InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Girl ❯ Surprise Gift ( Chapter 11 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
*Disclaimer- I don't own Inuyasha or any of its characters!*
My Girl
Chapter 11- Surprise Gift
Sango sat on the porch of Kaede's hut polishing her boomerang. Miroku sat at least 100 feet away, leaning against a tree with his head down. His face sported a big, red welt in the shape of a hand. This is what Kagome and Inuyasha saw when they returned. Sango looked up and paused in her polishing.
“Hey, Guys. Where'd you go?” Miroku too looked up when Sango spoke.
“You guys weren't…” Miroku wiggled his eyebrows leaving the sentence hanging.
“No!” Kagome shouted. “Koga came by.”
“Oh! What happened?” Sango asked putting her boomerang aside. She stood up and she and Kagome walked away to talk. That left Inuyasha with Miroku.
“So, what did you do to earn that brand on your face, this time?” Inuyasha walked over to Miroku and plopped down under the tree next to him. Miroku sighed as his hand went over his cheek.
“The usual.” He replied. Inuyasha nodded in response.
“So, when are you guys gonna…” Miroku looked at him suggestively. Inuyasha hit him on the head rendering him unconscious. Inuyasha huffed and then lept off into the forest.
8888888888888888To Kagome and Sango888888888888
“Really?! He just gave up?” Sango exclaimed in shock.
“Well, yeah. He did.” Kagome shrugged.
“That doesn't sound like Koga though.”
“Yeah.” Kagome pondered it, but decided to think more on it later. “Hey, I have to go to my time real quick to pick something up. If Inuyasha comes looking for me tell him I went for a walk and I'll be back later.”
Sango nodded. “Uh, sure, but why?”
“I don't want him following me.”
“OK.” Sango agreed and Kagome took off and leaned against a tree.
“Sango!” She screamed and fell over. She looked up from her position on the ground to see Inuyasha standing in front of her looking confused and a bit worried.
“Inuyasha! You startled me!” Sango exclaimed as she stood dusting herself off.
“Where's Kagome?”
“Uh, she went for a walk and asked me to tell you she'll be back later.”
“I'll just go find her.”
“No!” Sango froze and Inuyasha paused, crouched ready to leap in the tree overhead. “Uh, she didn't want to be followed.”
“Why the hell not?!”
“Uh,….” `Think Sango think!' “Uh, she had some things on her mind she wanted to sort through alone.” `Good job! Hopefully he'll buy it.'
He nodded apprehensively. “Fine. I'll be at the Goshin boku.” He took off to the tree.
Kagome pulled herself up out of the well in her era. She ran up the steps and out of the mini shrine that surrounds the well and into her house.
“Hey, Mama! I'm home!”
“Kagome! What are you doing home?”
“I have to pick up a few things in town.”
“Ok, but don't stay out too late.”
“Don't worry Mama, I'll be fine.” Kagome grabbed a hat from her room and a hair tie and left the house. She pulled her hair back into a low ponytail and carefully put her hat on over her ears as she ran down the steps and down the sidewalk into town. As 3 hours passed by Kagome bought all of what she needed and headed home. She climbed the shrine steps and walked to the front door. She walked inside and set the bags on the counter in the kitchen. She kept 1 small bag with her and went up to her room. She sat on the bed and pulled a black box from the bag. She opened the box and beamed. She got so excited. She couldn't wait to show Inuyasha.
“Oh, no! Inuyasha!” Kagome looked at the clock and almost screamed. “oh!” It's gotten so late! I have to go!” Kagome ran from her room to the kitchen and grabbed the goodies she needed. She then ran from the house yelling goodbye as she went. She jumped into the well and made it back through time to the Feudal Era. She jumped out of the well and ran for the village. She skidded to a hault, in her mad dash, in front of Sango next to Kaede's hut.
“Hey Sango!”
“Kagome! You're back!”
“Yup, where's Inuyasha?”
“At the Goshin boku. He's been there the whole time.” Kagome breathed a sigh of relief.
“Good. Here are some goodies for you guys. I'll be back. I need to talk to Inuyasha.” Sango nodded and Kagome took off. She found him right where she expected him to be. He was sitting on one of the lower branches staring off into space. Kagome smirked. She crouched down and jumped off from the ground and landed on the branch right in front of Inuyasha.
“GAAHH!” Inuyasha nearly fell out of the tree.
“Hey!” Kagome said with a smile.
Inuyasha huffed. “You nearly gave me a heart attack!” He settled himself back on the branch.
“I got something for you.” Kagome said in a sing song voice and pulled out the little black box. “Well actually it is for both of us.” Kagome opened the box slowly to reveal 2 rings. They were 2 plain silver bands. Inuyasha was astonished.
She saw the puzzlement cross his face and explained. “They're wedding rings. I figured since we were basically getting married in youkai standards, why not human too?” She pulled the larger ring out of the box and grabbed his hand. She slowly slid the silver band onto his finger. He repeated the action to her. “When we get married we'll get them engraved.” Inuyasha pulled her to him and kissed her deeply and she kissed him back. When they parted Inuyasha rested his forehead on hers.
“I love you, Kagome.” He whispered breathlessly.
“I love you too, Inuyasha.” She repeated.
I am SOOOOOO SORRY!!! I didn't mean to make y'all wait so long! I was just procrastinating and being lazy! It is the beginning of summer and there wasn't much excuse. I will say that I have been rather busy lately. I had a piano recital today that I have busily preparing for, for a month. I also had to start a summer job working for my Dad. Joy.*Sarcasm* yeah so anyways I will try my best to get some more chapters out. I will be traveling out of state this summer as well, so I will bring my notebook and write while in the car and type it when I get home, hopefully, and post it. Again I am SOOOOO SORRY!!! Thanks to ALL of my reviewers and I have to say that I have come up with a great Idea for this story and I am so excited and can't wait to get it out and I hope y'all will enjoy it! Well, I am going to bed now since it is 2:00am. LOL. Well have a great summer and don't forget to REVIEW!!!