InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Girl ❯ My Girl ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
My Girl
A Sonfic by Jyde
A/N: ah the last chapter, can ya guess what the name of it is?This is the first story I've actually completed Yay! and the one with the least amount of chapters, I do not own Inuyasha or the song my girl by the Temptations
Holders-Of-The-Shikon-Jewel: Japan does actually listen to western music, not that they understand it. But Japan also does have the internet so Kagome could have burned the song. My uncle lived in Japan for a year-he told me. But thsanks for your review I will try to change hot chocolate to tea.
Demons-Heart: Thanks for the review and here is the final chapter.
Chapter 3: My Girl
It had been over sixteen years since sango had died, Miroku had had rough times raising a baby girl by himself but he did have help from Inuyasha, Kagome and Kaede the first few months-those days were the hardest. In his mind it was all worth it now though Sango-his daughter, looked so much more like her mother everyday. She had her mother's hair and face but her eyes were his. A beautiful blue. It was a cloudy day outside it was raining, Sango was outside playing with Inuyasha and Kagome's children Hideki and Miku. He couldn't believe how cold it was outside and they were outside playing in the rain. He looked at Sango and got a warm feeling that her mother was watching over them.
I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.
When it's cold outside
I've got the month of May.
I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).

Miroku remembered the first time she walked, she was only nine months. Her small hands kept reaching out for him- she was scared she would fall but he wouldn't let her grab his hands and when she did fall, Miroku caught her. He didn't care that she wasn't a boy, he didn't care that he didn't have ten or twenty children. The only thing he regreted was Sango not being able to watch her baby grow up. When she turned seven, Miroku began teaching her how to fight- he knew that that was whayt Sango had wanted. He knew he wasn't as good as Sango was in fights so he asked Inuyasha and Kagome to help train her.
I've got so much honey the bees envy me.
I've got a sweeter song
than the birds in the trees.
I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).

Kilala always watched over Sango, she made sure no one would ever hurt her. Miroku was glad and he knew he could trust Kilala with little Sango. By thirteen, Sango was as good as a warrior as her mother was. On her sixthteenth birthday, Miroku gave her Sango's old boomerang. By that age Miroku noticed alot of the boys her age in the village began to notice Sango. Miroku, who had always been a little protective over Sango, began to get even more protective when gentlemen callers began coming to their hut. Sango of course began to resent Miroku for not letting her hang outr with anyone anymore. It was Kagome who convinced him to loosen up a bit. Soon the only boy that still visited Sango was Taka, he was one of Sango's childhood friends and Miroku trusted him more than most boys.
I don't need no money, fortune, or fame.
I've got all the riches baby
one man can claim.
I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).
Then the day came when Taka came when Taka asked Miroku for Sango's hand in Marriage "I'll ask her anyway, but I'd much rather have your consent." Miroku didn't want to say yes knowing he would be left alone but watching Sango outside playing with Kilala he knew it was for her happiness so he said yes. That night Taka proposed to Sango and as much as Miroku wished she wouldn't he knew she'd say yes and she did.Sango came home that night asking "Dad will you do the ceremony?" Miroku smiled and said "Anything for you." The ceremony was held at the same spot that Miroku and Sango got married at, Sango had worn her mother's dress. Miroku knew his daughter was the prettiest girl alive at that moment. At the end she rode off with Taka to their cabin. Sango had asked Kilala that she stay and take care of her father which she did.
I've got sunshine on a cloudy day
with my girl.
I've even got the month of May
with my girl
A few months later Sango had found out she was pregnant. Since Taka would work during most of the day he asked Sango if she would want to her father to move in with her that way he could help her out during the day. She of course agreed. Miroku moved in but after what had happened to Sango's mother wqhen she gave birth he did not want to lose Sango. He was happy though-he was ghoing to be a grandfather! After nine months had passed Sango gave birth to a healthy baby girl who she named Kyo. Miroku couldn't be anymore happier, he was so proud of Sango that he felt like he was going to expoled with joy. "I hope yopur proud of our girl too, Sango!" he thought to himself.

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