InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Golden Angel ❯ an angel without wings ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Part two: an angel without wings

They landed on the other side of the well with a soft thud, they got out and walked out the door they were about to go there separate ways when they looked over to Angel's house and found it was up in flames. Angel remembered her blood brothers were probably in there along with her foster family, so she ran past the reporters and firefighters to the ambulance only to find her foster family all dead. So she ran towards the house but Kagome and a police officer stopped, she drop kicked the police officer and pushed Kagome aside.

Once she got in the house she was immediately greeted by fire she screamed for her brothers but no answer she went farther but there was no one "ANGELO, ANGELUS!" she called for her older brothers again but once more no answer. She quickly went to the door and called them one more time but a blast sent her flying out the door and the police officer's feet half way unconscious, from the door to his feet was a long way away. "Angel!" Kagome screamed as she ran to her.


`Poor Angel she lost her only family and she hasn't even cried yet.' Kagome thought as she and angel walked to the well house. Angel was wearing some of Kagome's clothes since they were about the same size in everything. Kagome was wearing her usual uniform and Angel was wearing a silver velvet T-shirt that came just above her belly button to show off her belly button ring that had a small fairy with golden hair on it. And some baggy gray pants, which had been left at Kagome's house and belonged to her brother and some Nike sneakers with her hair in a high ponytail that cascaded down her shoulders and back.

They got to the other side of the well; they walked to the village and in to the hut. She hadn't met the others yet except for Inuyasha sort of. She hadn't talked much but said a polite `hi' and went to find Sesshoumaru and ignoring Inuyasha's interrogation. Once she left, they all turned to Kagome then she said. "When we got back to my time her home was on fire. Her adoptive family was dead but she didn't care much, because they hated her and beat her and she hated them, took it and kept quite about it, her blood brothers that were taken in along with her were no where to be seen. She loved her brothers very much but she has a weird way of mourning because she hasn't shed a single tear." Sango, Miroku, Kaede and Shippo were horrified. Inuyasha just shrugged.

Meanwhile outside the hut stood a tall figure, although he was upwind he still put a distance between himself and the hut. After hearing this, he went to go find the young beauty named Angel. The name suited her well. When he caught wind of her lovely scent, he followed it to the same clearing they were in the day before. He came to an abrupt stop as he spotted a figure on the edge of a cliff close to the clearing. The figure was dressed in gray and silver, it was obviously a female and her hair glowed in the sunset. The color was beautiful; it was shining with gold and glowing red. The shadows of the trees were making a shadow of wings on her. It astounded him. `She looks like an angel. Wait, that is Angel.' he thought as he edged his way to her not wanting to destroy the perfect picture that she was in the center of.

(Sess's POV)

She turned to look at me and it was even more amazing than before, because it looked like the shadowed wings moved along with her. "So do you have some questions you want me to answer?" for some strange reason after hearing what had happened to her, I wanted to walk up to her and hold her till she fell asleep in my arms. "I heard what you have gone threw." I said as I walked up to her.

(Angel's POV)

He was an arm's length away, looking down at me. I almost sighed in relief that I didn't have to explain anything right now, I mean I have been at hells door all my life and just 24 hours ago I went threw the door and was now going threw hell. "I couldn't find them, they were nowhere to be found." I saw him frown at what I had just said. "Who? Your blood brothers?" he said softly as he put his hand under my chin to make me look at him, I pushed hand away an inch or two and looked down a little.

(Regular POV)

He saw tears well up in her eyes as she nodded to his question. All of the sudden sobs racking across her small body. She stood there, letting her eyes fall to look at the ground and letting tears fall with them. The most unexpected thing happened: Sesshoumaru pulled her into a comforting embrace, was rubbing circles on the small of her back in a soothing manner and laying his cheek on the top of her head. He was surprised she did not pull back or struggle, no, she just nuzzled in farther as if trying to escape the world.

"Angel?" said a voice from behind her. Sesshoumaru let her turn in his arms, she saw something that almost made her faint what it was, was: her oldest brother, Angelus. He let her go only to get what felt like a punch in the gut. She ran to him and jumped up and gave him a hug, he spun her around as they both giggled and laughed. Finally, he put down, "oh kami-sama, I thought you burned in the fire." Angel said as she wiped away the tears of joy. "Where's Angelo, oh please tell me he's all right. He's ok right…ok one is fine, my other brother is ok RIGHT?" She said. Sesshoumaru let out a soft sigh of relief that this person was her brother. `Wait, why should I be relieved that she is up for the taking?' his thoughts cut by her brothers voice. "Yes, he is fine. I only came because tonight is your eighteenth birthday and tonight is very important." He said in the utmost serious voice.

Then another voice came from behind Angelus. "He's right Angel. You should listen to him, he's the oldest so he's always right." The voice was obviously male and angel immediately knew who it was: her other brother, Angelo. She walked behind Angelus and hugged her other older brother.


After the birthday bash the group had, Sesshoumaru came (he got the answer's he was looking for and a little more), since Angel invited him, and after explanations as to how the two brothers got there (threw the well). That night at 11:58, they all noticed it was a full moon; her brothers pushed her in to an open clearing next to the well. Two minutes later at exactly 12:00, she was starting to glow a soft gold. She closed her eyes and started to float a few feet off the ground. Then the glow got brighter; her hair grew and went from golden red to white with a golden glow. Two silver stripes appeared on each cheek, two silver stripes appeared on each wrist, and then a crimson crescent moon appeared on her forehead it had small wings attached and there was a cross on the left wing and last they saw claws and fangs. She floated down with grace and collapsed slow enough for Sesshoumaru to catch her. She opened her eyes only to see the cold stare of Sesshoumaru, but it was not cold it was soft and worried; she smiled and put her hand to his cheek and then fainted.

(Sess's POV)

She opened her eyes and what I saw was amazing, her gaze was loving and sweet and pure gold. She put her hand on my cheek, smiled and fainted. Her brothers walked up they both had broken their concealing spells. Angelo had dark green stripes on his cheeks and wrists, I could not see his forehead from behind his bangs that were light bluish silver and had the same color tail around his right leg. Angelus had dark blue stripes, a crimson crescent moon and reddish silver hair, which was slick back, and tail (same color as his hair) around his shoulder and his arm. I saw Angelo brush his bangs back and held them back as he and Angelus kneeled. I saw the same crimson colored crescent moon on his forehead.

"If her crescent moon stays crimson like ours did, than we've got a problem." Angelo said as he put his hand on her forehead.

Angelus nodded in agreement, as he did the same, they chanted a spell and waited. All of the sudden both their hands started to smoke; they pulled away and gaped at what they saw on her forehead. Sure enough, a gold crescent moon was still smoking. It still had the wings on it.

(Regular POV)

"What in the seven hell just happened?"

Inuyasha had already walked over and was asking Sesshoumaru a question he could not answer. "You three are inu youkais?" Inuyasha asked with a growl. They both nodded, Sesshoumaru looked to where the humans stood. They had their mouths open wide in amazement at what had just taken place.

(4 hours later)

She woke up in someone's lap, with her hands around his tail…'WAIT, tail!' Her mind screamed at her. `Oh kami-sama, please tell me it is not who I think it is. Oh, please tell me it is not Sesshoumaru. Oh please.' Angel pleaded in her head as she slowly looked into the sleeping face of Sesshoumaru. `Oh crap' she thought as she blew a piece of hair out of her face. Her eyes grew wide as she let go of his tail and reach back and took a small clomp of hair up to her face. It was white with a golden tint, and it had grown about ten to fifteen inches longer. Then she spotted something on her wrist, she dropped the small clomp of hair and ran a hand over her new markings. Then for some unknown reason she reached for Sesshoumaru's hand, which she was surprised to find it loosely around her waist along with the other one, she took it and pulled down the sleeve. But his markings were crimson, and then it hit her, she had turned into a inu youkai.

"Do you always wake a person up like that?"

She froze immediately as she recognized the emotionless voice. She whirled around and accidentally put both of them in an uncomfortable position, she had her legs on either side of him while leaning on his upper legs and he had put his legs up for to lean on for support and unconsciously put his hands on her lower thighs. "Why do I always end up in your lap? And am I going crazy or am I an inu youkai?" she said oblivious to their position. `Gods, what is she doing to me?' he thought as he realized their position. "It is because you seem to like holding my tail in your sleep. And it appears to be so." He answered her question but had a nagging thought in the back of his head. `Why is she not noticing her position?' he couldn't hold it any longer, he wanted to know what she tasted like, what those plump pink lips felt like.

He leaned forward as his hands traveled up to her back and waist, pulling her closer as he finally closed the distance between them in a chaste kiss. She tensed, but relaxed once he ran his tongue over her top lip, then the bottom lip. Then she let his unspoken question of entrance be answered with a `yes' by opening her mouth to him. He then deepened the kiss, tasting every nook and cranny of her mouth as he thought `she tastes so sweet.' She ran her tongue along his shyly; he smirked at her shyness in the kiss. They continued this for twenty minutes they finally broke apart. They were both panting hard from lose of breath, Angel was flushed from head to toe in embarrassment, and Sesshoumaru was nuzzling her neck, inhaling her scent and getting drunk off it.

`What is the feeling I'm having? Am I falling in love with him? Oh gods that would be embarrassing…or maybe not. I don't know.' Angel thought as she tilted her head to the side.

`What am I doing? Why do I feel this way? Am I falling for her? I've got to stop right now.' Sesshoumaru thought as he started to reluctantly stopped and looked at her. She had a nice shade of pink on her cheeks.

"…I-I better g-get back to th-the others." She started to get up from where she sat and then stopped as he felt a pull on a corner of his armor. She sat back down a little to hard for his liking, which caused him to grunt through clenched teeth. She muttered apologies as she bent forward a little to get her shoelace uncaught she, unknowingly, giving him a good view of her neck and cleavage. He tried to look everywhere but down. She got it undone, she got up and started to walk away but his reached out to clasp hers. "I'm sorry, I do not know what's going on with me. Please forgive me, I do not want to loose you as a friend." He said as he slowly turned her to face him.

She looked up in his eyes they showed every emotion he was having like inner conflict, confusion, and a hint of something she could not decipher. "I didn't know you considered me a friend." She said as she smiled up at him and watched something flicker in his eyes.

"Of course I do." he said and smiled as he brushed the bangs away from her crescent moon.

(Sess's POV)

She giggles a little and had a light blush on her cheeks. Then she jumped up gave me the most pleasant hug. My arms went around her waist, and then she let go. 'What's that smell * that's her blood * is she hurt?' he thought as he checked her over. `It's just a scratch.' He thought as he saw a small scratch right below her collarbone.

(Regular POV)

"I got to go, bye." She said then she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and dashed in the direction of the camp. He just stood there smiling.