InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Girl ❯ What becomes of the Broken Hearted? ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
My Girl
A Sonfic by Jyde

A/N: This chapter is really sad. It's not as happy as the other chapter was but I promise they'll be a happy ending. I do not own anyone from Inuyasha and I do not own the song What becomes of the broken hearted by Jimmy Ruffin.

Chapter 2: What Becomes of the Broken Hearted

When Miroku came home to tell Sango they had defeated Naraku he also had some bad news too. When Sango realized they had come back, she ran to Miroku and kissed him. He smiled, hugged her and spun her around, he took off his glove to show Sango his curse was gone. "Our child will be the first in 50 years born from my without a curse!" He smiled and kissed her stomach. Sango smiled.

As I walk this land with broken dreams
I have visions of many things
Love's happiness is just an illusion
Filled with sadness and confusion,

Miroku then looked at his wife and said "Their is some bad news too, Kohaku is... is dead. He killed himself before either I or Inuyasha could reach him. He decided he'd rather kill himself than hve Naraku kill him and keep the shard so he gave it to us. Sango I'm sorry I wish I could have saved him. He was the only family you had left." Sango looked at hher husband tears streaming, "He wasn't the only family I had left and I'm glad Naraku didn't destroy all of my family -I still have you Miroku and this baby I'm carrying and I thank Buddha for that everyday. But I still can't help but cry at the news that my brother is dead.". Sango cried and Miroku pulled her into a hug and held her till she stopped crying.

What becomes of the broken-hearted
Who had love that's now departed?
I know I've got to find
Some kind of peace of mind

The fruits of love grow all around
But for me they come a tumblin' down.
Every day heartaches grow a little stronger
I can't stand this pain much longer

Miroku could tell Sango found it very hard to get up every morning since Kohaku's death the first week. About a week later, she seemed almost her old self again. Kagome had brought back a stereo with some music from her time and some food. They had a pic-nic while listening to the music, and once Miroku saw that Sango had finished he lifted her up off the ground (and trust me she was pretty heavy by now!) and begun to dance to the music. The song that played was Flower of Carnage Kagome told them. Miroku twirled her around and soon enough Inuyasha grabbed Kagome and started to dance too. It would be one of the last times the gang would all be together again.

I walk in shadows
Searching for light
Cold and alone
No comfort in sight,
Hoping and praying for someone to care
Always moving and goin nowhere

"Miroku?" Sango asked "Yes, Sango?" "what would you prefer our child to be?" "I don't care I'd love either one but I would prefer it if it were a boy" "You Sango?" "It doesn't really matter but I think I'd like a boy, if it was could we name it after Kohaku?" "Of course Sango! But what if it is a girl? What shall we name her?" "I don't know we can always decide after she is born if she is a girl."
What becomes of the broken-hearted
Who had love that's now departed?
I know I've got to find
Some kind of peace of mind

I'm searching thought I don't succeed,
But someone look,there's a growing need.
Oh,he is lost,there's no place for beginning,
All that's left is an unhappy ending.

Kagome and Inuyasha only stayed for the weekend and left after. Kagome promised though that she would be back for their baby's birth and she went through the well. She left the stereo with Sango and Mikroku so they could dance to the music. As their baby's birth kept approaching Sango kept knocking things over or accidently dropping things. Then one day while Sango had been outside cooking diner she yelled "Miroku!". Miroku dropped everything and ran to Sango. When he got there he noticed, she had dropped everything and was having big contractions he didn't have much time till the baby came-he had to get Lady Kaede but did notr want to leave Sango. So he told Shippo to go on Kilala and get Kaede.

I'm searching thought I don't succeed,
But someone look,there's a growing need.
Oh,he is lost,there's no place for beginning,
All that's left is an unhappy ending.

Once Shippo was off Miroku carried Sango into their cabin and placed her on the bed. Miroku couldn't stand to see her in pain but knew what to do - he had seen women give birth before except he was usually the aid. "Come on Sango push!" He told her. Sango pushed as hard as she could and the baby arrived. It was a ... a girl! Miroku leaped for joy, he had a daughter!

Now what becomes of the broken-hearted
Who had love that's now departed?
I know I've got to find
Some kind of peace of mind

"Oh Sango look it's a girl!" Miroku told her, he seemed even more exited that it was a girl. Sango who was weak spoke "Wow a girl, I'm sorry it wasn't a boy." "Sango I don't care that it's not a boy beside's it's not your fault." Miroku said then he realized Sango hadn't stopped bleeding. "Sango, please no your dying!" Miroku realized. "Miroku it's my time I can't help it." "But what about our daughter she needs a mother! I can't raise her by myself!" "Miroku you can and you'll have too. You have to tell her I loved her, that I regret not being able to see her grow up, not being able to see her wedding!" Sango cried "Oh Miroku! Why? Why do I have to die not even knowing our daughter?" Tears where streaming down her face. "I don't know Sango, I was always the one supposed to die - I was the one with the wind tunnell. I wish I could stop this I'd give up my life for you now! I won't be abe to live without you!" "You have to Miroku for our child! Protect her and raise her please!" "I will Sango, I'll do this for you." Miroku leaned in and kissed her. His eyes srteaming when their lips departed she was no longer breathing.
I'll be searching everywhere
Just to find someone to care.
I'll be looking everyday

Kaede had arrived with Kagome and Inuyasha. Kagome jumped off asking Miroku "Is it born yet? Is Sango okay?". Miroku looked at her with his tear stained face and told Kagome "She's dead! My dear Sango is dead!" He was holding his baby girl in his arms who had been also crying. Kagome broke down and cried. Inuyasha came down from Kilala and talked to Miroku. His eyes where watery and he spoke "At least you still have a part of her in your hands Miroku, do you know what you'll name her?" Miroku hadn't thought of this yet but knew exactly what he would name her "Sango" Inuyasha then hugged his friend and went to Kagome to help her breathe from her cryings. She leaned on him and covered her ace in his robes.

I know I'm gonna find a way
Nothings gonna stop me now
I'll find a way somehow
I'll be searching everywhere

A/N: Well there you go next chapter will be more happy - Jyde
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