InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Futures' Past ❯ To Have and To Hold ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Futures' Past
Chapter 17: To Have and To Hold
Disclaimer: I do not own, nor make monies from any of the Inuyasha characters. Those rights and privileges go to Rumiko Takahashi and VIZ.
It was late when the group returned, but Zen was there waiting up for them, a pot of simple stew warming by the fire.
“I was unsure if you would be hungry after your meeting with our weaver youkai. I trust all went well?”
Kagome gave a tired smile as she bowed.
“As well as it could, Zen-sama.”
“Would you care for anything to eat before you retire?”
Inuyasha looked at his miko. She was putting on a good show, but her muscles were quivering with fatigue. Though her back was straight, her shoulders slumped and her eyes kept going in and out of focus.
“I think the wench and I will just go to sleep. The others can do what they want,” Inuyasha replied. With that, he picked up Kagome and disappeared down the hall. Zen-sama bowed out as well, leaving only Sango and Miroku (and a sleeping Kirara).
“I fear we may have gone too far this time, Houshi. Inuyasha is still upset,” Sango said, while dishing up their late meal.
“We? My dear Sango, I believe it is you he is upset with and he has every right to be. Inuyasha didn't even complete his statement, which is all it was, Sango. Not a request, not even a plea, merely a statement of additional fact, before you began insulting him. He provided for you and Kirara. Kept you from jumping into a fight with his brother that none of us could have won at the time, and you repay him with fear and revulsion. I do not think you hate Inuyasha, but you are disgusted by what he is,” Miroku concluded.
Sango bristled.
“I am not some ungrateful child, Houshi, and I do not care to be spoken to as one. You know as well as I do that their relationship is unnatural. Kagome may say she does not care now, but how will she feel as time goes on? Constantly scorned by humans, unable to go into a village to buy even fabric or trade without being spat upon. Not to mention demons attacking both the half-breed and his human whore at every turn. Will she think she made the right decision? Desire is fine in a marriage, but it is not the most important aspect. The important part is how you will make it through your day to day life.”
The slayer narrowed her eyes at Miroku.
“And I have not forgotten you telling me you would decline the bonding should Inuyasha bring it up again.”
Miroku appeared completely unfazed, which only added to Sango's irritation. He remained calmly cross-legged on the tatami mat, his staff resting on the floor beside him.
“If you think that by hearing the truth of your words as they sound to others as being treated like a child then so be it. I will not accept Inuyasha's offer because it is a tremendous responsibility to undertake. From what you have described to me, this “family bond” enhances natural ability and lifespan, enabling a human to fight harder, take more damage and heal with more positive results. However, we could still be killed.”
Miroku shook his head.
“That Inuyasha would even suggest such a gift humbles me, Lady Sango. He has lost nearly everything dear to him and is struggling to retain even a small portion of his birthright. I could not imagine the pain he would feel if someone formally bonded as part of his pack died. He worries enough about Lady Kagome as it is. And make no mistake, Sango, Inuyasha will take Lady Kagome as his mate before we strike against Sesshomaru.
Sango shot to her feet, making to run down the hall, but Miroku shifted his staff and sent the woman head-over-heels on to the floor.
“What - ”
“You have no right to interfere. If not for your chance meeting with the two, they would be mated already. Why do you continue to follow Inuyasha?”
Crouching on the mats, Sango glared, red-faced.
“I'm not following him. I am protecting Kagome.”
“Sango, please. You may tell yourself such things, but they will not pass with me. Until you can admit your faults to yourself, you will always see them in others,” Miroku remarked, rising.
“I am going to bed. I will leave a lantern lit for you and Kirara.” He started down the hall, but paused before leaving Sango's sight.
“Oh, and Sango, if I survive this battle intact, I am strongly considering joining with Inuyasha formally if he takes control of the Western castle and its lands. He will need mediators and wise men…and women, to aid his role. Goodnight, dear Sango.
The slayer remained unmoving on the floor. She'd been sympathetic when the half-breed told the tale of his mother and father. She'd been terrified, frustrated and angry when he forced her to submit to his authority in the forest, before they came across Kagome and the remains of the wolf demons. Why? She was stronger than these emotions; she was the daughter of a headman, the only female demon exterminator in her village. Feminine emotions had no place in battle and traveling with a hanyou and a besotted miko was a battle. It simply wasn't done. Her training warred with her heart, that Inuyasha was proof that demons could be good, kind.
She felt…what did she feel? Was it fear? Then what did she fear? Dying? No, she'd faced death hundreds of times. Being left behind, then? Was that it? Was she afraid that her family would look at her current actions and choose to turn their backs on her? Would her decision not to destroy Inuyasha when she had the chance, to not turn Kagome over to the village elders, make her father see her as weak and unworthy to be a part of the slayers? What would she be then? She was already an unsuitable bride. Even the men in her own village would not bid for her hand in marriage. Having trained with her, they thought of her as a sister, family. Most outside men wanted a quiet and obedient wife, with a civilized tongue in her head, things Sango definitely didn't have.
She picked up the oblivious neko and padded down the hall. Being left alone, being unwanted, that's what she feared. Maybe Houshi was right, but would he hear out her fears and help her though them?
Kagome lay naked, face down on the futon. She was too exhausted to even bother with the blankets, undressing was enough of an effort. A low-grade headache throbbed behind her temples. She could hear Inuyasha puttering around the room and figured he was being deliberately loud. He could probably sneak up on her coming from the front while walking on bed of bubble wrap; he was that stealthy.
The mattress on either side of her hips dipped and she felt the hanyou settle on the back on her thighs, right under her bottom. Large, calloused hands gripped her shoulders, thumbs rubbing in delicious circles on the knots at the base of her neck.
“Oh,” Kagome groaned. “I don't know what I did to deserve a massage, but thanks.”
Kagome chuckled. “Another word for rubbing my back, but you can massage any body part really, even the head.”
“Any part, eh?”
His hands gripped Kagome's slender shoulders more firmly; kneading and rubbing before progressing steadily down (or rather up since she had flung both arms over her head) her arms then returning to her back. She could feel Inuyasha's knuckles pressing firmly into her spine as he moved. Hands spanned her waist while strong thumbs caressed the small of her back.
She couldn't help but allow another moan to escape. It felt like heaven and Inuyasha was using just the right amount of pressure. And his hands were so warm! Kagome squeaked when Inuyasha took her butt cheeks in his palms and squeezed.
“Inuyasha what are you doing?”
“Massaging you. You did say anywhere,” he answered.
“Yes, but -”
“Relax. Let me do everything.”
With that, the hanyou thoroughly manipulated her backside and hips. His hands smoothed the backs of her thighs as he shifted his weight to reach her legs. While the area Inuyasha worked was intimate, his touch was not; he avoided any type of contact that might have been considered erotic. Instead, he soothed and relaxed Kagome's muscles with long strokes and pulses of pressure.
“Kagome, you are sure about becoming my mate?”
She tried to turn over, to look at the hanyou before answering, but he placed a hand between her shoulder blades to hold her down.
“No, answer as you are.”
“Yes, Inuyasha. I am completely sure about becoming your mate. No matter what happens to us, no matter if I find a way back to my old time, I want to be yours.”
His moist, hot tongue snaked a trail up Kagome's spine, straight to the edge of her hair.
“Then you will be. Now. Tonight.”
Inuyasha's voice took on the gravely quality of his alter ego and he maneuvered so he lay over her body.
“Bitch, you can't move. You can't fight me. I have to have total control over you or I may end up hurting you.”
Kagome turned her hand so her palm met his and intertwined their fingers. “I trust you completely. You won't hurt me.”
He kept his right hand linked with hers, but traced the other down the line of her arm, his claws digging in with just enough pressure to leave tingling red lines. Every few inches he flexed his hand, allowing those talons to leave little crescent moons in Kagome's delicate human flesh. From nape to tailbone, Inuyasha skimmed fine bones and sleek muscles, leaving only the faintest traces of deadly claws.
The young miko knew he wouldn't take her without preparing her first, and those nails of his were working wonders. She buried her face in the pillow to muffle her gasps when that same hand slipped between her thighs, tugging on those already slick and swollen lips. Even the feeling of his claws pricking her down there didn't hurt, only stimulated.
With an almost feral growl, Inuyasha moved forward, his hand on Kagome's soft belly, lifting her butt high enough for him to rub his own straining sex over hers so he could both lubricate himself and more fully arouse his soon to be mate. So far, she was doing an excellent job of remaining still, but her whole body convulsed when drove deep.
Kagome bit her bottom lip so hard that she tasted blood. Inuyasha's fangs were buried deep in the back of her neck while the rest of him, well, the rest of him was moving hot and hard between her legs. He felt larger somehow. Thicker, maybe. And he didn't need to worry about her moving. She was pinned by his weight and could do nothing to aid in her pleasure. Or in his. The next minutes were a blur, his hot breath teasing the small hairs on her neck, only to be slicked down the next instant by his tongue. She felt his hand shift, his fingers rubbing her sensitized clit. Kagome squeezed her inner muscles, trying to bring herself the pleasure she knew was close.
When Inuyasha felt his dick being squeezed from the inside, he dug into the futon with his toes and thrust hard, finding his own release. That seemed to trigger Kagome's climax as well and he drank deeply the sweet blood that flowed when he released his hold on the back of her neck. Running the tip of his canine tooth over his palm (and stifling the groan at tasting Kagome's slick juices), he opened a deep gash.
“Wench, turn your head. You need to drink this.”
She gave a grunt.
“I mean it, wench. You need to drink of your own will and I took a lot of blood.” He nuzzled her neck. “I know you're tired. This will help.”
Summoning the strength to move the rock that was masquerading as her head, Kagome found Inuyasha's bloody palm within her reach. Her lips latched on and she savored the wonderful warmth slithering down her throat to pool in her belly.
Satisfied she'd heal, the hanyou gathered his new mate onto his lap. Tonight she would be the most vulnerable. Weak, unable to move or defend herself. She would be relying totally on her mate for protection. The next morning would only be a little better. Most female demons would be able to move and eat on their own but not hunt or fight. Kagome was still human and probably would need a great deal of help. Which was why Inuyasha chose to do the mating now, when they were, to an extent, safe. He would deal with the overreactions of the slayer as they came.
“Wench?” he asked when he felt her release his hand.
“How do you feel?”
“Like someone replaced my body with a giant rock. Is that right? Should I feel so out of it?” There was a panicked edge to her question.
Inuyasha kissed her temple, an oddly human gesture. “Yeah. Females are dependant on their mates for the first day after mating. It might be worse as a human. You'll start to feel stronger soon.”
Kagome yawned. “Is it okay to sleep?”
He chuckled. “It's fine, wench. I'll wake you when we mate again.”
The body, which was becoming more pliant with sleep, jumped. “Again! I don't think…I mean, I can hardly move, how can we - ”
The hanyou simply laughed and curled onto his side, tucking his mate against him. He would get no sleep. Instead, he would watch over Kagome and wonder if the other side effect of the mating ritual would take hold.
It was taking Kagome way too long to figure out if the pounding was coming from outside the door or inside her head. And Inuyasha was no help. He was currently lying beside her nibbling on her earlobe. He wasn't kidding when he said they would mate again. And again. And yet again.
“Inuyasha, Kagome, I know you two are in there. I'm coming in.”
“Damn, nosey woman,” Inuyasha grumbled before getting up. “Wait a fucking minute!”
Kagome watched through hazy eyes as her hanyou pulled on his pants, bouncing a little and sending all sorts of wonderful things jiggling.
“Can you sit up, wench?”
She sighed. “You're always going to call me that aren't you?”
“Yes. Or do you prefer bitch?”
Pushing at the tangled sheets, Kagome mumbled. “I'd prefer Kagome but that doesn't happen too often.” She tried to prop herself in to a sitting position but her arms refused to hold her weight and she hit the pillows with a dull thump.
“Fucking shit!”
“Sango,” Kagome called out, before the hanyou could think of anything more colorful to shout, “I'm not dressed yet.”
The shoji slid open and Kirara slinked in first to curl at Inuyasha's feet. Once the slayer confirmed that Inuyasha was at least partially clothed, she ducked into the room and headed straight for Kagome.
“Why are you still lying down?
“Sango, I'm fine. Better than fine, actually. I'm just a bit out of it this morning, that's all,” Kagome assured the wound up slayer. But Sango only narrowed her eyes and stared hard at the miko. Hard enough that Kagome felt the need to draw the sheet up to her chin.
“You took her as your mate last night didn't you?” Her gaze stayed on Kagome.
“Yes. It was the wench's decision, not yours, and she made it.”
“Kagome, are you sure - ”
It took some effort but she managed to hold up her hand. “Before you start to lecture me, Sango, yes, I'm sure. Now, are you going to just sit there or are you going to help me put something on so we can eat and go over the plan of attack?”
The young woman's stance relaxed and she gave a genuine smile. “Breakfast is almost ready. I send Miroku to help even though he volunteered to come and wake you both up.”
In no time, the group was sitting down to hot tea and rice porridge sweetened with honey, dried apples and nuts. Kagome sat between Inuyasha's raised knees, their tray covered in paper, ink and brushes instead of bowls. She might not have the energy to feed herself, but Kagome wasn't going to sit and do nothing to help with the planning. She wasn't a cartographer by any stretch of the imagination and drawing with ink and brushes wasn't something she practiced all that often at home, but by the time she was fed her last bite of breakfast, they had a workable map of the outlying areas surrounding Sesshomaru's castle.
“Inuyasha, are there any particular roads you think will be least vulnerable?” Miroku asked, sipping his tea.
“Keh. The bastard knows where we are, I'm sure of it. It won't matter how we get there. He won't attack until we're past the wall. It's not his style. I have to prove myself first.”
A black brow arched. “Prove yourself as what?”
“Prove myself as worthy to die by Sesshomaru's hand. It's not worth killing me if I can't even make it to the castle. He used to visit from time to time when my parents were still alive, taunting me, telling me the only reason I wasn't dead was because of our father. Even after they both died, Sesshomaru had a hard time beating me. I was reckless, but determined not to die by the bastard's hand. That was enough reason enough.”
“So, shall we approach by the most direct route?”
Inuyasha shook his head. “We can take the road that's easiest for you humans to travel on. It won't make no difference.”
Sango studied the map with the air of one accustomed to going head on into battle. “How will we defeat each of the defenses?”
Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's shoulders and pulled her back against his chest. For once, she didn't argue about the change in position, just sitting up was getting tiring. “The demon mist can't be controlled by Sesshomaru; he doesn't have the strength our father had. It won't matter if we get there when it's day or night, the mist can make it look like any time of day it wants. The wench should be able to take care of it with one of her arrows.”
Miroku nodded. “I understand. Use Lady Kagome's purifying energy to dissipate the youki in the mist. A wise idea. Next would be the living water.”
“Kirara could fly us over it,” Sango suggested. The firecat looked up from her place on the mat and growled. She'd been lying like a sphinx, only with her paws crossed, watching each person intently as they planned. Inuyasha had no doubts that the cat understood everything and had some of her own ideas about what to do. Like not flying over the living water.
Inuyasha shook his head. “The water can reach out like a hand. It would be able to grab you right of the neko's back.”
Sango cocked her head, studying the width of the circular band of water surrounding the Western castle.
“Would one of Kagome's arrow's work on this?”
Miroku spoke up. “I may be able to answer this, my dearest Sango. The mist has little weight to it. To give an example; if one could capture all the mist and place it in a jar, it would fit easily, whereas the water would take many more containers.”
“The bouzo's right. It would take a hell of a blast of spiritual power to destroy the water.”
“What about the trees?” Kagome asked, wrinkling her brow. “If sutras were charged with power and placed on the trunk, and the tree cut down as a sort of bridge, wouldn't the sutras form a sort of barrier over us? The water wouldn't be able to cross it?”
The three warriors looked at the ink-splattered map as if it would confirm the idea. Frowning, Inuyasha looked at the miko.
“It just might work, wench.”
Kagome crossed her arms and huffed. “Well, don't sound so surprised. I have learned a lot since I came here.”
Inuyasha growled and nipped the side of her neck while Miroku grinned.
“What about the wall?” Sango asked, still uncomfortable with the open displays of affection. It just wasn't proper. For any type of couple.
“Leave that to me,” Inuyasha replied. “Today and tomorrow we train and pay back the village with any help they need. Tomorrow night, we run drills in the dark. We can sleep during the third day so we are ready to move out as soon as the weaver has your robes ready. The wench should have her strength back by then.”
Everyone started off to find errands or practice space for the day. Sango headed for the small armory. She'd heard talk from some of the men that weapons were in poor condition and there was no one with the knowledge to repair them properly. Miroku hung back, watching in fascination and amusement as Kagome argued with Inuyasha about trying to walk on her own. They compromised by the hanyou taking her waist and helping to balance her as she struggled.
“Are you feeling well, Lady Kagome?”
She gave Miroku a bright, happy smile. “Oh, I feel great, it's just nothing wants to move when I tell it to. And I get tired so easily.”
He nodded. “And this is normal?”
Inuyasha gave a grunt. The monk didn't quite grate on his nerves so much anymore and he was a benefit when it came to dealing with the demon exterminator. “Yeah. It might take longer since the wench is human, but she'll be fine in a day or so.”
Again, Miroku gave a nod, hovered by the door.
“Spit it out, bouzo. You stink of unease.”
“I…I have given quite a lot of thought to the statement you made the other night regarding our safety in battle.”
Miroku watched as the hanyou's ears drooped and a faint blush colored his cheeks. “Ain't no big deal. Look, I - ”
“No, Inuyasha, I was humbled when Sango explained what it would mean. To become your family. I have only my uncle and while he is a kind man, he is also a drunk. To have a true brother and sister would be a new experience for me. And a treasured one. But I will not accept the bonding before the battle with your brother. If the Kami's see fit to allow my life to continue, and you would want a humble Buddhist monk as a brother, I would be honored.”
Inuyasha could smell the tears in Kagome's eyes and he hated that he wouldn't mind shedding a few himself. A second human, hell, a second anything, was willing to be part of his life, such as it was. He had no doubts that Kagome was responsible for bringing these people in to his life, otherwise he'd probably still be stuck to the damn tree, or dead by Sesshomaru's poison claws.
“If we all live through this, bouzo, I will be glad to have you as a brother.” I sure as hell never had a real one.