InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Hanyou Hero ❯ I Don't Want It! ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yay! Another chapter!
Chapter 3: I don't want it!
Kagome sat in her bad with a sleeping hanyou beside her. She couldn't sleep and she didn't know what 'possessed' Inuyasha to sleep beside her, not that she really reminded.
She sat up on the bed leaning on her elbow and looking over Inuyasha towards her door. 'Hmm? I sense the jewel. Where is it?' She wondered slowly getting up and moving her form over Inuyasha. She was surprised it wasn't still in the room.
She slowly opened the door trying not to wake Inuyasha. She watched his ears twitch as the door squeaked quietly. She walked out and slowly shut it behind her.
She realized Inuyasha and her had missed dinner, but ignored it and walked down the now dark hallway to the stairs.
She looked down the stairs. 'Why would it be down there?' She thought curiously as she stepped downstairs.
“Kagome?” Kagome jumped at someone calling her name. She turned around and saw a sleepy Sota rubbing his eyes.
“Sota, what are you doing up?” She asked facing her younger brother.
“I had a nightmare and when I woke up I heard someone out here.” He replied.
“Go back to bed.”
“But... I had a nightmare.” He repeated.
“Sota, you're old enough to handle a dream.” Kagome sighed. 'I guess the jewel will have to wait.' She thought. “Okay I'll sing you a song and than I want you to go to bed on your own.” Sota nodded.
The figure slowly stepped through the halls following the voice. He heard a beautiful sound and was drawn toward it. He came to a cracked open door and peaked into it to see Kagome sitting on the bed beside Sota. She rubbed his head as she sang to him.
“You are the one star in the sky, which lifts my spirits. You are the goddess of all lands near and far, yet you always are just who you are. You don't change and you don't need to, to mean what you mean to me. I am always loving you no matter what.
I can't say that life's odd turns and side steps don't sometimes make us farther apart from one another, yet some also make us even closer. Memories may haunt, but you always seem to heal. My heart aches from time to time and my insides are as wrecked as a dumpster's trash. For some strange reason, though, you can always help calm me, even if it's only through your words. Which is another reason why I can't stop loving you.
Misty, boring days can bring anger to my soul. Days which clouds cover the sky and the sun doesn't shine can make me feel forlorn, but once again you come to my rescue. You have saved me more times than I can possibly count and more times than I can hope to. I see you some days, yet others I don't. Either way you are always here, and you are always in my heart. As far as the world may seem from me at times, as far as the people's words seem to be from me, I always, always know it isn't nearly the distance that I would travel to keep loving you.” Kagome sang. (A/N: That isn't a real song. It's actually a poem by ME! So that means it belongs to ME, Jennifer Leigh Vitale. (And originally it was dedicated to my mom. I don`t care how stupid that sounds, it`s true!)) She smiled down at her brother. “Why aren't you sleeping yet?”
“Kagome... who is that song to?” Sota asked. Kagome was a little taken aback by the question and blushed. “Since you made it up you have to have someone you wrote it for, right?”
“That's for me to know and no one to find out.” Kagome smiled again and kissed her little brother on the forehead. “Now go to sleep. I'll be up if you need me.” She said as she stood up and headed for the door.
The figure who had watched quickly jumped away.
Kagome exited and left Sota's door a crack open as she walked downstairs again to where she had felt the jewel.
It led her to the laundry room. 'No dah.' She thought stupidly. She came to the dryer and in front of it was the jewel on the floor. She knelt down and picked it up.
“I should have known it would be in here. It must have dropped from Inuyasha's haori when I washed his clothes.” She looked at the - no longer on - dryer. “Speaking of clothes..” She opened it to find a cleaned haori. “Ah... here we go.” She took it out and smelt it and examined it to make sure it was clean. “The smell... oh no.. Inuyasha will be mad that it smells like laundry detergent.” She frowned. “I guess I'll just let it air out.” She picked it up and folded it over her arm as she began her trip back to the stairs. She gripped the jewel in her hand.
She sighed when she looked up the stairs. 'I'm to tired to climb these stupid things right now.' She thought wearily with a glare at the stair case as if it was it's fault. 'Stupid stairs.' She sat down on the stairs in a pouting manner. 'I said I'd be up for Sota, so I'll just stay down here and wake myself up.' She thought and walked over to the couch. She put the haori and jewel there.
She than made her way to the kitchen and began making some tea to warm herself. She looked at the clock on the microwave and noticed it was only one in the morning. 'It's going to be a long night.' She concluded. She sat at the table sighing again and leaning her head on her arms to try and rest her soar eyes.
The figure followed her all around and looked at her form at the kitchen table. 'Who was that song for?' He too was curious.
He than turned and noticed his haori was on the couch and walked over to it. He saw the jewel there too. 'Idiot! How could she just leave this here out in the open?!' He thought angrily. 'Maybe... I should teach her a lesson.' He reached his hand down about to pick up the jewel when he jumped at the screeching sound, which engulfed his ears. He covered his ears quickly from the sound which indicated that the tea was done.
He saw Kagome head pop up and quickly ran and hid.
Kagome walked over - drowsily - to the tea and poured it into a cup. She took the tea and walked into the living room to watch some late night television.
When she came to the couch her eyes narrowed in annoyance as she saw her beloved hanyou trying to hide under the small coffee table. 'What a baka!' She thought as she walked around the couch and grinned coming up with a plan.
“Well I guess I'll just sit here and watch TV.” She said clearly.
Of course at the word Inuyasha's face was stuck to the floor and he growled.
“You did that on purpose, wench!” Inuyasha growled.
“Well if you would have found a better hiding place I wouldn't have done it at all.”
“I only came out here because a weak human like you couldn't protect the jewel, or at least be smart enough not to keep it out in the open!”
“Here.” she tossed him the jewel which he caught. “Unless you've forgotten it's yours to protect now. It was only out here because you forgot to take it out of your haori and it ended up in the laundry room. So you're the stupid one, not me.”
“No!” Inuyasha threw her the jewel. “It's yours to protect and I already told you that!”
“And I...” She gave it to him. “told you I don't want it.”
“Well..” He gave her the jewel. “I don't want it either.”
“Either do I!” Kagome threw it in the air not knowing where it landed.
“Fine!” Kagome and Inuyasha both turned from each other crossing their arms. After a few moments a silence Kagome became annoyed. “Sit.” Was the one word she said.
Of course Inuyasha angrily went face first into the ground again.
“What the hell!? What'd I do!?”
“You annoyed me.” She took her tea and sipped it quietly.
“Why you...” Inuyasha stood up and held out his fist. Kagome looked at him.
“Are you going to hit me or is that a threat?” She asked plainly.
“Hmm?” Inuyasha looked at his fist. 'Feh, like I'd ever hit you!?' He thought in disbelief that she'd even ask a question like that. “It's a threat!”
“Oh... so you're only threatening you're going to hit me.”
“I'm not going to hit you!” He yelled.
“Than put your fist down.”
“Stop playing games with me head!” Inuyasha said putting his hand down. Another sigh slipped from Kagome's mouth.
“It doesn't matter just go back to sleep or you can get some tea and stay up with me. We can watch TV.” She said as she grabbed the remote and flicked on the television.
Inuyasha just stood up and walked away. Kagome didn't bother watching where he was going.
Inuyasha picked up the jewel and walked upstairs. He looked around Kagome's room with it in his hands and wondered where a safe place to put it would be.
“Well since Kagome won't take it... I can't just let her stay here without anyway to get back.” He looked at the jewel. 'It looks like there's only one way to get her to go back to the feudal era.' He sat at her desk and used his claws to chip away at the jewel.
An hour later
After an hour of chipping Inuyasha finally examined his handy work. He had removed one whole shard from the sacred jewel.
He held the shard up and then placed it in Kagome's desk draw. Kagome wouldn't notice that one shard was missing. Of course after Inuyasha left with the jewel she'd sense a shard and find it in her desk.
Once she found it she would of course need to go back to the feudal era and give it back to Inuyasha. So that was his plan, plain and simple... as was his mind. (A/N: LOL)
Once Kagome was in the feudal era Inuyasha would persuade her to stay and if that didn't work he'd find a new plan or try the original again.
Inuyasha walked downstairs and saw Kagome she was sleeping on the couch. The television was left on.
Inuyasha grinned. She looked perfect when she slept. Perfect and carefree.
Inuyasha approached the couch and flicked off the TV, which Kagome had taught him how to do a while back.
He picked up the sleeping girl and brought her to her room and placed her under the covers. After that he sat beside the bed and allowed himself to sleep.
Well what do you think? Anyway about the poem. It's kind of a hobby of mine and if you want to read more they are posted on www.freewebs(dot)com/poemsandpoetryjlv (The site was created by me and you can go to my profile if you would like to see some of my other sites with Inuyasha and stuff.