InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Futures' Past ❯ Splitting Hairs ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Futures' Past
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, the well, the swords, or the tree. Hell, I don't even own my cat; she owns me. Inuyasha & co. belong to the illustrious Rumiko Takahashi and I am just borrowing them for my own guilty pleasures.
Thank you to everyone who is reading and reviewing, it really motivates me and my plot bunnies (which I keep hidden in a box under my bed).
AN: Sorry this chapter took so long to get out; I got caught up in a one shot that sort of took on a life of its own. Once edited, I'll be posting that as well.
Chapter 7: Splitting Hairs
The last arrow hit its target and Kagome couldn't hold back her grin. It wasn't a bull's eye, but considering she couldn't even hit the tree seven days ago, she was happy. Still smiling, she glanced up to the branch her inu hanyou was currently lounging in.
“Well, Inuyasha?”
“You are still dropping your shoulder before you let go,” he replied.
Inuyasha rarely praised her and the first few days she felt insulted, until she learned it was just his way of making sure she didn't slack off. He still slept curled around her every night on her futon, something the demon slayer was not adjusting to, and on days when she had a particularly good training session, he'd serve her meal to her.
The villagers were getting used to both the hanyou and young miko wandering around. Mostly they ignored the two, but some commented rudely, a small few simply treated them as any other guest. The metal smith managed to eventually ask Inuyasha for his assistance. It seemed he was plagued by two minor demons, a lizard youkai who took to invading his furnaces and several large gopher youkai that were destroying his crops. Kagome convinced the surly inu hanyou to help the poor man. He took care of the lizard on his own but utilized Kirara to get the gophers. As the very happy neko youkai padded off into the forest to enjoy her “treat”, the smith offered Inuyasha something from his shop as a thank you. Inuyasha had a dagger crafted to fit Kagome's hand, long enough to cause serious damage to human or youkai, but well balanced for throwing. After her meditation sessions each night with Kaede, Inuyasha would work with Kagome to improve her aim.
“You could try being a little nicer, hanyou,” Sango muttered under her breath, knowing full well that Inuyasha could hear her.
Kagome just shook her head. At least the half breed comments let up. A smirk made its way across her face as she recalled the first night spent in the village. Kisho arrived around dinner time with a large futon for Kagome to sleep on and Inuyasha complained loudly that it smelled. Kaede tried to placate the hanyou by reminding him it was most likely Kisho's old personal futon and the man did have a wife. Inuyasha's reply wasn't expected. He wrinkled his nose and asked if it was common for human men to take more than one mate at a time because the futon reeked of several females and only one male. After allowing it to air out while they ate and several layers of soft sheeting over it (Kagome knew what could happen if Inuyasha thought she picked up too much of another man's scent and she wasn't ready for that again) he agreed to sleep on it.
Sango squealed and turned her back, hands flying over her eyes, when Inuyasha dropped his haori and hakama right in front of her. Kagome explained that they had no other clothes and to save the ones worn all the time, they simply slept naked. The additional knowledge didn't ease the exterminator's mind and Kagome made a mental note to ask Kaede if she could provide Inuyasha with a sleep yukata like the one given to her. Strangely, one large enough for him appeared the next day.
“It's okay, Sango. It's just how he his,” Kagome replied, as she went to pull out her arrows. Inuyasha landed softly beside her and swatted her hands away, pulling the arrows from the bark himself.
“Keh, weak human wench. You will hurt yourself.”
“Thank you, Inuyasha.”
A shuffling sound indicated Kaede making her approach. Each day ended with Kagome, and oddly Inuyasha, meditating and focusing on her aura. The first time Kagome tried to call out her aura she was able to surround herself with the soft silver-blue light, but when she tried to focus it into her hand, she called out to Inuyasha's aura, causing the hanyou to glow a red-gold. She was much better at tapping into her own power now but the demonstration gave Kaede an idea to draw out Inuyasha's human side by merging the two auras. Kagome could tell the hanyou was disappointed that after a week he recalled little more about his past with the miko Kikyou or the village than he did before. Kaede suggested those memories were locked away with his more human half and if her idea worked, he might not be his true hanyou self but he could at least have his memories.
Obediently Kagome moved so she was sitting in front of Kaede on her right and waited for Inuyasha to finish his self appointed task. She knew better than to try this when he was angry or frustrated because it made it hard to control his aura and twice he lashed out - not at Kagome - at Sango. The exterminator insisted she had done nothing to provoke him but with all her comments, none of which she tried to hide, Kagome wasn't surprised the hanyou finally snapped.
Inuyasha put the salvageable arrows into Kagome's quiver and plopped across from her, holding out his hands palms up. The two had been through this so often they knew the drill. Kagome would begin by calling out that small ball of energy that she could feel locked inside her. She couldn't describe the feeling; it wasn't something physical like moving a muscle nor was it a force against her skin like a breeze rising up. It just was and once she figured out it was there, she could nudge it with her mind and control it. Well, that was the idea anyway. Kagome was still terrified she'd accidentally purify Inuyasha when she called her aura out first, but Kaede insisted that the girl's aura recognized the hanyou's as easily as her own.
As Kagome began to take on her silver-blue shimmer, the hanyou across from her closed his red and blue eyes and began to glow his familiar red-gold. To Kagome, the aura of her companion made her feel warm and safe. Kaede didn't think her idea would work if the young miko had any fear of her inu hanyou protector. It would take power and blood to unlock Inuyasha's human side from his powerful youki and even then it would not be as effective as whatever kept him in check before. When the twos individual glows ceased pulsing and became a steady shield around them, the elderly miko spoke.
“I want you both to try and combine your powers in between you. Concentrate on how you feel to each other. Focus on blending your auras. Do not fight against them, rather let them feel each other and merge.”
Kagome focused on the comfortable feeling she got when she was wrapped in Inuyasha's arms at night. Even after everything that happened in the three weeks since she stumbled into this world, she trusted him to protect her. She knew his canine nature caused him to do and see things differently than she did, but he never hurt her (okay, the submission hold was uncomfortable, but didn't really hurt). Kagome felt her aura try to resist his as it approached but she held on to her powers. The last thing she wanted to do was purify Inuyasha when they had come so far. Slowly she felt the fuzzy feeling wrap around her and tug the invisible string that held her power inside to the empty space between them.
“Very good,” Kaede said, with some awe. “You may both open you eyes if you wish.”
Kagome blinked to see a deep purple light shimmering between her and Inuyasha. Twisting in the center like a double helix (Way to think of science class, Kagome. Just because you got that right on the last exam doesn't mean you have to see examples everywhere.), were silver and gold threads, coiling and twisting together. Glancing past the power vortex at Inuyasha, Kagome could see surprise in his red eyes as well.
“Very good indeed. That is enough for today. When we return to my hut we shall see, Kagome, if you can draw out Inuyasha's human side and in turn, his memories.
Kagome fingered the rosary necklace made of heavy purple beads and youkai fangs. Inuyasha held a similar bracelet in his clawed hands. This was supposed to be the binding object to hold Inuyasha's youki in check. Kagome would wear a bracelet infused with both powers as well; both for her own protection and to try and call Inuyasha back if his demon side took over. She didn't see a point in that since she'd been around Inuyasha when he killed the men who tried to rape her and he didn't think about attacking her at all. Granted he had sex with her instead, but she and Inuyasha were the only ones who knew about that.
The old miko sat down near the fire with a large bowl. Kagome could smell the pungent herbs drifting from it: green tea, pine, bay, pepper, camphor wood, rosemary, clove, and coriander. It was not a pleasant combination, but from Kagome's studies she knew most were for purification and memory. Inuyasha sneezed and wrinkled his nose, moving behind Kagome and burying his face in her hair to block the smell. She gave a small laugh.
“Somehow, I think Lady Kaede means for us to go up to the bowl, Inuyasha.”
He growled and she felt him shake his head negatively.
“Inuyasha, it is for your benefit that I do this. The beads must be soaked and purified while I recite the spell and you and Kagome meditate. Once the recitation is complete, Inuyasha you will remove the bracelet and place it on the cloth and Kagome you will take the rosary and do the same. Kagome you must prick one finger and place blood on two opposite fangs on the rosary, and one on the bracelet. Inuyasha you will do the same to the remaining fangs. I do not want you to call your auras back to yourselves before you do this. Kagome will place the rosary on Inuyasha and Inuyasha the bracelet on Kagome. There will be a flash of power and the spell will be complete. Do you both understand?”
Both nodded. Inuyasha unburied his face and dutifully moved to sit by Kaede. He dropped the bracelet into the liquid, trying desperately to breathe through his mouth. Kagome grinned and did the same. They joined hands and began the meditation while Kaede chanted.
“Remove the jewelry and add the blood. Do not break the meditation.”
Keeping one hand intertwined, they each removed their piece. Kagome tried to think what to use to draw the blood and then remembered the dagger at her hip. She didn't wear a traditional kimono since she figured it would hinder her ability to escape anything chasing her so Kaede had two pair of hakama, similar to Inuyasha's (just not as loose) made for her in dark and light blue. Kagome also had two soft gray kimono shirts and a dark blue haori for the cooler weather. Much as Kaede wanted her to wear the traditional colors of a miko, Kagome refused, saying she didn't feel comfortable or trained enough if someone would need help.
Pulling the blade from her waistband, she used their joined hands to hold the blade and puncture her index finger. The crimson liquid welled up and she smeared it on the respective beads, watching as the demon teeth absorbed the blood. Inuyasha reversed their grip on the dagger and did the same.
“Now place the beads upon each other. They can only be removed by the one who placed the beads upon you. They will bind and connect you and allow you both some measure of protection from the other when you are not physically near.”
Kagome felt the cool beads slip over her left wrist while her hanyou bent his head so she could slip the necklace on him. There was a flash of purple light and Kagome let go of Inuyasha's hand to shield her eyes. When she opened them again, Inuyasha's eyes were still closed and his ears were flat to his head. His breathing was heavy as well.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome asked worriedly. “Are you alright?” The bracelet round her wrist tingled slightly but other than that Kagome felt fine.
The hanyou slowly opened his eyes - his golden eyes - and stared at her. The part that should have been white was still blood red but gone were the tiny turquoise pupils, replaced, instead, with large raw honey colored orbs.
“I…I remember. Fighting with my bastard brother, losing Tessaiga, coming to the village, Kikyou tricking me, taking me into the forest and sealing me to that damn tree; everything.”
Inuyasha stood abruptly and moved to go to the back room. Kagome caught his sleeve and looked up at him, frowning. Placing his other hand on her head, Inuyasha gave a small nod and disappeared behind the reed mat.
“Give him time, child,” Kaede said. “He has much to think about at once. Help me with dinner. When it is finished, I will call Sango and you can take his meal to him.”
Kagome forced a smile and proceeded to gather the vegetables needed for the stew, all the while worrying about her companion.
“So the spell worked? The half breed doesn't think he's a full youkai anymore?” Sango asked, taking a bowl of rice and a bowl of stew. A clattering caused the exterminator to jump and reach for her weapon.
Kagome stood over the older girl with her fists clenched. “Look, Sango, I try very hard not to judge anyone by the way they were brought up but you are making it really difficult for me to think you are a decent person. Why are you even still here? I am not staying in this village if I have the choice so you can't convince me otherwise.”
Sango opened her mouth but Kagome cut her off
“You know what? I don't care what you have to say. You haven't given Inuyasha a chance, so give me one good reason to give you one? Yes, he's short tempered, yes, he's grouchy but I'm sure you would be the same way if you had to deal with the things people say about him everyday.”
Kagome turned and gave and embarrassed smile to Kaede. “Lady Kaede, if you'd excuse me, I'd like to take dinner to Inuyasha. Hanyou or not, he needs to eat.”
“Of course, child.”
Kaede placed bowls of stew and rice on the wooden tray Kagome dropped before her confrontation with the slayer. Said girl was still looking at the young miko with her jaw open. If Kaede wasn't mistaken, she thought she saw a hint of respect shimmering in the older girl's eyes. She handed the tray to Kagome without a word and watched the young miko disappear behind the mat.
It was dark in the room, save for an oil lamp lit near the futon they shared. It didn't provide much light since the coated paper that normally sat behind it to reflect the wick's glow had been removed. Kagome could make out the line of Inuyasha sprawled diagonally across the wide mattress.
The sound was so out of place in the still room that Kagome jumped even though she'd been looking right at the hanyou.
“Why what?” She asked, moving closer and setting the tray on the floor by Inuyasha. She busied herself with fixing the lamp while waiting for him to speak.
“Why did you stay with me? Why do you still stay with me? I treat you like a bitch, like a female inu youkai, and you accept it. I practically raped you myself after I killed those bandits and yet you stand beside me. You defend me from the villagers and from the slayer. I heard what you said to her just now.”
Inuyasha sat up and looked at Kagome with his ears perked and his head tilted slightly to one side. She couldn't help but think how much he looked like a puppy. The innocent look on his face was a stark contrast to his body. The front of his haori and inner kimono gaped to reveal a long line of tanned muscular chest. Shaking her head to clear away the vivid sensory memories of that bare chest curled against her back both in comfort and in passion, she handed him his stew.
“Inuyasha…I stay with you because I want to. You took care of me when you didn't have to, you protected me, and you gave me a home when I lost mine. I still don't know how I came here or what my family is doing without me. And you didn't rape me. What those men were going to do to me…” she shuddered, “You were gentle. And you explained why, remember?”
“But that didn't give me a fucking right to…”
“Stop it. If I don't blame you then you shouldn't blame yourself.”
Kagome sat cross legged next to him on the futon with her own bowl. “So tell me some of what you remember,” she said, taking a bite of her dinner.
Surprise flickered across the inu's face for a moment before he too began to eat.
“The hag told you some of it,” he replied around a mouthful of meat. “I helped her sister Kikyou protect the Shikon no Tama from youkai who wanted to use its power to destroy.”
She nodded. “Lady Kaede also said that Lady Kikyou wanted you to become human?”
“Yeah.” Inuyasha's eyes lowered. “She thought that if we got rid of the taint of my hanyou blood, the jewel would be purified and disappear. She wouldn't be bound by it any more and I wouldn't be mocked by humans and demons both. I'd still be a fucking half breed though. Everyone would know it, it wouldn't matter that I looked human.”
“Did you love her?”
“As much as I could at the time. It was fifty years ago. Demons don't age like humans do, I was young and lonely. My father was killed defending my mother and she died of sickness a year later.”
Putting her bowl back on the tray, Kagome placed a hand on Inuyasha's knee and squeezed gently.
“I was eight when I lost my father. My mom didn't know what to. My little brother, Souta was only two and she didn't have a job or a family to go back to. We ended up moving in with his father, my gramps, at his shrine,” she said, hoping that sharing some of her own life would help Inuyasha open up.
“My oyaji was the Inu no Taisho, the ruler of all the Western Lands. No youkai could understand how he could take a human for his mate after he had one full demon son. It was only because of my old man that my mother and I were even safe to walk our own lands. He died when I was twelve. He fought with a dragon and was injured. He should have survived but the villagers decided to attack my mother while he was away. It wasn't the first time they tried, but they thought if they attacked right after he left, my father wouldn't get to us in time. The villagers sealed the doors and windows with wards and set the house on fire. Oyaji came in through the roof and got us out but between the burns and the wounds from the fight it was too much.”
He closed his eyes at the memory.
“Where did you go?”
“Everywhere. Nowhere. We traveled and traded what I could catch and skin. I had Tesssaiga, my sword, but I had only begun training with it. Mother got sick from being out in the cold. I was only one moon away from fourteen.”
Setting down his own dish, Inuyasha turned fully to face the strange girl who managed to befriend him without his knowledge.
“Inuyasha, I meant it when I said I was with you by choice and I'll stay with you as long as you let me.” She made the inu sound for leader male and smiled at the look on the hanyou's face.
“I'd forgotten I was teaching you inu. I can't ask you to stay with me. My bastard brother took my sword; that's what made me change. I'm going after him. He hates humans almost as much as he hates me.”
Kagome shook her head. “I can help. I won't stay in the village without you. I have my arrows and my spiritual powers are strong enough to aid you in a fight…” she stopped when Inuyasha's fingers pressed against her lips. He growled lowly for her to be quiet and listen, his ears focused not on the door but on the window to the outside.
Thinking quickly, Kagome whimpered her question to him. His answer made her tense up. Youkai. And not a familiar one. In the village. Removing his hand from Kagome's mouth, Inuyasha stood, pulling her with him. When they went to the main room the fire was still burning but Kaede, Sango and Kirara were gone. Flinging her quiver over her back and nocking an arrow, Kagome followed Inuyasha outside.
Silhouetted against the quickly sinking sun were the villagers, hanging several feet off the ground, by what looked like…hair? Kagome squinted to make sure her eyes were seeing it right. Fine strands of dark hair were wrapped around their waists and wrists allowing them to move like marionettes. She could see the pink sunlight glint off knives in several women's hands.
“What the hell? How are humans floating like that?”
She looked at Inuyasha. “Floating? You don't see the hairs?”
“Hairs? What hairs?”
Just then the nearest woman lunged forward with her knife held high. Inuyasha grabbed Kagome around the waist and rolled off to the side, narrowly missing getting gouged. Jumping to his feet, he cracked his knuckles, pupils flashing blue.
“No, wait, Inuyasha! You can't kill them, they're human. They're being controlled by something.”
Eyes drifted back to amber. “Fuck. How am I supposed to fight what I can't see?”
Another `flying' villager sent the two jumping closer to the forest.
“Inuyasha, strike out straight in front of you and to the left,” Kagome instructed. As the villager moved, she could see one hair adjusting itself more than the others.
“Just do it!”
Grumbling, the hanyou did as instructed and watched wide eyed as the man fell to the ground motionless.
“So you can see the hairs, child. I was curious if you too would possess the necessary sight.”
Turning, Inuyasha and Kagome met Kaede and Sango, who was dressed in full slayer garb, hiding just inside the tree line.
“Inuyasha, we have to find who's controlling the hairs. I can follow the strands to the source. Sango, do you have any sort of powder you could use to make the hairs visible to you and Kirara?”
The slayer nodded.
“Good. Use it to highlight the hairs so you and Kaede can cut the villagers free. We don't need them following us or getting hurt,” Kagome instructed, before turning to look at Inuyasha. One glance made her realize she'd overstepped her boundaries by giving orders without his approval. Whimpering her submission, she raised her chin and bared her throat but felt the need to explain why she took charge.
“I'm sorry, Inuyasha, I just want to find this youkai so none of the villagers get hurt.”
It only took a second before she felt his long youkai tongue swipe her neck. He turned his back to her and indicated he wanted her to get on. Once secure he asked,
“Which way?”
“Right. Follow the path to the Bone Eaters Well. Try to stay in the center of the path and you'll avoid most of the hairs.”
When they approached the clearing, Kagome called Inuyasha to a halt. Dangling above the well was some sort of giant hair ball, suspended by thick ropes of dark and light colored hair. The strands were much closer together and pointed to a tree just off to the right of the well. Before Kagome could take a step, she felt Inuyasha's haori drape over her.
“Wear it. It made of fire rat fur and is stronger than most armor.”
“Aaahhhh, the little puppy wants to protect his human pet. So the rumors are true. The mighty hanyou Inuyasha has taken a human as a companion. I don't think she's worthy to play with your lovely silver hair.”
A human looking girl with chin length black hair slid down one of the hairs and landed a few feet in front of them. Her dress barely covered anything, cut in a deep “V” in the front and slit from waist to its end just below her crotch. To Kagome it looked like the girl was NOT wearing underwear of any kind.
“That's the demon?”
“Keh, she's a fucking oni. An ogress,” Inuyasha replied, flexing his claws.
“The name is Yura of the Hair, puppy and you'd do well to remember it. After all I am going to be running my fingers through that gorgeous hair of yours. Tell me; is all your hair silver?”
While Inuyasha was distracted, Yura sent a burst of hair sailing straight at Kagome. She dodged and let loose the arrow she had ready. It missed the oni, but pierced the tangle of hair above the well. A blue flame shot out of the mass as it began to unravel, raining down skulls.
“Ewww! She gets her hair from human heads!”
Yura turned her black eyes on Kagome. “That's right, little girl and I'll make sure you pay for ruining my nest. Your hair's much to ratty to be part of my collection. I think I'll just kill you.”
This time she managed to snake hair around Kagome's wrists from behind and lift her into the air. Yura flung a kantana at the now helpless miko.
Inuyasha leapt up and used the position of Kagome's arms to guide his claws. She braced her arms around his neck just as the sword sliced through his side.
“ Keh, it's a scratch,” he replied, standing to face Yura. “Damn whore. Your fight is with me, not her.”
Yura smiled. “Now, puppy, how can you call me a whore when we haven't even had any time alone. The girl is distracting you and I can't have that.”
She sent several waves of hair at the hanyou from different directions. Kagome tried to help him dodge but there were too many. Yura raised him into the air, arms and legs spread, a think band of hair holding his head up. Kagome nocked another arrow and aimed at one of the ropes holding up his arms but the shot went wide when a pile of hair collapsed on her from above.
“Little girl doesn't know when to leave the big girls have their fun. Now we'll see how well you handle fire, human.”
With a flick of her wrist, Yura sent flames along the hairs connecting the mass pinning Kagome to the ground. Just before the pile caught, Kagome realized she'd hit the hairball again and there was a flash of red glinting in the rapidly fading light.
“Kagomeeee!” Inuyasha called out as saw her disappear in a blanket of flames. Turing to the oni he snarled,
“Die!” His eyes flashed blue as he struggled to bring his arms together in front of him. Managing to free one hand, he dipped his claws into the free flowing blood on his side and flung it as Yura screaming,
“Hijinkessou!” Blood turned into glowing red arcs as it severed one of the oni's arms and the hairs holding Inuyasha in place.
As soon as he dropped to the ground, he turned to see about Kagome. The pile of hair still burned, but he couldn't see any trace of the girl underneath it. The tip of the kantana jutted out from his shoulder, splashing blood on the grass in front of him.
“That was rude, puppy. You shouldn't turn your back on me, we aren't done yet. I haven't had a chance to sample your hair.”
Yura pulled out her sword and Inuyasha fell to the ground, turning so he landed on his butt facing her. Black hairs circled his neck, this time cutting in and drawing blood.
“Where were we? Yes, hair. Hold still so I can get a nice, clean cut. I don't want to tear any ends. And then I'll let you go so you can play with your big brother. After all, you should have a hair cut to look your best when meeting your elders.”
Yura brought her sword up then paused, looking over her shoulder towards the well.
“Someone is pulling on my hair.”
Inuyasha turned his head slightly in the direction the oni was looking and saw Kagome crawling over the mass of hair left from the unraveled nest. Yura disembodied hand appeared beside her, held up by more hair, and flicked a comb in Kagome's direction, causing the thick hair to bob up and down in heavy waves. Still the miko hung on and continued. It looked to Inuyasha as though she was searching for something.
“Inuyasha, there's a red skull in here! It has a demonic aura to it. I think it's the key to Yura's power!”
“Little tramp! You will do no such thing!”
The oni moved to throw her sword again but Inuyasha was faster jumping up and putting his hand clear through Yura's chest. When he pulled free he looked at the oni with a grin that quickly faded.
Yura stood staring at the hole with a frown, “Didn't anyone teach you manners? You don't just meet a girl and put your hand in her breasts!”
Kagome looked up from her place in the hair in time to see the kantana rise and aim for Inuyasha's chest. She quickly grabbed the heavy red skull, ignoring the aura burning at her hands. Drawing her dagger, the only thing she had that wasn't burned, she concentrated until its blade took on a blue glow and plunged it into the skull. She heard Yura scream as the skull cracked and burst in a rush of white and blue light. When Kagome looked down, she saw she's pierced a comb in two.
“So Yura was nothing more than a comb?” she murmured to herself.
Looking up she expected to see Inuyasha still standing in his spot in the clearing.
“Inuyasha!” she screamed.
The hanyou was there, lying on the blood soaked grass, with the oni's sword rising out of his chest.