InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Futures' Past ❯ Caught in the Middle With You ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Futures' Past
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, the well, the swords, or the tree. Hell, I don't even own my cat; she owns me. Inuyasha & co. belong to the illustrious Rumiko Takahashi and I am just borrowing them for my own guilty pleasures.
Thank you to everyone who is reading and reviewing, it really motivates me and my plot bunnies (which I keep hidden in a box under my bed).
Chapter 6: Caught in the Middle with You
“Wait!” Kagome called out, stepping in front of her protector. She didn't continue until she saw the younger of the two women lower her weapon slightly and relax her stance. “Don't I get any say in this? Why do you want me to come to a village that drove me out? I'm happy here. I'm taken care of. Why are you doing this?”
The elderly woman stepped forward with her head held high and her back straight. Kagome thought she heard her mention her name was Kaede.
“You say that you cannot return to your home. We are offering you a home among other humans in the village.”
“What?” Kagome cut her off. “You want me to go back with you so I can do what? What jobs are there for a single woman with no skills? Or do you want to marry me off to one of those men who tried to stone me and chased me into the woods? No, thank you,” she huffed and crossed her arms much like Inuyasha.
“The girl belongs to me, hag. You are not taking her and giving her to some pathetic human male,” Inuyasha growled out from behind her. She could feel the heat radiating from his body as he stepped flush against her and settled his clawed hands on her hips in a very possessive gesture.
The young woman became agitated. “Why do you keep saying that she belongs to you, half breed? Does she protect you with her spiritual powers,” the woman sneered.
Kagome turned slightly to look at Inuyasha's face. He didn't look nearly as confused as she thought he should. His ears where laid so far back they almost disappeared into his lush hair. His blood red eyes were narrowed and his expression was almost - accusatory.
“Inuyasha? Do you know what she's talking about?”
He nodded down to her without looking.
Kaede stepped forward again and was rewarded with a low snarl for her efforts.
“You have the spiritual powers of a miko, child. You have the ability to purify youkai with a touch or by channeling your powers through a weapon. You may also have some healing abilities, I will not know until I have a chance to train you. Without proper guidance you could end up hurting the one you seek to protect now. If you do not believe me, Inuyasha can sense these powers within you.”
Kagome once again trained her eyes on her inu companion. He never looked away from the two women who had come to take her away.
“The hag speaks the truth, you have power but it is dormant,” he agreed.
Kagome didn't like where this conversation seemed to be going. He must have sensed her unease because the grip on her waist tightened slightly.
“And could I hurt you? By accident?” she whispered.
“See. You should just give her up half breed and go off and find your own kind to keep you company. Or I could just kill you now,” the girl laughed and readied the boomerang again.
Kagome herself let out the next growl causing both women to gasp. “Why do you keep calling him half breed? His name is Inuyasha and you should show respect by using it. You come to his home and try to take me away when I don't want to leave and then you insult and threaten him. Do you think that will convince me to go with you?” she argued, placing both hands over his.
The other girl sputtered slightly. “You really mean you don't want to go? You don't want to be free of the half...I mean Inuyasha's control?” she questioned back, saying the inu youkai's name as if it were a curse.
This time it was Inuyasha who answered. “The wench is free. She listens to me because I am male and leader. She is allowed to go out when I hunt so long as she does not stray far. She learns inu and what roots and herbs are good to eat or heal.”
“I don't want anything to happen to Inuyasha,” Kagome said softly.
Kaede sighed. She could tell just by reading their individual auras how protective they had grown of each other. There was no way to take the child into the village without injuring or killing the hanyou. If that happened the child most likely would not thrive and die as well. The old miko was not afraid of the demon form of her late sister's companion, simply wary. Her hut was on the border of the village lands and had a stream separating it from the other huts. She saw no other choice, the child needed training or she would be a target for those with dark intensions.
“Child, would it be acceptable if Inuyasha accompanied you to the village to train? My hut is on the outlying lands and the villagers should not bother either of you once the situation is explained,” the miko offered. It looked as if the warrior girl was about to contradict, but Kaede silenced her with a glance.
Kagome completely turned her back to the women, trusting Inuyasha to protect her if they planned on using force. Much as she wanted to get real clothes and perhaps soap, she wasn't about to put Inuyasha at risk. If she really was a danger to him she had to be sure he wanted her with him. He may have claimed he would let no other human touch her without some form of retribution, but did he really want to risk being purified? Her grandfather was a Shinto priest and while he had about as much spiritual power as could be held in a thimble, she'd read in the ancient family scrolls that many in her family were indeed powerful. Most of her favorite bedtime stories were turning into reality.
The inu youkai (or hanyou if what the older miko said was true), looked down on Kagome with softer eyes. The harsh red with its tiny blue pupils scared her once, but she was getting better at reading the emotions hidden within. He didn't want her in any danger either.
“Inuyasha, what do you think? You'd be safer if I was trained, I don't know anything about spiritual powers or if I even have any, but I don't want to hurt you. I don't want you to be in danger from the villagers, either. You shouldn't have to kill someone if they misunderstand and try to attack us. It's your decision but know that I won't go without you,” Kagome explained, leaning into his chest. She was sore and didn't want to stand any longer than necessary.
He closed his eyes briefly, ears twitching to show he was still paying attention to his surroundings. He remembered so little from his time with the hag's sister. Bits and pieces would come to him in dreams but nothing made complete sense. He also didn't want this girl to get hurt. She was a nuisance in the beginning, but he was attached to her now and wanted her with him. The hag's scent was heavily laced with honesty, showing to Inuyasha that she, at least, believed what she was saying. The other would be a problem. Inuyasha knew what she was, a youkai exterminator, and she would be harder to handle.
Opening his eyes, he directed his comments to Kaede. “We will go to the human village but the wench will remain under my protection. We stay in your hut and she goes nowhere without me. I will not tolerate any other humans touching her. The exterminator gets no say,” he declared.
Kaede nodded her agreement. She expected no less from what she remembered of the hanyou turned youkai.
“Follow us to the village.”
Inuyasha replied with a small series of barks and yips before heading back behind the willow tree and out of site.
“Wait a moment. We have some things to take care of before we can leave. It won't take long,” Kagome explained. A sharp bark set her scurrying after the inu. Sango narrowed her eyes, watching closely.
“The girl is limping, Lady Kaede. We should not trust the half breed. I have an immobilizing powder with me. We can use that to subdue him and take the girl.”
Kaede sighed and walked over to her horse. She too had noticed the limp but the child showed no fear of Inuyasha so she would not pass judgment.
“Sango, I would not judge Inuyasha harshly. There are a number of reasons why the child could be injured, including what happened the night she was first found. One of the men shot her in the leg with an arrow. It grazed her, but it could still bother her.”
Sango didn't look entirely convinced but nodded to her fire neko. The small youkai transformed to a size large enough to carry several men. The women only had to wait a sort time before Inuyasha appeared once again, this time carrying a large fur wrapped bundle in his arms. When he got closer they could see the girl nestled comfortably against his chest, a large lidded pot in her arms.
“What do you have, child?”
Kagome shifted a bit and lifted the lid. The rich aroma of roasted meat assaulted their noses and the neko gave an appreciate meow.
“Inuyasha caught a wild boar yesterday and didn't want the meat to go to waste. It's cooked, maybe we could put it in a stew or something?” she replaced the lid and shifted closer to her companion. “And, please, my name is Kagome. Inuyasha just never wants to use it.”
Said hanyou gave a snort and motioned for Sango to go in front of him but remain behind Kaede.
“As you wish, Kagome. I am Kaede, miko of my village. This is Sango, daughter of the headman of the youkai exterminator village. I enlisted her aid when it became clear that you had disappeared.”
Introductions made, the four made their way quietly along the path to the village. Both Inuyasha and Sango alert to any dangers within the forest.
Sesshomaru listened intently to the report the winged lizards were giving. It seemed sending the human warriors as a distraction worked as Sesshomaru anticipated. The only hitch in his plans was the unforeseen inclusion of a human female. He was surprised his half breed brother hadn't given into his bloodlust and killed her along with the warriors. Instead, it seemed he claimed her as part of his pack. As if the Halfling would have strength enough to lead his own pack. He is merely a full youkai because our father's blood over powered the weak human blood flowing through his veins.
It appeared he would have to be more persuasive in luring Inuyasha to him. There were several demons on his lands that held a grudge against the youngest son of the late Inu no Taisho, the wolves having the most hatred for the hanyou. The wolf pack tried to rise up and seize the lands for themselves after learning of the Dog General's human mate, but they were easily defeated and almost driven from the lands. They now held only a small portion of rocky terrain in the western hills as their own. The ookami tribe might be too much to simply draw the young hanyou to him. And Sesshomaru did not care to bargain with wolves. There was little doubt in his mind they would want to reclaim some of the land they lost when battling his father.
“Yes, my Lord?”
Sesshomaru hid his exasperation behind a blank façade. The toad youkai never left his side for an instant and it grated on the taiyoukai's nerves. The only time Sesshomaru got any freedom from his self proclaimed retainer was in his own quarters or if he kicked the toad far enough away that it took a while for him to catch up with his stubby legs.
“I want you to contact Yura of the hair. Tell her an inu hanyou I wish to speak to is in the village of the Goshinboku. He is traveling with a human female. The hanyou is not to be gravely injured, she is only to deliver my message and do what is necessary to make him listen, but she may do what she likes to the human,” Sesshomaru ordered.
The retainer gulped and turned wide yellow eyes on his Lord and Master. He would go to the ends of the earth if it would earn him his master's praise (only if he was in the presence of his master. No sense in risking his neck if his Lord wasn't there to witness it), but Yura was somewhat crazy.
“Lord Sesshomaru, do you not think it would be more effective if you were to give your instructions to the oni yourself?”
Sesshomaru barely turned his head to level his gaze on Jaken. “I do not have the time to deal with the oni's obsession with my hair. Are you refusing to follow my orders, Jaken? Do you wish to leave the company of your lord?”
“N…no, m…my Lord! I would never dream of leaving your side. I am your loyal servant! I shall pass your message on to Yura of the hair,” Jaken sputtered, bowing as he backed out of the royal study.
Leaning back in his chair, Sesshomaru considered his position. He was most likely the most powerful demon in Japan, and few dared to go against him. The only tarnish on his impressive record was his half brother. Though Inuyasha remained somewhat of a secret among the higher class youkai of the Western Lands, there was little doubt of who his sire was once eyes were laid on him. Sesshomaru thought the death of their father when Inuyasha was barely an adolescent and the death of the half breed's human mother a short time later would lead to Inuyasha's demise, but he proved stronger and more intelligent than Sesshomaru was willing to give him credit for. Inuyasha even had the jewel of four souls within his grasp and chose instead to help its human protector. Sesshomaru was becoming impatient to meet with his little brother, but he would not lower himself to seek out the hanyou himself. No, he would destroy those who thought to aid the abomination and drive Inuyasha into a blind rage. Then…then Sesshomaru would strike.
A growing crowd of villagers gathered to watch the small group enter the village's parameter. Inuyasha began growling low in his chest, eyes darting back and forth trying to keep all the humans in sight. Many of the men were armed with everything ranging from bows to farming tools. Even some women carried spades or hoes. No one dared approach but even Kagome could sense the tension in the air. Slowly, she snaked one arm up around the inu youkai's shoulder and scratched lightly at the back of his neck, playing with the short, fine hairs there. Gradually, the tension began to release. Kagome didn't believe he'd attack anyone with her in his arms but she wasn't taking any chances.
A middle aged man appeared from the center of the crowd. His clothing was brighter and in better repair than most of the villagers and it was clear by the way he stood he thought himself someone important. He stopped a few feet from Kaede and ran a hand over his dark green haori (which he wore untucked to billow around him).
“Lady Kaede, I see you've found the young miko. But I must inquire as to why you felt the need to bring the youkai into our village? Surely you remember the damage he inflicted upon us the last time he was free,” the man said, making sure to speak loud enough for everyone to hear.
Kaede and Sango walked up to greet him.
“Kisho, I assure you Inuyasha poses no threat to anyone in the village. The child, Kagome, would not feel safe without him and he was hesitant at her leaving his protection. He will be her guardian while she trains with me,” Kaede explained.
Kisho laughed. “A youkai protecting a human? That's unheard of. Why would the child be in any danger here? This is her home now.”
“I'm not staying,” Kagome piped up from her blanket of fur. Inuyasha adjusted her enough so her head and shoulders were visible, but didn't make a move to put her down. “I'm only going to be here as long as it takes for me to control my powers and then I'll go back home with Inuyasha.”
“What? You prefer the company of a youkai?” Kisho asked, his eyes wide. The crowd murmured its agreement.
“No offense, but Inuyasha wasn't the one that tried to stone me to death when I came for help. He knew I was dangerous to him and helped me anyway. You only wanted me here after Lady Kaede said I was a miko.”
“Hag, the wench needs rest, not questions,” Inuyasha snapped out. Kagome could tell he was desperately trying to control his temper with all the people around. She didn't stop the gentle caress of his neck; instead she moved her hand so she was able to knead the taunt muscles.
“It'll be alright, Inuyasha. No one will come near us,” Kagome whispered so only he could hear. In a louder voice she spoke to Kaede.
“Lady Kaede, I would like to rest and Inuyasha and I didn't have a chance to have breakfast this morning. I'm sure he's as hungry as I am.”
A few women in the crowd with small children gasped and drew their youngsters to them. Kagome gave a very Inuyasha-like snort and addressed them.
“Don't worry about your children. Inuyasha wouldn't associate with any of you if I wasn't here.”
Kisho smiled at her and Kagome felt nauseous. It was the kind of smile that hid all sorts of slimy things behind it.
“Lady Kagome, I humbly offer you a room in my home. It is much larger than Lady Kaede's hut and my wife would welcome the feminine company. She is expecting our first child and is due soon.”
Inuyasha snapped his fangs at Kisho and the man took a step back. Kagome shook her head.
“No, thank you. I'm fine staying with Lady Kaede. I doubt you would welcome a youkai into your home and I stay with Inuyasha. Lady Kaede? Could we go? Inuyasha doesn't like crowds.”
“Yes, child, I think that would be for the best. Inuyasha, if you would follow me.”
They were led to a modest sized hut bordering a small stream. An herb garden surrounded it on three sides and it was separated from the main road by a small bridge. Pushing past the bamboo mat in the doorway, Kagome squinted to make out the furniture in the semidarkness. A fire pit with a stew kettle sat in the middle of the room and the floor was layered with more mats. The rich smell of drying herbs was oddly comforting. Another mat hung on a wall in the back and Kagome guessed that was a bedroom.
“Inuyasha you can sit Kagome in front to the fire pit. If the meat you brought is still warm we can have that to eat.”
Kaede turned her back to get bowls while Sango unstrapped her weapon and sat down against the wall opposite Inuyasha. Said inu sat, keeping Kagome within the confines of his raised knees. She set the dish out for Kaede to serve them and leaned back to get comfortable.
“Lady Kaede, what should I know about these `spiritual powers' that I supposedly have? Wouldn't I know I have them?”
“No, child, you might not notice if you have had no need of them. Tell me, have you ever had a feeling about something that would not leave you alone? Then the feeling turned out to be correct?”
Kagome nodded.
“That would be your powers trying to reveal themselves. It is very dangerous to remain untrained. Many would seek to do harm to an untrained miko. You hold quite a bit of power, child.”
Kagome took a bite of meat before asking the next question that had been nagging at her since the bandits attacked.
“Why do you call Inuyasha a hanyou when he calls himself a youkai? And how do you know him?”
“Inuyasha is a hanyou, whether he would like to believe it or not. Fifty years ago he helped my elder sister, the priestess Kikyou, protect the Shikon no Tama. One day he cam into the village in a rage, seeking blood. My sister led him away and sealed him to the Goshinboku. There he remained until the night you came to us. Whatever happened to Inuyasha changed his blood, caused him to become more like a full youkai.”
The growl from behind her signaled to Kagome that Inuyasha was not happy.
“What the fuck do you know, hag. Shouldn't I know if I was a full youkai or not?”
Kaede seemed unaffected by Inuyasha's language. “How do you explain your ears, Inuyasha? No full inu youkai has ears such as yours. They are a sure sign of you mixed heritage.”
The puppy ears twitched madly and Kagome was hard pressed to restrain herself. When she saw the lost look once again haunting Inuyasha's red eyes, she gave in and gently scratched behind the left ear, teasing the soft fur.
“The half breed doesn't even know what he is. It's amazing he was smart enough to survive as long as he did,” the slayer scoffed.
“Sango, is it? You say you have little use for demons except your neko. If Inuyasha didn't take care of me I wouldn't be here. Not only was I bleeding from wounds but I hurt my leg and couldn't walk. He put herbs on it to heal it. He's been the one to teach me what is good and what is poisonous. He's anything but stupid. So what if he can't remember his past?” Kagome replied not ceasing her ministrations on the inu's ear.
“Why are you not afraid of him?” Sango asked genuine curiosity in her voice.
Kagome shrugged. “Where I'm from there are no demons. He's kind to me so I'm not afraid.” She turned to the old miko. “Is there anyway to help Inuyasha get his memories back?”
Kaede shook her head. “I do not know, child. We are not sure what caused the change in Inuyasha in the first place.”
Startled, Kagome turned to look up at Inuyasha. “What?”
“It had something to do with my bastard half brother, Sesshomaru. I remember that much.” He looked down at the girl in his lap. “You should start your training. The sooner you master your skills, the sooner we can leave all these stinking humans.”
Kagome stood and allowed the fur to fall onto Inuyasha's lap.
“Okay, where do I start?”