InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Futures' Past ❯ Just An Ordinary Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Futures' Past
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, the well, the swords, or the tree. Hell, I don't even own my cat; she owns me. Inuyasha & co. belong to the illustrious Rumiko Takahashi and I am just borrowing them for my own guilty pleasures.
Chapter 1: Just An Ordinary Day…
A warm morning breeze ruffled the pink curtains and caused the overweight calico cat to raise its snout and sniff sleepily at the air, testing to see if was really time to get up. Deciding that his mistress had slept long enough and that breakfast was in order, the cat raised his hindquarters into the air and stretched with a jaw cracking yawn. Finished with his stretch, the feline traipsed over the body under the pink comforter and plopped his butt down smack on her head.
The pink bed's occupant `eeped' and sat up, sending the fur covered ad for diet pills rolling onto his back with an undignified yowl.
“Buyo! My alarm hasn't even gone off yet. Did you have to sit on my face?” Kagome groaned.
Buyo just blinked his yellow eyes at the teen and remained with his belly bared, front and hind legs in the air looking like some kind of dead insect.
Kagome reached down and rubbed the cat's belly vigorously causing Buyo to try and coordinate his front and back paws to get her hand to his mouth. Finally, realizing the effort was too much like exercise, he relented and began to purr loudly. Sighing, Kagome deposited the cat on the carpet and got up to stretch herself.
“Well, Buyo, I'm fifteen today,” she said, twisting side to side with her arms over her head. “I wonder what Gramps is giving me. If it was once living, then it's going to you, deal?”
She received a loud `MEOW' in response.
“I guess the better question is what are the girls planning? All I know is to be prepared for dinner after school. And Eri is in charge, Kami help me.” With that Kagome slapped off her alarm and made her way to the closet to pull out a clean uniform, thankful she took a bath the night before, and even more thankful that her school didn't allow makeup so she wouldn't have to spend half the morning messing with the stuff. After pulling on the short green skirt and white sailor style blouse with its green collar, she began hunting for the red neck scarf that went through the collar while trying to comb the snarls out of her hair. Kagome spotted the red fabric under Buyo.
“Alright, cat, up!” she grunted while lifting the top half of Buyo off the floor. He just purred at her and made no attempt to help move his massive girth. “Got it. You're a really big help, you know.”
Knee socks in hand, Kagome opened the door. “Let's go see who else is up this early, Buyo.” The cat didn't flinch. Kagome sighed. “Buyo, breakfast.” With that, the cat shot off the floor and down the hall in a blur of orange, brown and white fur. She took one last look at the pink comforter and sheet set, pink curtains, white walls with their dark pink trim, and the pink patchwork throw rug at the side of the bed, before heaving her sunshine yellow backpack over her shoulder.
“Maybe I should have asked Mama if I could redecorate my room this year,” she mumbled, heading towards the sounds and smells of breakfast.
“So, Kagome, did Houjou talk to you today?” Eri asked as she struggled with several brightly colored bags and balloons.
“Ummm, he asked about my health and the how the shrine was and if I needed any help with cram school. Eri do you want me to carry some of that, it is my birthday after all?” Kagome replied.
“Oh, no,” Eri huffed, “I've got it. We're almost there anyway.”
Kagome looked up to see the familiar sight of the fast food restaurant the four girls visited after school regularly.
“WacDonald's! You three are bringing me to a place we eat at almost everyday for my birthday dinner?” Kagome asked while holding open the doors for her friend.
“Well, yeah, but the celebration won't be ordinary and it won't be just us girls.”
Kagome eyed the two girls sitting at the booth. Ayume was playing with a strand of her wavy hair and Yuka was fiddling with her headband. Turning her attention back to Eri, Kagome narrowed her eyes.
“Who else did you invite, Eri, dear?”
The short haired brunette swallowed guiltily. After casting a glance to her co-conspirators, Eri mumbled, “Only Houjou, and where is he anyway?”
“He wanted to run to his family store to pick up something. He said he'd be here in an hour. He doesn't eat fast food. Too much grease,” Ayume supplied.
Kagome groaned and plopped down next to Yuka. There was really no stopping these three once they got started on a mission and lately Kagome felt like that mission. Eri had her first steady, as in lasting longer than two weeks, boyfriend and Yuka and Ayume both dated. Kagome just never felt like going out with anyone. No one really struck her as `special'. Houjou was nice, if not a bit dim when it came to females, and he was handsome with his sandy brown hair and light brown eyes, but there was no spark. Kagome wanted a spark…or at least attraction.
“Look guys, I appreciate what you try and do, really, but I am NOT interested in Houjou,” Kagome said.
Yuka grabbed her hand and stared into her stormy eyes. “Kagome, we do this for your own good. You have never even been on a date before. People are going to start talking. What if they say you like…girls? And Houjou is hot. Why don't you want him?”
“If they say I like girls then it's really none of their business now is it?” Kagome replied icily. “If they don't want to ask me about it and just talk then it doesn't matter to me. Not that I do like girls, mind you. And Houjou is good looking but he's sort of dull and boring…and just a bit odd. I can't date him, there just isn't anything there.”
Eri's eyes glittered. “Well, according to my Kenta, Houjou has something there alright and it isn't all that little.”
Kagome's jaw dropped as she glanced at the other two girls. They looked like this was nothing they hadn't already heard. “Eri, ummm, not that I don't believe your boyfriend but how does he know?”
“Gym locker room,” she shrugged. “Anyway, you need to start living a little. Yuka, can you get our food?”
Yuka flashed Kagome a grin and bounced towards the order lines. Eri and Ayume moved closer to Kagome and Eri brought the bags up on the table. “Now, as our gift to you, we wanted to bring some daring into you life.” She pulled out several brightly wrapped packages. “Open.”
The first few gifts were pretty ordinary, CD's, a vanilla flavored lip gloss that Kagome immediately pocketed, gift certificates to the movies, but then the weirdness came. First was a gift card for a free piercing of her choice at the tattoo and piercing studio Yuka's cousin worked at, next was a manga with a plain brown cover. Kagome raised her eyebrows and looked at the girls.
“Oh, Kaggie, open that. Eri wouldn't let me look at it when she got it,” Yuka cried, setting two trays loaded with sodas, burgers, and fries on the table.
Kagome grabbed a couple fries and opened the book. She flipped a few pages and then turned the book upside down. Suddenly, she turned beet red and threw the book at Yuka.
“What the hell were you guys thinking? That book is nothing but sex positions!” Kagome squeaked out.
“Actually, if you bothered to read the first page before throwing it, you would have seen the book is about what you and your man can do to get off if you don't want to have sex yet,” Eri corrected. “I got it online. And you should really check out pages 57-69, those are my personal favorites.”
Ayume and Yuka were too engrossed in the manga to notice Kagome's shock. “Wait, you and Kenta have only been going out for, what a month and a half? And you've done that with him already? And I don't have a man.”
“What did you think I was doing when I skipped cram school? Going to the library? Look, girl, we are going to be in high school next year. It's time to give up childish things…like your cotton candy colored bedroom set and your collection of stuffed inus. And we will get you a man. Why else do you think we invited Houjou? Now take this last bag and go in the bathroom and put it on, I want to make sure everything fits,” Eri commanded. “Oh, and Kags, I will ask to see proof that you have them on.”
Kagome weaved her way through the crowded restaurant and into the bathroom. She slipped into the handicapped stall at the end of the row and locked the door with a sigh. How could such a small bag cause her such dread? Granted, if it was something she had to wear and Eri picked it out it probably could have fit in a ring box. Drawing in a deep breath, Kagome opened the pink gift.
“What in the name of all the Kami's were you thinking Eri?” Kagome hissed, as she let the small pieces of silk and lace slip through her fingers. It was a bra and panty set. Both were a deep crimson, the bra cups were silky and lightly lined with a lace overlay and closed in the front. The panties, at least they aren't thongs, were a boy shorts, hip hugger style and almost all lace. The only solid part on them was the crotch. Slowly, she stripped out of her uniform and plain white underthings and into the lingerie. As much as she hated to admit it, the set fit well and the bra made her fairly ample C-cup breasts feel like they weren't going anywhere. Not like anyone but me is going to see any of this. Hearing the bathroom door open, Kagome quickly slipped on her clothes and shoved her old underwear into the bag. She flushed the toilet to make everything seem normal and used the sink in the stall to splash her face with water before heading out the meet the girls. Rounding the corner, Kagome came to a dead stop. There at the table, waiting for her while she was putting on skimpy undies, was none other than Houjou.
All four girls were laughing on their way to the shrine. Even Kagome had to admit that Houjou's reaction to Eri trying to lift up her skirt to see if the `gift' was indeed on, was priceless. His jaw just about hit the table and he actually asked if they were all feeling like themselves…if they were sure they weren't possessed.
“Come on Kaggie, you know you want of piece of Houjou! Just let him take you out this weekend,” Ayume gasped out between giggles.
“I do NOT want a piece of anything to do with him! Did you see what he got me for my birthday? A soak for athlete's foot since I did so well at volleyball in gym, and a bag of some smelly herbs that reeked of anise and pepper that's supposed to be a love talisman. I don't want a guy that is so…simple. I want someone who is wild; a little untamed, but still would care about me. Just someone different from the guys we know.”
“Maybe Houjou has a wild side?” Yuka asked, as they approached the hill of stairs leading to Kagome's house.
Kagome snorted. “I highly doubt that.”
“Hello, girls! Did you have fun at dinner?” Mama Higurashi called from the top of stairs with a broom in her hand.
“Hello, Mrs. H! Dinner was great! Kagome got lots of great gifts,” Eri called out.
Kagome turned to her friends and offered, “Do you three want to come up for cake? I still have to open my family's gifts.”
“Kagome, much as we love you we are not walking up ten thousand steps for cake. Have good night, check out some chapters of that manga, and dream of your untamed mystery lover,” Eri smirked, ducking the hand that came flying at her. The girls waved as they headed around the corner and Kagome began the long climb to meet her mother.
“So, you had a good time, dear,” Mama asked, hugging her only daughter.
“Yes, but I think the girls have lost their minds.”
“Ahhh, to be young again. Come on, everything is set up in the living room.”
“Mama, please tell me Gramps didn't get me anything formerly living this year,” Kagome said, sliding open the glass door and slipping off her loafers. Buyo waddled over and demanded he be picked up while Mama headed off into the kitchen.
“Yeah Sis, the petrified turtle dung was cool,” Kagome's eight year old brother Souta commented from in front of the TV, a video game flashing madly on the screen.
“I'll have you know that each and every one of the presents I have given you is full of ancient history and magic, girl. I tell you, your generation has no appreciation for the past, too wrapped up in your music and malls to bother…UGH!” Gramps was cut off mid tirade by Kagome dropping Buyo onto his lap and kissing his wrinkled cheek.
“So, Gramps, what did you get me?”
“Something very special,” Gramps replied as he handed Kagome a brightly wrapped box. Without pausing, the teen torn into the package and a grayish white lump the size and thickness of a deck of cards fell onto the floor. Buyo prepared to pounce, tail swishing madly.
“Uh, what…”
“That is the petrified tongue of a…”
“Gross!” Kagome screamed. “Here Buyo, eat.” The cat grabbed the gift and ran towards the kitchen and the cat door.
“That's a precious antique! Come back here, you!” Gramps called, scurrying after the cat.
“He's definitely lost it,” Souta muttered. “Let's get some cake!”
Kagome nodded.
Kagome lay sprawled out on her stomach on her bed later that evening, the plain covered manga lying innocently beside her taunting her. Get a grip, Kagome it's only a book, it doesn't bite. Eri is probably going to give you a quiz tomorrow on the first five chapters. Sitting up and squaring her shoulders, Kagome grabbed the book and opened it to the first chapter…'The first steps to a fulfilling sexual relationship without actual intercourse is knowing both you and your partner's erogenous zones…' Kami, what am I getting myself into?
“Eep!” Kagome started and threw the manga across the room. “Yes, Mama,” she replied, trying to calm her frantic heart.
Mama opened the door and peeked her head inside. “Honey, can you go help Souta look for Buyo? We haven't seen him since he took off with Grandpa's gift and it's starting to get dark.”
Kagome rolled her eyes as she got up. “Can't Souta look by himself? It's not like Buyo can climb trees or crawl under any of the store houses. All Souta would have to do is yell `food' and the cat would come running.”
Mama draped her arm over the girl's shoulder as they walked downstairs. “Souta's eight, Kagome, and it's getting dark. Plus, he thinks Buyo may have gone into the old well house. Grandpa left it open today when he was working in there. You remember the kinds of stories he used to tell about the well don't you?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Kagome said, pulling on her shoes. “The Bone Eaters Well was named such because there was some magical force that caused the bones of dead demons to disappear once they were tossed in. The whole reason there aren't any remains in there now isn't because of magic, but because demons don't exist!”
“Honey, please, just humor me and find the cat. Then we can all sit down and watch a movie and have popcorn. How does that sound?”
Kagome kissed her mother on the cheek before heading out, “Sounds good. We'll hurry.”
The sky was lit up with deep pinks and purples as the shadows stretched arcos the edges of the shrine yard. She caught sight of Souta hovering around the wooden entrance to the well house, shining his flashlight into the darkness within. Kagome crept up behind him and grabbed his shoulders.
“AAARRRGGGHHH!” Souta spun around, clutching the crumbling sliding door for support. “Kagome that wasn't funny!” he cried.
“Oh, Souta you should have seen your face!” Kagome managed out between peels of laughter. Grabbing him by the collar, she led him into the old building. “Come on, let's get the cat and go inside. Mama said we can get a movie if we hurry.”
Souta shined the light onto the lip of well while Kagome made her way carefully down the stairs. She didn't see any sign that the lazy feline had ventured in here. There was a think layer of dust, its gray coating broken by her grandfather's footprints earlier in the day. The lid of the well was off, propped up against its side with a stack of ofuda papers and nails beside it.
“Sis?” Souta questioned, his voice shaking. “You don't think Buyo fell into the well do you?”
“Not likely. I don't think he could jump up there.” Still, Kagome walked over and peered into the old well. The hair on her arms and the back of her neck was standing up. It's just the cold. None of those stories Gramps told had any truth to them. She sat down on the lip facing her brother.
“Are you sure he came in here?”
“Yes, I heard noises. He's down there, I know it.”
A scratching sound came from behind the wooden steps. Kagome leaned forward to try and make out the shape in the little light the flashlight beam provided. A pair of glowing yellow eyes reflected back at her.
Buyo sprung forward from between two steps, body and tail fluffed up to twice his normal size. Startled, Kagome flinched back, forgetting she was on the edge of the well. With a cry she fell backwards into the dark abyss. She closed her eyes and braced herself for the impact with the bottom several feet below, but it never came. All she could make out behind her eyes was a blue glow and her brother yelling her name…then…nothing.