InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Girl ❯ The whole story ( Chapter 3 )
*Disclaimer-me no own Inuyasha!*
Chapter 3- The Whole Story
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The next day~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Yes child what is it?"
Kaede stepped out of her hut to see Inuyasha and the new Kagome walking up to her hut.
Kaede gasped when she saw Kagome.
"What happened to ye?"
"Kagome? Where?" Shippo said excitedly while poking his head out of Kaede's hut.
"Um, I will explain everything inside."
"Kagome? Why do you look like Inuyasha?"
Kagome ignored the question and everyone walked inside. Sango and Miroku were sitting by the fire inside and Kirara was sitting in Sango's lap.
Sango and Miroku looked up at the same time and both had shocked looks on their faces.
"Kagome?" They said in unison.
"Yes, yes I know I look different." She said annoyed. To tell you he truth Inuyasha was starting to get annoyed with all the questions too.
Everyone took a seat by the fire and Kagome began to explain what happened.
"I was out looking for Inuyasha. When I found him he was with Kikyo..."
Kagome wasn't sure if she should say what she saw. She looked at everyone and Inuyasha. She took a deep breath and tried to continue.
"Kikyo kissed Inuyasha and I didn't want to see anymore so I ran. When I got near the river a demon was there waiting for me. He said he had orders to kill me. I defended myself the best I could. In the end I shot an arrow at its heart and he turned to dust. Then I blacked out."
"Lady Kagome that still doesn't explain why you look like you do."
"I am getting to that. When I woke Inuyasha was there. He said he had found me by the river. I had lost a lot of blood. He gave me some of his blood and wrapped me in bandages and that is why I look the way I do. I have some of Inuyasha's blood in me."
Everyone was shocked and Inuyasha was practically hiding in the corner.
"Oh! I see." Sango said trying to break the uncomfortable silence.
"Uh, Lady Kagome may I ask why Inuyasha hadn't shown up when you were getting attacked?"
Everyone looked at Miroku, then Inuyasha expecting and explanation.
"What?" Inuyasha said a little angry.
"Why didn't you come when I was getting attacked Inuyasha?"
"You can't expect me to know you were there!"
"You knew I was there Inuyasha!"
"If you must know I tried to get to you, but Kikyo put up a spirit shield so I couldn't go anywhere."
"Oh." everyone said together.
Kaede was sitting by the fire deep in thought.
"What is wrong Lady Kaede?"
"I was just thinking about what Kagome had told us and about what Inuyasha just said. Kagome told us that the demon said it had orders to kill her. I wonder who would give orders to kill Kagome. Then when Inuyasha said Kikyo wouldn't let Inuyasha go I started to think maybe Kikyo could have ordered that demon to kill her."
"That could be true Kaede after all Kikyo does want Kagome dead so she can have her soul back." Sango pointed out.
Kagome stood up and began to walk out of the hut.
"Where are you going Lady Kagome?"
Kagome stopped.
"I am going for a walk I will be back later. I just want to be alone for a while." She then ran out of the hut. Inuyasha was in deep thought and didn't seem to mind.
Kagome ran through the village and into the forest. She kept running through the forest until she heard laughter in a near by clearing. She stopped to see where it was coming from. She looked through the bushes and saw a little girl playing in a field of flowers and laughing. Then she noticed a little toad looking thing watching the little girl. She recognized that toad. It was Jaken! Kagome was about to come out when Sesshomoru suddenly appeared next to Jaken. The little girl turned her head and saw Sesshomoru.
"Sesshomoru!" The little girl shouted while running up to him and hugging his leg.
"Rin, we must go now."
"Ok, But Rin has something for you!"
She reached behind her back and pulled out a flower and gave it to Sesshomoru.
"Thank you Rin." Rin giggled and ran ahead of them Jaken followed behind her. Sesshomoru was about to follow when he picked up the sent of another demon. A sent like his brothers only a little different. Sesshomoru walked over to the bushes. Kagome froze. She was too scared to move.
"I know you are there! Who ever you are come out now!"
Kagome stood up slowly.
Sesshomoru was shocked. It was almost an exact copy of his brother only it was a young girl.