InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Futures' Past ❯ Lunar Euphoria ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Futures' Past
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, the well, the swords, or the tree. Hell, I don't even own my cat; she owns me. Inuyasha & co. belong to the illustrious Rumiko Takahashi and I am just borrowing them for my own guilty pleasures.
Thank you to everyone who is reading and reviewing, it really motivates me and my plot bunnies (which I keep hidden in a box under my bed).
Chapter 5: Lunar Euphoria (warning: lemon in chapter)
Ten days had gone by since Kagome's trip into the past. She still was uncertain exactly when she was, but at least with the God Tree and the well seeming to be in the same place as on her shrine, she was pretty sure she was in the area that would become Tokyo. She was beginning to wish she'd paid more attention in history class rather than sleeping or passing notes. Most of her injuries had healed, only her right ankle remained tender and that was her fault. Kagome finally managed to convince Inuyasha to take her to the well and let her try to get home. After he jumped in and investigated, he told her to do what she wanted. And she ended up with a re-twisted ankle and a grumpy dog demon.
Kagome couldn't help but become confused thinking of said dog demon. She had woken up first the past two mornings with Inuyasha wrapped around her as usual, but there had been a hardness pressed into her backside that wasn't normally there. She wasn't stupid, she knew what it was. Inuyasha preferred to be without clothes when he was in his own home, but that was never a problem before. He would jump out of bed and tell Kagome to hurry up and dress while pulling on his hakama. After a few hours, things would go back to normal. She'd learn inu and try to copy what her human vocal cords would allow and keep busy cleaning or helping gather firewood. Which was where Kagome found herself now. In the forest on the other side of the river, at dusk, with the ghost of the full moon getting brighter as the sky darkened, hunting for smaller sticks and twigs used to start the fire.
Puffing her bangs out of her eyes, Kagome pushed on the sleeves of Inuyasha's red haori. He'd caught a decent sized boar earlier in the afternoon and decided Kagome should learn how to clean a kill. He quickly figured out that it was much faster and neater to just use his claws. Kagome ended up having to wash his kimono and her underwear and leave them to dry by the roasting pig. Since both refused to have her go out with nothing on, Inuyasha gave up the oversized haori.
A crackling in the underbrush caught her attention.
“Inuyasha? Is that you?” she asked standing up and groaning as her knee gave a healthy `CRACK'.
Instead of her fiery inu companion, four unkempt men came out of the bushes. Kagome could see the faint outline of two much larger creatures lurking behind them.
“Well, men, I see we have us a pretty little lady here. You said you knew an Inuyasha, girly?” a man in dirty brown pants and a stained shirt asked.
Kagome dropped her bundle and started to back away in the direction the inu youkai took off in.
“Yes, he's not far from here. What do you want with him? He won't like you being here.”
The man leered at her. “Well, lovely, we have a message for him from his brother, but our Lord didn't say nothin' about a pretty human like you. You his bitch?”
Kagome kept her eyes on the men as they spread out and approached. She could only see three without turning her head.
“I'm no ones bitch! Leave now or I'll call for Inuyasha. You don't want to piss him off.”
She gasped as she was grabbed from behind. The man's putrid breath was hot in her ear as his hands encircled her waist. Without really thinking, she swung her elbow up and back, catching the bandit in the nose. Unfortunately, the others had reached her and took a hold of both arms so she couldn't fight back. A man with a scraggly beard ran his dirty hand over her face.
“You'll call for the hanyou, all right, just not by name,” the man whispered and Kagome could smell the stale liquor on his breath. “Gekko, Takeji grab her legs. Munoto take her arms. And be careful, looks like she hits pretty hard.”
Kagome felt a foot connect with the back of her knees and she went down with an `ooofff'. The two had a grip on her calves and the other held her arms above her head. The bearded one knelt between her thighs.
“Let's see what we can make you scream out, girly.” He pulled up the haori, exposing her with one hand while the other worked the knot on his pants. His erection sprang free and Kagome couldn't help but think how small he was compared to her demon. But small or not, that was going to hurt and with the way it looked, she was certain he had some sort of STD. She waited until he leaned over her slightly before wrenching her right leg free and connecting her foot with the side of his head, at the same time calling out,
The man, Gekko, caught her leg again and pinned it down while the one between her thighs glared at her.
“Fucking whore. I was going to give you something nice before I killed you. Now I'll just have to settle for fucking your corpse,” he hissed putting himself back in his pants and drawing out a long knife instead. She called out to Inuyasha again before Munoto clamped a meaty hand over her mouth. The soiled, rusty blade raked over the swell of her left breast before he twisted it indeeper at her sternum. Kagome clenched her eyes shut and waited for the killing blow.
As the bandit added pressure to the knife and Kagome began to squirm, fighting the ones who held her, a feral snarl sounded from behind her head. Opening her eyes, she saw the man pull back, the others distracted by the intrusion as well. Kagome strained her neck to see Inuyasha standing a few feet away, his bare chest heaving, red eyes flashing with their own inner light. She bit down on the hand covering her mouth and received a slap for her efforts, but at least she could speak.
“Please, Inuyasha, help me! There were too many, I…”
“Shut up, bitch!” the man with the knife yelled. “So, you're the half breed we were sent to rough up. You don't look so tough, you're just a baby.”
“This girl is NOT your bitch, she is MINE,” Inuyasha growled cracking his knuckles and allowing his talons to grow. “She belongs to me.”
He lunged and caught Munoto at Kagome's arms and the nameless one between her legs at the same time. The ones holding her calves let go, and Kagome crab walked a few feet before collapsing. She watched with wide eyes as Inuyasha pulled his claws free of one man's flesh, blood running down his wrist. With a growl he slashed at the throat of the one that tried to rape her. When the dog demon turned, she could see the stripes on his cheeks had darkened and his fangs looked longer, almost piercing through his lower lip.
Gekko and Takeji tried to run off, but Inuyasha leaped at them, claws swinging. Blood splattered the ground as he drove his hand through Gekko's stomach.
“Do not touch what is mine,” Inuyasha growled out, his voice so gruff the words seemed more like inu growls.
Kagome squinted at the tree line trying to find a hint of the lurking shadows she saw earlier but there was nothing but trees and moonlight. Turning back to Inuyasha, she watched with a heavy stomach as his long tongue lapped at the blood covering his hands. He looked half crazed.
“Inuyasha,” she whispered.
He pounced, pinning Kagome to the ground. She made no sudden moves, simply raised her chin and tilted her head.
“Thank you, Inuyasha,” she murmured.
He nosed the folds of the haori, nuzzling between her breasts. His hot tongue darted out to run over the knife wounds and Kagome hissed in pain. Inuyasha's ears flicked forward and he raised his head slightly.
“Hurt…must clean.”
It seemed like Inuyasha was having trouble forming the words, he kept trying to soothe Kagome with growls and yips. He pulled open the haori, leaving Kagome bare to his gaze. When he shifted his weight to move the fabric, she could feel him hard against her stomach and her heart sped up. She tried to scoot out from under him but he dropped his hands to either side, effectively pinning her.
A low, comforting rumble growled out before he licked at her breast again. The deeper wound in between them ached as he pushed his youkai saliva in. His hands held her waist, the long claws gently fluttering over her skin. Kagome wasn't sure what was wrong with him. Normally, he would only touch her to tend her wounds or carry her if necessary. Now it seemed like he wanted her. She wracked her brain trying to think what would have made him shift so suddenly from aggressive killer to aroused savior.
Inuyasha crept further down her body, so close she could feel his hot breath on her center.
“Inuyasha what are you doing?” Kagome panted out.
It only about two weeks ago her friends had gotten her a book on pleasuring your partner and teased her about not having a boyfriend and now it looked like she was about to be taken for the first time by a well endowed dog demon. Someone who, in her time, didn't even exist outside of legends. Suddenly bits and pieces of her biology class came floating back to her. They had been studying differences between wolves and domesticated dogs and it all seemed to apply to Inuyasha. He was much wilder than any household pet. They had been talking about the care of the pack and how emotionally attached males became to their pack members. If a female were injured, the leader male, the Alpha, would tend to her as though she were his own offspring. Inuyasha was an inu youkai, but he was very human-like and he must have become aroused by working on such an intimate area.
Inuyasha looked up from between her legs, fuzzy ears laid back slightly, looking for all the world like a puppy who just had a toy taken away. He whuffed at her in reassurance before pushing his nose into the dark curls at the apex of her thighs, inhaling madly. His tongue curled out and tasted her, causing Kagome to arch off the ground. He continued his ministrations until Kagome could feel the moisture dripping down her thighs. Pulling away, Inuyasha dropped his hakama allowing Kagome a clear view of just how large and thick her inu was before he flipped her on her stomach.
When she managed to get her knees under her, Inuyasha gripped the base of her neck with his fangs and thrust into her. Crying out at the sudden intrusion and pain following it, Kagome tried to move away only to find the grip on her neck tighten. As tears dripped down her face, Inuyasha began the low growl that lulled her to sleep at night, draping his body over her back so his thrusts became shallower. One hand moved to Kagome's abdomen and began to rub, pushing against the muscles there each time he reentered. He was hitting something inside that caused shockwaves of pleasure to run through her along with the burning pain of being stretched. The first orgasm caught her off guard, her inexperience causing the ripple of sensations to rush though her and making her collapse on her elbows.
Inuyasha kept his fangs in her neck but followed her to the ground. When he was sure she was done struggling, he removed his teeth and raised himself to his knees moving into her more forcefully, each thrust causing a slapping impact to echo in the dark. His knees were on either side of Kagome's and his large hands encircled her waist, leaving her surrounded by youkai. The new angle was deeper, hitting the end of her and now that the pain had eased up in the wake of her orgasm, she felt the need to rock back against Inuyasha, meeting his strokes.
Completely driven by his instincts to reclaim dominance over what was his, Inuyasha thrust into his human companion with demonic speed. Somewhere in the back of his mind he remembered that she was fragile and couldn't hold up to his full strength. Still, he couldn't help but growl his approval when she began rocking back against him, gasping out,
“Harder, please!”
Feeling his release nearing, Inuyasha began to shorten his thrusts, making them more powerful. When he felt Kagome's inner walls clench around him again as she cried out, he threw his head back and howled, a sign to any youkai in the area the inu was claiming a female. Pounding deep a few more times, he exploded, dropping his upper body over Kagome so he could once again clasp the back of her neck to hold her still. He could feel her trembling with exhaustion beneath him so he gathered her in his arms and sat back on his heels to steady Kagome in his lap. Finally done releasing, Inuyasha's eyes stopped their glow and his fangs and stripes faded back to their usual intensity. Realizing his human companion had yet to stir; he shook her slightly, turning Kagome so he could see her face. She'd passed out and was sleeping soundly.
The group returned from the exterminator village after a longer than expected absence. Kaede was beginning to worry the youths had been attacked on their way. It turned out the village headman was against the idea of his only daughter heading out on a mission alone, and one in which the village wanted the youkai kept alive. He'd read and reread the old miko's letter and after several `discussions' with his daughter about leaving a defenseless girl in the hands of a beast, he relented. The young woman had not come entirely unaided; she had with her a small fire neko who could transform into a formidable opponent if needed.
Kaede looked across the fire at the slayer. She was tall; waist length dark brown hair was pulled into a low ponytail, and alert maroon eyes. She dressed simply in a pink kimono cinched at the waist with a green skirt. Her youkai hunter gear was stored in a yellow cloth folded into a sack and resting against the wall. Both women had a bowl of stew and seemed to be waiting for the other to speak. The men who fetched her had long since left, heading back to their own huts and families.
“Sango, is it? Tell me, dear, why your father did not wish for you to aid us?” Kaede asked, deciding to break the silence.
The young woman smiled. “It's not that Father didn't wish to help you, it's that he didn't understand why you wanted this youkai to remain alive. With the exception of Kirara, we have found few youkai to be of any use to humans.”
“I see. Well, the youkai that I speak of is truly a hanyou. He aided my older sister in guarding the Shikon no Tama until he disappeared into the forest one evening. When he returned he had changed. He never used to set foot in the village, for the people did not take kindly to him, but he entered and called for my sister. Some men attacked him in fear and he slaughtered them. He never before took a human life.”
Kaede paused to see Sango's reaction. She listened to the miko's tale intently and Kaede could almost see a plan of approach forming in the woman's mind.
“My sister, not wanting anyone else to die nor wanting the hanyou injured, lured him into the forest and sealed him to the Goshinboku. She died without ever finding out why he began a full youkai.”
“So, if the hanyou is pinned to a tree, then why is it you need my aid,” Sango questioned.
“A strange girl appeared ten days ago. She was dressed in unusual clothing and came from a place called Toe-kee-oh. The men protecting the village injured her and she ran off into the forest. I was seeking the source of a strong aura and came upon the hanyou awake. The arrow my sister placed had vanished and he was set free. I believe it has something to do with this girl,” Kaede answered, gathering their bowls and pausing to scratch a snoozing Kirara behind the ears.
“Where is the girl now?”
“I believe Inuyasha has her.”
Sango's eyes widened. “Inuyasha? Dog demon? And you think she's still alive?”
“We have found no trace of the girl and I do not believe he would simply dispose of her. I think they are tied together somehow. The girl is a miko, though I am sure she does not realize it.”
The slayer made to stand. “I should go now. There is no telling what condition she is in or what the monster has done to her. She could be held captive somewhere, injured, with little food or water.”
Kaede waved her hands at Sango. “Calm yourself. I do not feel she is in danger. Her aura is strong and I have not felt any sign of danger. Inuyasha did not mean her harm or he would not have taken her in the first place. It is late. We should wait until morning to start out.”
“Yes. He recognized me when he first woke, though he was not pleased. I have some idea of where he used to stay when he was my sister's companion and I can take you there. I think the fewer people involved the better. Inuyasha is not social.”
Sango sat back down, though she didn't look pleased. The neko climbed onto her lap and purred. “Humph. I'm not sure I understand your reasoning, Lady Kaede. You say this Inuyasha helped your sister to protect the sacred jewel, yet he slaughtered humans?”
“You misunderstand. He came back changed. His aura was that of a full inu youkai. Once provoked it seemed he could not get enough blood shed. There was another inu we saw on a few occasions. I was only a small child then but I believe it was Inuyasha's full demon brother. Inuyasha would never allow Kikyou or me to remain near when he came into the forest,” Kaede explained as she moved towards her bedroll.
“You have had a long journey and should rest. We will start out first thing in the morning.”
Kagome awoke comfortable and warm. Without opening her eyes, she knew she was back in the cave and curled in the fur nest. She could smell the roasted boar meat and her stomach gave a painful rumble. Rolling on her side, Kagome noticed Inuyasha was nowhere to be seen. Sitting up with a loud groan, her hand flew to press against her lower stomach.
“Kami, that hurts.”
“What hurts, wench?”
Turning her head, she saw Inuyasha, nude as usual, sitting in front of the fire. Faint traces of sunlight were visible, meaning she'd slept clear through the night. His haori and hakama were draped over a nearby rock. When Kagome looked down at herself, she noticed she was clean. Moving the fur aside, she glanced at her thighs. There was no trace of blood or any other fluids that would indicate she just had sex. The only reminder was the ache between her legs and in her lower abdomen.
“You bathed me?” she asked, not hiding the surprise in her voice.
“Keh. You reeked of those human men and blood. I will not dirty my bed.”
Kagome wrung her fingers together trying to think of a way to ask Inuyasha what happened. He was normally blunt, so she knew she had to just come out and say it, but she wasn't sure exactly what it was considered.
“Uh, Inuyasha? After you…ummm… killed the bandits…why did you…uh,”
“Rut you?” he replied. He pulled over a bowl and began to shred a chunk of boar meat as if nothing was wrong.
“Well, yeah.”
Sighing, Inuyasha set the bowl on what had become `her' place by the fire and moved to pick Kagome up. She couldn't help but squirm slightly as she was moved from one place to the other. Not eating in the bed was one rule the inu youkai always seemed to follow. He waited until she was wrapped in a smaller fur and had the bowl in her hands before continuing.
“For inu youkai, scent is important. It marks pack, family, and mate. It tells us our enemies. When the human men attacked, you picked up their scent and arousal. You no longer smelled of pack. A leader male has the right to rut any mature female so long as she is not mate to another. By rutting you, my scent is on you until I give you permission to take another. It is more permanent than the scent of constant contact. No demon will touch you without my permission. As for humans, I will kill those who touch what is mine.”
Kagome's eyes narrowed. “You mean it's like marking property? Like a dog peeing on a tree? I'm your property?”
Inuyasha growled to show she was crossing the line “Yes, wench, you are MY property. I allow you to live. I shelter, clothe, feed, and teach you. You belong to me for as long as I decide to keep you.”
She hung her head, poking at the meat in her dish. It smelled wonderful and she was starving but there were still things she wanted answered.
“You aren't going to do it again, are you?” she asked, looking up the dog demon. “I mean, you were acting weird a couple days before that and…ummm…well, it hurt.”
The youkai's puppy ears drooped and he cocked his head to the side in confusion.
“You hurt because of me?”
Kagome frowned. “Well, yes. I'd never done that before and it hurts a girl the first time. I didn't know what you were doing at first. I, well…I mean…it felt good later, but I was scared.”
“That was why you bled,” he said, looking to her for confirmation.
“Yes.” Kagome couldn't handle seeing Inuyasha looking like a kicked puppy. He was Alpha; he was the one who made the decisions. She wasn't afraid of him, not like she was of most of the humans in this era, but she wanted to know if she was going to be some sort of sex toy. That wasn't something she wanted. Kagome could handle being told what to do, being treated as property so long as she was given protection, but she needed to know what the inu youkai was thinking.
“Inuyasha, I'm not afraid of you. I'm human and I'm not from this place. I want to make sure you're not just using me to…uh, rut.” Before she could say more, Inuyasha's head snapped up and his red eyes hardened.
“I would not use you to rut,” he said, indignant. “I was making sure no demon would make the mistake of taking you since you were untouched. I felt the urge to rut the past two nights but I can control it.”
“Urge? Like mating season? Wouldn't that be in the spring?”
The inu snorted. “Eat before it gets cold.” He leaned over and plucked a piece of meat up and held it to her lips. “Open.”
Knowing she wasn't going to get away with more questions unless she was eating, Kagome accepted the bite. “Are you going to answer me?”
“Animal mating is in spring. Inu youkai are pupped for six moons, hanyou pups for nine moons. The birth would be in winter and put both bitch and pup at risk if they were only mating in spring.”
Kagome almost choked on the pig. “Wait! One of the men, well, two actually, said they were looking for the hanyou Inuyasha. They said they had a message for the `half breed' from his brother. Could they have meant someone else?”
Inuyasha looked angry for a moment, his red eyes flashing, but Kagome could tell the anger wasn't directed at her.
“The hag said I was hanyou when I woke from that fucking spell.”
Kagome gasped. She'd never heard Inuyasha curse unless he was out hunting or cutting down trees. She wasn't sure what he meant by spell, but he looked almost lost.
“Do you remember anything before the spell? Who put it on you?”
He shook his head. “No. There are flashes and I know it was the hag's sister who sealed me to that damn tree, but I do not remember before that. There was blood and yelling, then, nothing.” He growled. “I do remember my bastard brother. Sesshomaru.”
Kagome scooted over so she could lean against him. His ears were drooping and his expression told her his mind was far away. Unable to resist any longer, she reached up and grabbed the nearest ear, folding it gently between her fingers. She never dared try it when Inuyasha was awake, he had a thing about casual touching, but every so often she would indulge in `ear time' when she was sure he was sleeping. The low rumble she loved began in his chest; the one that reminded her so much of Buyo's purr and home.
Suddenly, Inuyasha stiffened and the rumble turned into a snarl. Kagome pulled back thinking she'd done something wrong, but the inu looked at her and shook his head.
“Inuyasha, what is it?”
Wrapping the fur tighter around her, Kagome tried to shrink into the wall. He whuffed softly at her before getting up and grabbing his inner kimono and her underwear to toss over.
“They are both female. One is the hag. Get dressed.”
When they were clothed, Inuyasha lifted Kagome and leapt lightly over the nest heading for the narrow passage out the rear of the cave. Kagome figured they were going this way since the entrance in front was nearly invisible unless you knew where to look. Inuyasha set her down when they got to the thick truck of the weeping willow tree.
“Can you walk?” he whispered.
She nodded. “Yes, just not very fast.”
“Inuyasha! I know you live near here. It is Kaede. I want to know the fate of the girl who ran into us the night you were awakened,” an elderly voice called from near the forest path.
Inuyasha stepped out from behind the tree's leafy tendrils, motioning with his hand for Kagome to remain where she was. She could see the older woman in white and red, her gray hair tied up in a bun and an eye patch covering her left eye. Beside her stood a girl may be a few years older than she, dressed in a tight fitting black bodysuit and some sort of dark pink armor. A small cat sat on her shoulder. There was some sort of large boomerang strapped to her back. Kagome noticed the old woman had a bow and arrows with her.
“Why do you care, hag? You humans left her to die. She belongs to me now.”
The girl stepped forward. “You filthy half breed, she's not an animal! She belongs with humans.”
Inuyasha gave a short bark and Kagome stepped up beside him. Both women stared wide eyed at her as if they were expecting her to be tied up or running around naked (usually that was true, just not outside), not clean and well fed.
“What do you want with me? We haven't done anything wrong, can't you just leave us in peace. I can't get back home and at least with Inuyasha I'm not being hurt,” she said, clutching the billowy sleeve of Inuyasha's haori.
Once again the girl answered.
“We've come to take you to the village. By force, if necessary.” The cat jumped to the ground as she readied her weapon.