InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Golden Angel ❯ when angel's get thier wings ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Part three: when angels get their wings

When she got back to the camp, she found a horrifying site. Sango, Kagome and Rin were dressing Shippo in the MOST embarrassing little girl clothes from the future.

Well, okay. Sango was holding him down for Kagome and Rin, and Kagome was pulling the clothes as Rin fixed his hair. Then there was Miroku and Inuyasha on the floor laughing up a storm. "Oooooh don't you look cute!" Angel said as they finally released him. "What did you DO?" Shippo screamed as he desperately tried to get out of the cute little clothes.

Angel walked up to Shippo, who had about a pound of make-up on, and picked him up. "You guys are mean," she said as she tried not to giggle. "At least do it to a girl next time. Shippo would you like to go and clean up at the hot springs with me?" Shippo smiled brightly and nodded.

Angel stuck her tongue out at the others, turned on her heel and started to walked away but a certain houshi's voice stopped her. "Lady Angel, I would be honored if I could come with you" he said in a serious voice. "I'm gonna put you down so I can beat up Miroku, okay?" she whispered to Shippo and smiled as he nodded.

She turned around, with a smile she put Shippo down. "Come here and I'll answer you." He put on a goofy, triumphant smile and walked to her. Sango thought that Angel was going to accept, she felt sadness in knowing that the man she grew to love was going to be with her new friend. BAM! `Scratch that idea' she thought as she sweat dropped at her own naive thought. SMACK! `I better go get him before she hurts him.' Sango let out a sigh and walked over to the cowering monk. "Serves you right." She whispered to him. "Hey angel can I come?" Sango asked as she tried to shake a bad feeling she had. Angel nodded and turned around.


"You know, Kagome never let me take a bath with her, like I used to with my parents." Shippo said then he dived under water to get all of this so-called `make-up' Kagome put on him. Once he came up for air, he remember what Rin did with his hair and tail. `Oooooh no' Shippo thought as he grabbed his tail to check. Angel's voice cut into his thoughts. "Maybe it's because you're a boy. Oh and your hair and tail are braided, here let me take them out for you." Angel said as she swam up to the wet kitsune that was having trouble getting the rubber band out of his tail.

While she watched Angel help Shippo with his tail, she noticed something on Angel's back. Angel reached over and pulled her long hair over her shoulder so she could brush it out. That's when Sango got a clear view of her back and what was on it, it was bunches of scars that looked like they were from a whip or something. "Hey Angel what are all those scars from?" Sango said, she moved closer and noticed that once she said that Angel had froze. "Angel? Are you okay?" Shippo asked as he looked into Angel's wide eyes.

"Hey since I kinda needed it I thought I'd join you." Said a voice from behind. Looked to where the voice came from and it turned out to be Kagome. Kagome dived in and then came back up. "Hey, what's wrong with Angel?" Kagome asked. "Oooooh no, no, no, no, no, no." Angel said as she shook her head and backed away.

"Angel, what is it? What's wrong with you?" said Kagome as she came closer to her shivering friend.

"I can't tell you I'm sorry I just…can't. You wouldn't understand." Angel said as she backed away farther. Kagome came up and gave her a motherly hug. After Angel's break down she decided that it was time she tell someone about her past.

"When I was about five years old I lost almost all my memories of my family. The only thing I knew was that I had two brothers and that my name was Angel. When I was seven, some people found us and took us in, but they weren't too happy about what they did later on. One day, I went to go visit a friend that lived two towns over, when I got off the train I was kidnapped. And they kept me there for about a month. Since they thought I was a freak for having a strange hair and eye color, everyday they would whip me and…they said that I use to have family but they killed them all. But then they said that they apparently missed two, which would be my brothers."

"So when I became unresponsive to the beating they got bored and sent me back home. And for two weeks I didn't respond to anything, my brothers finally somehow snapped me out of it. I don't know how they did it, but they did. I never told them this, but sometimes the scars reopen and longest, biggest and most painful one is practically always open." She let out a small sigh and lowered her head in shame.

"Oh Angel I'm so sorry I brought that up. Oooooh, come here" said Sango as she gave Angel a hug. She finally let so that they could get out. Once they were dried off and dressed, they decided it was time to go back to camp.

They got back to camp and were immediately greeted with a frightening site. (Nothing like the one earlier.) Sesshoumaru, Angelo, Angelus, Inuyasha and Miroku were trying to fight off about three Naraku spawn's. Well, Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha were fighting one; Angelo and Miroku were fighting off another and Angelus was fighting the last one. Angelo and Miroku were knocked back, and the spawn went after the girls. But all of the sudden the spawns stopped and disappeared, then Naraku came forth.

"I want my sword back inu-wench." He said in a voice that would make a teddy bear cringe. "Oh yes, you would need your memories back, wouldn't you?" he said as he waved his hand and a black light went in to Angel. She gasped as she started to remember everything she had forgotten the day her family was killed. (The same day she lost her memories.)

"Now where is it?" he asked as he stepped closer. Angel reached into her pocket, which had a hole that was holding the hilt, and pulled out a beautiful sword. The hilt was black and had to streaks of gold and two of silver. The hilt also had two small wings on each side as the hand guard; the left wing had a cross on it. The sheathe was crimson with one streak of gold swirling around it. The sword had an aura to it. It screamed purity.

"You mean this sword you stole from my father the day you killed him." she said as she unsheathed the sword. A gold light surrounded the sword, it transformed into (think Inuyasha's sword transformed) a much bigger version. Then a pair of golden wings sprouted out of Angel's back, ripping two holes in her shirt. Needless to say, everybody was surprised.



Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for the short chapter. I'll write some more soon.