." She said softly.

`Bullshitter. You did it for the fucking publicity.' Thought Inuyasha.

"So where do you live?" he asked.

"4371 E. Cherry Side Rd." she said. Sesshomaru nodded and put in the stop to his driver through the intercom. They were there very soon. Actually in no time at all. Sesshomaru managed to get in some more lines before the car stopped.

"Allow me to walk you to your door?" he said very gentleman like as he opened the door and lended a hand to Kagome. Kagome nodded and they walked up to the door.

"Well I had a wonderful time today. I hope to stay in touch." He said kissing her hand again.

"No thank you Sesshomaru." She said.

"You can call me Sessh." He said with a wink and walked back to the limo leaving that wink repeating in Kagome's mind like a broken record. It felt like she had just gone on a date… a date with Sesshomaru Toushi. And his assistant… Kagome was confused, dazed, flattered, and star-struck all at the same time.

Inuyasha had watched Kagome after Sesshomaru walked her to the door.

`Be careful with him. You might get hurt…' Wait, why did he care so much anyway? This was just some new girl he met. But she was- different. He didn't know why, but something just clicked with him. He couldn't let this one get hurt. Sesshomaru returned to the car about then. Inuyasha- knowing what he was in for, quickly got out the door and into the passenger seat in the front. He heard the car door slam shut in the back and he breathed a sigh of relief. He was safe for now.

"Pchhh… Inuyasha, you may think you are in the clear, but you are far from it." Sesshomaru spoke in vehemently and in snapping syllables.

"Be aware that you have now had your pay docked for the next 3 months." Inuyasha banged the front of the car.

"Damn you Sesshomaru!! You know I need that money!" he said aloud. He should've known that his actions would go unnoticed.

"And know that you are officially on probation. One more episode like this and you will be gone. Fired. Back down to the gutters where you belong. Pchhh." The speaker clicked off. Inuyasha was beyond angry. He was gonna have to find a way to get her away from him without him knowing. Damn this was gonna be hard. He didn't even know how he was going to do it, but he had to. He just had to.

* * *

Kanaye: So did you like the chappie? I hoped so! Please review, and a HUGE thanks to the two who already have! You're opinions matter greatly to me people so go ahead and speak up! Did you like it? Do you have suggestions? Anything at all! Well I will update soon! Luv ya'll!!! ^___^