InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Futures' Past ❯ Shelter from the Building Storm ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Futures' Past
Disclaimer: I do not own the ears…I'm staying silent about the rest of the body…
Chapter 14: Shelter from the Building Storm
Sango and Miroku followed Inuyasha almost blindly through the trees. They still could see no sign of a path, no sign that the earth had been disturbed, and the further into the woods they traveled, the less light the moon provided. The hanyou didn't speak, he simply assumed they would follow, or be left behind. Finally, when Miroku could no longer keep quiet about whatever the hanyou was following, a strong youki began pricking at the edge of his senses.
“Inuyasha, do you feel that?'
The hanyou paused, inhaling deeply. “We wait here.”
Sango grabbed Inuyasha's arm and spun him around, ignoring the irritated growls tumbling from his mouth.
“I will not just stand here and wait. You haven't told us anything about why we are heading in this direction. I don't know if Kagome is alive or dead, and neither do you; and now you are telling us to wait! Well, I will not wait! I am going to find out what is going on.”
The furious slayer tried to push past, but Inuyasha was faster. He pinned her chest to the nearest tree and clamped his jaws over the back of her neck, growling deeply. The more she struggled, the tighter his grip on both her neck and body became, until finally the two ended up pressed intimately together.
Miroku watched, wide eyed, from the sidelines. He'd never been witness to the hanyou disciplining someone before, but he knew that Inuyasha requested submission from Kagome on a number of occasions, and that right now, Sango was in no danger. Male demons would not allow any female to be dominant over them. Still, his fingers danced over the sutras concealed inside the folds of his robes. Kirara paced anxiously back and forth behind the two, but did not interrupt.
“Submit,” Inuyasha ground out.
“No. You are doing nothing to save Kagome. Why aren't we moving forward, if there are demons nearby,” Sango cried out, still struggling.
“Submit, woman.”
Miroku realized that Sango was actually crying, her shoulders shaking with the effort to keep her sobs under control.
“I can't. Don't you understand, Inuyasha? I can't be weak. I can't.”
Finally, the slayer's body sagged, and Inuyasha positioned her so she could sit, supported by the tree trunk. He waited, almost patiently, for Sango to calm down enough to look at him before speaking.
“Woman, submitting is not weakness. I don't understand you humans half the time, even when I turn into one. You are just acknowledging someone stronger than you, someone responsible for taking care of you, expecting you to follow orders. Didn't you tell the hag your father was the headman of the exterminators?”
Sango sniffed and nodded.
“It's the same damn thing.”
Inuyasha crouched next to her and motioned with his head for Miroku to join them.
“This area reeks of wolves and the blood of dead animals, but I don't smell the wench's blood mixed in. Meaning, at the moment, she's fine. The aura the bouzo and I feel is my fucking half brother. If Sesshomaru doesn't know Kagome is nearby, then I'm sure as hell not giving him the heads up. We're not ready to fight him.”
Miroku stared at Inuyasha.
“I must say, Inuyasha, I am impressed with your restraint. I, for one, would have thought you to charge blindly into battle the moment you caught wind of your brother.”
Inuyasha snorted with disgust.
“Yeah, the fucking half breed never thinks, always rushing into things like a wild animal.” He sighed, ears drooping a bit at the tips.
“I might have, once, but now I have a pack to think about, such as you are, and I won't get Kagome killed. I'll fight the bastard for Tessaiga, and only for Tessaiga. It's not with him, so there's no damn point in rushing out and getting everyone killed.”
Inuyasha stopped speaking, his ears swiveling back to catch noises too far away for the humans in the group to hear. Kirara moved in front of the hanyou, her fur bristling, to claw at the ground and hiss.
“We move now. Slowly. If I fucking say stop and don't move, then don't move. Don't even fucking breathe until I tell you.”
Inuyasha led the group forward, pausing every so often to scent the air before continuing. Miroku could feel the powerful demonic aura moving further way as they approached. Eventually, even their human noses could pick up the smell of blood and death, both of which seemed to lead directly to a dimly lit cavern in the mountainside.
The hanyou threw back his hand to stop the others so he could scout ahead, though he had the feeling he didn't need to be so careful. Nothing smelled alive, not anymore. Burning flesh and the acrid scent of Sesshomaru's energy whip lingered in the air, mingling with dead wolf. What bothered him most was that he couldn't smell Kagome. There was no trace of her scent in the air, no hint of his own from the haori she wore.
When he stepped into the cave's entrance, Inuyasha wondered what the hell the wolves did to piss off his half brother. Blood and entrails smattered the walls, body parts burned in mini fires or lay stacked on top of each other, and glassy eyes stared lifelessly up at him. His white ears twitched, recognizing a familiar sound that made his heart ache. It was a sound he woke to in the middle of the night for days after he was first unsealed, back when he could do nothing to stop it. The sound of Kagome's crying.
Inuyasha strode forward, ignoring the bodies at his feet, until he came to a small outcropping in the wall, its entrance partly hidden by a mangled body. The sniffling and hiccupping came from within the wall. He shoved the wolf's remains out of the way and reached in, grabbing the warm body and pulling it out to face him.
Tear filled blue eyes stared up at the hanyou as her small body trembled. Her hair was matted and her face and legs were streaked with blood. A quick sniff assured Inuyasha that the majority of it wasn't hers. She'd lost her hakama somewhere along the way, and was only dressed in his haori and her kimono. He began to growl as he thought of what the damn wolves did to her while she was alone.
The next thing he knew, he was nearly knocked to the ground by Kagome leaping up and wrapping her arms and legs tightly around him.
“Inuyasha, you're really here. I thought - I thought I was going to die. Sesshomaru…Sesshomaru and this little green…thing…they killed all of them. They were screaming. They wouldn't stop screaming…”
“Quiet, wench, I'm here.” The hanyou ran his claws through her hair, careful of the tangles. “The bastard is long gone. No one is gonna hurt you.”
Inuyasha could feel fresh tears soaking his neck as Kagome's grip tightened. It felt like she was trying to bury herself inside of him and hide. He needed to look around the cave, ask her questions about what was said, what his half brother had planned, if he revealed anything to the wolves before he killed them, but Inuyasha couldn't bring himself to do it. The cave was a fucking waste. Sesshomaru left no survivors. Inuyasha surmised that the only reason Kagome was still alive was because she had thought quickly and covered herself in wolf blood. His haori must have made her human scent hard to detect.
The hanyou sniffed at Kagome's neck and picked up the scent of more than one wolf on her, a scent that was much different from the blood smell that coated her; arousal. He needed to get her out of here and look her over.
“I'm taking you outside. The monk and the slayer are waiting for us.”
Kagome's grip on his neck nearly choked him.
“You aren't leaving me are you? Don't go away! Please!”
“Hey! Loosen up your arms or I won't be able to breathe! I'm not leaving you, I'm taking you outside.”
Sango rushed forward as soon as Inuyasha cleared the cave entrance. Neither of them expected the reception she got from the young miko, though. When Sango laid her hand on Kagome's shoulder, the younger girl shrieked and tried to hide her face in the hanyou's under kimono.
“Kagome?” Sango asked, her voice trembling.
The girl didn't respond, only shook her head from side to side.
“Sango, you and the bouzo go inside and see if you can get anything from what's left in the cave. I'm gonna try and clean up the wench. There's a human town about an hour or so from here. I think we should try and stay for what's left of the night. There's a youkai I need to see near the marshlands that run parallel to it.”
Inuyasha managed to untangle Kagome from his chest and set her on the cold ground. He wasn't happy about it, but it was the best he could do until he rooted through her pack and got some supplies. For once, the slayer didn't argue with him and went straight to her task, and for that, he was grateful. Fire colored eyes darted to his shivering human while he worked.
Kagome was staring at him, but not seeing him. Her bruised knees were drawn up to her chest and her thin arms poked out of the billowy haori sleeves, clasping her legs. Inuyasha was painfully reminded of when he first found her at the bottom of the well those moons past.
“Take off the shirts and sit here,” he commanded, spreading a blanket on the ground.
The hanyou's concern grew when Kagome simply obeyed.
Taking her gray under kimono, Inuyasha soaked it with water from the packed skin. He could have used the clean one in the bag, but this way he could get the blood and the wolf stench off her skin and clothes at the same time. He pushed Kagome gently down to lie on her back, and her eyes met his, filled with uncertainty and fear. Almost unconsciously, he began to rumble deep in his chest.
“It's cold,” he murmured, before started to clean her face. Kagome's tears had washed a good deal of the blood and dirt away, but her eyes and cheeks were still puffy from crying. He moved quickly, but thoroughly, rewetting the cloth to wipe the mess from Kagome's arms, all the while his sharp eyes scanned for anything more serious than bruising. Taking a clean, damp portion of the shirt, Inuyasha watched in fascination as Kagome's nipples rose and hardened from the combination of his ministrations with the water and cold air. Her scent told him she wasn't upset, but embarrassed, at how her body was reacting.
When her muscles tensed and she scrunched her eyes shut, the hanyou gently cupped her check.
“Wench, it's fine. As soon as you're clean, we're fucking heading to a town. There's one not far from here. We don't need to stay exposed here any longer than we have to.”
She gave him a weak smile and a nod, and let him continue to bathe her front. Goosebumps sprang up when she was flipped over and Inuyasha growled, noticing the scratches on the backs of her thighs. His claws tickled the sensitive skin of her neck as he pulled her hair aside. Even though he'd cleaned her arms and legs from the front, Inuyasha rewashed everything. He was just about to begin healing her cuts when Miroku's voice rang out.
“Inuyasha, we found this cloak with the bodies…by the grace of Buddha, what are you doing to Lady Kagome? Has she not been through enough?”
In a blur of speed, the hanyou positioned himself over Kagome, hiding her body from the monk's view. His knees rested on the ground by her head, palms and elbow propped his upper body over her calves, allowing strands of silver to tickle her legs.
“Back off, monk,” the hanyou snarled.
Sango placed her hand on the monk's shoulder before nudging him aside and approaching Inuyasha with both hands out in from of her, palms facing up, very much like she had approached Kirara when she'd met the fire cat.
“Inuyasha, Miroku didn't mean anything, he was just surprised. Please, let me help you with Kagome. Is there something else that needs to be done before we leave?”
Inuyasha kept his eyes on Sango's hands, not wholly trusting that she wouldn't try to subdue him. When he detected no deceit in her scent, he nodded.
“The monk can set fire to the cave. See if Kirara will help. Leave the cloak on the ground out here.”
“Inuyasha? What about Kagome's kimono? The bloody one? If it dries the blood will set,” Sango asked picking up the stained fabric and smiling gently at the miko who was almost totally buried beneath Inuyasha's baggy clothes.
“Toss it to the monk to burn.”
Inuyasha watched, growling under his breath, as Miroku did as instructed. Suddenly, the hanyou let out a yelp and spun around, his cheek to the ground so he could be eye to eye with the miko below him.
“What the fuck was that for, bitch?”
Kagome giggled. “I didn't think your ankles would be that ticklish, Inuyasha. I'm cold. Is there anything in my bag that's not ruined?”
Inuyasha grumbled and nipped the tip of her nose before looking at Sango. Catching on to his silent command, she began rooting though the pack for Kagome's last set of clothes. The only thing left would be the two yukata if this outfit got ruined. The slayer then watched in fascination as Inuyasha licked each of the long scratches adorning the back of the miko's thighs. After seeing Kagome wince, Sango had to ask,
“Does it hurt badly when he does that?”
Kagome shook her head as best she could from her face down position.
“Not really. It stings, but then sort of feels numb. It's sort of like medicine, and it wears off after a while and starts to hurt again.”
“As long as an Inu youkai isn't poisonous, their saliva will help wounds heal faster,” Inuyasha explained, once again sitting back on his haunches. He allowed Sango to come forward and help Kagome into her clothes while he shook out his fire rat. The fur was already beginning to shed the blood and dirt from its surface and his scent was once again becoming dominant. One of the advantages of self cleaning clothing.
He grinned when he heard the monk's yelp and saw him patting the smoldering fabric of his robes. Kirara was prancing around him, pawing playfully at the purple over robe, and causing it to smoke.
“Oi, Kirara! Try and set fire to that cloak.”
The fire neko gave a snort and pounced on the fabric. It smoked for a moment but didn't catch fire. Irritated, the cat took the material in her mouth and held it between her giant blazing paws, focusing the flames on it, but it still wouldn't catch. Sango swore the cat pouted before giving a cry and transforming, seeking out her mistress for comfort.
The hanyou scratched the cat's ears as Sango cooed softly to her,
“It's fine, Kirara. The cloak stinks of my brother. His youki is so fucking strong; it must still cling to the fur. It's firerat, so it won't burn.”
Miroku, deciding it was safe to approach since Kagome was now clothed, joined the group, bring the fur with him.
“It would be advantageous to bring the cloak with us. It would provide excellent protection in battle.”
Inuyasha shook his head.
“No way. First, it smells like the bastard. Second, it only works for those who have some sort of aura. I thought it only connected to youki since firerats are demonic, but it works fine for the wench, so spiritual power works, too.”
Miroku cleared his throat.
“Must I keep reminding you, I am a monk with considerable spiritual power and purity?”
Everyone sighed as they readied themselves to leave. Inuyasha tossed the cloak into the fiery cave, saying it would burn eventually. After a brief fuss with Kagome about the best way for Inuyasha to carry her, and her wearing his fire rat again despite the cold, the group set off towards the marshlands and the western shores.
Makoto watched his young lord pace the study like a pent up animal. Upon their return, a servant had the unfortunate timing to question Sesshomaru about the smell of wolves and the blood spatters on his white pants and ended up beheaded on the entry floor. No one would come near the taiyoukai after that, even when summoned.
Now, it seemed the taiyoukai was disappointed to find no one else had answered his calls for an audience. They neither accepted nor declined, choosing instead to not reply, as if they had never received word from the Western castle at all. Jaken had literally skipped off after a nod from Sesshomaru, and was no doubt hiding in some dark corner, polishing the staff of two heads.
“What shall you do now, Sesshomaru? You have basically isolated the Inu youkai pack from the other demon tribes residing in the Western lands. They fear you will use them as your assassins, send then into fruitless battles, or simply decide they are no longer worthy of your time or protection. Where is your power now, when there is only you?” Makoto asked.
In a flash of sliver, Sesshomaru had the taller youkai by the throat, pinning him against the wall with his good arm. The advisor did not fear Sesshomaru's poison; Inu youkai all had some immunity to the poison youkai among them, but he did wonder if his long life would end at the hands of a sulking pup.
“This Sesshomaru holds fear over others. That is the type of power that will rival all others. No one will dare challenge this Sesshomaru because they fear him.”
“For how long, pup? Ten years? Fifty? A century? They will think you have grown overconfident and lax, and will challenge the lands that have belonged to the Inu youkai for millennia. You believe the panthers will not bide their time?”
Sesshomaru released his grip and resumed pacing.
“This Sesshomaru shall defeat them as Father did. This Sesshomaru succeeded once before.”
Makoto took a seat, though he had not been offered one. He rarely took to formalities when addressing Sesshomaru in private, and could probably still best the taiyoukai with a sword.
“Your father needed an army the first time, and you even sought outside assistance right after he died when they invaded again. Sesshomaru, a ruler needs people to rule. If the west becomes a wasteland, overgrown with weeds and unused fields, producing no goods, no laborers, what use is it? You will rule, but what value will you have?”
Sesshomaru slunk into a seat. “I will have the power of Tessaiga.”
“Will you? A sword that destroys, yet offers protection to those under the care of the wielder. Yet you offer no protection, do you? What do you ultimately gain by being alone?”
“This Sesshomaru will show that Inu youkai are the most powerful demons in Japan. This Sesshomaru will be the most powerful youkai. All will tremble before me.” Though Sesshomaru's face did not change, Makoto could almost hear the whine in the pup's voice.
“Tremble, but not care. Fear, but pay no mind to what happens to you. That is not power. Even those who questioned your father's decision to take a human mate respected him, respected the power he wielded. Those who challenged him did not take his strength lightly. His people still mourn the loss of the late Inu no Taisho. Will they say the same for you when their lands have been essentially reduced to wastelands?”
Sesshomaru waved his hand towards the door. “Leave.”
Makoto rose. “Think on what I say, my lord. Your sibling is not a weakness but a strength. You both share the same blood, at least in part. You would erase that?”
When the elder dog demon left the room, Sesshomaru stared at the empty hallway beyond, clenching and unclenching his only hand.
“I will erase my half brother, and by doing so, will erase the last of my father's weak blood flowing through my veins. Then I will no longer be compared to my father. This Sesshomaru will be his own leader.”
The faintest hint of pink in the east signaled the dawn. Frost coated grass crunched underfoot, and Inuyasha could feel Kagome shivering against his back. Even he was beginning to feel the effects of the cold, so he figured the humans had to be close to freezing. Thick billows of smoke clouded the air over the huts that bordering the marshlands. The wetlands themselves steamed and hissed with unnatural heat in the early winter chill.
A cry signaled that the human guards spotted Inuyasha and the others approaching. Kirara landed behind the hanyou and padded along with him to the village square, where it seemed the majority of the men came to greet their party.
“What is it you want, hanyou?” an older voice spoke up from the middle of the crowd. Oddly, the word hanyou was spoken with no malice.
Inuyasha tightened his hold on Kagome before speaking.
“We need a place to spend the day, as well as food and shelter; and I need to speak to the weaver youkai that guards this village. We have nothing to trade, but we can hunt, and there is a slayer, a monk, and a miko in my pack.”
Inuyasha didn't miss the looks exchanged between said monk and slayer since he was being civil to these humans.
“A miko? Would that be the child on your back, hanyou? Will you not let her come forward and speak for herself?” The same disembodied voice inquired.
“She was injured in a wolf attack. That's why we need shelter. Damn it, do you have a place for us or not? It's cold out here and my humans need to be inside.”
“Still impatient, Inuyasha?”
The men stepped aside, and the man whose voice the haggard group heard, came forward. He was old for a human, perhaps in his sixties. His head was as bald as a holy man's, but he wore the rough fabric of a commoner and was bundled in thick furs. His light brown eyes shimmered with…recognition?
“With your crests and golden eyes, you look very much like your great Father, but your face holds the wisdom and soft lines of your mother,” he said, smiling at the hanyou's confusion.
Inuyasha lowered Kagome to the ground but kept hold of her hand as he approached the old man. The human gave off no spiritual aura, so he wasn't worried about purification, but that didn't mean he wasn't dangerous. He smelled of sweat and wood, but something under those scents was familiar, something that triggered the memory of a young boy with wavy hair and fighting with sticks.
Cocking his head to the side, Inuyasha questioned, “I know you, don't I? I remembered this village, but I think I remember you as well. You played with me as a child, didn't you? Your family didn't fear my mother and me when we would wait here for my father to return from his rounds.”
“Aye, that is correct. Your mother and mine became good friends, and she taught me not to look at you any differently. Though you did hit harder than most.” The man laughed. “You will stay in my home. It is large enough with my daughters married and gone. The bath house is just next door. I will have water heated. Please come.”
“I need to talk to the weaver.”
“Be that as is may, dawn is fast approaching, and the weaver guardian only wanders the marshes after sundown. You will have to wait out the day, and you should do so in warmth and comfort.”
The other men left as the group headed for the old man's home. He stood aside and watched each traveler as they entered, his gaze lingering on Kagome and her ragged clothing and bruises. The extra rooms were at the end of the hall and across from each other. Both had several spare futons and blankets piled up and a fire pit with a kettle in the center.
“My wife will see to the fires after the bath is ready. The women may have the room to the right, men to the left.”
“That won't work, old man.”
He quirked a brow. “Please, my name is Zen, Inuyasha. If memory serves, you made fun of it quite often. You find something wrong with these arraignments?”
Inuyasha put his arm around Kagome's waist, keeping their hands joined. “She stays with me.”
“Are you mated?”
“What does that have to do with anything?” the hanyou growled.
“Please, I mean no offense, but it is improper for the two of you to be sharing a room if you are not mated.”
Kagome squeezed Inuyasha's hand before stepping up and bowing. “Please, Zen-sama, I'd feel better if I stayed with Inuyasha. I've been living with him since I came to this…country. If it's going to be a problem, I'm sure we could all share one room.”
Zen scratched his hairless head and looked to Miroku, who was edging ever closer to Sango's backside.
“You, monk.” Miroku jumped. “You see no problem with an unwed couple sharing a room.”
“Miroku, Zen-sama, and no, I do not, at least in the case of Inuyasha and Lady Kagome. They are a unique pair and balance each other well. Lady Kagome has been through much tonight, and if she feels more comfortable with her hanyou protector, she should not be denied that comfort.”
He flashed a wide smile to Sango and moved his staff, allowing his free hand to be the one closest to her.
“As for myself, I am a humble Buddhist monk and at ease sharing sleeping quarters with Lady Sango.”
Sango grimaced. “I would still like privacy screens to separate our sleeping areas if that is not too much trouble. And Kirara will be with us.”
Zen shrugged. “If that is what you wish, then I will allow it. Please, store your belongings and I will lead you to the baths. There will be several tubs set up.”
As predicted, the women were led to one side of the bath while the men were taken to the other. As soon as Zen and his wife were confident that the group had everything they needed, and left to prepare tea and a meal, Miroku slipped out and knocked on the girl's side. A moment later, Kagome's tear stained face appeared on the other side of the shoji.
“Go to Inuyasha. I will wait until Lady Sango finishes before I bathe.”
Kagome sniffed. “Miroku, I don't want to keep you from a hot bath. I'll just hurry up and meet you both back in the room.”
The monk shook his head. “Please, just ask Sango to bathe quickly, and I will be fine.”
The miko surprised him by giving him a quick hug and disappeared to grab her soap and yukata. When she returned, Miroku had settled himself against the wall, staff in hand, to wait.
The screen to the men's side was partially open, and Kagome rapped on the frame before pulling it aside.
“Get in here, wench, before you let all the warm air out,” the hanyou grumbled from inside the steam filled bath.
Inuyasha had already stripped to the waist when he caught Kagome's scent and that of the spicy soap she brought with her. He dropped his kimono into the second tub, figuring it couldn't hurt to give the demonic fabric a scrub, and turned to the miko. She hadn't moved, other than stepping into the room. The hanyou snorted and grabbed Kagome by the shoulders, startling her, and pulled her next to the tub he planned on using. He stripped off his haori and tossed it with his other shirt before pulling at the rest of her clothes. He smelled each piece as he removed it, and decided they could all be washed. The wolf scent was strongest in her hair, but the smell of injury and sadness still clung to the material.
As soon as her hakama were removed, Inuyasha picked Kagome up and gently tossed her into the bath.
“Hey, what was that for?” She sputtered, pushing at her bangs. They'd grown in the time she'd been in this world, and desperately needed to be cut.
“Keh.” Inuyasha pulled off his pants and dropped in beside her, soap in hand. As much as he complained about using the perfumed human scent, he did like it. It smelled wild and male, which may have been why the wench chose to make it. Plus, it made them both smell more alike. Working up a thick lather between his palms, Inuyasha massaged the suds into Kagome's hair. As his claws worked through the black mass and scratched against her scalp, Kagome let her head fall back and her eyes close.
The only problem was, as soon a Kagome relaxed, the images of her time in the wolves den flashed behind her eye lids. Even though Inuyasha's touches were comforting, having dipped her so she was floating on her back, her hair rinsing in the water, while his soapy hands ran over the front of her body, she pictured the wolf who tried to strip her. Then his face morphed into the bloody mess that fell before her when Sesshomaru attacked; his mouth pleading for her to save him.
Kagome gasped and sat up, sending Inuyasha back against the wall of the tub. She couldn't help it; she was shaking and needed to get the feel of the wolves, the scent of their burning flesh, off of her.
“What's wrong?”
She couldn't answer, she didn't have one. Instead, Kagome climbed onto the hanyou's lap and pressed her lips to his, hoping that he would understand what she needed.
Inuyasha could feel the desperation pouring off Kagome. It wasn't lust, she smelled of fear, and need. Her small arms clung to his neck and her mouth moved harshly against his. If she wasn't careful she was going to cut herself on his fangs. Deciding Kagome needed the contact; the hanyou parted his lips and allowed her tongue to dominate him.
As soon as she felt Inuyasha giving in, Kagome trailed one hand down his chest, tracing the defined muscles and threading through the soft hair that lead to his sex. She wrapped her hand around his soft cock and began to stroke, moving her body in time with her hand.
Inuyasha pulled his mouth away and gripped the miko's waist, but she wouldn't be deterred.
“Please, Inuyasha. I see them. Every time I close my eyes, I see the wolves. I can feel them, smell them, hear them burn. Make it go away.”
As soon as he was hard enough, she lowered herself onto him, wincing slightly since the water seemed to take some of her natural moisture away. Keeping her hands on Inuyasha's shoulders for leverage, Kagome began to ride him, her knees tight on either side of his hips. It quickly became apparent how exhausted she was, since she couldn't establish a smooth rhythm. Her nails dug into the hanyou's shoulders as she let out a frustrated groan.
“Stop,” Inuyasha murmured. He held her still while leaning in to kiss her. As soon as she relented, Inuyasha slid his hands over her ribcage, pausing to cup her breasts, teasing their sensitive tips. He withdrew himself, ignoring her whines of protest, and turned her so she leaned bent over the rim of the tub. He knew she'd hurt herself when she'd first settled, and he was determined that if he were going to erase the images she saw, she would only feel pleasure.
Kagome's body shuddered when she felt Inuyasha's clawed hand slip between her legs. He'd never touched her like this before; she didn't think he knew how to please a female like this. A moan slipped through her lips when she felt his fangs and tongue glide over the pulse in her neck. Tilting her head and widening her knees, Kagome offered as much of herself as she could.
Inuyasha felt Kagome submit to his advances, and he growled in approval. Her flesh became hot and slick against his fingers and he knew she was ready to mount. He guided his length into her and wrapped his arms around her tiny waist, bringing her body to his. Keeping their upper bodies together, moving only hips and thighs in cadence to produce shallow waves in the warm water, the two rocked towards completion.
Draping his body over the miko's, Inuyasha felt her body shake with sobs once again. He turned her around and settled her in his lap, letting her hide her face against his chest. He wasn't good with human emotions, especially human female emotions. They seemed to run hot and cold all in the same breath. He didn't know what Kagome needed or how exactly to ask the human what he should give her.
“Kagome? Wench, why are you crying? Are you hurt? Did I hurt you?” His ears flattened at that thought.
Kagome lifted her head and looked into the golden eyes of her hanyou guardian. She was certain he would be thinking of her as weak since she managed to get captured yet again, but the only emotions she could read were worry and concern.
“No, Inuyasha, you didn't. I - I just don't know what I'm feeling. I've seen people killed since I've been here. I've watched you kill. But the way your half brother and that…toad killed. They were - cold. The toad enjoyed it, he laughed and hopped around, but Sesshomaru had no expression, like they weren't even worth his time. If they suffered, it was their own fault for not dying quick enough.”
The hanyou sighed. He had no idea where begin explaining Sesshomaru to her.
“Sesshomaru didn't care. They didn't do whatever it was he needed them to, so he eliminated them. It don't matter to him if it's a woman or man, human or demon; if he gives an order, you do it. If you don't, you're dead.”
She shuddered. “But how can anyone be that cruel? He must have loved your father at least, right? He had to feel some sort of connection there. And what about taking a mate? Won't he need to have an heir?”
“His goal was to kill Father and prove his strength to take over the Western lands. He got everything he ever wanted except for Tessaiga, and so he fucking stole that. As for an heir, I pity the bitch that gets to breed with the bastard. He'll pick a suitable Inu bitch, breed her, and raise the pup himself as soon as it's whelped. The bitch will have no contact with her pup. He's too fucking cold to take a true mate.”
Kagome wrapped his silver forelocks around her fingers. “In my time, women have the same rights as men. They have a choice in who they marry and if they are unhappy they can divorce…leave their husbands. Women get educations, work outside the home, and don't have to worry about men taking advantage of them. It happens, sometimes, but we have police that take care of it.”
“Poe-lice?” The hanyou stumbled over the unfamiliar word and Kagome giggled.
“Police. Sort of like guards that wander the streets and protect people.”
“Do you miss your home very much?”
“Sometimes.” She laid her head on Inuyasha's warm chest. “I know you'll keep me safe, though. Mostly, I just miss my family. And being able to speak my mind without having to worry about offending a headman and getting us kicked out of a village.”
“Keh, I'd get us kicked out before you would, wench.” He picked her up and set her on the floor. “We should get dressed and see what's to eat. I want to talk to the weaver youkai tonight.”
“I'm going with you.”
“We'll see, wench. We'll see.”
Inuyasha (or really his nose) lead them to the room Sango and Miroku would be sharing. Kagome found herself giggling at the sight of the monk struggling to get a kitten sized Kirara off his lap. Apparently the fire cat liked something on the purple outer robe and would not leave it alone, rubbing her face against it and tugging at it with her claws.
The hanyou was surprised to see his human scent the air as he would. Her nose followed the rich smell of the prepared dinner, and when she peered into the pot she let out a high pitched squeal.
“Oden! I didn't know they made oden in this time.” She turned shining eyes on the hanyou. “Oden is my favorite meal.”
The sound of a throat clearing in the doorway caught everyone's attention.
“Here I was afraid of serving a simple dish, so common after the harvest has been completed. I'm glad you will enjoy it, miko. My wife and I have already eaten, so you may take your fill. It is fully sunrise, so we will go about our day. Is there anything else you need?” Zen asked, bowing.
Kagome spoke up. “No, thank you, Zen-sama. The food smells wonderful. I'm sure Inuyasha will tell us what we'll do next, either while we eat or after we've rested.”
Nodding, the headman left the group to dine. Sango took up the role of server and passed out bowls and thick chunks of crusty bread. Miroku was still struggling with the overzealous kitten, nearly spilling hot tea on her. Inuyasha snorted out a laugh.
“Buddha's mercy, I have no idea what I did to attract her! I know I have a gift with the female gender, but never has it gone beyond humans.”
“Let me see your purple robe, Miroku,” Kagome said.
Inuyasha inched closer to Kagome as the monk removed one of his layers and passed it to the miko. In the process, Kirara got tangled in it and she was handed a mass of fur and growling fabric. The problem was obvious as soon as she brought the cloth to her nose.
“Do you smell it, Inuyasha?” The hanyou took a deep sniff and sneezed.
Kagome smiled. “You walked through a patch of catnip somewhere, Miroku. Kirara's not going to leave you alone until you wash it out. Of course, this way we can always tell where you are.”
They ate in silence for a few moments before Sango decided to ask about the youkai they would be seeing.
“Why are we seeking out this particular demon, Inuyasha? During our time traveling, you've steered us away from most other youkai.”
I'm seeing this youkai, not we,” Inuyasha began, only to be elbowed lightly in the ribs by the miko next to him. Her glare was every bit as intense as his own, and the bark he gave her clearly said they'd discuss it later.
“Anyway, the weaver youkai is the one who gave my father the firerat that I wear. I want to see if she'll make something similar for the wench. And a cloak for the monk since he seemed to like the bastard's so much.”
“What about, Sango?” Kagome asked.
“My slayer clothes are made from dragon hide. They are very resistant to fire and some energy blows.”
“Besides, Sango doesn't have any aura so the clothes won't protect her ass anyway.”
“That's a nice way of putting it, Inuyasha.”
“Keh. It's true. You humans will need all the protection you can get when we go up against Sesshomaru. It won't just be him. The castle has guards, mostly Inu youkai who are loyal to the current dog general. They can all transform into massive dogs, and some have poison claws and saliva that will eat through skin like acid. It won't be me against him, but my pack against the ruler of the Western lands.”
Everyone grew quiet as the true seriousness of the situation sank in. They wouldn't just be helping the hanyou get his sword so he wouldn't be a threat to others with his strong demon blood. They would be going up against the ruling class of youkai. Inuyasha would be the next in line to sit as Inu no Taisho should Sesshomaru die in the battle. What would that mean for the humans of the west? Would the remaining youkai respect a half breed?
Before anyone could speak on their thoughts, Kagome let out a huge yawn and fell back again the hanyou.
“Oi, wench, you need to sleep.” He looked at the others. “The same goes for you. I'll get you before I go to the weaver.”
Kagome stumbled across the hall with her eyes half closed. She let Inuyasha remove her yukata and settle her under their blankets. He wandered around, adding a few more pieces of wood to the fire, and moving the clothes they'd draped over the privacy screens to dry. Kagome watched the golden firelight playing over his body, his chest and thighs a contrast of light and shadow as he moved; his own yukata unbelted and open. He was mythical, powerful, beautiful…and hers.
Inuyasha felt Kagome's eyes on him while he readied the room for sleep. Her feelings were plain on her face. She wasn't the least bit disgusted by a half breed like him. She wouldn't prefer the advances of the fully human monk, nor any of the human men they had come across. She was already his.
She let out a tiny gasp as the hanyou slinked towards her, dropping his yukata to the floor. His eyes glowed yellow in the firelight and his muscles bunched and tensed silently, as though she was the prey he was stalking. Since the blankets were tucked under the futon on the bottom, he entered from the side, sliding his body up the length of hers and gathering her in his arms. Kagome snuggled her face in the crook of his neck and inhaled his scent, forest and soap, placing a kiss under his chin.
“I want to be yours, Inuyasha. I know you said that one mate will die if the other does, but I don't want to be stuck here if you die when we fight Sesshomaru. I can't be. If I can't go home and be with Mama, then the only thing I have left is you.”
The hanyou blew out a breath. He knew she would ask, human females wanted to know things like that, but he still wasn't sure he wanted to put her in that sort of danger.
“Kagome…no…not yet. I can't. Damn it, I don't want to see you die. You could live a full life without me.”
The miko shook her head. “I wouldn't want to.”
“I won't mark you; not now. I need to talk to the weaver, and yeah, you can come along. But for the moment, I can't.”
She pecked his lips. “Can you love me then?”
With a growl, the hanyou claimed her lips, suckling the bottom one until it was full and swollen before delving inside to taste. Her blunt human teeth clicked against his fangs as she tried and failed to take control of the kiss, finally allowing the hanyou to do as he pleased. The kisses and nips moved in a line from jaw to collarbone before Inuyasha suddenly grasped a nipple between his teeth and tugged sharply, sending a violent shockwave straight down to Kagome's toes. Gasping, she grabbed both ears and began to rub, her thumbs concentrating on the soft fur where the base met his head.
Inuyasha finished with her breasts and moved lower, laving his tongue over the bruises dotting her stomach before nibbling at her belly button. When Kagome started to giggle, he flicked his tongue in and out until he had the girl squirming and gasping beneath him. Dragging his claws along the lines of her outer thighs, he cupped Kagome's knees and brought them to rest on his shoulders. He'd only tasted her once and if remember correctly, she'd enjoyed it. Flicking his long youkai tongue out, he parted her folds and tasted the sopping flesh within.
Kagome arched almost completely off the bed when she felt Inuyasha licking her. She tangled her fingers in his hair in an attempt to keep him there until she came.
“YES! Please, more, Inuyasha!”
He chuckled against her. Using his thumbs to keep her apart, he placed his whole mouth over her and sucked, pushing his tongue in and out of her channel. When she bucked, his face slipped and his nose brushed against the hard nub he'd used to prepare her earlier. He concentrated on it, alternating between teeth and lips.
“Oh, Kami! I'm gonna…I think I'm gonna…oh, Inuyasha!”
He moved over her and slipped inside while she was still recovering from her first orgasm. Kagome wrapped her legs around the hanyou's waist and met him thrust for thrust, shifting her body so he would hit one of the sensitive spots deep inside. When his movements became shorter and more powerful, Kagome pulled his mouth to hers and swallowed both their cries.
Tucking his arms under her, Inuyasha made sure he wasn't crushing Kagome, but both of them were comfortable. He nuzzled her nose with his and gave her a rare, if small, smile.
Kagome relaxed under her protector. She couldn't say that it was love she felt for the hanyou, she didn't know if it was possible to fall in love with someone in two months. What she did know was they'd been in life threatening situations together, and that she'd changed from the girl she'd been before falling through the well. She would die for him if it came to that. But for now, they had the final preparations to make before reaching the Western castle.