InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Hanyou Hero ❯ Untainted ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

So what do you think so far?
Chapter 2: Untainted
Inuyasha stood confused. In his hand he held the thing which him, Kagome, and the others had spent two whole years trying to recover. He had it yet he didn't have what he wanted.
Inuyasha kept his gaze on the spot in which Kagome had ran off. His fist gripped tightly around the jewel in his hand and he stared down at it in anger.
“How dare she just run off like that!?” He growled and looked up again in the direction she went. `She better not be planning on never coming back!' Inuyasha thought as he suddenly felt himself growing stronger from his will and anger.
With one last glance at the sacred jewel he shoved it into his haori and headed where Kagome had went. The others just watched surprised.
She ran fast and swiftly through the lands. She didn't have far to go since the battle had been on the outskirts of the western lands, which wasn't to far from where Kaede's village was and Kaede's village was near the well, so it all worked out.
She ran and ran wanting a bath, rest, and to forget about all of the past two years.
She had wanted nothing more than the love of an all two lovable hanyou, but yet she got none. She saw it... in his eyes was the longing for power and in her hands was the jewel he could gain that power from.
Kagome wanted him happy more than anything, so she gave him the jewel and she made sure not to make the goodbye long, because long goodbyes always hurt more, especially when you were saying goodbye to a man you loved for two years. 'That's right. Once I'm home this whole mess will be over and I can get back to my normal life.' She lied to herself. She didn't want her normal life. She wanted a life with Inuyasha. Was that so much to ask for?
As soon as Kagome reached the clearing she didn't hesitate to jump in. She sighed once she reached the other side.
She knew that would be the last time she would ever see the beauty of the feudal ear and it was a shame she had to see it through a blur of tears.
She wiped her eyes. Inuyasha had the jewel, which meant no going back for her. The only way she would ever see her love again would be if he decided to come and she doubted he would. 'After all he has what he wanted. He has the jewel and no longer needs his faithful jewel detector.' She smiled sadly trying to cheer herself up, of course it was no use.
She shook her head trying to forget the past and move forward. She came to the door and took a deep breath before opening it.
Sota was at school and her grandfather was sleeping at the table with his face in a bowl of soup. Kagome looked at him in disbelief.
“Is something wrong with gramps?” She asked looking at her mother who was cleaning the counters.
“Oh Kagome dear your home. How nice to see you.” Her mother gave her a quick hug and looked over at the old man at the table. “He's fine. He just had a long night. Speaking of being alright... look at you dear. You're a mess.”
“Thanks.” Kagome said sarcastically.
“Go get your self cleaned up and I'll make you something to eat. Than you can tell me what had happened.”
“Alright mom.” Kagome mumbled as she walked upstairs and began to prepare her shower.
As Mrs. H began preparing a meal for Kagome she wondered what had taken Kagome so long to come back and why Kagome was such a mess. She was anxious to know.
She hummed quietly as she cooked some rice.
“This should be good for now. After all dinner will be an only an hour.” Mrs. H spoke to herself.
There was something else Mrs. H noticed in her daughter's eyes. There was a longing, sadness there. That was not the usual look Kagome beheld on her face and she was going to get to the bottom of it.
Just than a familiar figure came barging in through the door. Kagome's mother averted her gaze to see a slightly flustered Inuyasha. His condition seemed no better than Kagome's.
“Is something wrong Inuyasha?”
“Have you seen Kagome?” He asked sort of panicked, ignoring her question.
“She's getting cleaned up. You don't look so good. Take a seat.” Mrs. H gestured to a chair. Inuyasha sat down, not failing to see the snoring old man. “So what happened?”
“W... What are you talking about?” Inuyasha asked.
“What happened to keep my daughter away so long and why does she seem so beat up and tired and you look no better yourself.”
“We had a battle with Naraku. We won and finished the jewel.”
“And what?”
“You can't expect me to believe that's all there is to it? Kagome would be happy if that was all, but she isn't. Kagome is sad. Why?”
“I.. I don't know.” Inuyasha looked down in shame.
“Are you sure? Or are you hiding something?” Mrs. H asked.
“I wouldn't hide anything.” he felt a little offended and it showed in his voice.
“Well than you can go up to Kagome's room and wait for her to get out of the shower. Do you want some rice before dinner?
“Well surely you're going to stay for dinner. Go upstairs and I'll make you some rice.” Inuyasha obeyed the command and made his way upstairs. He was flustered because he ran all the way to the well in his weak state.
He needed at least another day of rest before his body would fully recover. He didn't sit on Kagome's bed, because he was still bloody and didn't want to ruin her pink blankets. So he sat on the floor and waited patiently for Kagome to come out of the shower.
After another half hour of waiting Inuyasha grew completely bored. He heard steps in the hall way and waited hoping it was Kagome and hoping she would give him the time of day to speak and ask what exactly she thought she was doing running off like that.
It was Kagome. She opened the door wearing pajamas with a towel over her head and when she saw Inuyasha her gaze saddened.
“What... are you doing here Inuyasha?” She asked as she walked over to her dresser.
“I came to talk to you and you better listen.”
“I'm here and all ears.” She said as she removed her towel and began running a brush through her hair as she waited for Inuyasha to speak.
“Look.” Inuyasha took the jewel from his haori and held it out to Kagome. She looked at it and than his face wondering what he was doing. “The jewel didn't blacken.”
“I know.” Was all Kagome said.
“But since it's not in your possession it's supposed to become more tainted. It didn't.”
“What are you saying?”
“The jewel has not yet been contaminated by me and I don't want it to be.” He said clearly. “Take it. Without it you can't get through the well anyways.”
“No.” Inuyasha looked up and gave Kagome a confused glance.
“I said 'no'. I don't want it. Do what you want with it. You don't have to use it for something evil. It's yours to taint or to pure. I don't need it. I don't want it.” She looked down. “I'm sorry Inuyasha, but I don't plan on going through the well again. I'll stay here and live the life I had... before I met you.” She said sadly. Inuyasha was taken aback. Was she saying she no longer wanted to be with him?
“Why?” Was all he managed to say in a chocked voice filled with mourning. The hurt in his voice hurt Kagome.
“Please just live happy Inuyasha. I don't want to get in your way anymore. You can go and find Kikyo and become a human or demon. You can finally do what you want and you don't have any bother. No Naraku and no demons can stand up to the great Inuyasha.” Kagome smiled. “So go and do what you want. Whatever you want.”
“Please go..” Kagome looked down feeling tears coming. “Don't make things harder than they already are.”
“Why are you being so difficult?” He walked over to her and grasped her shoulders. “Just come back to the feudal era. How do you think Shippo and the others will react if they find out you left for good and without even so much of a goodbye.”
“Tell them I said goodbye and Ill miss them and I love them all.”
“No, you can tell them your self.” Inuyasha said angrily. He leaned down to pick Kagome up, but found it a little difficult, because of his low supply of strength. “As soon as I get my strength back that is.” He said nervously. Kagome just continued staring at the ground.
“Here.” She stood up and placed her hand on his shoulder. “We should get you cleaned up. You look warn out. Come on.” She slowly helped him towards the shower. “Take a shower and leave your clothing outside the door. I'll get it washed for you. You remember how the shower works don't you?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Inuyasha waved his hand in annoyance.
“Good.” Kagome walked out shutting the door behind her. She was now in a slightly better mood than before.
Kagome made her way downstairs and saw her fresh bowl of rice on the table. She was starving and quickly ate it. As soon as she was finished she washed her hands, bowl, and face and walked back upstairs to retrieve Inuyasha's clothing. She put it in the wash and walked into her bedroom and rummaged through a draw which she and her mother had secretly concocted for Inuyasha when he was in the feudal era. It contained clothes which he could where in Kagome's time, instead of always wearing his haori. Although adorable - his haori grabbed a lot of attention.
She pulled out a pair of flannel boxer pants. They had red and grey stripes, with a black paw print on the upper left side.
She walked into the hallway and knocked on the bathroom door.
“What?!” Came the reply of a slightly irritated hanyou.
“I'm leaving your clothes outside the door.” Kagome answered as she walked away. She heard the familiar 'Feh' before she entered her room and plopped down on the bed feeling completely comfortable. 'After such a long battle I'm dieing to sleep on a nice cozy bed.' She sighed in content and was about to go to sleep when Inuyasha walked in with his hands crossed over his bare chest.
“What about a shirt, wench?” He asked. Kagome looked at him and slightly blushed at his beautiful, built, eight pack and firm chest. (A/N: Yes, people have eight packs. My two older brother's both have eight packs, not six.)
“I.. didn't think you wanted one. It's kind of hot.”
“Whatever.” Inuyasha said as he came closer to the bed. “Move over.” he ordered. Kagome looked at him in confusion and disbelief.
“What are you talking about?” She asked.
“You heard me.” he pushed Kagome over a little and lifted the blanket. He got on and put the blanket over him and Kagome. Kagome blushed while Inuyasha just fell into a deep slumber.
Well there's another chapter. I hope you like it so far!