InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Gift to You ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Gift to You

Her lively blue-gray eyes danced in mirth and the wind whipped gently in her hair as she spun around in circles, loving the way the cold white flakes felt against her face as they fell from the sky, her white kimono whirled around her. Yea she knew it was a bit childish but she couldn't help it, this was her home now, during the last battle with Naraku the well had been destroyed so she could never return to her time that way. Her eyes welled with tears in remembrance, and the familiar pain clenched her heart. She scoffed at herself.

"Get it together Kagome! You said you would make the best of your life now so do it!"

A contented smile slipped onto her lips as she looked around and took a deep breathes, it was just so beautiful here and everything was so lively and different from that of the future. She gracefully sat down in the snow, to the right she heard a shuffle of feet and stood quickly, her smile brightened even more as she sensed who it was. Rin and Shippo bust through the bushes and into the clearing. Kagome stooped down and yelped in surprise when the two knocked her down as they gave her a bone crushing hug.

"Hi Kagome-chan!!!" "Hi momma!!!"

They yelled their greetings to her at the same time. Kagome giggled and sat up with the two in her lap, her eyes saddened for a moment and the children noticed instantly. Rin placed a soft hand onto her cheek.

"What is wrong Kagome-chan?"

Kagome snapped out of her daze and looked into Shippo and Rin's worried faces. She smiled brilliantly but it still held that underlying sadness.

"I miss my family little ones, the ones in the future. Today in my time it is Christmas Eve and that is a time when families get together showing how much they love you; they give presents and just revel in the feel of having family."

Shippo and Rin's eyes glittered in sorrow for her. Then Rin gave a toothy smile.

"Kagome-chan? Why don't you have Christmas here with Shippo, Sesshoumaru-sama, Jakken, Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, Kirara, and Rin?"

Kagome's eyes widened and her face broke out into the biggest smile she had ever given.

"That is a great idea Rin!"

Shippo brightened as well and jumped off Kagome's lap, together he and Rin jumped around Kagome chanting.

"We are gonna have Christmas!!"

Kagome shook her head in amusement and went to Keade's hut, Rin and Shippo followed closely behind her, they talked and giggled all the way there. As they entered the hut they all, they stopped their chatter and Rin ran to Sesshoumaru. Everyone was there.

"Sesshoumaru-sama!! Rin thinks it would make Kagome-chan happy if we had Christmas here because she misses it with her family."

Sango and Miroku glanced at each other in confusion, Inuyasha looked at the child oddly then at Kagome, Sesshoumaru raised a finely sculpted eyebrow. Kagome gave into her fit of giggles at the reaction Rin had received from the statement then explained to them what Christmas was. Sango got up and hugged Kagome gently.

"I am so sorry you have to miss your family."

Kagome sighed but smiled.

"I am too but things can not be changed. The jewel is back safe within my body and it wasn't your fault."

Miroku came up beside them, as he stepped to them two low growls were heard and he held up his hands for them to see, his eyes were serious.

"Kagome-sama I have always been curious to what you wished for on the jewel."

Kagome blushed slightly and looked away from them.

"I…I wished for those who were tainted and destroyed by Naraku to rest in piece and for all of you to be happy."

A wave of shocked went throughout the hut and Kagome blushed harder. Sesshoumaru was the first to recover and a small smile formed his luscious lips.

"This Sesshoumaru believes it would be a great idea Rin. It will be at my castle."

Inuyasha fell anime style.


Sango and Miroku stared at Sesshoumaru in shock while Shippo and Rin jumped around some more in joy. Kagome's eyes glistened with unshed tears and she threw herself into his arms.

"Oh thank you Sesshoumaru!"

All in the hut went quiet and big grins split over Shippo and Kagome's faces. Sango giggled. Miroku and Inuyasha's faces froze in shock. Sesshoumaru grinned to himself and slowly wound his arms around her. Kagome giggled and pulled herself from his arms a light blush coloring her cheeks, grabbing Sango she lead the children and Sango out the door to buy gifts and get the tree. Sesshoumaru called for Jakken.

"Yes Sesshoumaru-sama?"

"Go and help them with their things then transport them to the castle."

Jakken's ugly face contorted in misery and he grumbled as he fled after the small group. Sesshoumaru smirked and headed for the door, though he did not hate his brother now, Inuyasha was still a younger brother and siblings were annoying when they are in your presence too much.

*Later that Christmas Eve*

Everyone was at the castle. Kagome was decorating the tree with the help of two excited children and Sango.

"Hey Sango hand me that bulb over there."

Sango handed her what she wanted and watched as Kagome took off after Shippo who was carrying a big box of candy.


Shippo snickered and picked up the pace. Kagome pounced on him just as he darted behind the couch, the two wrestled for a bit until Rin jumped on them both and took off with the box. Shippo and Kagome both jumped up and yelled at the same time.


Kagome plopped exhaustedly onto the couch. Gazing at the tree, it was beautiful, the different colors made it glow and the presents underneath it made her feel better than she had in a while now.


Sango sat down beside her snickering.

"Yea those two gave you hell about the candy."

Kagome smiled. Sango and Kagome's eyes shifted to the children who lay my the fire with Kirara curled up closely by them. Inuyasha and Miroku stepped in the room talking and stopped in awe. Miroku spoke first.

"It is truly lovely…Much like two women I know."

A lerchous smirk formed his lips as he spoke. Both Kagome and Sango gave him warning glares.

"You better not even think about it monk or I'll castrate you."

Miroku paled at Sango's threat and his hands moved to the front of his pants as if to hid himself from her wrath. Everyone looked at him and burst out laughing. Sesshoumaru who had walked in during the threat hid his chuckle deep within his throat. Jakken scurried in a moment later and announced that dinner was ready. Over dinner Kagome told everyone that she would allow them to open their gifts before they went to bed. Shippo and Rin stuffed their faces excitedly while the adults in the room talked.

*Later around the tree*

Kagome smiled at them.

"I have decided to sing a Christmas carol and then you can have at your gifts."

Everyone watched her intently including the ever complaining Jakken. Kagome closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her soft voice carried throughout the room.

"Silent night, holy night,
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon virgin mother and child.
Holy infant so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace.
Sleep in heavenly peace.

Silent night, holy night,
Shepherds quake at the sight,
Glories stream from heaven afar,
Heavely hosts sing alleluia;
Christ the Saviour, is born!
Christ the Saviour, is born!

Silent night, holy night,
Son of God, love's pure light
Radiant beams from thy holy face,
With the dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus, Lord, at thy birth.
Jesus, Lord, at thy birth."

The room was silent as she took her breath and opened her eyes. Sango smiled happily.

"That was beautiful Kagome-chan."

The others nodded in agreement. Shippo and Rin jumped into Kagome's lap with pleading eyes. Shippo even did puppy dog eyes.

"Can we open presents now please!!!??"

Kagome giggled and sat by the tree. Kirara sat beside her and purred in delight when Kagome began to run her fingers along her fur. Kagome grabbed presents and gave them to them to who they belonged to. They talked and smiled, thanking each other. Soon it became late and everyone went off to bed. Kagome lay awake in her bed, she sighed heavily. She did not know what was bothering her. Getting up from bed she put on a robe and walked into the living room where the tree sat. Her mind wandered, so she did not notice the other presence within the room. Her eyes welled with tears and she let them fall silently. Her grief clouded mind snapped back to attention when she felt a warm body holding her. Kagome looked up. Gray-blue clashed with that of gold, his usually cold voice was worried and soft.

"Kagome why do you cry?"

Kagome sighed again.

"I cry because I will never be happy again. I will die in this time and era. I will never see my family again."

Sesshoumaru looked thoughtful for a minute and then his eyes flashed…emotions glimmered in his eyes and Kagome held back a gasp.

"What if I told you Kagome that there was a way for you to see them again?"

Kagome's eyes searched his and confusion took hold of her features.

"What? How?"

Sesshoumaru took a deep breath and continued.

"For sometime this Sesshoumaru have admired you…only a year ago did this Sesshoumaru allow myself to reconginise it was beyond just admiration. This Sesshoumaru loves you Kagome. Be my mate, the mother of my pups, my closest compainoin. My life will be your and your life would be mine. You will live as long as a demon."

Kagome took in a sharp breath and smiled brightly.

"I would love to!"

With that said Sesshoumaru pulled her to him in a breathtaking kiss. He licked her bottom lip begging for entrance. Giving a small moan she relented and opened for him. His tongue swept over her mouth hungrily and Kagome did all she could to resist her moan. He turned her around to face him and his hands began to move over her body. Kagome's nipple grew hard and could be seen clearly through her night gown and robe. Sesshoumaru chuckled and sucked on them through the material. Kagome sucked in a harsh breath.


She panted and he hardened more. Slowly he pulled her beneath his body and ground his erection to her wantingly, all without breaking their kiss. Releasing her lips so she could breath Sesshoumaru trailed hot kisses over her neck and nipped gently. He licked at the spot where her shoulder and neck met. Kagome was hot with need and groaned.

"Please Sesshoumaru."

Sesshoumaru ground on her harder and sucked on her neck. He moaned in her ear.

"Please what? Tell me Kagome."

She growled inhumanly and arched to him, grinding back hard and fast.

"Sesshoumaru I need you inside me! I need you to fuck me hard and fast! Take me now!"

Kagome practically howled out with need. Sesshoumaru chuckled and purred in her ear seductively.

"As you wish love."

Without a second though he scooped up his mate to be and raced to his chambers. Kicking open the door the kicking it close he placed her on the bed and ripped her cloths off. He layed over her and gently slipped a finger into her body, he began to pump it in and out fast. Sesshoumaru smirked in delight.

"You are so wet, so tight…I am gonna enjoy taking you and fucking you hard."

Kagome moaned out loudly his onslaught of words and feeling was too pleasurable. He began to grind his hips to hers again, slow and sensually. She let out a low whimper beneath his body, pleading for more. Sesshoumaru gracefully shed himself of his cloths, his fingers rubbing her nipples in small circles. He positioned himself at her entrance and kissed her hard, he thrust to the hilt, tearing through the tissue that had once signified her innocence. He held still and swallowed her cry of pain. Little tears trailed down her cheeks and he carefully kissed them away. Shifting accidentally sent powerful shivers of bliss through both of their bodies and Kagome arched and gasped at the heavenly feeling. He continued to pound into her loving the feel of her tight warm sheath around his erection. They went on for hours. Finally Kagome threw her head back and cried out her release.


Sesshoumaru growled in response pushing through her clenching walls then spilling his hot seed in her body and burring his canines into the delicate flesh between her shoulder and neck, triggering a hidden instinct Kagome's canine's enlarged as well and she sunk them into the spot where his shoulder and neck. He moaned appreciatively.

"Kagome. Ohhh…."

Spent he gently pulled out of her and layed on her right side, throwing his leg over her, pulling the covers over their heated bodies his tail curled around Kagome's waist. She panted softly trying to regain her breathing. Nuzzling her neck gently Sesshoumaru purred, Kagome sighed in content and cuddled to his body. Sesshoumaru smiled and kissed her on the forehead where her cresant moon was being to form. Kagome drifted to sleep and Sesshoumaru whispered lovingly.

"Merry Christmas my mate, I hope you enjoyed me gift to you. I know I did."