InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Futures' Past ❯ The Ties that Bind Us ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Futures' Past
Disclaimer: After much trial and tribulation, I still do not own the much beloved Inuyasha. Only a 20” plushie with a really big sword (and my cat has laid claim to him). I keep trying though.
A/N Thanks for everyone who voted for me at IYFG! I'm really humbled that people are enjoying my first forays into the world of fan fiction. Feudal Association has its nominations out as well. There are a lot of great authors up so if you have time, check them out! Life should be less hectic now, which should mean weekly updates!
Warning: lemon in chapter
Chapter 11: The Ties That Bind Us
“Tell me, houshi, why it is you have your hands on what is mine,” Inuyasha growled as he stepped into the room.
Relief had Kagome's shoulders slumping. She had no idea what Miroku was trying to pull but she didn't want the idiot monk killed because he thought he was helping her out.
Then she felt a hand grasp her butt as the monk stepped closer. Okay, maybe I won't have Inuyasha kill him, just hurt him…a lot. Miroku maneuvered her so he was in front, facing a now snarling hanyou.
“I won't ask again, houshi.”
“Inuyasha, I'm sure it's just some misunderstanding on Miroku's part. Some really big misunderstanding,” Kagome soothed trying to get between the human and half demon again.
“Now, Lady Kagome there is no need to try and placate the half breed. As I said, my sutras will be more than enough to render him immobile until I can free you from his servitude.”
Kagome's growl of frustration was loud enough to have Inuyasha cocking his head in confusion. He could tell Kagome felt threatened by the human male but worse was the smell of lust emanating from the monk. The momentary distraction was enough for Miroku to reach into his robes, grab a handful of sutra papers, and fling them in the hanyou's direction. Kagome leapt around the monk and intercepted the papers, quickly tearing them to shreds. It was Miroku's turn to be confused as he watched the girl plant herself firmly against the hanyou's side with no fear. She didn't even flinch when his clawed hand grasped her waist possessively.
“Lady Kagome?”
She decided it best to let Inuyasha try and explain what was going on since she wasn't all that sure what started the trouble in the first place. Glancing into angry red and gold eyes, Kagome gave a small nod.
“I don't know what the hell you're getting at monk, but Kagome is mine. She ain't being held captive, she can come and go as she wants, but she belongs to me.”
“I see no mating mark on the girl's neck. Are you always so possessive of those you use to satisfy your personal lusts?”
Kagome sputtered. She didn't know anything about youkai…mating (but she sure as hell was going to ask now) but she also knew that Inuyasha hadn't and wouldn't touch Sango the way he did her, pack or not. Kagome didn't know why her relationship with the hanyou was different but it was and she didn't like being called a slut!
“I don't satisfy anyone's anything! And what are you trying to pull, Miroku? You tried to kiss me!”
Miroku shook his head, his expression similar to one trying to explain something to a small child. “You do not understand, Lady Kagome. I know not where you come from, nor what the half breed has told you, but humans that choose to…lie…with youkai are considered little more than whores in the eyes of most. I can rid you of the hanyou and give you some measure of dignity in the eyes of the village.”
“By what?? Sleeping with me? How is that going to bring me any sort of respect, sleeping with a man I just met?”
“I assure you being connected to me would be more enlightening than the hanyou. Now if you will excuse us, my lady.”
Kagome looked at Inuyasha. She didn't want them to get kicked out in the middle of the night but she also didn't want to give this perverted monk any more ideas than he already had. Maybe if Inuyasha just knocked him around a bit…
“Inuyasha, just…just don't bloody him, okay?”
A grunt answered her whispered request. Inuyasha and Miroku positioned themselves across from each other in the center of the room. The monk brandished his ringed staff and braced to withstand a frontal blow. Kagome moved to the side and waited. The royal purple of the monk's robes shifted a bit to reveal an inner pocket and Kagome interrupted.
“Wait! No sutras, monk! It's not fair to have that sort of advantage over him.”
The monk frowned but dropped a pile of the sacred papers on the ground.
“I'm not certain I see eye to eye with your definition of immobilizing sutras as an advantage considering my opponent has fangs and claws.”
“Keh, let's just get this over with.”
Inuyasha gauged his opponent carefully before making the first move. The monk honestly thought that by taking the wench for himself he would be doing her a favor. He was, therefore, a more dangerous opponent than one who was simply fighting to win. Feinting to the left, the hanyou drew the staff while his closed fist landed in the monk's exposed belly. Falling back, but countering, Miroku swept his staff under Inuyasha's legs and caused him to tumble to the floor.
Using his quads, Inuyasha sprang to his feet, shaking his head. The monk was good. Fast for a human. He jumped another low swing and used his forearms to block the following frontal arc. And the damn wench didn't want him killed. The distraction on the hanyou's part proved useful to Miroku as he landed a hard blow to Inuyasha's jaw. The two tussled closely for a few moments before a low kick sent the monk skittering across the floor.
“We're fucking getting nowhere, houshi. Just accept that the wench belongs to me and we can end this stupid fight.”
Miroku hissed slightly as he regained his feet. “If you cannot even call the woman by her name then you have no right claiming her as yours.”
“Damn it, wench,” Inuyasha grumbled sparing a quick glance in Kagome's direction. “Can't you talk some sense into this human's head?”
Kagome started to shake her head but caught a glimpse of the monk's movement from the corner of her eye. He was placing a sutra on his staff, this one written in royal purple ink instead of black. He chanted softly and the staff began to glow the same rich color. The air tingled with purifying energy.
“Perhaps it is time to end this debacle, hanyou. My purifying sutra should be more than enough to rid our fair lady of your evil.”
Inuyasha turned but was off balance to counter, especially since he could no longer touch the monk's staff.
Kagome darted forward, her bracelet glowing with soft blue light and triggering Inuyasha's necklace to respond. She flung herself in the staff's path, taking the blow with her shoulder and landing with her knees on the wooden floor, cracking her forehead on one of the room's support beams.
“KAGOME!” Inuyasha rushed to the girl's side, no longer paying any attention to the monk. Miroku moved to take out Inuyasha from behind but the position put his back to the door and before he could move more than a few steps something heavy hit the back of his head sending him to the floor.
Rolling onto his back, Miroku found the long, lean body of the demon exterminator hovering over him. He was about to grin, make a suave remark, when the blunted point of her giant boomerang found its way to his windpipe. She allowed just enough weight from the carved bone have him turning a light shade of red and trying to swallow.
“What's going on here, houshi? I thought you were coming to bring Kagome and Inuyasha back for dinner?”
“I was…” Miroku struggled to swallow, “Lady Sango if you'd remove your weapon perhaps…perhaps this would go quicker.”
Sango eased up on hiraikotsu and was about to ask the monk again when a whimper from the far side of the room drew her eyes. Inuyasha sat cross legged cradling Kagome in his arms. She watched the inu hanyou nuzzle the girl's cheek and whine again trying to wake her. Furious maroon eyes turned back to the houshi.
“What did you do?” She demanded.
“Lady Sango, you would presume I harmed the girl? Why do you not look to the half breed?”
“Because, you fool, Inuyasha wouldn't harm a hair on Kagome's head. I don't understand it, but I've learned to accept it in the time we've known each other. Now talk.”
“He tried to take her from me,” Inuyasha said angrily. “And when he tried to purify me, the wench stepped in and took the blow.”
Sango watched Inuyasha's golden irises flicker to turquoise before he turned back to Kagome.
“Idiot. She's his; I don't try to understand why she accepts it. He belongs to her as well,” the slayer explained, exasperated.
“But there is no mating mark on the girl's neck. Surely she deserves to be more than an object.”
“She is. Look, houshi, I don't know what you've been taught about youkai and their behaviors, but inu youkai and inu hanyou are very dominant and possessive of their mates. The male is in charge. With Inuyasha and Kagome, it's different. I don't know if it's because she's never been exposed to youkai but she won't be dominated, she has to have equal say. She feels safe with him. And you threatening her, however indirectly, just shortened your life expectancy.”
Miroku tried to nod. “I apologize for my hasty judgment. If a demon slayer can travel with a hanyou, then I, as a servant of Buddha, can try to accept his relationship with the girl.”
With a grunt of agreement, Sango propped her weapon against the door frame and moved carefully to Inuyasha and Kagome. The young miko was still unconscious and Sango could see a bump and a large bruise decorating her forehead as well as battered knees. Inuyasha laid his ears flat and bared his fangs as she reached his side.
“Easy Inuyasha. Demon exterminators have some field training in healing. I just want to see Kagome's wounds. She keeps her herbs and bowls in her bag, right?”
Relaxing a bit, Inuyasha nodded. With a wary eye, he watched Sango prod the knot on Kagome's head and then check for swelling on her knees.
“I think some willow bark tea will ease the pain. And I'm sure she has some salve for the scratches. Houshi, make yourself useful and bring in two pails of fresh water for tea and cleaning her wounds. Tell the headman that we'll be dining in our quarters due to an…accident.”
Miroku opened his mouth to protest being an errand boy but shut it just as quickly when he saw the expression on Inuyasha's face.
By the time Miroku returned with the supplies, Sango had already separated Kagome's supply of herbs and the girl was changed into a short cotton sleep yukata. The hanyou had moved them both to a futon and still cradled Kagome across his lap. He'd removed his bright red outer coat and was dressed only in pants and a white inner kimono. His red and gold eyes never left the slayer as she prepared herbs for the pain relieving tea. Miroku watched with increasing anger as the half breed's claws absently stroked up and down the girl's bare thigh.
“I've brought the water,” Miroku announced and placed the pails on the floor with more force than necessary. “How can you sit idly by while he defiles her?”
The hanyou growled. “I'm not…” Suddenly his ears perked up. A low moan came from Kagome and she began to stir. Confused blue-gray eyes fluttered open and glanced around.
“Inuyasha? Inuyasha are you okay?” She struggled to sit up on her own.
“Easy wench. You took a good knock on the head thanks to the fucking monk. Sango's making tea to help with the pain.”
The miko's eyes narrowed to slits as they focused on Miroku.
“Miroku, come over here, please. I need something to drink.”
Not catching the undertone in Kagome's voice, the monk brought water in a wooden cup. Kagome placed her hand Inuyasha's on her thigh to still his growls and let him reach out for the cup. As the monk leaned in with a smile, Kagome drew her hand back and slapped him with all the strength she could, sending Miroku to the floor with a thud and causing her to grab her head and groan. Inuyasha held the cup to her lips and barked softly. Kagome drank the cool water gratefully.
“Lady Kagome, what was that for?”
She shrugged. “I thought you might be better off if I hit you for being an idiot than Inuyasha. Although from the way Sango is glaring at you I might let him anyway.”
“I am sorry you were injured, my lady, but I'm afraid I still do not understand your situation. Nor do I understand your…companionship with the half breed.”
“Look, I went through this with Sango and I really don't want to do it again. His name is Inuyasha and yes, he can speak for himself but again you might be better off if I did most of the talking. I'm a stranger here. Humans tried to kill me. Inuyasha saved me and protected me. He gave me a home. I stay with him. End of story.”
The monk at least had the grace to look embarrassed. He picked himself off the floor and moved to the far futon containing his travel pack.
Sango handed Kagome the bitter smelling tea and watched as the girl wrinkled her face in disgust.
“I know it's bitter but we don't have any honey to sweeten it. It'll help with the headache though,” the slayer chuckled. At that moment the shoji screen slid open and Shintaro entered followed by several servants with trays of steaming food and drink. His eyes lingered on Kagome and Inuyasha for a moment before turning to address Miroku and Sango.
“I see everything is under control? I want the two of you to walk the village perimeter and place wards where necessary. Slayer, I trust you to handle any demons rousted in your journey.” He turned back to Kagome. “The slayer says you are a miko. Is this true?”
Kagome nodded.
“And you possess spiritual powers? You do not just tend shrine grounds?”
“Yes, sir, I have powers.”
“Good. In the morning I want you to give blessing to the shrine and its grounds before you depart.”
“Inuyasha and I would be happy to take a look at the shrine grounds and see what we can do.”
The headman visibly paled. “I do not think it wise to bring a hanyou onto sacred ground.”
Kagome shrugged. “You are not the one with spiritual powers.”
“Please, my lord, what I think Lady Kagome means is the hanyou is under her total control and should pose no problems,” Miroku rushed out, bowing.
The girl flashed him a look. “I said exactly what I meant.” Inuyasha growled lowly behind her and Kagome lowered her head and fell silent.
Shintaro watched them with dark eyes before nodding. “Very well. Enjoy dinner. Monk, slayer, when you are ready to leave let one of my men know.”
The village leader left the room with his servants bowing out behind. Kagome moved off Inuyasha's lap so she could reach her tray but continued to lean lightly against him. Kirara finally made her presence known by jumping on Sango's lap and meowing loudly for the dried fish. Miroku remained slightly apart but seemed livelier since several small carafes of sake were included with the meal.
“May I inquire as to why a miko and a demon slayer are traveling with a hanyou?”
Sango looked at the hanyou. “It's not really my story to tell, it's Inuyasha's.”
The hanyou drew a breath and swallowed the rice ball he'd tried to shove whole into his mouth. Ears twitching, he sized up the male who tried to steal his human. He had strong spiritual powers considering he reeked of lust and had been eyeing the human leader's daughter earlier.
“I'm going to the Western castle to kill my bastard brother and get my fucking property back. The wench won't leave my side and I couldn't shake the slayer or fire neko.”
“What could be so important that you would risk the ire of the Lord of the West? He is the strongest youkai alive.”
The hanyou snorted taking a deep gulp of sake before coughing violently and spitting half of it on the floor. Kagome laughed thumping his back as his ears drooped.
“What the hell is that? Fire water?”
“No,” Kagome giggled, “It's sake, which probably isn't much better. Drink your tea. It should help get the taste out of your mouth.”
Growling under his breath, the hanyou complied. Once he was under control he turned back to Miroku.
“The bastard ain't the strongest youkai. Having a toad youkai up your ass don't make you stronger, just …”
“What?” he looked over at Kagome, his ears perked straight up. She sighed. He looked too much like a puppy when he did that. A big, gorgeous, dangerous puppy.
“Wait, are you telling me you, a hanyou, are the brother of the Lord of the Western Lands? The Inu no Taisho?”
“Keh. Half brother. And I don't recognize him as that. My father was Inu no Taisho. Sesshomaru does nothing but take. He needs a fucking kick in the ass. As ruler of the Western lands and he has a responsibility to both humans and youkai. My father taught me that. Sesshomaru just wants to control both Fangs and destroy those he thinks weak. He'll kill Kagome because she took his arm. I won't let that happen.”
Miroku pondered this while finishing his rice and dried fish. He'd been to human villages in the West and they could only wish to be described as poor. He was a swindler and lecher thanks to his dear uncle but he only took from those who had more than enough. Those people in the west compelled him to share. If Sesshomaru was defeated then…well, then Inuyasha would be heir to the Western lands and he would certainly be a better ruler than the full youkai. Kagome would see to that if nothing else. Of course there was the youkai council that Sesshomaru kept but if the rumors of Tessaiga's power proved true they would be no problem. Surely, as a monk, Miroku would be well received and rewarded for his part in the effort. And he would get to work along side the lithe body of the taijiya. He had the chance to watch two beautiful female specimens day after day. Yes, he could work with a hanyou for those rewards…
“I think that I could be of some assistance to you on your journey. I am able to procure room and board in villages and my spiritual powers would be of great assistance in battles with youkai.”
The hanyou raised his brows. “You mean you would con the richest house out of food and a night's rest. And use any victory to gain status in the West.”
Miroku placed a hand to his chest.
“I am but a servant of Buddha. A simple…”
“Can it monk. There ain't no `ominous dark aura' or some other shit here. The village is fine. I saw the way you were looking at the human leader's daughter; it's the same way you were looking at the wench. As long as you don't piss off my pack you can follow. You'll get no protection from me until you prove yourself.”
Sango eased her weapon closer while Kirara hissed. Miroku swallowed.
“Well, since we are finished here I think Lady Sango and I should check the village perimeter. We'll send in someone to clear the trays. Don't wait up.”
Lord Sesshomaru sat in his meeting room at the head of the cherry wood conference table. Instead of his normal attire, he wore a bright blue haori and hakama with a yellow under kimono. On the left breast was the crest of his mother, the crescent moon bordered in yellow, on the right was embroidered a depiction of his father in full demon form resting on a cloud, the western mountains as a back drop. No armor was worn to show strength over his guests. Tessaiga and Tenseiga were at his hip, the Fang of Destruction wrapped once again in silk.
To remind those in attendance of his late father, Sesshomaru had pulled his hair into a high ponytail, emphasizing his magenta striped cheekbones. To his right sat a tall Inu youkai with the same silver hair and golden eyes indicative of the breed, but with a symbol of double black lightening bolts on either cheek. He wore his hair loose to the backs of his knees and was dressed in a haori and hakama of silver lined with black. Makoto was one of Sesshomaru's father's most trusted advisors and friends and he wanted to remain close to the castle and the Dog General's son. Though the current lord showed little of his father's compassion or generosity, Makoto could only hope that when the younger boy made his appearance things would be settled without a death.
Jaken was the only other member of Sesshomaru's court in attendance to the wolf tribe's meeting. In essence it was a sign of insult and low status, meaning the wolves were not fit to a full welcome. Four large feral gray wolves sat on their haunches, yellow eyes gleaming in the firelight. The young wolf prince was there in his father's stead. The wolf king was dying. Age and countless battles both to defend and amongst his own people had finally taken their toll on the youkai's body. Kouga was young, fit and arrogant. His pitch colored hair was held in a tight high ponytail and kept from his face with a strip of brown fur. Chest armor and fur kilts and leg warmers were the attire of choice for the three ookami youkai in attendance.
“So the great dog lord has finally recognized the strength of the wolf tribe.”
“Silence. This Sesshomaru is merely providing you with the opportunity to prove yourself fit to hold your lands. Surely, you know your father is in negations with the Northern tribe about a merger.”
The youkai's ice blue eye's flashed. “What the ookami tribe does is none of your concern.”
“On the contrary, this deals with MY land and therefore is my business. It could bring in new trade and valuable assets to my treasury. But that is not why this Sesshomaru called you here. By now you will have heard news of the hanyou, Inuyasha. He is this Sesshomaru's half brother and taints the blood of the former Inu no Taisho. I want the wolves to stop him once he enters the Western lands.”
Kouga regarded the stoic Inu youkai with critical eyes. Even with the elaborate change in clothing, it was apparent the dog lord had been severely injured. Kouga knew of no such battles where Sesshomaru had received more than the smallest scratch and here he appeared to be missing an arm. Pressure was growing the merge the Western and Northern tribes since both leaders were old and frail. Kouga had no desire to step down or share his throne. And if he could bring the hanyou back alive then maybe he would have a bargaining chip against the taiyoukai. He could take back the land at the base of the mountains that his father lost so many centuries ago. Then he could offer the North the compromise and gain more power and respect. But he would have to hand this carefully. Inu youkai were known for their sense of smell and any indication of deceit would ruin his chances.
“What would you give me as motivation to aide you?”
“This Sesshomaru sees your arrogance knows no bounds. The simple fact that I am allowing you in my presence without facing my wrath should be enough. However, the hanyou travels with a human whore. He has rutted her already so I have no doubt she would be able to receive you and your ookami youkai. I have no use for humans. You may do as you please with her…after you immobilize Inuyasha. I want his blood to spill on these lands.”
Kouga turned to his two companions and conferred in a series of growls and yips. After a moment he nodded and returned his attention to the taiyoukai. He stood.
“Lord Sesshomaru. The ookami youkai tribe of the West accepts your offer and will wait for the arrival of the hanyou Inuyasha to the Western lands. We will not allow him to die until he touches the ground of this castle.”
With a bow and a swish of his brown tail, Kouga led the other wolves from the room, Makoto following with a frown to escort them out. He would be having a talk later with the young dog lord.
Jaken stared at Sesshomaru with questions swirling in his large eyes.
“My Lord, you said that the wolves may do as they wish with the girl…but you did not tell them that she retained the power of purification even after rutting with the half breed.”
The taiyoukai nodded with the smallest twitch of his lips.
“Yes, Jaken, This Sesshomaru did tell the wolves they may have the female after they took care of my little brother. Once they have him bleeding and defenseless in the Western lands, I will deal the killing blow. The human wench will purify the wolves out of self defense, allowing me to reclaim the lands they have held for generations. No other youkai shall hold rule in the West save the Inu. This Sesshomaru shall have the power of both great Fangs and all of the West shall kneel before me. The Inu no Taisho line will be clean once again.”
“So that is your intention, pup. You wish to destroy your own blood to fulfill your lust for power. Did your father teach you nothing? Inuyasha is your brother. You do not rule these lands, you do you not care for your people, you allow famine and power struggles to run rampant in your villages,” Makoto accused from the doorway.
Sesshomaru huffed. “This Sesshomaru does not have to provide anything, certainly not for those pathetic humans that reside on my lands. If anything they will destroy each other with their squabbles. And father was weak in his ideals. He allowed himself to be blinded by a female…a human no less. He knew nothing of true power.”
“But he knew of love. The time will come Sesshomaru when you too will have to provide an heir. What will you do then?” The older youkai quirked a silver brow.
“I will do as was intended. I will take a political mate. I will produce a male. I will not be bothered with the bitch again once the male is old enough to be left with me. That is what should happen.”
“And if a female is produced?”
“She will be left with the bitch and this Sesshomaru will mate another,” he replied with a careless shrug.
Makoto sighed. “What happened to you, pup, to make you so cold? You were like this when your father was alive as well. Lady Izayoi treated you like one of her own; she held no prejudices against you even though she could have since her own family disowned her. Why do you hate humans and your brother so much? Is it because they can feel, understand, what you cannot?”
The young taiyoukai pushed his way out of the room without a word.
Kagome tried and repack the things Sango scattered around the fire when she was looking for herbs. The servants cleared the room, though she had to bring them Inuyasha's tray since no one would approach the hanyou (his snapping at the one who did hadn't helped any). The sound of clothing hitting the floor had Kagome pausing. There was her hanyou, in all his glory, stretching his arms above his head, ears back, giving a tongue curling yawn.
“You're not wearing anything to bed?” When they camped outside, Inuyasha stayed in his fire rat robes since the nights were now so cold. Kagome assumed he'd be uncomfortable with a strange human in the room. Then again, it might be his way of keeping Miroku away from her.
“That's really not an answer, Inuyasha.”
“The room is stuffy.”
“Really? I think it's sort of chilly. Then again, where I'm from houses are better insulated against the weather so the heat stays in better.” She glanced around the rice papered walled room. It was small, smaller than the cave they shared near Kaede's village. Kagome grabbed the soft fur blanket that came with them everywhere. If she ever did find a way home the blanket was coming with her. In modern Tokyo she didn't think highly of owning fur but this smelled so much of Inuyasha she didn't think she'd ever sleep without it.
She sat on the futon next to Inuyasha. “Do you really think it's smart to bring Miroku with us? Shouldn't we…I don't know…like, search him for hidden sutras or something.”
“Damn hentai bouzo would probably enjoy it. He'd follow us anyway so it is better we know he's there and keep an eye on him.” Inuyasha pulled Kagome onto his lap, her bottom cushioned between his crossed legs and her bruised knees on either side of his hips. He rubbed the pads of his fingers gently over the discolorations.
“He hurt you.”
Kagome placed her hand against the hanyou's cheek, her thumb caressing the pale violet stripe. He'd told her he didn't have the markings or the red eyes when he was completely hanyou, but she'd grown used to them.
“Not badly, and it kept him from seriously hurting you.” She flushed. I can't believe I'm going to do this… “Inuyasha? Do you know what it is to kiss someone?”
The hanyou's eyes widened and his ears twitched reflexively. Of all the things the girl could come up with to talk about this was not something he expected.
“Keh. It's a human…mating…thing”
“But you're part human and you and Kikyou were close once. Didn't you ever kiss her or her you?”
His ears lowered. “No. She…she was a miko. Miko are supposed to be pure and not tainted by youkai. She wanted me to be human so we could be together. I didn't want to change, even for that.”
“Inuyasha, you are not tainted. If you were, you wouldn't take such good care of me.”
Drawing in a deep breath, Kagome closed her eyes and leaned forward, lightly pressing her lips to Inuyasha's. When he didn't pull away, she placed her arms behind his head and slanted her lips to add more pressure, careful not to cut herself on his protruding fangs.
The youkai side of Inuyasha was in agony. The human bitch he traveled with, rutted, was making advances on him. The demon wanted to claw its way to the surface, flip her, and satisfy itself. But even then, in the back of his mind, Inuyasha knew he couldn't. It would hurt her, and even the first time he took her he couldn't hurt her. When he felt a small, cool hand grab his length tentatively, he tore his mouth away before he lost control.
“Wench, what are you up to?” Inuyasha panted.
“Please, Inuyasha, I've never gotten to see you, to touch you. I know you're dominant but I want to know you, too.”
With an almost feral growl, his lips crashed back to hers. When Kagome gasped, not ready for the harsh kiss, Inuyasha snaked his tongue in, tasting her mouth as he had other parts. Not having done ANY kissing before, Kagome simply tried to keep up. She suckled his tongue to slow his movements and when he retreated, she followed. His fangs were long enough not to be a real hazard and Kagome was surprised his mouth tasted like he smelled; spicy, like a forest after rain. She trailed kisses down his neck and throat, moving to his muscular chest when his head dropped back from the sensation of her rubbing an ear.
Kagome was sort of making things up as she went along. Inuyasha looked tasty, so she tasted. She might have been embarrassed in front of her friends but the birthday manga wasn't the first time she'd seen something smutty. She'd paused a few times out of curiosity when those channels passed by on TV.
Scraping her teeth over a nipple, she was rewarded with the same contented growl-like purr she got when Inuyasha was relaxed. Encouraged, Kagome took the button between her teeth and tugged before moving to lap at the other. The entire time she was exploring, her other hand was grazing Inuyasha's inner thighs and squeezing and stroking his erection. She wanted to try something else but wasn't sure her injured knees would hold up.
Finally, the hanyou could take no more torture. He pinned both Kagome's wrists behind her with one hand while the other undid the front of her yukata. As soon as her breasts were bared he latched onto a nipple, sucking and nipping like a puppy. He pulled her closer so he could grind his hips against the enticing heat and Kagome could do nothing more than moan.
Aware the girl was still injured; Inuyasha pulled off the yukata and eased Kagome back on the futon. As much as his youki wanted to take her has an Inu, they both were going to have to settle with being on top. As he nibbled his way down her body, Kagome's fingers latched onto his ears, the touches remaining soft and arousing. When he reached her center, he nuzzled the bud of flesh there with his nose, sending the girl arching off the bed, before settling to lap at the heady moisture she produced. Inuyasha found himself surprised that he enjoyed the little noises and whimpers Kagome made when he prepared her to receive him. When she began to tremble he stopped and moved above her.
Inuyasha drove into Kagome with one swift thrust, her cry of pleasure and the clenching of her inner muscles almost his undoing. Drawing her knees up to hook onto his shoulders, Inuyasha gripped and held Kagome's hands on either side of her head. He watched as her eyes darkened to an almost midnight blue and listened to her ragged breathing. When he pulled up onto his knees, she squealed and gripped his fingers.
“T-there! Inu-Inuyasha, there! Kami, don't stop!” she panted.
Pulling almost all the way out, Inuyasha drove in hard and up causing Kagome to shake violently before she let out a scream. A few more fast strokes brought the hanyou his release and he muffled his growl by kissing the human below him. Remaining inside her, Inuyasha rolled so Kagome lay draped over his chest, her head on his shoulder, her legs on either side of his waist as he pulled up the blankets.
When her heart finally settled from her head to her chest, Kagome cracked open an eye to look at Inuyasha.
“Shouldn't you be falling asleep now, wench?” Inuyasha growled, but Kagome could hear the tired edge to his voice. She wanted to sleep but she wanted an answer first. And now seemed like a good time to get it.
“I wanted to ask you something. About something Miroku said. He said I didn't have your `mark'? What does that mean?”
She was met with silence.
“I know you're not asleep I can tell by your breathing.”
“Would you like to rut again so I can be sure you fall asleep, wench?”
“Kami, no! I don't think I'd survive. Please answer, Inuyasha.”
He sighed. “A mark is placed on a female mate to show other males she's claimed. It's usually a bite but where it goes depends on the breed of youkai. Inu youkai mark females on the back of the neck. With a human mate, the human female would also mark the male to exchange blood and gain youkai life span.”
“I drank your blood.”
“To heal you. It could have easily killed you. You're a miko, youkai are tainted, impure. To give impure blood to a pure miko could force the miko to purify herself.”
Kagome leaned up against Inuyasha's chest. “And you're telling me this now?!”
“Keh, I'd already rutted with you. If your aura was going to reject me it would have done it then. You weren't in danger.”
“Hmmm. So I can still be…taken by other youkai? Because I don't have a mate?”
“Sort of. You're under my protection. No one could have you without my permission and no one is getting it. Most youkai don't want a human mate, they just want to rut with them for a while and them throw them away when they wear out.”
Inuyasha's golden eyes flickered in the firelight. True, he'd never planned on taking a mate but his youkai and human sides both seemed to like the stubborn, insubordinate wench. And she was strong. But he could tell she didn't understand yet what a mate was.
“It's a permanent bond, not like human marriage. When one mate dies the other follows. I couldn't do that to you before we fought Sesshomaru.”
Kagome gasped. “You mean you'd…”
She was cut off by a pair of arms wrapping around her back and pulling her against Inuyasha's chest.
“You asked your one question, wench, now sleep.”
Kagome snuggled down against his hair with a yawn.
“Mmmm, `kay.”
Neither of them heard the shoji doors slid open.