InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Golden Angel ❯ do not judge a book by it's cover ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sess/OC Fanfic (inu/kag mir/san)

I do not own Inuyasha

Rating: Pg13-R

My golden angel

Part one: Do not judge a book by its cover…

The sky was a vibrant blue with shades of purple, pink and orange. She loved to sit on the grass and watch the sun set while she waited for Kagome to get back from one of her weeklong trips. She was supposed to be back by now; she decided to go check it out.

She stepped in to the shine shutting the door behind her, walked up to the old, beaten up well and peered in to it.


Along the path Inuyasha and Kagome walked in silence, this was rare for Inuyasha to walk her to the well but he sensed his brother around so he decided to take precaution.

They entered the clearing and were immediately met with cold, emotionless, golden eyes.

"I have not come for Tetsusaiga, little brother. I wanted to know where your wench comes from." Sesshoumaru suddenly looked to his right and saw a snake demon jumping from a tree.

"Where is the Golden Angel?" the demon landed, it slithered towards them but stopped in its tracks right by the well looked in to it and said "There, I've found the Golden Angel, I'll have it's heart at last."

Kagome looked up and ran towards the well, followed by Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru. They landed with a soft thud and leapt out. There they found a young girl, around 17-years-old with long goldish red brown hair longer than Kagome's but hers was past her butt even though it was loosely curled, backed up against wall, with the demon coming up to her fast. Inuyasha was ready to release kazu no kizu, Kagome stood in the way. "Get out of the way, I have to do this." Kagome did not say anything, just pointed at the young girl who was now trying to wiggle her way out of the demons hold. It took him all of two seconds to figure it out and ran sliced the demons tail to get her free. He caught her and handed her to Sesshoumaru.

Inuyasha destroyed the demon with one swing, he turned to Kagome who was standing with her friend then said. "Now can I go back, you know…"and was flung back by the demon, Kagome was flung along with Sesshoumaru. They got up but they were to late the snake demon had the girl, the end of it's tail was wiggling inside her stomach. Inuyasha was surprised that she was still conscious with such pain even Sesshoumaru was surprised at this. "Angel! Oh kami-sama." she said as she noticed that the youkai had put a clean eight-inch hole through her friend's stomach. Kagome pointed to the youkais head and looked at Inuyasha, he nodded and sliced its head with his claws and jumped back.

"Ok do you see it, it looks all pink and shiny and…" he look at the young girl named Angel who had a hole in her stomach, a Shikon shard in her hand and the look of surprise on her face.

"Is…that inu…Inuyasha? And is…th-that his…half brother?" all Kagome could do was nod. And with that, she fell into the land of unconsciousness. Kagome raced to her friend "Angel, Angel wake up. Come on wake up!" Sesshoumaru walked up to her, took out Tensaiga, which was pulsating very hard, and with one slash her belly came back, even down to her belly button ring but she did not wake.

"She's not waking up. Why won't she wake up?" Kagome yelled making the two brothers want to cover their ears.

"She is probably tired, where are we?" Sesshoumaru growled out the last bit of his sentence. Kagome looked up sheepishly and said "um…Inuyasha…could you carry her so we can go back?" she took one look at him and took his glare as a no, and then she started to whine. "Inuyasha you have to I can't carry her myself … and you…" by the time Kagome had slowed her talking, Sesshoumaru had already picked up the unconscious young women and was walking to the well. Inuyasha had stopped glaring at Kagome long enough to see his half brother, pick the young girl up and cradle her close to him as if she was a baby, he let his jaw drop. Then quickly gathered himself put his arm around Kagome's waist and leapt in to the well, Sesshoumaru followed them.


She finally awoke, she found herself cradled against something soft, she nuzzled her head to it then open her eyes and look up to find a pair of liquid gold eyes. Sesshoumaru noted that her eyes were yellow with a brown tint. As she stared she knew she was becoming red, so she tore her gaze from his and looked up ahead only to remember what had gone on earlier, but then she looked down and noticed how far from the ground she was. She let out a small `eeep' turned and started nuzzling her face against what she thought to be silk.

`Oh, I hate heights. I hate heights. What happens if I fall from his arms? Wait hold on. ARMS, Kagome told me he only had one arm because of Inuyasha. And that he was a cold, heartless youkai, he does not seem so cold or heartless to Me.' with that last thought she fell asleep.

Sesshoumaru had decided to take a dip in her thoughts before she fell asleep, he caught that last thought and smirked at it. He thought her a disgusting, filthy human. Then after inhaling her scent, which he found this scent better then that of Inuyasha's wench and that was pretty good. Although he smelled the scent of dog youkai on her, he now thought of her as something worth talking to at least. Wasn't it?

As they entered the village. Sesshoumaru almost let out a growl but held it back because the girl in his arms was now petting his tail, they walked in to the hut to see the rest of the group gasp in surprise as they watched Sesshoumaru walk in and lay the girl down as gently as possible. He was about to stand up and leave, but the girl had her arms around his neck. The group had to hold their giggles of amusement as they watched the scene unfold before them.

"Let go of me, wench…if you don't let go, I will make you" Inuyasha had gotten up and was now shaking the poor girl until she whimpered and tightened her grip on Sesshoumaru.

"Wake up! Hey, wake up you…" before he could finish he was thrown back and out the door by Sesshoumaru who was now trying to get to sleep with the girl in his lap.


He was woken up by a very LOUD scream. He felt waves of pleasure going though him. When he opened his he was greeted with: the young girl rubbing behind his ear and the youkai exterminator hitting the monk on the head with her boomerang. He quickly removed the hand behind his ear; she was now starting to wake up `finally!' he thought. Her eyes fluttered open slowly, much to her embarrassment she was in some person's lap, she looked up into those slightly familiar golden eyes and then she looked at her hand's that had curled around his tail.

"Oh kami-sama." She said as she let go and got up from his lap. "Gomen, I don't know how that happened. Ummm…do you happen to know where Kagome is?" she said in the most sheepish way. She was taken aback by his voice; it was emotionless, cool and velvety all at the same time.

"Do not let that happen again. And what do I look like her keeper?" he said as he stood, but was almost knocked over by the girl getting in his face. "Well sorry for asking a question, but you know it's kinda strange to wake up in some guy- no youkai's lap! So you could at least be considerate and tell me your name." She said with a sigh, held out her hand and said. "I'm Angel Sunset, and you are?" "I do not have to answer to a lowly human, like you," he said as he watched the brown in her eyes fade.

`Oh he is going to get it for that!' she let out a quiet unladylike growl it was somewhat inhuman.

Then the unexpected happened, within an instant she had slapped him, not hard enough to make him move but hard enough to leave his cheek red. He felt the slap, heard a gasp and saw the brown come back to her eyes then saw her turn and run out of the old hut. And he followed; his intent was to teach her that, that was NOT what any human does to him.

He found her in a clearing crying, but what he heard was not what he was expecting.

"Why did I do that? After what he's been threw, he didn't deserve that at all." She said to herself with a few sobs. "Poor thing, he was happy with his family then Inuyasha's mother came, his mother killed her self then Inuyasha's mother took Inuyasha and left his father to die alone. Oh, my god I am such a horrible person, I slapped him after what he has been threw. Oh, Kami-Sama…" he was shocked. How did she know that? Is she crying for him?

"It kinda makes me think of that song, um…oh yeah by the Sarah McLachlan its called `fallen' I think."

She said as she wiped away her tears, she almost jumped when she heard, and saw that Sesshoumaru make his presence known. "What is `fallen'." he said as he sat beside her.

"It's a song from where I come from, do you want me to sing it to you." she said that and he nodded then she remembered the lyrics to it.


Heaven bent to take my hand
And lead me through the fire
Be the long awaited answer
To a long and painful fight

Truth be told I've tried my best
But somewhere along the way
I got caught up in all there was to offer
And the cost was so much more than I could bear

Though I've tried, I've fallen...
I have sunk so low
I have messed up
Better I should know
so don't come round here
And tell me I told you so...

We all begin with good intent
Love was raw and young
We believed that we could change ourselves
The past could be undone
But we carry on our backs the burden
Time always reveals
The lonely light of morning
The wound that would not heal
It's the bitter taste of losing everything
That I have held so dear.

I've fallen...
I have sunk so low
I have messed up
Better I should know
so don't come round here
And tell me I told you so...

Heaven bent to take my hand
Nowhere left to turn
I'm lost to those I thought were friends
To everyone I know
Oh they turned their heads embarrassed
Pretend that they don't see
But it's one missed step
You'll slip before you know it
And there doesn't seem a way to be redeemed

Though I've tried, I've fallen...
I have sunk so low
I have messed up
Better I should know
so don't come round here
And tell me I told you so...
Though I've tried, I've fallen...

I have sunk so low
I have messed up
Better I should know
so don't come round here
And tell me I told you so...


He was awe struck by her voice, it as if listening to a goddess sing her song. Before she turned her head away, he caught site of a tear slip down her soft, pink cheek. "How did you know about my past, wen…Angel?" he said her name in a bit softer than usual, her head spun quickly to look at him she was shocked that he said her name.

"Oh, my name is Sesshoumaru Takorha." He said as she wiped the lone tear away. "Ohmigod I slapped the Lord of the Western Lands, oh god I should be killed." She accidentally spoke her thoughts as she turned her face away from him. When she realized she said that she immediately slapped her hand over her mouth as her eyes grew and found his again. Her eyes grew even more when he looked down and started to chuckle. He said. "Would you like to answer my question, about how you know so much of me and my past" it wasn't really a request more of a demand. She was about to answer but was cut off by somebody calling her name.

"ANGEL! Come on we have to go back! Angel!" instantly Angel knew it was Kagome. "I have to go…um…bye." She said as she stood and started to walk away, but was stopped by a large hand on her wrist. She looked at her wrist to find a clawed hand there, and then she looked up and heard him say. "Come back soon and answer my questions." She nodded with a soft smile and she felt his hand drop and she walked off to find Kagome.


`Why the hell did I just do that' Sesshoumaru thought to himself as he sat back down at the base of a tree. `Not that but why had I saved her, why had I stopped Inuyasha from waking her, why had I been so nice to her?' Was it because of her scent and the fact that she does not seem very human? Or was it because she was pleasing to all his senses, except his sense of taste? And has the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen on a human before.

His thoughts were cut short by the murmur of voices, he recognized both of them so he decided to get closer and listen in. "okay so we go back so I can get some things and then we come back here, right?" both voices obviously female, then it hit him it was that Angel girl and Inuyasha's wench Kagome.

"No, your not coming back here it's to dangerous for you." Said Kagome as she started to walk away, but stop at hearing her friend's next words. "I have to come back, I promised Sesshoumaru that I'd come back and answer some of his questions and plus you know I can fight really good. Please, please, please," said Angel as she walked up to Kagome. Kagome sighed a heavy sigh because she knew that her friend was about as good as Inuyasha when it came to fighting.

"Yeah, I know. Ok, you can come back with me. Wait, you made a promise to Sesshoumaru?" she said it as if it was impossible to keep. "Yeah, why is there a problem with that? He just wants to know some stuff." Kagome shrugged and kept walking as she said "no, no problem." They walked the rest of the way to the well in silence.