InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Grey Butterfly ❯ I did not know ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This is for InuYashasGirl - Inuyasha/Young Kaede.
It will have to an A/U - because I don't like to repeat my self. [author thinks of her earlier story with Sesshoumaru/Kaede]
Hope you like it so far...

The grey shade of love

[Inuyasha's P.O.V]

I walked up to the house where my girlfriend lived. But she was to be my girlfriend no more. I had seen Kikyo cheat on me with another and I had made up my mind. She was not the one I wanted. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to call me in or open the door.
I was met by the second option. The door opened and I saw Kikyo's three years younger sister Kaede.

- Hello Kaede-chan, are your sister home? I asked and smiled against the 17 year old girl.

- No, Kikyo-oneesama is not home, said the young girl and blushed.

- Then where is she? I must talk to her.

- I… I do not know where she is Inuyasha-sama, stammered the girl.

- Kaede-chan…

- I… I have promised to tell nobody, she said silently and looked away from my face.

- So it is true to the bone, she is seeing someone else then. Naraku perhaps, or Kouga? I snarled out the names of the guys I knew my supposedly girlfriend flirted with.

- I am sorry Inuyasha-sama, she whispered.

- How old are you Kaede-chan? I suddenly asked.

- I am turning eighteen within a month, she answered.

- Hmm…

I turned in the door way with a lecherous smile. Kaede was not ugly, no matter what her elderly sister said. I had heard everything from being a one-eyed little girl to being a freak. But seriously, who could ever think anything bad about Kaede? She was kind and gentle. True, she only had one eye, but the glow and fire inside that dark grey iris were enough for two eyes.

I took four steps and turned again, just enough to see her close the door. "How come I never had noticed it before?" I asked my self and walked back up to the door and knocked on it again. Kaede opened again and I felt a sweat drop form on my forehead.

- Umm, Kaede-chan, I … I was wondering, I stammered.

- What Inuyasha-sama? she looked at me.

- Since I am out of a … date tonight… will you do me the honour of being my lady for the evening?

There, I've asked!

- I would love to Inuyasha-sama, said the young girl in front of me. - Give me ten minutes to get ready.. Ok?

- Ok…

The 17 year old girl rushed to her room and I was surprised to see her come back within the time limit she had set. That was impressive; she had managed to change clothes under less than ten minutes. That was good to know for the future. She was dressed in wide dark grey hakamas and a white haori. Her long black hair was pulled back in a low pony tail. She looked like the shrine maiden, a job that her sister supposedly should have, but had manoeuvred onto to little Kaede instead. "I wonder why I got involved with Kikyo in the first place, she is nothing but a wench and a slut."

I offered her my arm and we walked out the door. I took her down the stairs and I looked at her, she was blushing and I found it to be adorable. I should have never have been with Kikyo, just to see Kaede's warm smile had my heart beat faster than ever. I had been a fool all these months, but I am glad that my conscience caught up with my heart. It had never been Kikyo, it had always been Kaede. I smiled back at her and she blushed deeper. I needed her to know, I did not want to waste more time and I needed to know if the flash of love I had seen earlier was because of me.

- Kaede-chan, I am glad.

- Why is that? asked the young girl.

- My mind has finally got the message my heart has been sending all this time, I said and walked over to a ice cream booth and got her a vanilla sundae.

- Huh?? What do you mean Inuyasha-sama? asked Kaede and took the cup with ice cream he gave her.

- I never wanted Kikyo, she was never the reason I came to visit your shrine, I said. - And please Kaede; don't call me -sama…

- O.. ok.

- Do you really want to know what I realized today? my voice was shaky.

She nodded and darted out her tongue to lick at the ice cream. I almost moaned, how could anything so pure and innocent like Kaede do this to me? I mean, I was rock hard just to see that small tongue.

- I want you Kaede-chan, I whispered.

Kaede's grey eye widened and she looked at me in disbelief. She shook her black head and looked away, dumping the ice cream in the nearest trashcan and she began to walk away.

I threw my ice cream away and took a few giant steps to catch up with her. I grabbed her arm and turned her around.

- Let me go Inuyasha-sama, said Kaede with a cold voice. - I will not participate in this cruel game of yours.

- Game? Do you think this is a game? I asked with confusion.

- Yes, this is something my sister and her friends have come up with, is it not? She is always out to hurt me in any way she can, but I assure you, I will not fall for it, said Kaede.

- What the hell are you talking about Kaede? I wanted to snarl at her assumptions.

- You are probably in this for the laughs are you not Inuyasha-sama.

- No, shit Kaede-chan, come here.. I think we need to talk this through.

I did not listen to her protests; instead I picked her up bridal style and rushed towards my place. This needed to be discussed inside the privacy in a home. My home.

I managed to get Kaede with me without drawing too much attention; I even managed to unlock my door without letting her go. Once inside I closed the door and locked it again. I put her down to stand on her own and if looks could kill, I would be dead on the spot.

- Don't even think about it Kaede-chan, I said with dark voice. - I don't want to hear it.

- Open the door Inuyasha.

- No, you and I will sit down and talk about this.

I grabbed her arm gently and guided her towards the living room. I got her to sit down on my coach and I went to the kitchen to get something to drink. But as soon as I turned my back on Kaede she was up on her feet and on her way to the door. No chance in hell I would let her get away, not before I got to talk to her.

I trapped her between my body and the door, almost crushing her. I heard her small whimper and I moved back, just a little. My golden eyes pierced her grey orb and I saw small tears appear. My heart was crushed; I never wanted her to cry. I hated tears.

- Please Kaede-chan, don't cry, I whispered softly, cupping her face in my palms. - Don't cry, I hate to see your tears.

- Let me go… I don't want to get hurt, she cried silently.

- I will never hurt you Kaede-chan, never. I am not like the others, you should know by now, I told her and wiped the crystal drops from her cheek. - Have I ever taunted you Kaede-chan? Have I ever teased you or called you names?

She shook her head. It was true; she had never heard him say one evil thing about her handicap. He had even snapped at Kikyo-oneesama once when she had called her a freak.

I saw her turn her face up to look at me and I smiled gently.

- Come, I will make you a cup of tea, I said and pulled her with me towards the kitchen, glad that she did not resist me this time.

- I am sorry Inuyasha-sama, she whispered.

- Don't be, I understand you.

The small shy smile that shimmered through the tears made me melt. I wanted her to know that my intentions were true, I wanted her to know that my love for her was true. My mind made a halt - my love for her?? Then I smiled inwardly, yes I believe I love this one eyed butterfly. I just needed to get her to understand this too.