InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Futures' Past ❯ Strength of the Blood ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Futures' Past
Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of Inuyasha or his cast of cohorts. Those rights go to Rumiko Takahashi and VI. Though Inuyasha does come and visit me at night.
Gasps and shouts rang out, but Kagome was immune to them. The powerful blast of youki sent her reeling, and she hit the ground on her hands and knees. The binding spell was doing nothing to subdue the hanyou's power, and her own was struggling to rise to the perceived threat. However, her miko aura wasn't focused on the inu-hanyou before her. No, she was attuned to the spider youkai Inuyasha had dangling from his claws.
Oru-Siito didn't feel malevolent, but then she didn't feel benevolent, either. Kagome was thrust violently into a memory: silver hair spotted with blood; a blue crescent moon and twin magenta stripes standing out against an unemotional face; blood coating slender, claw tipped hands, and splashing along the cave walls as he methodically took down both demon and wolf without the faintest flicker of emotion; cold. Both Sesshomaru and Oru-Siito radiated it, and chilled her to her very heart. They were only interested in their own self-interests; they neither cared for, nor loathed, any other.
It was too much - the tension, and the cold; both physical and spiritual. Kagome's stomach began to churn. It looked like dinner was about to pay her another visit. She didn't want to embarrass herself (or Inuyasha) by puking at her feet, but that's exactly what was about to happen.
Her stomach heaved and the acrid smell of bile and meat assaulted her. Kagome's senses swirled, a mixture of black and gray spots and pounding drums. Cool hands touched her face, pulling back her hair, and she jerked away, wincing from the pain in her head.
“No,” she whispered.
“It is only me,” Inuyasha replied. “Bitch, look at me.”
Kagome struggled for a minute, trying to debate how much worse it would be for her to directly disobey, before hearing a crunching sound nearby. Again aware of Oru-Siito, as well as the others, she blinked watery eyes at the hanyou.
Turquoise and garnet eyes stared back. There was no trace of the hanyou he'd been for the past month. This close, his familiar youki was unbearable. Combined with the spider youaki's energy, Kagome could hardly lift her head.
“What is wrong?” Inuyasha growled out, his voice and diction reflecting his inner demon.
“Too - too much.” Kagome swallowed a mouthful of saliva. “Too much power.”
Pulling the girl onto his lap, Inuyasha bared his fangs and snarled at something behind her.
“Stay back, youkai, or I will be wearing your entrails.”
Whatever resulted seemed to satisfy Inuyasha, because he brought his attention back to Kagome. Eyeing the beads on her left wrist, he tentatively brought her arm to his face, laying a kiss on her palm. Kagome couldn't think clearly enough to ask what he was doing. She watched as Inuyasha moved his mouth to her wrist, the beads between his lips. His eyes bore into hers as she felt the spell absorb and distribute his youki to a more bearable level.
His tongue flicked out, tasting salty flesh before pulling away.
Kagome nodded. “Much.” She didn't think she could stand yet, but Inuyasha was technically the one making all the decisions. At the moment, anyway.
The sound of clapping turned Kagome's head to where Sango and Miroku stood flanking Oru-Siito. The spider youkai look a little worse-for-the-wear, claw marks marring her delicate skin, but still she maintained an air of aloofness.
“Impressive display, my dear hanyou, but that will not change the fact that I require payment. Humans do little to no work for free, so I should not perform my tasks for humans without compensation. The work is tiring, the blending of so many youki, and the miko-child's blood will prevent me from weakening,” she cooed.
“He's MY hanyou, not yours,” Kagome hissed. Inuyasha looked at Oru-Siito a moment before nodding.
“Your price is fair, but you will not taste her yourself. There is another way.”
Inuyasha felt his human tense in his arms, but couldn't detect the scent of fear. That was good. She needed to trust him with what he was about to do. “Kagome, I need to take your blood. Do you remember when I spoke of marking a mate?”
She nodded, not sure she liked where this was going. From what Inuyasha had described, mating was…fairly intimate, and Kagome had no desire to share that with an audience.
Her thoughts must have shown on her face, because Inuyasha chuckled, though it was hollow sounding.
“Not exactly like that, wench, but I do need to taste your blood.” He dropped his voice, his breath hot against her ear. “I will taste you and pass that taste on to Oru-Siito.”
Blue eyes narrowed. “How exactly do you plan on doing this?”
He shrugged. “With a kiss.”
He was so nonchalant about it that Kagome wanted to rip those twitching puppy ears right off his silver head.
“A KISS???”
“Yes.” Inuyasha cocked his head. “It is only a huma-”
“If you finish that sentence you won't be walking straight,” Kagome threatened, pressing her knee into his groin.
While he growled, Kagome focused on his face, on the dark purple stripes adorning his cheeks, on those deep red eyes and blue pupils so dominant in his demon form, and the answer came to her Kagome'd kissed him as his hanyou self, not as an individual side. To him, to this part, a kiss meant little; it was a mere human trait, signifying human emotion, not instinct. Humph. She'd have to show him.
“One condition,” Kagome said, holding up a finger. She swore from the look on his face, that Inuyasha wanted nothing more at that moment than to bite her finger.
“I fail to see how you are in any position to make conditions, b-i-t-c-h,” he drew out the last word, leaning forward slightly so Kagome had to either grab his biceps or fall onto her back.
“Please, Inuyasha? I don't ask for much.”
Aware that the others were getting impatient, Inuyasha groaned.
“You have no idea how much you ask for sometimes, wench. No idea.”
He said nothing else, but didn't move away, either, so Kagome took it as a sign to continue. Grabbing onto his forelocks, she tugged Inuyasha's face to hers, tilting her head so her lips slanted over his. Already resigned to doing all of the work, Kagome traced her tongue along his lips, marveling at how full and soft they were despite the rough conditions.
His lips parted to draw breath, and Kagome gave a pause before slipping her tongue inside. Maneuvering around the longer fangs was tricky, but she didn't mind nicking herself once or twice. As she traced along his teeth, Kagome noticed that the ones on either side of his eyeteeth, as well as their lower counterparts, sharpened in this form, too.
Dragging her tongue along one side, and then the other before tangling it with Inuyasha's, Kagome enjoyed being seeped in the half-demon's flavor. Her hands gripped the back of his neck while his were under her borrowed coat, flexing and tickling her sides. Kagome knew the minute Inuyasha decided to take control. His body tensed and a rumble began deep in his chest. His rougher youkai tongue covered hers before nudging it back into her own mouth.
He copied her earlier explorations, leaving no surface undiscovered, lingering briefly on her human fangs. Before pulling fully away and allowing Kagome some much needed air, he flicked his tongue out over her lips.
As she recovered, Kagome smirked. “Was that no big deal?” she asked the still heaving hanyou.
When all she got in response was a grunt, she was satisfied.
“I don't want you to feel that with Oru-Siito. Now do you see why kissing is enjoyed by humans?”
Inuyasha gave a possessive growl and pulled the little miko closer to him.
“I will have to kiss the weaver deeply to pass your blood, but I will not feel the same things I feel for you,” he murmured against her hair.
“Good. So what do I have to do?”
“Relax and trust me.”
Kagome let her shoulders drop and laid her hands in her lap. Almost immediately, Inuyasha moved them to hang at her side. Pulling her coat aside, he worked the ties of her haori free before moving that out of the way as well. He placed both hands on the front of Kagome's gray under kimono before looking up.
Red on blue, he lowered the left side of the garment, exposing her breast to the cold evening air. She shivered both from the breeze and the intensity of Inuyasha's gaze. Arching her back, Inuyasha continued to stare into Kagome's eyes as he took the nipple into his mouth. No sound came from the miko, her jaw dropped, and her eyes rolled up, but she remained still and silent.
At first, Inuyasha did nothing, simply warmed the chilled bud with this breath. But as he felt the peak grow, he flicked his tongue out, laving around and around, each pass smaller until he passed over the tip. Kagome jerked back, trying to move, but a hand between her shoulder blades and another at her hip held fast. Liquid heat shot through her stomach as his teeth tugged and nibbled on her flesh. The caresses moved upward, around the inside, until he reached the upper swell of her breast.
Sucking and nipping at her fragrant flesh, Inuyasha prepared to bite down. His fangs slipped easily into her skin, the blood welling up almost immediately. He drank first, taking her into himself, before he allowed the blood to pool in his mouth. He couldn't heal the marks yet, but he'd do that once their debt was paid. Pulling away from his miko, Inuyasha brushed his claws through Kagome's bangs, before getting up and walking to the spider youkai.
Oru-Siito's face was flushed with her anxiousness to taste the miko's blood. While she had no care for the hanyou, he was handsome; strongly resembling his father in figure and strength, and she was a willing female. She would enjoy tempting him into her bed for the night. Taking him from his human for an evening could prove just as much fun as frightening the little miko.
Inuyasha faced the youkai and leaned forward. She met his motions with her own, tangling black claws into his mane and flicking her tongue over his lips to catch the smeared blood. Dizzy from the fragrance and power of the blood, Oru-Siito pressed forward first, claiming the hanyou's lips for her own; her long tongue snaking in and gathered the coppery sweetness for herself.
Kagome grew angry. She could tell Inuyasha wasn't sure of the spider's moves by how stiff his back was, but Oru-Siito seemed to be enjoying things too much. She'd come flush with Inuyasha's body, rubbing her breasts against his chest, and dragging her hips to and fro over his. Kagome's emotions seemed to manifest themselves in the magic that bound them. Inuyasha's necklace glowed bright blue before Oru-Siito was forcibly pushed away from the hanyou. Kagome got up, still a bit dizzy from the power rush and then the rush of arousal, and came behind Inuyasha. With a growl, he turned and plunged his tongue into her mouth, hands cupping her bottom to bring her against him.
When he pulled away, his eyes were once again gold and red. Scooping Kagome into his arms, he motioned for Miroku and Sango to join them.
“You have your payment weaver; there will be nothing else tonight. How long?”
Oru-Siito licked her lips; fangs still tinted red with Kagome's blood. “Three days time should be enough. Come to me at sunset on the third day, and my children will bring you to me.”
She faced Kagome. “Your blood is powerful, child. Possibly more powerful since you became the mistress of the hanyou.” Her final words were directed to Inuyasha. “Protect the miko-child well. If the west falls into your hands, she will be a powerful aid.”
Sesshomaru stood at the balcony in his room, hair glinting like frost in the waxing moonlight. With his demonic senses, he could make out the breaking waves in the distance, and hear the few remaining animals scurrying to and from their burrows. He was shirtless, though the air was cold; a bite to the wind signaling snow would fall before long. It wouldn't last, this first snow never did, but it gave weight to the shifting of the seasons.
Shifting of the seasons, like shifting of the blood. He could almost taste the different blood flowing in his veins, the poison of his mother's people, and the cunning strength of the Inu no Taisho line. Was this the separateness his half brother felt, to be able to physically feel the separation of one's own being? He needed to rid himself of anything that made him weak. His mother had left them, left a strong political allegiance, without a second glance. Surly, this was a sign that the previous Dog General had some sort of weakness that she could sense. And then he bred with a human. Would this weakness eventually show itself in him? Could others sense that he had a deficiency in his blood?
Raising his arms over his head and rotating his neck, Sesshomaru allowed himself this brief moment of relaxation. He had both of his father's swords, and he had his father's lands; in every way he should have surpassed the dead inu youkai. But Tessaiga rejected him, Tensaiga was worthless, mere scrap that could not be melted down and made into something more useful. The lands were not as plentiful as when his father reigned, he could admit this to himself, if not to anyone else. He'd heard the murmurings of his staff, the difficulty in obtaining grain and crops. It didn't concern him. Day to day workings were below his status. Others should solve those problems and if they did not, they would face his wrath.
Soon, Inuyasha would come. Sesshomaru had a number of lesser demon spies in the area, and they reported that the hanyou was resting in a village near the coastal boarders of his lands. Apparently the miko did not escape the wolves' blunder unscathed. He would allow the half-breed this time. Time to formulate a plan, time to think he could win. Sesshomaru, himself, had a plan. His latest letters to the ranking demon tribes in the Western lands let it be known that the half-breed son of the late Dog General was planning to overthrow Sesshomaru and shift the power of the West. Would they want a hanyou ruling over them? Responses were already coming in. When the hanyou arrived with his pack there would be an army to meet them inside the castle walls. All inu youkai were required to fight on the side of the Inu no Taisho, and several other responses from within his borders were promising.
Retreating into his chambers, the lord lay on his silk covered futon. This had been his room all of his life. The room and chambers for the Lord and Lady of the West had remained empty since his father left the castle to him. This battle had to be the answer. Sesshomaru could think of no other reason why Tessaiga should reject his power, or why he should feel so restless. It had to be weak blood. If he could bleed himself to eliminate it, he would.
Power, strength, domination. Those were the only ideals he held close to him. Makoto had no idea what he was going through, the demon held too much sympathy for humans. While Sesshomaru would never stoop to calling them food, they were a type of cattle, meant to labor for demon comfort, breed, and then die.
Soon he would have the West under his complete control. Then he would be satisfied. Then this restless feeling would fade. Then he would understand why his mind was always racing. He would be complete.